0001 t February 2, 1933. THE WEST VAN NEWS TELEPHONE INDUSTRY ADVANCES IN 193Z DE- SPITE BUSINESS I.OSSES Although handicapped by world conditions, the telephone industry managed to finish 1932 with an impressive list of ac- complishments to its credit for that year. Expansion of the internation- al telephone network continued during the year, and as 0 result British Columbia is now able to reach various parts of the globe that were inaccessible by tele- phone 12 months sgo. The year saw telephone service extended from North America to Egypt, South Africa, Portugal, the Ba- hama Islands, Peru, Venezuela, Colombia and Siam. More than 30,000,000 telephones, represent- ing over 90 per cent of all the telephones in the world, are now inter-connected. Early in 1932 Canada's great- est telephone project, a coast-to- coast line, was completed, and for the first time it wss possible to talk across the Dominion without detouring through the United States. The B. C. Tele- phone Company alone spent 31,000,000 for its section of the trans-Canada telephone line. Despite the fact that they were losingtelephonesinstead of gain- ing them, and long-distance busi- ness was below normal, the B. C. Telephone Company and its as- sociate, the North-west Tele- phone Company, fought back by making a number of extensions and improvements: 1. Opening of 0 long-distance service to Prince Rupert by mesne of 0 radio link. 2. Opening of a longAistarce service to Prince George by means of a radio link. 8. Opening of a long-distance service to a logging camp at Claydon Bay by means of 0 radio link. 4. Purchase from the Domin- ion Government of the telephone system in the Gulf Islards and also the system st Sooke, on Vancouver Island. 5. Extension of the lines of the B. C. Telephone Company to Menzies Bay, above Campbell River on Vancouver Island, and also to Forbes Landing. 6. Opening of service to points on the P.G.E. Railway as far as Bridge River station, and also in the Bridge River Valley. 7. Opening of 0 direct circuit from the coast to Nelson. 8. Opening of direct circuits from Victoria to Chemainus, Courtenay, Cumberland and Port Alberni. Telephone service between ship and shore was extended to still more ocean liners on the Atlantic during 1932, so that now British Columbia telephone subscribers can eall up passen- gers on sny one of 13 trans- Atlantic vessels and one ship plying between New York and Bermuda. The longest commercial tele- phone call in history took'place from Vancouver early in the year when 0 Vancouver import- er called up Melbourne, Aust- ralis, a telephone distance of over 18,000 miles. The year was also marked by the first telephone conversation ever held between British Col- umbia and Norway, British Col- umbia and Hawaii, British Col- umbia snd Bermuda, and British Columbia and Italy. Pork Sausage 6 lbs. lean, raw, fresh york, or half pork and half beef. 1f+ tablespoons salt I tablespoon pepper 2 tablespoons sage I tablespoon summer savory 1/4 tablespoon thyme. Force the meat through the food chopper. Mix the meat and spices in a large mixing bowl thoroughly with a potato mash- er, wooden spoon or with the hands. Fill sterilized bags, made of cotton cloth 8 inches wide by 8 or 10 inches long, to within 2 inches of the top. Cook 30 min- utes in boiling salted water. Cool and store in a cold place. EST +AN MOTORS 1451 Marine (BILL GROUT) West 268 SPARK PLUG Service ~ Champion Plug Tester Plugs Tested FREE A. C. Sand Blast Cleaner Plugs Cleaned Rnd Adjusted, 5c per plug This equipment is the latest and most modern procurable. Whefh your Plugs are Cleaned by our sand blast and passed by Our Tester you know that they are 100% efficient. WE SPEC1ALIZE IN PLEASiNG THE CUSTOMER duce 20,000,000 cubic feet of gas daily, and to this effect the potential Seld for the use of gas embracing house heating and in- dustry will be considerably stim- ulated. MAYOR TAYIA)R OPENS NEW B. C. EI.ECTRIC GAS I'LANT Provincial and civic recogni tion was accorded Vancouver's latest industry, the new 31,500,- 000 gas plant of the British Col- umbia Electric Railway Comp- any Limited at the foot of Car- rall Street on False Creek when it was formally put into opera- tion by Mayor Louis D. Taylor st noon Tuesday, January 31. aff Surrounded by a representa- tive group of provincial and civic officials Mayor Taylor oper- ated 0 special lever which re- leased the first discharge of coke from the new retorts signifying that the first gas had been man ufactured in the Carrell Street plant. In welcoming the guests who represented not only the city but adjacent districts snd the Dom- inion snd Provincial govern- ments, Mr. W. G, Murrin, presi- dent of the company, pointed out that the supplying of gas was no longer con6ned to the City of Vancouver, but extended far beyond its borders and that gas would be available in North Van- couver were it not for the catas- trophe of the Second Narrows bridge. The new plant covers six acres in extent with a frontage on slee Creek of 876 feet whereOscows containing British Colum- bia coal sre unloaded. Present capacity of the plant, which embodies all the latest gas making machinery is 3,000,- 000 cubic feet daqy with 0 simll- tsneous yearly production of 36,000 tons of 0 very high grade coke fuel, thus placing