0001 THF, IVFST VAN NEWS February 16, 1933 sr '444- tw tre~tt. V sv 4's 4w4 vt4 rvt vp rrPw 4 =44'gtrt 44444'w re 4 'S."4 I 4' 4 4 4'e4'tga...~vse iv- '4 ottv 41 .,4 wv rekast, ~ swv ~ttstw- ~ lv ~ 'e rt v'4 Vv ~ 4 t".itr ..r% Lt. rvrvs rt'wep'tr rv'v4'rw4.rsrv r.4'rrr' v'e~~r'rwrr. ev v-rrrrrwrrvrrrr-rr.v. .. Vrt r,err 'errr ~rvwwvv 'tsrrp~rv v.'rr.tr VCVvr United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright Service udll be held as usual in West Vancouver United Church when the minister will preside and preach st both ser- vices. In the morning he will speak to the question: "What does it proflit to be a Chr(st(an?" In the evening he will speak to the subject of "the New Woman and her opportunity for service." A cordial invitation is extend- ed to all our people to avail themselves of the privilege of. public warship and be present in Church next Lord's Day. Let no one stay at home because they have no money to olfer- God's house is a house of prayer. Come and oil'er your petitions with others at God's throne of grace, and he who asks for such will hear and it may be all his people will be blessed of him. Under the auspices of the West Vancouver )Voman's As- sociation Rev. Andrew Roddan, minister of First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, will deliver an illustrated lecture entitled "Ten Thousand Smiles Across Canada." The entire proceeds of this lecture will be given to relief. This lecture will be given on Wednesday, February 22nd, in the West Vancouver Church hall beginning at 8 o'lock. Under the auspices of the Men's Club a Father and Son banquet will be held on Tuesday February 28th, in the West Van- couver Church hall at 6:30 p.m. The speaker for the occasion will be Rev. E. Elbert Paul of First Baptist Church. The regular monthly meeting of the W.iii.S. will be held on Tuesday, the 21st. Reports of the Presbyterial will be given by Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Baldwin. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society Dr.Marjory MCCubb(n D ENTISTHOLLYBURN HALL poa are worry)ag whether or not you ahoaid ict your hair grow longer... if yoa aboald waar it straight back from roar forehead or itp ihoao new bangs ao many HoUymmd stars are wearing... whether rou should oxpoaa your oara or cover them up, gct the expert adv(cc of )diat Ciar at iha Hours: 0 ~ . w. io 0 p.w. Saiaedapal 10 ~. ax io 1 p w. Evoaiaga aad Saiotdar Afitr. stoat by appoiatmoni only. Royal Bank Banding Phoao Wool Cid iictidtaeo 1'hoao West sea Cor. 14th gi Duchess CHURCH EDIF)CB 20th aad Eoqalma)t, HoUrbata Th4 Society is a Branch of Tho bloibar Church Tho Flea( Church of Chtiai, Scicai41. ia Boston, Maaaachuaciia Sunday Soevicoa 11:00 ~.m. aad 7:20 p.m. Sunday, February 19, 1933 Subject: SUNDAY, Feb 19th at 7130 p.m. An address by Mr. Jas. Gibson of Hardisty, Alta. Gff)eyfdolyFJ Beauty Shoppe DR G D ll SEA LE DENTIST Hay Biook, iaih aad liar(ac De. Omco Hours 0 io d p m Evoaiaga by appoiaimoai. Pboao Wooi 22 AIDS REPRODUCTION OF SAI.MON STOCKS Coho and chum salmon and steelhead trout frequenting the Koksilah River in British Col- umbia will ilnd it easier after this to make their way to the spawning grounds in the upper reaches of the stream. Or, put in another way, the action of the Dominion Depart- ment of Fisheries in construct- ing 0 fishway at Koksilah Falls will assist the lish to get to the spawning areas and thus will aid reproduction and help to main-~ tain the stocks of salmon and steelhead in this area. The Koksilah, a fairly large river, drains from the hills and the run-olf is rapid. When low water conditions obtain on the river, as has frequently happen- ed in the past, the chums and cohoes and steelheads have sometimes been unable to get past Koksilah Falls on their way upstream to the spawning grounds. The fishway is de- signed to remedy this state of a(fairs and help the spawning fis on their way. The construc- tion, which was undertaken last summer, was not costly and the fishway is expected to justify the outlay abundantly. A number of other fishways have been built by the depart- ment from time to time on both coasts of the Dominion and, in the main, they have proven most useful, although here and there some unusual local conditions make e(?ective fishwa operation rather difFicult. As a matter of interest it may be noted that the Mersey River, Nova Scotia, which was designed by the De- partment'0 engineers, overcomes a height (60 feet), which is understood to be greater than that surmounted by any other fishway anywhere. 