0001 I February 16, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS ,rhh TAILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING Your order for Your FavoriteLocal and PersonalPRESSING - ALTERATIONS M. %WILLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phaaa West 20 Rss. Phoas West 2S6L MAGAZINE Phone West 37 ~nd they wi8 bc saved for you Cemmill's Drug Store The officers and members of L.O.L. No. 2990 will meet at the Orange Hall next Sunday st 11 a.m.. when the Lodge will attend divine service at St. Stephen's Church. The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 21 when the delegate will give his report on the Grand Lodge meetings st Nanaimo, B, C., also a report from the commit- tee on the St. Patrick's Dance and IVhist to be held on March 17th. o o ~ The West Vancouver Teachers playing last Saturday evening in the Inglewood auditorium, de- feated the Saturday Night Bad- minton Club by 6 score of 14 to 2. As 6 result of the frost the latter part of last week the creek running parallel to East Beach became frozen over, and a num- ber of skaters took advantage of it. However, the ice was thin, and five fell in on Saturday, al- though due to the shallowness of the water they only got 6 wet- ting. \ Mrs. D. McMillan, 772 - 20th Street, has returned to her home here after spending a month'6 holiday in Southern California. ~ o Due to several other attrac- tions in the shape of skating at various places in Vancouver not as many winter sports enthusi- asts ascended the Ridge last Sunday to view the ski-jumping as were present the previous Sunday. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. McCrindle have moved from the city into a house at 1326 Duchess Avenue. o The receiving classes at Paul- ine Johnson and Hollyburn Schools were examined last Tuesday by the medical health oificer and the school nurse. o \ \ Mr. and Mas. Baker have moved from 16th and Water- front into a house at 13th and Esquimalt Avenue. hfr. Carlisle of Vancouver, hss moved into a cottage on West Beach. The United Church Young People's Society will meet on Monday, February 20th, at 8 p.m., in the Church Hall, when William Wright will lead the young people in the subject "Social Problems of Today." Badminton will be played after the meeting. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all senior young people to be present. The A and B groups of the Legion W. A. are holding a bridge snd whist drive in the Legion Memorial Hall at 2:15 p.m. Thursday, 23rd instant. ~ o ~ The Duncan Lswson Chapter LO.D.E. are holding a musical at home Friday, 24th instant, from 3 to 5 p.m. st the home of Mrs. Alan McIntyre, 2046 Gor- don Avenue. ~ ~ ~ hfr. Gillespie of Caulfelld, while driving his csr along hiar- ine Dr!ve on Tuesday evening, skidded o(F the roadway between West Bay and Sherman and fell 30 feet. Fortunately nobody was hurt, nor was the car much damaged. ' A report under date of 31st ultimo was received by the council from G. M. Finlayson, cabin site inspector. The council replied thanking him for the very full information given, which would be most valuable, also to say that his recommen- dation in regard to Dagfinn Bskken was approved. ~ ~ A no-host party was given by the members of the cast of the recent play "The Tightwad," and their friends last Saturday evening at the residence of hfrs. B. M. C)erk, who kindly lent her home for the occasion. A jolly time wss spent in dancing snd amusing games. Among those present were: Mrs. A. Robert- son, Misses Jeanne Garrett, Frances Brydon-Jack, Jean Let tner, Ola MacLean, Betty and Florence Edwards, Betty Beard, Jean Watson, Helen hIcGivern: Messrs. A. Robertson, Ted Beard, Dick Bradley, Terry Crickmay Stan Lettner Tom Lightly, Frank Dollmsn, Mur- ray Watson, Doug Purchase, Ken Stauffer. ~ o The council sent a letter of thanks to the Rev. Hillis Wr!ght for the inspiring service on Sun- day, 29th January. Mrs. F. E. Brine and Mrs. A. Cromsr Bruce were joint host- esses at s most enjoyable bridge snd whist given last Saturday evening at the home of the former, 2193 Bellevue Avenue, in aid of the funds of the IVest Vancouver Bowling Club. The prize winners were Mrs. D. hic- Csll Stitt snd Mr. Miles, Wm. Blair winning the special prize. Eight tables were in play and following the cards refresh- ments were served. ~ o c The council accepted the fol- lowing offer of bonds and in- structed the reeve snd clerk to make the necessary arrange- ments to purchase same for sink- ing fund account Pemberton & Son, February 4th. 83,000, West Vancouver5' bonds due 1st hiarch, 1946, st 85.43 and accrued inter- est, yield 7.25. A Portrait „„s di." The cost is surprisingly little. C. J. Broderick, 1436 Marine Drive Tbo Store of Sccctccc Isez 2(~ INNo west sr Ibaccgoacy Phoae Wsot 021 (Aftsr 0 p.m.) aj West Vancouver Orchestral Society a giving a 8 'ONCERT STRATTON'S BAKERY Ir'N THE ORANGE HALLOn THURSDAY, FEB. 23rd, at 8.15 p.m. Admission 35c. Bread - Tea Breads Butter Horns Conee Rolls CURRENT EVENTS CLUBPROTEST DELAY ON NARROWS BRIDGE% Continued delay in commenc- ing repairs to the Second Nar- rows Bridge was criticized