0001 TIIE WEST VAN NEWS February 9 19'R e h creehr h hh h ccefh ~eh ~ .-- feDf'"rx ~'h ~, ' Vh«e reh V*c he'S h 'r k'CC'heuc r h viccrhrf*hH h. vfc*ue~ 'rfvs:*vcr.hrf'ff'eh «rc'~h'e ~'V fsf c rf C v rf'c' ' 'C ~cr ere~hCervrrcrc r,ref'Vv'vecfeec cf vecrveee e'rq chechcrcecdeerrrev. veh'ec ee CV e e c'ee eec chr feehceeeer~ee e e 'e Ware nhrecu UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOI'I.E'S SOCIETY On Monday, February 13th, at 8 p.m. in the Church Hall, Mr, J. R. Mitchell, vice-principal of the High School, will speak to the young people, his subject being "What of Tomorrow'I" Badminton will be played after the meeting. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to afl young peopk to attend the Monday evening meetings. Cffoeytiffol+yJ Beauty Shoppe 1000 Msrise Drive For Apyeislmeul Phoae West lly General Directions for 51aking Cream Soups 3 cups scalded milk 2 slices onion Va cup flour vnixed with t/0 cup cup water 2 cups seasoned stock or veg- etable pulp snd stock Seasonings to taste. Scald the milk with the onion, remove the onion and thicken the milk by adding the flour and water mixture and cooking it 20 minutes over hot water to pre- vent burning. Boil 2 cups veget- abks, cut in smafl pieces, in wat- er to cover; force the vegetables when done through a strainer or leave pieces in soup. Add the vegetable pulp and water in which the vegetsbks have been cooked to the thickened milk. Season and serve. SPORT NOTES IVest Van. United F. C. A fast game is expected on Saturday, February 11th, at 2:30 p.m. at Ambleside Park, when West Vancouver United play B. C. Sugar Refinery in a Junior Alliance League contest. AB players are asked to be on time, and SB supporters are in- vited to come and root for the home team. Coming Events Don't forget the West Vancou- ver AA.A. Military Whist Drive and Dance on Friday night, February 17th, in the Legion Hall. 1Vest Vancouver Rangers The Rangers versus North Burnaby st Wilflngdon Park, kick off at 2:30. The Rangers team will leave on the I p.m. boat taking Hastings East csr and trsnsfering to Extension csr. Team will be Trafford, Johncox, Forrester, r McMiflan. Butt, biastermsn, Lennox, Cripps, Masterman, Grippe, Ed- wards, Davenport, Barnott, Wed- ley, Montgomery. BOLLTBVRN Barber Shop lstb R Marine ExPERT BERvlcB E. MARSH, Proprietor. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae West 0 LECTURE ON OXFORD AND ITS COLLEGES W. j. Woodford gave s most interesting lecture Thursday evening to the Literary Society in the United Church. Mr. Woodford came peculiarly fitted for his task, having been brought up in the old university city, where his grandfather wss astronomer at the Radcflffe Ob- servatory. The lecturer brought with him a carefully selected col- lection of very fine slides of Ox- ford colleges and other points of interest, which were thrown on the screen by James Porter. They included pictures of prac- ticafly afl of the twenty-six col- leges and halls, as weB as of IIIfey Mill and other Thames scenes which have been rendered famous by the brushes of fam- ous artists. Mr. Woodford spoke for about an hour, during which he gave a brief analysis of the history and outstanding things of interest to be noted around the colleges and other buildings which go to make up Oxford University, his address being lightened by constant flashes of dry humor. Before concluding he had convinced his hearers that the university students, as he stated, could not help but ab sorb the Oxford atmosphere, and in so doing they acquired during their residence there something more and greater than just book ksrning. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the lecturer, who later answered a number of questions in the discussion which followed Mrs. L. B. Roche, 2503 Belle- vue Avenue, hss returned from Seattle bringing with her Mra Butcher and Mrs. Grant, who will be her guests for a few weeks. Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Eslsblisbed on North Sbeve Ze Tesra (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. St WILLIAMSON funeral Sirectars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nevus Psbusbed Every Tbuvsdsy PsbUsber F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 B I ~ FdfmHM Oaiom lylb ssd Msviss Drive (Next te Henybura P.O.) Phone West 363 MeU Address: P.O. Bex SL EsUybuva, fLC. North Vancouver Office l 123 Lonsdale Ave. 0LSO ~ yesv by esrvke: 0E00 s yesv by mslL United Church spgcfAL .. ~ ' 'inister, Rev. Hiflis 1Vrlght Rev. Hillis Wright wfll occupy the pulpit at both services next Sunday. The subject of his ser- mon in the morning will be "Faith," and in the evening "The Cross of Christ, It's Mean- ing and Message for Today." WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. February 12th -- Septuagesi- ma Sunday. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 snd 11:15 a.m. -- Sunday SchooL 11:15 a.m.--Matins snd ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. -- Inter- cession service followed by Bible Class. Corporate Communion for young people st 8 a.m. Sunday. Tuesday--Church Committee at 8:15 p.m. On hionday evening there wfll be a paris social under the aus pleas of the A.Y.P.A. A cordial invitation is extended to SB adults of the congregation to be present and share an enjoyable evening. CRVRCE EDtytCB Zelb esd Beeslmsli, Benybevs This Society ls ~ Branch el The Meiber Cbuveb Tbe First Church el Chrki. Sekulisl, ls Bevies, Mesesebueetis Sunday Services ll:80 e.m. eud T:00 y.m. Sunday, February 12. 