0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS February 9, 1933. 4 a s.rr V' 4rr 4 rr 4 4.' 47 r *:4-ar :r.*T I'4 4 'o rr -4- 4'r 4-~ '4 '* r: rr ~ r~ ".i' r. ';rrv rr:rrr rrrrr rr'4 rrv' r ~rrrrrrrrvvrrrr vvv' ~'Cr rrrrr r r vrr 4 rrrrr 'rr:v a. rrr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES LUMBER AND SERVICE JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburay next Theatre Dundnravo,',„" ""„'.,'," Ambleside „" The Most of the Best for Less Friday and Sat. Feb. 10th and 11th BREAD--Servos, White or Brows RAPID OATS, Roblu Hood Tbs large 24 ox. loci....R 1st 15c Large pucksgs ..................... 1st Rcd a Whito BAKING POWDER GRANGER medium siss....dox. 25c 12 os ttu ........--..... „....., 194 l&tgo sits ................. dox. 49c Rcd Jt White GOLDibV BANTAM GRAPE FRUIT ......... 6 fot lsc CORN, Fsucy TURNIPS or Rcd a Waits PANCY PEAS CARROTS..... I ibm lsc 2 tins 25c HONEY GRAHAM BISCUITS. ONIONS, Dty Ok " gsn. 5 ibm 1st In the ssaitoty ccncphsas wrap- RESTS Jt PARSNIPS, 5 lbs. 10c 1 lb. packet 19c CABBAGE Rcd a White TOMATO SOUP Good Hard Head ..„„Sc R 1st 8 tius 25c POTATOES. Linoost....25 lb. sk Rlc Rcd tk Whito TEA Highland Goms, 25 tta sk. 2$c Otsugc Pokoo, pct lb..-........ $$c BUTTFR Rcd a WMto JELLY POWDFRS GOLDFJ4 51EADOW....2 Ibm 52c All vstlcucs ..... 2 for Sc MAIDA VALE ........ 2 lbs. 49« KADANA TEA, save the cuupous. SWIFT'S COTTAGE ROLLS pct lb ..--....................... R5c $9c to 49c each 4X CHOCOLATE LAYER CAKE 5111FT'S LARD, 1 tta cottou lsc largo sixo ............ 25c PINEAPPLE, crushed, large tiu Isc GINGER SNAPS, fresh from tho PINEAPPLE, sliced, large tiu otcu ................8 doscu 15c 2 for Isc PASTRY FLOUR, Austttdisu IDGANBERRY JA'.ll .4 lb. tiu $4c 10 Bs suck ...................... 29c APRICOT JA91 ....... 4 Ib tiu ssc I'OR QUALITY AND REASONABI.E PRICES deal with The Lstgtot Excluslvo Rctsll I.cabot Otgsuisstiou lu IL C. Sstlsfscliou Guaranteed ht4 spsciscd Lsogthu.......9 Woo Ix8 to 2xlR (condom)...... E00 lxs to lxlo Shiplsp.......... 8.00 lxs sud lx4 V Joint........ 14.00 S-iu. Fit Sldiug, long K.D. 16.00 lx8 uud lxi Flooring, E.G. 18.00 tk-tu. V Joint, long K.D.... 10.00 50 ft. Close Board Fence 4.60 No. 1 XXX Shingles........ R.26 No. 2 Shingles....... 1.80 ~ ~ ~ Everything In Buddmg Mstctlsls AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 18th sud Mstluo Dtlvs West Vancouver Phone West 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber snd Sbluglo Co. Ltd. PHONE WEST 3 LU BER and all Building Material of Best Quality at Low Prices. BUILD NOW I WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD Phone West 115 Res. Phone West 368L 15th snd Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Ex-29th Battalion C.E.F., in II CONCERT and DANCE for Boot and Shoe Fund '„'„"„"„" Friday, February 10th at 8 p.m. HOLLYBUItN I'URI.IC I.IRRARY ANNIIAI. MEETINGTHE KICKING HORSE TRAIL LEGION NOTES The fortnightly meeting of the local branch Post 60, was held in the Legion Memorial Hall at 8 p.m. February 1st, 193S, with Comrade Bill Atwood, president, in the chair. There wss s good turnout of members which the executive is always pleased to Bee. The reading of the minutes by Comrade Sid Dowling, secretary, were com- plete in every detail, brief, snd intelligible. The subsequent dis- cussion of same, succeeded in finally writing finis to the unfin- ished business of former meet- . lllgg. The entertainment committee were pleased to report s full house at their last whist drive, snd dance, and are hopeful that the members snd wives and also friends will keep these dates open, which are duly advertised in the columns of this paper, and they can rest assured of a good evening's pleasure in s well lighted snd warm atmosphere. Comrade Roy Lowes once a- gain stressed the necessity of immediate action in connection with the special welfare pro-. gram, that Comrade Walker snd himself are endeavoring to put into effect. The members'ives are also invited to offer helpful suggestions in line with ghe question put to their husbands at the last two meetings. A series of educational sub- jects, arranged by Comrade H. Davidson, the first of which will take place after the regular order of business, commencing at 9:15 p.m. The ladies of the Legion W.A. are cordially invit- ed to attend same at the next meeting. Applications for membership are steadily increasing. G. Kew wss enrolled as a new member at the last meeting. Members are requested to take notice that the individual mail- ing service wss recommended discontinued (special meetings excepted) and notice of current meetings will be announced in this column. The next general meeting will take place at 8 p.m. on February 15th, 1933, in the Legion Mem- orial Hall snd members are urg- ed to notify other comrades who may not see this notice, and please don't forget the Whist Drive snd the