in a resolution presented to the City Council Monday afternoon by M Aid. H. J. De Graves, urging-'hat federal authorities be ay- proached on the subject. The alderman declares that delay is causing serious loss to business in both the city and the North Shore and is causing much irritation, especially in view of recent explicit assur- ances from Ottawa that the re- pair would be started st the earliest possible moment. The alderman asked that the resolution be sent to the Prime Minister and the minister of marine, with members of the Do- minion cabinet. He also asked that copies go to Hon. H. H. Stevens, federal members of Vancouver and North Vancou- ver and to members of the Har- bord Commission. The regular meeting of the Current Events Club was held on Wednesday, February 15th, at the home of Mrs. Small, Ful- ton Avenue. Mrs. J. Stuart Jamieson lectured on the topic "Is Democracy Doomed?" The speaker mentioned vgri- ous countries which seemed to have turned their backs on Dem- ocracy, and the trends toward undemocstic rule nearer home. She then examined the question "Is the socalled Democracy we have had in the psst a real dem- ocracy?" In the realm of civics we had been democratic; but in the realm of economics, and par- ticularly in financ, we have never been democstic, but have had an autocracy, and still have it. This, the speaker contended, was largely at the basis of the world'0 present trouble; snd political democracy was not sufFicient to mend it. When economic and financial democ- racy was added to civic democ- racy, then the world could hope for more even yrogress. At the next meeting of the Club, on March 1st, Mrs. Jamie- son will speak on "Denmark, Land of Co-operation." I- rs at I iy Is ('i j lai ) r, I(r Large Selection of Pastries Almond variety Tea Short Bread ALL FRESII DAILY hiade at 1468 Marine Drive Phone Wast 27 Ambleside SheetMetalVForks LAURiE SPECK. Ptoprlstos 1446 hiarine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES snd SHEET METAL LVSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING A lady named Mrs. Carr hsd ten children. When the eleventh arrived a neighbor said to her: "Well, I see you have another little Carr." "Yes," replied the ')nother, "and as far as I'm concerned it is the caboose." K.W. Savory 1443 Marme Drive AmblesideJ. W. McIntosh, medical health officer, Vancouver, wrote the council advising them that Rot- ary Clinic examinations were available at a cost of 85.00. The council wrote 6 letter of appreciation in reply and stated that they would bear the infor- mation in mind, should any case come before them requiring such attention. Phone West 340 Evenings, IVest 143Fish are rich in Vitamin D. That's one reason why it is de- sirable that growing children eat fish regularly. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Nsr. Dist(sativa Funeral Service Lady Assistant 220- Zcd St. E Phone North 020 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Room & Board hIRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue West 458I.IXL Laundry SPORT NOTES Weather permitting, West Vancouver United play B C. Sugar Refinery st Ambleside Park, on Saturday, February 18th, at 2:30 p.m. in 6 Junior Alliance game. All players are asked to be on time and all sup- porters should see 0 good fast game. SERVICES; -- Thrifty, Flat- ironed aod soisbcd laundry (do luxo) Phoae West 200 LADIES! Just Arrived Yorkshire COAL ORDER YOUR SUPPLY NOW A1 FUEL CO. All linea of Beauty Culture done in your owa home by expert operator at popular city prices. Call at 2020 blarias or Phono West 410L C. J. OverinjIton PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone 1Vest 135 I.EGION TROOP SCOUT NOTES The troop received an invita- tion last Thursday to go over to Vancouver and meet the other troops on IVednesday, February 22nd, to celebrate the Chief Scout's birthday. They have also been asked to attend 0 church parade on the following Sunday in North Vancouver. LITERARY SOCIETY Owing to the absence of the society'0 editor no attempt was made to arrange a Burns'ight in January, Mrs. Selwood's lec- ture on "The Country of Sir Walter Scott," taking its place. By syecial resolution however a Burns'ight will be held on Thursday, February 23rd, at 8 p.m., when the program will be under the direction of John Lswson. It will consist of read- ings, introduced by a brief ad- dress, and illustrated with lan- tern slides. Splendid slides will include a series illustrating the prize poem of Alexander Mc- Lachlan, and a unique set drawn by John Scott to illustrate 'Tsmo'hanter." MISS D. RIVERS 146 Lomdsl~ Phoae North 296 (Dsy or Night) WEST VANCOUVER UNEMPLOYED ASSN. Whist Drive and Dance LEGION blEHORIAL HALL Friday, Feb. 24th, at 8.1$ p.m. "You'e the apple of my eyel" "Well, you certainly thrill me to the core!" In Bid of the Organ Fund of Ivest Vancouver United Church PRIZES AND REFRESHS(ENTS CONCERT la West Vancouver Uaitod Church Friday, February 17th, at 8.15 p.m. TIGKETS 33o AMBI ESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH. Proprietor Finest uualhy I"reeh Meals, Smoked and Cooked hieals. PHONE WEST 303