1933, Subject: "SOUL" Suudey School at lo:00 s.m. Tesllmeuy lgeeiiug Weduesdsy at 0:10 y.m. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. Martyn. 2:00 p.m.--AB departments of the Sabbath SchooL 8:15 p.m. -- Regular Church Service. The minister will preach on the: "Oxford Group Movement." St. Francis Ladies'uild will hold a Birthday Tea at the home of Miss Chappefl, Caulfeild, on Thursday, February 23rd, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson, Mrs. F. Stainsby, s Ladies Quartette and Mr. N. Sewefl wlfl entuch the program. Prof. H. F. Angus of Univer- sity of British Columbia, wifl ad- dress the Men's Social Meeting on February 21st, his subject be- ing "The Canadian Banking System snd the Present Situa- tion." The Business meeting of the W. A. on Tuesday next will com- mence at 2 o'lock sharp in order that the Book Tea that foflows may befDU at 3 o'lock. Characters from the books of Dickens to be represented, There wiB be a program of sketches from "Pickwick Pap- ers," "Nicholas Nickleby," "Bleak House." Thought for the week:--"If we read the Bible aright we read a Book which teaches us to go forth and do the work of the Lord; to do the work of the Lord in the world as we find it."-- Roosevelt. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Hsywood Ave. Sunday, February 12th, 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Jesus Only." Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Special service; preacher, Mr. Bentalfl J'unr. A band of U.B.C. students will assist in the services. A cordial invitation to SIL CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in afl Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "SOUL." One of the Bible texts will be Romans 8: 5: "For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spfrit the things of the Spirit." The Lesson&ermon will also include the following passage from page 273 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: cMan is harmonious when gov- erned by Soul. Hence the im- portance of understanding the truth of being, which reveals the laws of spiritual existence." D. McCafl Stitt, who has been a patient in the North Vancou- ver General Hospital, has re- turned to his home, 2264 Gordon Avenue. ~ ~ c A daughter was born last Monday to Mr. snd Mrs. J. H. Morrison of 2283 Inglewood Ave- nue, in Chstham House Hospital in the city, Monday, 7:45 p.GL--B.Y.P.U. AB young people over 16 wel- come. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer and praise with Bible study. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday -- C.G.LT. Teen sge girls welcome. Whoever you sre, yau are wel- come snd the pastor would like to meet you at the close of the service. HOLLYBURN HALL Cor 14th df Duchess SUNDAY Feb 12th at 7:30 p.m. An address by Mr. Jas. Gibson of Hardisty Alta Everybody welcome. BAPTIST IVOBIEN'S BIISSION CIRCLE The monthly meeting will be held at the home of birs. Ritz, 1772 Inglewood Avee on Tues- day, February 14th, at 2 o'lock sharp. Mrs. Ward of the Jack- son Ave. Mission will give sn ad- dress on the mission work. AB ladies interested are cordi- sfly invited St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clachan Hotel Sunday Confessions of Adults before both Holy Masses. 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:46 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:16 p.m.--Sunday School. Week Days 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. 7:45 p.m., Friday--Devotions. Confessions of school chfldren before and after 8:00 a.m. Holy Mass on Saturday. Dr.Mar jDry M cCD b bin DENTIST Hours yam logy.m. Sslurdeye: le ~.m. ls l p. m Eveslsgs ssd Bsluvdsy Aller- ueese by spyelnlmeat only Royal Bssb BuUdlsg pfmse Weel iHS Resldesve Pbess Weel $00, DR. G. D. H. SEALS DENTIST Hsy Uleeb tdib esd Revise Dv. Dines Bours 0 ls 0 p.m Evenings by sppsfsmmsL'bsue Weel Tg Patronize the merchants In our Business Directory. Creamed Nuts 2 cups confectioner's sugar White of I egg I teaspoon vanifls extract 2 teaspoons cold water Walnuts or other nuts. Mix sugar, unbeaten egg white, vanilla snd water into s stiff'aste. Shape into little bafls press between halved wslnuts or other nut meats. Stoned dates and large seeded raisins may be fflled with this cream, or it may bc mixed with chopped nuts, shaped into bars and cut into squares. Chocolate Caramels 2 cups molasses I cup brown sugar 1 cup cream or mdk f/+ lb. unsweetened chocolate 4 tablespoons butter. Put sfl ingredients into kettle. Boil until It hardens in cold water; add I teaspoon vanilla snd turn into greased tine. When nearly cold cut into small squares. No Appeal Visitor "Don't you ever cry when your father whips youf" Son: "What's the useI The old man's deaf." Q Les Cf"e'hf E / THUR FRlh SAT "Held Em JaiP'URfAL "IFERORS OF TllU WEEP' SATY. 2 to 5 P.M. MATINEE j Cerning Mhs.-Tshs..wed. Rex\ HERBERT MARSHALL CHARLES RUGGLES "EVENINGS FOR SALE" T seedsy DINNERWARE Dale and I'eanut Paste I cup stoned dates f/z cup peanut butter 1 teaspoon salt '/& cup confectioner's sugar Wash snd dry dates; put through food chopper; add pea- nut butter and salt. Mix and roll into smafl bsfls; then cover with sugar. Lay on plate to dry. Currant Bread lfrk cups flour frk cup cornmeal 1 tablespoon baking powder f/e teaspoon salt I tablespoon sugar I cup milk 1 egg, well beaten 1 cup currents dredged with flour. Measure, mix and sift dry in- gredients. Add the milk with egg and the currents. Beat mix- ture thoroughly. Turn mixture into s well-greased bread tfn, cover snd let stand 20 minutes. Bake in a moderately hot oven 30 mmutes.