0001 ig 2 9 34 l~ %6 4 46 l69 199 116 33 Jvw 146 94R 101 t?6 162 I f101 it 31 41 61 jj'8 si 21 ei 66 4340 M4R vvf20 '6024) O21'ebruary 9, 1933. CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir: -- It is understood that the Teaching Staff (includ- ing Janitor and all other servic- es) have accepted 8 20% cut in their salaries. This gesture is a most gener- ous one; and is sure to be much appreciated by the Ratepayers. Approximately One Hundred and Thirty Thousand Dollars (8130,000.00) is paid out in sal- ries annually by our Municlpsl- y in aa Departments but not mcluding wages paid for what is known as Unskilled Labor. While this latter item may be quite considerable; it is recog- nize d that the rate paid to those employed is so small that it could not very well stand any re- duction and for that reason the sum is not brought into the total. The amount paid out to the Teaching Staf? before the cut was in the neighborhood, and not less than 850,000. This has now been reduced to the sum of 840,000. If the remainder of our Muni- cipal Employees realize their duty as the Schools Staffs have one, snd agree to match the ut; it would have the effect of reducing a balance of 880,000 to 864,000. In other words; it would give the Council the sum of 816,000 extra to take care of Unemployed or reduced grants. The fact that the reduction agreed to by the School Staff does not affect Municipal Expen- ditures should not be lost sight of. This reduction simply takes care of the reduction ordered by the Government in Grants made towards salaries in other years, and which the Province can ap- parently no longer afford. It is therefore necessary before any direct Municipal Benefit is 'felt that the other departments a- gree to do the same as the Teachers snd Teaching Services have done. As no Public Announcement has been made up to the time of writing of any other reductions having been- propaed hx tha other departments; and as time is wearing on; it would be inter- esting to learn what steps are being taken to equalize the splendid effort made by one sec- tion of our Municipal Employees. Thanking you for the space you have given this communica- tion, I am, Yours truly, JOHN TURNER WATT. Patronize the merchants in our Business Directory. LECTURES ON FARM TOP?CS Conclusion of the first series of eight lectures on farm topics by leading authorities, broad- cast over radio station CNRV and sponsored by the British Columbia Electric Railway Com- pany has provoked so many en- quiries for the printed copies of the talks that the company has announced continuation of the series each Monday evening st ten minutes to nine. The program for the next eight lectures has been arranged with a view to the farmer now mapping out his season'6 busi- ness and the following speakers have been obtained to talk on the dates specified: February 13--J. B. Munro, B.S.A., Provincial Deputy Min- ister of Agriculture, "Agricul- tural Outlook." February 20-- Walter Leek, President Vancou- ver Exhibition Assn, "The Ser- vice of an Agricultural Exhibi- tion." February 27 -- J. C. Berry, B.SA., farmer, 'The Jun- ior Farmer." March 6--Profes- sor Paul Boving, B.R., B.S.A., Head of the Department of Ag- ronomy, University of British Columbia, "Seed Production--A Side Line." March 13--Arthur Morton, B.S.A., Federal Sheep and Swine Promoter, "Possibil- ities in Sheep Breeding." March 20--F. S. Williams, manager Langley Greenhouse and Spen- cer's Flower Shop, "Greenhouse Plants of British Columbia." March 27--P. H. Moore, B.S.A., Superintendent Colony Farm, "Prepotency and the Breeding Program." April 3 -- W. H. Robertson, B.S.A., Provincial Horticulturist, "Tree Fruits in the Fraser Valley." Printed copies of any of the addresses can be obtained by anyone interested, free, by writ- ing to radio station CNRV or to the agricultural division of the British Columbia Electric Rail- way Co., Vancouver. In addition to the farm talks the B. C. Electric is broadcast- ing 8 series of mystery dramas over CKWX on Friday evenings at 7180. Each story is com- plete in itself and is an enter- taining episode taken from police records. He: "Do your folks approve of our marriage?" Shei "Not yet. Father hasn' said anything and mother' waiting to contradict him." "I don't believe my wife could tell 8 lie." "You'e lucky. Mine can--as soon as I say it." ~ I "Those odd jobs come by Telephone" "I haven't steady work," Al White was telling 8 friend, "but I very often pick up something to do here and there -- enough to keep the wolf from the door. And those odd jobs some by telephone. "Last week I had three little jobe. How did I get them? Well, somebody telephoned me in every case. If I'd been without a telephone the work would likely have been given to somebody else. "I tell you, I fellow can't afford to be without a telephone these days," B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY THE WEST VAN NEWS MOBRAATEN IS N. W. SKI CHAMPION Tom Mobrsaten of Vancouver Ski Club wss crowned all-round Pacific Northwestern ski cham- pion at Snoquslmie Pass Sunday at the close of two days of snow sports competition, Including cross country racing and ski jumping. Less than a point, however, separated Mobaaten from Hjal- mar Hvan of the Cascade Ski Club of Portland for the all- round championship. The Van- couver msn was awarded a 440.3 point total for the two events, while Hvan, who is national class A combined racing and jumping champion, had 439.8 points. Mobraaten's championship was won by taking second place in the class A jumping Sunday, and third place in the class A cross country race Saturday. Hvan, who won the cross country race Saturday, failed yesterday, how- ever, to place among the eight prize winners in the jumping. Nordal Kaldahl, diminutive jumper of the Hollyburn Pacific Ski Club, Hollyburn, barely took first place in the class A jump- ing, beating out Mobraaten by three-tenths of 8 point. On leaps of 159 and 185 feet, Ksldahl tallied 218.6 points, while Mobraaten was given a point score of 218.3, on two jumps of 169 feet and 172 feet. The 185-foot leap of Kaldahl's was the longest in the tourna- ment. The class B jumping honors went to a California entry, sig Vettestsd of Auburn, the class B jumping champion in that state. He scored 212.2 points on 141 and 150-foot leaps. In sec- ond place finished Martin Tver- dal of Seattle, while Ole Hsugen of the Cascade Club, Portland, had the longest leap in the class B class, one of 154 feet on his initial attempt. Mobraaten, who has been in Canada only three years from Norway, won the Cascade Ski Club's class A competition at Portland recently, the highlight of the annual winter sports car- nival there. The third place winner in the all-round class A championship was Arne Watn of the Grouse Mountain Club, Vancouver, with 8 point score of 416.8, tallied through a third place in the cross country race Saturday, and a total of 194.8 points in the jumping Sunday, although he failed to place among the eight prize winners in the jumping. Sotveht of the Vancouver Ski Club wss third in the class A jumping, with 216.9 points. The five-mile class B race wss won handily by Don Fraser, of the Seattle Ski Club, with nearly a three and 8 half minute lead in 36 minutes, 15 seconds, while T. A. Berglund and Cecil Morris, both of the Cascade Club, strug- gled across the finish line to- gether, in 39 minutes, 33 seconds In fourth place was Joe Leis, also of the Cascade Club, in 39 minutes, 33 seconds. IV. Hanson of Hollyburn, B.C., was fifth with 69 minutes, 67 seconds and Art Wilson, of the Seattle Moun- taineers, wss in sixth place. His time was 40 minutes, 4 seconds. An American passin'g through an English village stopped to talk to a farmer. "Do you get much rain herer'e asked. The farmer shook his head. "A little, but not much," he said. "My neighbor over there gets more than me." The American seemed puzzl- ed. "Well, I sure don't see that, sir," he remarked. "Why, your neighbor is only about a hund- red yards away." "Yes," said the farmer, "but he has more land than I have." hfUCH is done IN the name of FRIENDSHIP. And SO are many. SNAP 1 1! NEW HOUSE IN WEST VANCOU- VER--Stereo; Good Lavation Fine View Pally modem, hard-wvvxf Boers, full bxvvmvxi, fxrsxre, Rivi sink, wired