0001 k,, I V V r V[ rcav. V 'V P vs s. ~os a 4 a c~Or as VV-0Nsavrs«s "~~ac clccN'- 'Vrc s V'-'rea [adrs ..'VVVV '.4 IVV VVVVVv sprvrvw"vvc+v Vro.Vv vVv ~ s"ivIV'vvv vVv vvvcvvvo v vrv.rr VVVVVV vv« Vrvv'vrv r V'Vvrrv'v VV GARDENS and GARDENING Landscape Architect oadasco ta toad+vlcc u. I c Aawtwl Cease I taaJ sa a[Value[ass aadoa aasNs. st~(oc Na~ Lavucasa sv I ~, Most gardeners and fruit growers are agreed that when pruning trees it is best to cut the branch o(f even with trunk of the tree or limb to which it is attached. In most cases this means that the wound will be larger than it would be if cut og a few inches from the trunk, but a dose up cut will heal ovci quickly in most cases whereas s stub will quite frequently not hea! at all but will provide a good breeding place for disease. If the limb to be removed be large, that is about an inch in diameter or more. it is advisable to undercut the limb a couple of inches from the trunk, this wig prevent splitting. Cut about half way through the limb from the underside and then cut the limb o(f as close to the trunk as possible from the upper side. A cut of any size should be treated with a suitable dressing to prevent disease or decay from getting s start. There are some good prepared dressings on the market but experience by grow- ers over a number of years in- dicates that either paint or coal tar is about as satisfactory as any. Coal tar, however, is not recommended in the case of plum tteeL For areas on the coast where the climate is mild or supposed KENNEL CLUB IN SUCCESSFUL SHOW About forty dog fanciers of the North Shore, Vancouver and New Westminster participated in first annual all-breed parlor show of North Shore Kennel Club of B. C. Saturday night. Joseph Dodds, Vancouver, judg- ed the entries and complimented the club on the success of its first c(fort. "bEstlock Hightor," black cocker spaniel owned by Mrs. W. V. Hyke, Vancouver, carried o(I first honors in the sporting class and was also judged the best female cocker spaniel in the show. First award for best in show of opposite sex went to Mrs. A. S. Billings'airn terrier "Dirk." With "Matlock High- tor." 1[Irs. Hyke also won the open sweepstakes. "Duchess," a great Dane own- ed by Kathleen Watson of North Vancouver, won premier honors in the working dog class, and a Pekinese owned by Mrs. J. W. Woods, North Vancouver, was judged the best toy dog in the show. In the wired-haired ter- rier class, A. S. AkxandeW 'cPrincipk Bob," won first award and the puppy sweepstake wss captured by Dr. T. Hoggap'0 Irish terrier. Willie Chambers of New West- minster was winner of the pet class with his cocker spanieL In the Scotch terrier class h(rs. F. G. Gilkspie's "Jean" wss award- ed first place. This entry was also judged the best of its breed in the show. hire. D. E. Arnold's "Garsorth Piper" was declared best puppy in the show. Mrs. C. S. Sweeney, Vancou- ver, formally opened the show and recalled that it is twenty years since the last sll-breed par- lor event on the North Shore. A.Y.P.A. IN SUCCESSFUI. PLAY The St. Stephen's A. Y. P. A. play "The Tightwad," was pre- sented before large appreciative audiences on Thursday and Fri- day of last week in the Orange HalL No member of the caste could be mentioned without men- tioning all of them, ss they sll played their parts to perfection. The production of the play and the arrangement of the stage were done by the members them- selves, with the kind c[Nppers- tion of the local B. C. Ekctric Co., B. C. Telephone Co. and citizens in the knding of prop- erties. I THE WEST VAN NEWS February 9. I(63, (I THE BURNING BUSH much better, not