16ds illariaa Drive For Ayyaiaimoat Phono Woo( 111 Everybody welcome."MIND" Sunday School at 10:00 ~.m. Tact(mony hiotiiag Wadaoadar ~1 dl16 p.m. St. Stephen's ChurchGoitre is rare when fish foods from the sea are eaten regularly. The reason is that these foods are the greatest known diet source of iodine, the goitre pre- ventative. Graham Bread lt() cups flour 1)vx cups graham flour 4 teaspoons baking powder I teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon meltedshortening 1 egg 1)v(f cups liquid (its water and ivvx milk) 2 tablespoons sugar or molas- ses Mix flour, graham flour, bak- ing powder and salt together; add beaten egg, shortening and sugar or molasses to liquid; stir into dry mixture and beat well; sdd more milk if necessary to make a drop batter. Put into greased loaf pan, smooth with knife dipped in cold water. Bake about one hour in moderate oven Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. February 19th -- Sexagesima Sunday. 8:00 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 and 11:16 a.m.-- Sunday School 11:16 a.m.--Matins and ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. 3 p.m.--St. Francis, Caulfeild. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. Martyn. Services 2:00 p.m.--Sabbath School. 3:15 p.m.--Church Service. Sermon by the minister: "A Religion That Is Divine." All are welcomed to our ser- vices. Thought for the week: "The death of Christ having answered all the claims of God in refer- ence to our sins, His resurrection becomes the spring of power, in all the details of confiict, after- wards, He died for us, and now He lives in us--the former gives us peace, the latter gives us power. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. -- Inter- cession service followed by Bible Class. Friday, February 24th, St. Matthias'ay--Holy Commun- ion 10:15 a.m. The )Vest Vancouver Loyal Orange Lodge will parade to the morning service on Sunday. 'The Land of Sir Walter Scott," illustrated with many beautiful slides is the subject of a public lecture in St. Stephen's Hall, by Mrs. H. G. Selwood, on Monday at 8:15 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to all to come and enjoy this interesting lecture. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clachan Hotel Sunday Confessions of Adults before both Holy Masses. 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- inon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday School. Week Days 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:45 p.m., Friday--Devotions. Confessions of school children before and after 8:00 a.m. Holy Mass on Saturday. HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th A biariao EXPERT SERVICE F MARSH, Proprietor. Baptist Church The Banking System of Can- ada and the Present Economic Situation," is Prof. H. F. Angus'opicat the Men's Social evening on Tuesday, February 21st, at 8:15. It is hoped there will be a large number of men present to hear this interesting topic discussed by one who knows his sub)ect so well Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave.VERNON FEED STORE vL C. SEARLE Phoae West 0 Fertilizers, Wood, Caal Builders'upplies Sunday, February 19th 10 a.m.sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic "Who Found It Out?" Anthem. A message that reveals the power of the supernatural. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Continuing the special Sunday evening services. Speaker, Mr. Braddock, with a mixed quartette from Colling- wood Baptist Church. A cordial invitation to 011. Monday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Speaker, Mr. L Hibberd. There's no telling how long iMethuselah might have lived if he had had his appendix, teeth and tonsils out, used the right brand of tooth paste and smoked coughless cigarettes. The leaders of Camp Artaban are giving a bridge and dance in the Canadian Legion Hall in Vancouver on Saturday evening, February 25th. LQ Eaiabiiabcd oa Notch Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HhRROiV BROS. & WILLIhi(I SON j'uneral Qirertars Cod, black cod, ling cod, and red cod, are all taken in the corn mercial fisheries of British Col- umbia. Ling cod are caught in greater abundance than any other of these varieties. Travelling Salesman's Wife: "Honey, I wish you'd quit travel- ling." Travelling Salesman: "But dearie, there are lots of oppor- tunities for a good man on the road. Travelling Salesman's Wife: "I know it. That's why I want you to quit travelling." Kidney Beans with Bacon Wash and soak 1 pint kidney beans in cold water over night; drain, cover with boiling water, add )vvg pound bacon, boil until ~ beans are tender, and drain. season beans with salt snd pep- per to taste. Brown thin slices of bacon in frying pan, snd serve over beans. North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 Teacher: "Now, Johnny, what did Caesar exclaim when Brutus stabbed him?" Johnny: "Ouch!" rt for Church Organ Church, to take place at 8:15 p.m. Friday, February 17tht in that Church. Several well known city artists will take part, in- Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Praise. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m. -- C.G.I.T. FuFlfjConce CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH THE West Van NeoJs Mrs. and Miss Joan Durbin have arranged for 0 first class concert in aid of the organ fund of the West Vancouver United eluding Mrs. Burton Kurth, Miss Marjorie King, W. W. Knight and Cardo Smalley. Tickets 35c. The followmg is the program:The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in al! Christian Science churches and societies on Sun day will be "MIND." One of the Bible texts will be Psalms 1031 1, 3: "Bless the Lord, 0 my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Who forgiveth all thine iniqui- ties; who healeth all thy diseas- es." The Lesson - Sermon will also include the following passage from page 180 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "When man is governed by Gad, the ever-present Mind who und- erstands all things, inan knows that with God all things are pos- sible." Pab)iabcd Every Tbarw4r ItvtR 1 ZN O BARITONE SOLOS-- (a) TaUF- Ho (b) Tho Fit)cpa o'BaUF Clare (c) The Garden Whoeo ibo Peat(ca Grow ..... SOPRANO SOLOS-- (a) Selected (b) Sciocicd VIOL)N SOLOS- Soiociod TENOR SOLOS. (a) Sho ia Far From iho Land .....fvaalvtt (b) Paaoiag By, .............. Ptvctg CONTRALTO SOLOS- (~) The Bonny Lighiot Boy ........... Eaguab (b) Go From bir Wladow, Go (c) 0 Roti)in, Roaria, W)Uia...,., . Scotch (d) 0 Gia My Love Wtto Yoa Rod Rose. 1tvhRT ONIS BARITONE SOLOS-- (a) The Sleep than Fiiia on Baby' Eyes ......Caepvccv (b) The Horn ...................................... F(tahe SOPRANO SOLOS-- (a) Who ia Sylvia ................ Svhthtvt (b) Care Salvo ........................,-.... Handel VIO(.)N SOLOS-- PabUobot F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 P ~ I Bat(scca aad Editorial Ogicai 1fah aad bfatiao Drive (Next io HoUybura P.O.) Phone West 363 Solaciod TENOR SOLOS-- (a) Silent Noon (b) 0 Mioiioao bi(ac,.... (c) Dodicaiioa ...... CONTRALTO SOLOS-- (a) Faith ia Spring .............................. Sththttt (b) Oat of My Soul'a Groat Sadness ........... Fvcac (4) Wild waa the Day of Hia Comiag.......,. Fettle (d) Laooio With the Lips So Rosy...,....,..... Float (o) Vain Suit ........,....................,... Bttthtt Mail Addrooa i P.O. Box 01. HoUrbata, RC. North Vancouver Office: 123 Lonsdale Ave. (o) Laptabaca ........................... (tiahThe hardest job a kid faces 6L00 a Scar br catt)mt 62.00 a year ls that of learning good man- by wail ners without seeing any.