for range, 0 rooms favfmfixg kitchen- rnr. Price $2700 icxvk, or nearly vo) or wruil rent vebjat io sale. Phone Gvxx Goxrixy, West 2. SHOULD Likv to Hear from Bpxxivh Speaker wkv, lite myself, wixhvv to converse in this language. Box 18, Weri Vxx Nvw» WEST BAY LIBRARY, The Gxbivx --Svhvrnptiox xow 60 rents pvr month. High class lriioo." WEST BAY LIBRARY, "The Gxkfrv" 00 rents prr month, also vixtioxvry, knitting wvviv, notion» City pnrrx. HEAD4IUARTERS fvr AH ikr Pvp- xixr Cigarettes, Tvbarrrx, xsl Fish- ing Gxdgriv fvr irrxi waters Amblvvide Tvx Rooms. MARCELLE BHOP -- MxrrrBv, 50 cents: reset, 664; leger wave, 6lk. Phone kirv. King, West 604. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Expvrirnrvd with an mxkvv. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." Wert Vancou- ver Errhine Shop, 1440 Mxrixv. FOR RENT -- Comfortable farxixhrl rvffxgv. aire irrxuox, $10.00. Phone Wrvt 265K. SLIP COVERS, ChrvirrlrM xnl Tvv Chairs, $ 16.00. N. R. Ellis, 1427 Mxrixr. Phone Wrvt 184R. FOR PLU15BING REPAIRS -- Rrv- idexrv Phone West 241K Excitable Invalid: "Has the druggist sent that sleeping draught yet?" Mary'No ma'm" Invalid: "Then ring him up and ask his if he expects me to keep awake all night waiting for it?" GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AVD I NSURANCE 1405 Mxrise Drire Paver Wmt 21 or Srymvnr 1260 Ervsixgx Wvvx 204K GORDON ROBSON Bxrivier R Bvndivr WEST VANCOUVER- Oifirr Nv. 1447, Mxriav Drive Phoae West 44SL VANCOUVER OPT1CE- Suite 818: 510 Hxxuxgx Bt, W. Phone. Srymvxr 4108. TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies VFoodv Coal Dump Truck Work Conductor (to young couple on train): "The tunnel we just passed through was two miles long and cost 85,000,000 to build." Gal (srranging her hair): '%'eff it was worth it." Hei "You are always wmhmg for what you haven't got." She: "Well, what else can one wish for?" Announcing a Second Series of CARM 1ECTM RES to be Broadcast over CNRV each Mondayevening at8.50 o'lock beginning on February 93 HB B.C. ELECTRIC RAILWAY CO. will sponsor a second xrriex of lecnnes on farm subjcca to be Riven each Monday night by leading agficuliurixix. Each mik will be of fifreen m inures'durxnon. Here are ihe xpcxkcrx and subjects for thc second eighi lc«nncx: Fvk 1 2--J. B. Munro, M 9 A.v mmfocivl Drpovy Minima of hgricuinnv--"hgrindmmf Oedook." Fvh.zo--Walter LvvkpmvldrarVvmxmva Rxhihinoahvnx --"The Srvvicc of an hgricxfmmf Exhibivioa." Fvh. 17--J.C. Berry, LLAvpanm~rjvairr Fvnnrr." Mxr. 5 --Pmfvaov Paul Brrfxs, LhvM.S.hv Head of vhr Drpanmmr of Agronomy, Uaivraivy of Brinrh Columbia--"Srrd Pmdonioa--A Side Iiar.- Mvr. m--Arthur Movie» B.LAv Fvdrai Sheep xad Swiar Pmmocrr--"Poaihilina in Shrrp Bvvrdiog.- Mrr. 2o--F. S. Wigivav, Mvexgrr Lvagfry Grcrshoxvrx rod Sprocrr'4 Fiowrr Shop--"Gmrahmnr Pixoa of Brirnh Columbia." Mrc 27--P. H. Moore, L LA Suprnanmfrnt Colony Fnm --"Prrporrnry xed rhr Bnrdmg Pmgrxm." April 2 W. H. Robertson 8 LA. Pmviaral Hommfmrin --"Tvvr Fruia ia the Frxvrr Vxiiry." L C Blvvvrir Myvivvv Dmam are hvvni over C KWX rt y.xo every Friday vvvvhvs. ~:I:490 l12 Es(e] RlyRlii 7 %E 8 ge ITS(%:F Y I RrvlSEeieg CLASSIFIED ADS Thv rate for Clxvvflvs Alraxivvavxtv Is 2 rrxtv prr ravh aixlaxa 26 ner» Except is ihv rxvv vf thrvv kxvisg rvgxixr xrrvsaix, xS rfxmh leds xrv pxyahiv riririiy kr xsrvar» Rvavahvr Cixvvilvlx fa the West Vxs News grt iaaaRxtv rvvsnx. SNAP -- 7 Txhv Pbnrv Mxxtvf Svt. SAWS SHARPfuiFJ7, Skxirv Grvxai $FA50; Crxvriv, $42.50; Short axd N. R. Eniv. 1427 Mxrisv, Long Ware Sivwxri Warner $ 127A0 Wrxt 1848. Trade ixx wanted. Repairs to xB radios. ~ Tabes tested. Nvtth Sbvn GEr MY FREE RSIMATES va Eivrtri» 1428 Marine Drive. Phrxv Painting, Pxpvring xel Kxivvxvia- Wrvt SL ixg. C. L Kvaixgx, Rr» PhaseWva 804R. WANTED -- Pirvi Cixvv Wrvs xxl MRNISHED N 18Cast Rxap, cheap for cask Phone xrrvxgv fvr xxir. John Lswvox, HANDY ANN SHOPPL fm~xtxr» 17th xe M~m. Ph~ Wmt 66. ior Moaxrvk Wroiv Pxrsir Hraihrr WEBB B SHOE REPAIRS WEAR Eixvvo, Viyvnx, Viyvgkx, Rxmxl» BFST -- Dvxlxrxvr. Silver Twixt, Piovx. rtr ~ » r' ~ hr ~ r v v4 n p Av r r wprHrvvr A wv ~ I r xrvrv ' r r ' v a v. v r r