less than seven By Subadar generations back being included By hHNA G. H(yiT, In the pecans of praise. THEATRE ut one year ago I made T. S. BROWN EI.E('TED the statement in this column "IOSI ~ (TAg B'OARU HFAD Fa(P+'y md 9AT()M)AY to be, February appears to be that before the whole story was February (0th and lith the best month for Pruning. told, Hitler and the Junkers T. g, Brown wm elected chair- If vou have fruit trees to would join forcesi The)'ave man of North Vancouver 1[ospi- m D 3 g Ddone so, and nothing more un- tal Bpard Thony night Jps B(t'u Of Paratt(ge you lack the experience to do fortunate could have hei[pened eph GoMsworthy wss chosen the work y«~lf, we would for the P ceor the world. Hil- viccpresldent. JOFI. MCCRAF. recommend that you secure the ler has stated that he would ~ad services of an experienced man scraP the Versailles Treaty, and, f ll Fi VFSo d i DO( OREag DEL RIO Orinvestadollarorsoinagm as governments se m to haves fol I od f ~lso book on pruning. We shall be happy power in Germany of dis- I. Cements, J. P. H geon IHlg(NOFF pleased to furnish our readers posing of sny opposition either an G 0 y; ourn, mep with a list of such books i[pop by dismissal or force, there is Nicholson, Goodwin Johnson, C. and Ills Violin request. little doubt that he will do sm P. Coles and J. B. Paine; build- ~ad We have been asked „umber He has also said that he was op- mg and grounds committee, Mr. A BETTTY HOOP posed to any further reparatipns Goldsworthy, J. M. Fromme and Cartoon of t[~s decently if it is too late be id h h fi tl is J. R. MCCarihy. I w t a, A rent'- ing Pa, w ic e ect vey (satsrtaz disPoses of the American debt Lewis Arm™strong many people believe that it is necessary to plant sweet pest in question, since England has al- A Scotchman was taking a the ~ter trumpeter Flag[as Wh(le we believe that for the aid onl)'Pay such sums ass e had built.l f ll fn 'm "itm ~dy advised the U.S. that she friend through a new bourn he '(ql Sled wh P yas'Mk~. li ysu rascal, rap. ver best resul~ts, fafi pk«nt(ng receive from G rmany. We are "But, exclaimed the visitor, is Preferable, excellent results th ge for the return of the - noti~ that youve not P t- L(ttle h(an, aged five, drivin may be obtained by planting K iser, and probably the m,on cd the paper on the walls but through the 'country wth her anytime during the next two or d 'I t t f th" 1914 1918 nailed it. )Vhy is that)" father, for the first time ssw three mon hs. e main 0 v n - drama, which shouM only have aOh, sye," responded the cat tails growing. age to fall Planting is that the t ' " Scotchman. aYe see, we may Oh d~ddy she saM qppk seeds may be planted deeP, con- "" "'ot be livin'ere always." at the hot dog garden." sequently the dry summer sea- son will have less efi'ect on the Sir Edward Bairstow, organ- fiowering plants and less water- ist of York minster, who once BUSINESS DIRECTORY ing will be required and a longer adjudicated at the B. C. Musical Below will be found those merchanbt and firms who by season will result. Festival, has had a row with their regular advertising &upper( render the publication the Bishop of Gloucester, who, pf thk paper possible. Without them there would be no West Nots--rsc «NI vis coco[dr II ~ slav he declares, "does not know what Van News. We, therefore, ssk that our readers in their deal- music is a(, alL" He also stated ing give them the preference to which they are so justly ttc csscseoas ossa[a so am casse Ia that the bishop was, so far as entitled. It will be noted no chain stores appear in this liat. music was concerned, "like many BAKERS u a scs~m soap[ Is doc~ ~ cu[ mood other ignorant people." All this Stratton'9 Bakery, 1468 Marine Drive..............i'hone West 27 ~"'~~'~ ca 'w'~'d ~ ~"'~ as a result of the bishop having BARBERS been reported as saying thaL Hollyburn Barbers, 15th and hlarine Drive. JOHNSTON )VINNER t / whenever music or the other C. J. Overington, 14th and Marine Drive......Phone West 135 IN SKI RQCE arts got into the hands of the BARRISTERS r SOI.ICITORSprofessional, it lost its appe» Gordon Robson, 1447 hiarine Drive....,............ I'hone West 403 With ideal snow and weather It is onl)'nother case of the BEAUTY PARI.ORS conditions the first combined centu rr Poles between Gwendoline Beauty Shoppe, 1540 hiarine Dr„Phone West 117 competition of the season on the Eng lsh "'d organist"[ Marcelle Shop, 15th and Marine Drive...........d&hme West 304 Hollyburn-Pacific Ski Club's only translated to high places. BOARDING HOUSES schedule got under way gunday In Canada the whole choir usu- Mrs. Brine, 1497 Begevue Ave......Residence Phone West 458L as Gus Johnston led "Irish & ally take part in church music DENTISTS F ight tp rumpuses with the vicar ruled Dr. M. McCubbin, Royal Bank Bldg., 17th & h(arine, West 446 p nIry Put 0nd an exceIIent tr0inin8 i0 Dr. G . D . H . SeaIe, Hay B Iock, I4 th and Mar lne Drive, )Vas I 72 c over a five and a haH mile received by the members in t 'RUG STORES course. The winner's time was cuit'vs(ton. 0 Gemmilps Drug Store, 1402 Marine Drive., „..Phone West 37ivation of that combatant 27 minutes 5 seconds, with spirit which the bayonet-fight- FEED STORES ! Beaumont second in 29.55 and '"g " . (h CE F . Vernon Feed Store, 1746 hiarine Drive............Phone West 9 Knight third in 33,15. pains to teach us in the FUEL, BUILDERS'UPPLIES, Etc. M k pp 0 diing pld women in England Ed. Black 25th and Marine Drive Twist m 22.15, Mickey Pog e o~ organists to that point Tearoe & Son, 1474 Marine Drive .................,... Phone West 84 Kdm h th d 36 55 ~p B ti where pne wss driven to observe, Vernon Feed Store, I 746 Marine Drive.........Phone West 9 FUNERAL DIRECTORS son fifth in 39,05. his tormentor. ost un igni iefourth in 39.00 and N. Thomp- . " t' 't d ' d Burrard Funeral Chapel, 320 East 3rd St.,North Vancouver............Phone North 626 Brac Cook won the novice 'te in the vog e a la Eddie H~m Brm. & Williamson,122 west 6th St., North Vancouver............Phone North 134 (,he class B winner, as he flsshed GARAGES 8[ SERVICE STATIONS to the post in 31.15. Clark Hoff- West Van. Motors, 1451 Marine Drive........Phone West 268 man was only twenty seconds Dr. William Dursnt, just GROCERS 'I behind and Pst Douet the same back from Russia, says that in Smith's Groceries, 15th and h(arlne..............Phone Wmt 46 distance back of Hoffmsn in that country everybody is glum. 24th and h(arine ....,....Phone West 469 third spot. George Bury took go would you be brother if you LAUNDRIES fourth in 33.08; Art Holland had the secret police coming I X L Laundry, 2316 Haywood Ave,.............phone West 200 fifth in 33,30 and Frank Brawn round the house to see whether LU51BER, ETC. sixth in 39.00. ypu were breakfasting off bacon Ambleside Lumber Co. Ltd., 16th snd hIarine, phone West 199 Daisy Bourden showed the and eggs or o(I the top [if the West Vancouver I umber Co. Ltd 15th & Marine, Wmt 115 way in the class A event for Hoover plus a cup of tea. Both hI)IAT MARKETS women, finishing a two and a the Czarists vrere snd the govt- Ambleside Meat Market, 14th and hiarine Dr„phone West 303 ~ half mile jaunt in 21.55. hiarg. ets are strong for these Police. Je(feries'uperior Meats, 1754 h(arine Drive, Phone West 3 Gale was second in 25.30. Class who take an impertinently Per- 51EN'S & BOYS'URNISHINGg B went to Mary Fraser in 31.15, zonal interest in everybody s af- W. L Ogden & Co., 1585 hiarine Drive.