0001 A Weekly Newspaper Circulatingiyf Jhc District of West Vayfcofyfjgr-- Amblcside, Hollyburyf, Wgstoyf, Dundaraec 61.00 per year. CyPrcss Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 6c per copy at newsstands. Vol. VII SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, FEB. )6th, 1933 usPQs No. 39 )t Ill - 4 he k. lil SCHOOI. BOARD NOTES A letter was read from the Salary Committee, West Van- couver Teachers'ssociation, dated February 7th, in which the Association accepted the proposal of a 20% cut in teach- ers'alaries, conditionally. It was resolved that the Teachers'ssociationbe notified that the salary reductions considered nec- essary have been arrived at on the basis of actual income it is hoped will be available, and the continuation or otherwise of any arrangement now arrived at will depend entirely on future devel- opments. It was moved by mustee Mr. ~ Jackson, seconded by TrusteeMr. McDonald, that in view of the uncertainty existing in re- gard to finances for the present year, that all teachers on the stat) be given notice of termin- ation of engagement to take ef- fect June 30th, 1933. Carried, Trustees Mr. Russell and Mr. Batchelor dissenting. Trustee Mr. Russell referred to notice of motion given at the last meeting of the Board "That flre insurance of the Board be placed through the Secretary acting as Agent," and moved ac- cordingly; there was no second- er to this motion. A letter was read from the Hig)t School Students'ssocia- tion asking for the use of the auditorium on Friday, February 17th, for the purpose of holding a basketball tournament. It was decided that permission be granted. BEAUTY CULTURE l Miss D. Rivers is doing all lines of beauty culture at her home, 2820 Marine Drive, at popular city prices. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY TO HOLD ANNUAL i1)EETING The annual meeting and elec- tion of oificers 'of the West; Van- couver Horticultural and Agri- cultural Society takes place to- morrow (Friday) at 8 p.m. in bundarave Hall. The reports for the year will be received, and there will be a general discus- sion. All members and support- ers are cordially invited to be present. WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY The final concert of the 1Vest Vancouver Choral Society will be given on or about March 13th at a place to be announced later, and undoubtedly will be one of the outstanding efForts of this Society. In addition to "Sullivan's Golden Legend," the program will include instrumental music, sea chanties, and such popular numbers as "The Border Bal- lad" and the "Song of the Gale," etc. Everything possible is being done to make this final concert of the 1932-3 season an event that will appeal to all music lovers of the Municipality, and the price of admission set to suit all who wish to attend. )VEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY The regular meeting of the society will be held Friday, Feb- ruary 17th, in the Clachan at 7:45 p.m. Directly after the business meeting a splendid pro- gram has been arranged to fill the evening. Gordon Robson will be the speaker for the even- ing, and will take as the subject of his address "Scottish Makers of Canada." Soloists will be Mrs. Leggatt and Miss Phyllis Bell Mr. Irwin will lead in community singing, and the Scottish Country Dance Society, will give an exhibition dance. At the end of the pro- gram a short time will be spent in dancing. 1VEST VAN. A. A. A. ENTERTAIN51ENT Another big Military Whist Drive and Dance will be held in the Legion Hall on Friday next the 17th instant, at 8 p.m. Come early if you want s table. If you don't play whist come for the dance which commences at 10 p.m. The same good music with RoyLowes at the piano and Geo. Childs on the traps. The admis- sion price of 25c includes every- thing--cards, dance and refresh- ments. See advertisement in this issue. The News cap)LaNo Rtvgn L O. D. E. The regular monthly meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E., was held at the home of Mrs. Gordon Grey, February 6th, with the Regent in the chair. A nominating committee was elected as follows, Nrs. Gourlay, convener, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Small, Mrs. Chapman, Mrs. Waits. The results of the nom- inations will be posted by the 20th of February in Gemmifi's Drug Store and the Dundsrave Pharmacy.'he Educational Secretary re- ported placing I.O.D.E. calendars in all the schools, the Municipal Hall, the Library, and one was also sent to Pollough Pogue of Hollyburn Ridge. A letter was received from the Provincial Educational Sec- retary complimenting the Chap- ter on their interest in Educa- tional work and Miss Paton on her splendid essay, which the Chapter had forwarded to the Provincial Chapter. The Brownie convener extend- ed an invitation to all the Chap- ter to visit the Brownies on Feb- ruary 23rd at 4 o'lock in the hall of the United Church when Miss Device is expected to be present to inspect the Brownies and to install Mrs. Alan Ncln- tyre as girl guide commissioner. The Hospital committee re- ported a very successful bridge and whist held recently in the Legion halL A social afternoon hss been arranged for Friday, February 24th, at the home of Mrs. Alan McIntyre, 2046 Gordon Avenue, from 3 to 5 p.m. After satisfactory reports were given by the various other committees, the meeting ad- journed by the singing of the national anthem. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J B. Ley- land on March 6th, at 2:15 p.m. This is the annual meeting and a full attendance is requested. REV. ANDREIV RODDAN TO SPEAK HERE Rev. Andrew Roddan, minis- ter of the First Presbyterian Church, Vancouver, will give an illustrated lecture entitled "Ten Thousand Smiles Across Can- ada," at 8 p.m. Wednesday, 22nd February, in the West Vancou- ver United Church HalL I i LEGION NOTES The most successful Military whist drive and dance of the season was held in the Legion Hall last Saturday evening, 11th instant. A most enjoyable even- ing was spent in playing Military whist at which the prizes were won by W. Woodcock, Mrs. Woodcock, J. Stratton snd W. Strstton. The draw prizes at the door were won by H. B. Gray snd A. MaeAulay. During the evening a raffle was put on, the prize being a very beautiful vsse which was won by J, Norris. A novel and interesting feature of the evening was a mystery prize, the mystery heing solved by F. Nallison who was awarded the prize. After refreshments were served a capacity crowd spent the remainder of the evening dancing to the strains of the ever popular orchestra Roy Lowes and George Childs. The entertainment committee under the very able leadership of Com- rade Colin Turner are to be con- gratulated on the continued suc- cess and growing popularity of these fortnightly events. Watch for the notice of the next one. Announcement All members of the local Legion Branch are requested to bear in mind the social evening being put on by the Branch for the benefit of the 1Voman's Aux- iliary on Wednesday, the 22nd February. Card games, dancing and other forms of entertain- ment are to be provided during the evening. All members of the Canadian Legion local branch are heartily invited to attend and help entertain the ladies of the IVoman's Auxiliary. FIRST WELFARE SALE TO BE HELD ON FRIDAY AT 2i30'n invitation is extended to all interested in Welfare work to visit the Clschan tomorrow, Fri- day, afternoon for the sale of handicrafts and hmne-cooking. This is to be the first of three monthly sales and a good send oif in this new branch of the work is hoped for. Those who cannot buy at the moment are invited to afternoon tea, or s game of cards, just a social aft- ernoon, for ten cents. The con- veners for the afternoon are as follows: Sale of Goods, Nrs. Bernard Hayes, assisted by Mrs. Cromar Bruce; Tea, Mrs. E. C. Bolin; Bridge, Mrs. L C. Raid. Those wishing to send goods to be sold are asked to have their parcels at the Clschan as near to 12 noon as possible, stating the price or nearest price desir- ed for each article. Names and addresses must accompany all goods, for the use of the com- mittee, but not for publication. Thanks! For the gift of twenty dollars for the Boot and Shoe Fund, sent to the chairman, the donor of which wishes to remain an- onymous. For the suit of clothes asked for last week, which has been sent to its new owner. For the warm clothing, so nec- essary and acceptable during these past cold days. For the response to the re- quest for food, and to those who instruct their grocer and butcher to supply certain quantities of goods on the order of the Wel- fare Committee. This haa prov- ed a very real bkssing to many. To those who by their pres- ence, purchase of tickets, and gifts of refreshments ensured the success of Friday's enter- tainment for the Boot and Shoe Fund, resulting in a return of between thirty-five and forty dollars, cross. To the Concert Party from the Ex-29th Batt., who so generous- ly gave their services in an ex- cellent program, and to "George and Roy" whose dance music, given freely. added so much to the evening's enjoyment. Please! Some floor covering, either lino or carpet, is needed by a family this week. Nen's sweaters are very much needed all the time, also men'a suits snd underwear, Children's shoes and stockings are also always very acceptable. Cash and Food are omni-present needs. Many women who are excel- lent knitters, who would en)oy knitting for their families, can- not buy the wool, even to re- foot the family stockings. Gifts of new wool and old hand-knit stockings, for re-footing or ze. making will be put to very use- ful purpose. The concert and dance given in aid of the Boot and Shoe Fund last Friday evening by the con- cert party of the Ex-29th Bat- talion, C.E.F., avis well attend- ed. Iym. Hudson. baritone, com- pletely captured the audience with his singing and a very hearty reception was also ac- corded the numbers given by Sydney Nichols, tenor, and Archie Robb, comedian. Following the concert the aud- ience adjourned to the upper hall, where dancing was indulg- ed in up to the early hours to the excellent musk provided by Roy Lowes and George Childs. CO3)liVG EVEVTS The Dundarave Ladies'hoir are giving a concert on Friday and Saturday evenings, blarch 24th and 25th, in the Inglewood School Auditorium. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES A basketball tournament will be held on Friday night in Ingk- wood School gymnasium under the auspices of the West Van- couver High School Students'ssociation. Proceeds from the tournament will be used to meet expenses in connection with students'xtra-curricular activ- ities. Four games are scheduled with the opening fixture at 7i30 p.m. between Hollyburn School girls and Grade IX High School girls. The visiting teams will be girls from i4orth Vancouver High School and boys from Van- couver High School of Com- merce. The final game of the evening will be contested by the teachers and High School boys. The whole program should pro- vide variety and entertainment for fans who enjoy fast indoor sport. Everyone is invited to be on hand to lend support to the students at their annual High School Basketball Tournament. Inspector A. Sullivan of Vic- toria paid a brief visit on Friday afternoon, February 10th. HOI.I.YB)iRN H 4LL James Gibson of Hardisty, Al- berta, will continue his series of addresses at 7:30 p.m. Sunday, 19th instant, in HolLvburn Hall, corner 14th and Duchess Ave- nue. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all to be present.