mydterious ihid- den treasure) prize next Satur- day night. So look for the ad. in the West Van News. An euphonius title for a book or a motor road is sure to draw the attention of a reader to one and a motorist to investigate the other. Too often the title is the most interesting part of a book but the whimsickal naming of the Kicking Horse trail antedst- es by many years the present dsy custom of attracting readers and tourists with an eccentric play of words. In common with other scenic roads in British Col- umbia this trail can stand on its own merits. The fifty-four mile drive between Golden, British'olumbia,snd Lake Louise, Al- berta, crosses the Kicking Horse Pass st an altitude of 5,S29 feet, the road attainiug an elevation of 2,800 feet above Golden. A- bout 1,300 feet of this rise is be- tween Field snd Lake Louise in a distance of sixteen miles, but this is by easy gradients, no- where more than eight per cent and that for 8 short wsy only. The drive is s succession of beautiful vistas of natural scen- ery, and the motorist journeys in constant wight of glaciers, snowfields, ice-crowned peaks and tumbling cataracts. After leaving Golden the road enters the great gorge of the Kicking Horse River snd for forty-eight miles road, river snd railway are never fsr apart. At times the three draw close, Nat- ure having found 0 way for its own but engineering ability of the highest hss been required to pfc)t a route for the other two. Seventeen miles from Golden the roadway enters Yoho Park, passes near the Natural bridge where the Kicking Horse with 8 great lashing of water forces its volume through a contracted ori- fice to reappear at s lower leveL On every hand are vistas of en- chantment and grandeur, trails to points of interest, and on the northern side of the highway are aide roads which Mad to Emer- ald Lake and through the four- teen mile long, one mile deep valley of the Yoho. The road winds up over the Continental Divide where 6 stream from Mount Niblock flows to within a few yards of the highway, sep. arates to send part of its waters to Hudson Bay and the Atlantic Ocean and part tumbling down the western slope to the Pacific. The distance from Golden to Lake Louise is fifty-four miles, --with the extensions to Emer- ald Lake and up the Yoho valley, eighteen more -- seventy-two miles in sll, and every mile a mile of memories. The superintendent of lands wrote the council in reference to foreshore rights. A copy wss ordered sent to the secretary of the town planning commission, The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers of the Hollyburn Public Library took place last Friday evening in Hollyburn School, when the reports for the year were received snd adopted. In the unavoidable absence of the president, Colonel Savory, J. Edington was appointed chair- man for the evening. Secretary W. J. Hilton resigned ss did Miss M. Mscfie, treasurer, both having held office for the past four years and feeling they were entitled to s rest. A unanimous vote of thanks wss given them for their long snd faithful ser- vices, a vote of thanks being also passed to the auditor for his work. Admission 25c. (Refreshments at low prices) Have you seen Jan s new evening gown?" "What does it look )ikefo "Well, in a few places it looks like Jsn." When cream is only slightly sour, place in s basin with the juice of a lemon and a table- spoon of sugar, and whip until quite stiff. This is delicious served with fruit or pudding. The following were elected by acclamation as the members of the 1933 board: Colonel K. W. Savory, Mrs. H. Eager, Mrs. M. B. Robinson, J. Edington, snd E. C. Bolin. It is understood that the board will meet shortly to elect 5 president snd appoint 8 secre- tary snd treasurer for the year. Sandy: oPolished woman, hirs. Brown, don't you think 2" Matty: "Very. Everything she says casts a reflection on someone." The News Chcvrolct for 1933 Reveals N ctvStyle liAS AIR.STREAM DESIGN AND MANY OTHER lhlPROVEMKNTS sucsm dcslgu makes thcss can umoug the Cbsnolct Stx ls much huptovwk th ott bcsutiiul ou thc mstkct Fhhct Piston shove shows thc bcsuuiul sms- 4 most u os dad couch Below, st tlm hit, ~ view oi No-Dtslt Vcstilstiou, ous oi un gtcst- at doled cst sdvsoamcuh sl ths ymt qustta sbowtug tbc gtscchd stocumm h stsodstd cquipmcub Mcchsutcsgy, lists sml ckhtsd Icudst. WELL.KNOWN CANADIAN Six Canadian to ~ gtcstct dunce thou cvct because lt cmbodia ideas cxpnmcd by thoussuds of motothts ol tbc Domlukm, tbc Chcvtolct sh is lutnduccd with mssy istcncusg icstuou. Ncw sit- C. H. Rodgers wrote the coun- cil regarding the brushing out of roads st Horseshoe Bay. The matter was referred to the chairman of the board of works and the engineer for sur- vey and report. All Available Models onn Display at McMillan-Hartness Motors Ltg. 3rdt anRt Lons8tale Ave. Phone North 454 A m cp th T )i tl I'I T 99 8 )