„..... Phone West 146 wi(h "Olie" Longmuir and Tees fairs. They are to the Russians PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING Murby tying for second at 33.40 what the witchfinders are to the Konings, C. L., 2511 Msthers Avenue....,.......Phone Wmt 394R and Eve Murby twenty seconds natives of Africa. Apart from pHOTOGRAVHERS slower. this, it is not safe to take re- C. J. Broderick & Son, 1436 hiarine Drive. The largest crowd of the sea- ports on Russian conditions too PLUMBERS spn was pn hand with sMers seriously, either for or against. W. J. Dent, 2237 Gordon Ave. Residence Phone West 241R everywhere in evidence. Chris. on account of the vastness of PUBLIC UTILITIES Johnston, skip captain, laid out the territory The Russian " y B.C. Electric Railway Co. Ltda 16th & h(urine, Phone West 101 the course and had charge of nature cruel, and where cruelty B.C. Telephone Co., 17th and h(arine Drive...., Phone )Vmt 76 events. William Cripps and Rsy exists there must always be P.- Pacific Stages, ft. Lonsdale Ave„ Fraser acted as timers. The pression and misery. Our atti- Norlh Vancouver............Phone North 162 jumping half of the competition tude to the Soviets in Russia RADIO, ELECTRIC )VASHERS. Etc„REPAIRS is sh tcd for next Sunday. should be "You mind your busi- B.C. Electric 1(ai(way Co. Ltd., 16th & h(urine, Phon West 101 ness of government and we J. W. Kelly Piano Co. Ltd., 1402 Marine Drive, Phone West 37 JANUARY SAI,ARIES PAID mind ours. "Sofar they h 0 9 North Shore Radio Electiic, 1439 Marine Dr., Phone West 61 TO h(UNICIPAL Eh(PI.OYEES done so, and it will yet cmt them REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGFS, (.OANS, INSURANCE their tenure of Ppw«George Hay, I i05 hiarine Drive........„...Phone West 21 Full wages to the end of Janu- John Lawson, 17th and hiarine Drive............ Phone West 55 ary have been Paid to all em- The people of the U.g. after K. W. g very', 1443 Marine Drive ....."..'..'..'..Phone Wmt 340 ployees in the city, Commission- digesting Roosevelt's plan, are REPAIRS er Charles E. Tisdall announced hailing him as the man of des- N. R. Fills, 1427 hiarlne Drive, Residence Phone Wm( 184R last week. Salaries in the dirr tiny, but the point is, of what )Vest Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine Drive. trict municipality have already destiny( It sounds too much SHEET hIETAia FURNACES, Etc. been paid, he reports. gke what one hss heard so oft " Ambleslde Sheet Metal Works, 1446 Marine Dr„Phone West 78 Both city and district have round Canadian village storm SHOE REpAIRS been et[((rely free from major the day after the mum«Pa Webb'0 Shoe Repairs, 25th and Marine Drive. crime during the psst few tion, waged annually uPon TA((,OILq. CLEANEILq, DYEILq, Etc. months, according to chiefs of economy Un(or(a."a e y I hL Williams, 1568 Marine Drive...... I'hone West 20 city an'd district Police forces. cannot P'ut down just e'xact y 'EA Roohlg, TOB'ACCOq',"SOFT DRINKS.'Et . Only minpr cases have been what each and every memb«Ambleslde Tea Rot[ms, Amhleslde Ferry Dock, West 602 ~ . C. dealt with in Police Court. the council is called three months THEATRES afterwards in the same s««s Hollyburn Theatre, 17th and Marine Drive, I'hone Wes( 600 Patronize the merchants in because it docs not sg weil '" Theatre lxinsdale, 16th & IAinsda(e, our Business Directory. print, but the Orientals do it so North Vancouver......Phone North 211