Vancou- ver in the happy position of a large number of cities in East- ern Canada where coke forms the chief fuel of industry. British Columbia'0 coal min- ing industry receives an added stimulus with the operation of the Carrall Street gss plant con- suming 70,000 tons of coal each 0car.The new plant constitutes the ilrst complete unit of 0 gas mak- ing installation designed to pro- I 1 I I 7 SCOTTISH SOCIETY GIVES SIOST SUCCESSFUL BURNS'IGHT The West Vancouver Scottish Society celebrated Burns night with 0 most successful military whist drive and dance at the Clachan last Friday. There was a large attendance, nineteen tables being in play. Those at the winning table were Mrs. F. Knight-Hodge, Mrs. Duncan Mc- Donald, F. Knight-Hodge, and Elmer Bell, the consolation prizes going to Mr. snd Mis. Hastings and Mr. and Mrs. De Pencier, Following the cards the guests sat down to supper, which included 0 number of Scotch dainties. The address to "The Immort- al Memory" was in the capable hands of Rev. D. A. Allan, who referred to the lasting afFection in which the poet was held by all of Scottish blood as well as by many others. He emphasized the fact that Burns was the poet of democracy, and closed his ad- dress by a feeling recitation of "A Man's a Man for 0'hat." The tables were then cleared away and the guests thoroughly efUoyed themselves up to the wee sma'ours in Scottish dances to music provided by Miss Frame, who wss assisted by Mrs. Van Sickle, T. J. Irwin, acted as M.C., and he saw to it that everybody was kept up to concert pitch until the singing of Auld Lang Syne brought the evening to 0 close. 6 2 8 I )I II i2 il ii il i5 18 IR 78 Mrs. I. Burr has'moved from the city Into 0 house st 1337 Clyde Avenue. "I'm afraid I'l have to raise your rent," said the landlord. "I wish you would; I'm sure I can't raise it," replied the Ied- up tenant. The North Shore Kennel Club of B.C. Will hold an Ail-Breed Parlor Show On February 4th, nt 8 p.m., at 111 E. First Street North Vancouver, B.C. Eatriaa wiB be a«aptad at iba door up ta 8 p.m. hir. 1oa. Dodda. of Vaamuvar, will Judge. Far additional iafonaadoa ring North 141SLI (avaniagalJ ilS j, I 4 CHAMPION & A. C. PLUGS always in stock WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH -- 6- Boom Modara Baagaiaw, west of Dundarava. Apply Bax 17. West Van News. 1.AvyN MOWERS SHARPENED Experienced witb aB mates. "WILL CUT LIKE NEW." Weat Vaacou- var hiacbina Shop, 1449 Marina FOR RENT -- Camfarlabia laraiabab cottage, nice location, 610.00. Phoae West 256K. WANTED TO TRADE -- Woad far small cook stove, goad order. Phone West 184 R. STRAYED--Biact aab WMia Pappy, White tipped tad Phone West 064K, SLIP COVERS, Cbaaiarbeid amt Twa Chairs, 610.00. N. R. Ellis, 1427 Marine. Phone West 184R. 0'OR PLUhlBING REPAIRS Raa idaaca Pbaaa West 2411k GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1406 Marias Dlliva Pbaaa Wast 21 ar Say«oar 1240 Eraaiaga West 204K GORDON ROBSON Barrister S SaBcRaa WEST VANCOUVER- Oifica No. 1447, Marina Drive Pbaaa West 4ek VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818 i 610 HaaHags St, W. Phase, Saymaar 4190. TEAROE & SONChop Suey I quart pork or chicken, cubed 1/4 cup chopped salt pork fat I pint water or white stock I onion, chopped 2 cups celery, cut in I-inch lengths 1/2 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons mollasses 8 tablespoons flour 8 tablespoons water 1 tablespoon China soy I/2 cup fersh mushrooms Cook the meat m the fat until a golden brown. Add the water, onion, celery, salt and molasses. Simmer I hour. Mix the flour and water and add to the mix- ture until thickened. Then add the molasses, China soy and mushrooms. Cook 10 minutes longer and serve. Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies PVood, Coal Dump Truck Work Directions for Cooking Dried Fruit Wash fruit carefully. Soak in cold water to cover overnight. Drain fruit, heat the water in which it has been soaked to boil- ing point, add the soaked fruit, and let simmer slowly until fruit is plump and soft. A little 8ugat'r syrup may be added if more sweetening is desired LEFE2ffSifyJ~ .)OII, HEATING BRINCiS EAR1V MARKET PRICES HE value of the ~lactik hotbed aa ibaT ma* convenient form ol soil heating, producing better naulta than any other method, has been auccaaaially demon- straiad .. It l»aafiia commaiciai aad amata«growam alike. Electric soil heating poiiibiiiHaa are aoi confined io hotbeds There are other uses for the heat, such as gnaahcwaa crops, propagabag benches, aad open ~oil heating. Quicker garmiaaHoa with higi»i percent aga of seeds ger»iaaf«l ... wore vigonva plants dua io coaHaacwa natural growth ... protection against winter kill... early maikaia reached -- these am some of H» many advantages over the old aaib«L Write to Room sc», IL C. Electric Build- ing, aad wa will mail yoa oui Iiaa baotiah givia9 ~ detailed i»scdpHoa of tba ~ppaiailla HOTBEDS 0 P ROPAGAT i N G BENCHES GREENHOUSE CROPS 0 OPEN SOIL HEATING I ~sa ~ ii'tllb iS'Eafelggf311IFVS EE4SIIKsu:L1IRI'I ViKsfeA CLASSIFIED ADS Tba nfa for Claaaibab Abrardaaaeaia ia 2 cents par warE nisi»am 26 casts. Except ia tba casa af tboaa baviag ngafar acaaaaia, ail cfaaaf- ~eba are parable strictly ia abvaace. Ra»amber Claaaibaba ia tba Wat Vaa Nese gat iaa«Sate raaaRa. WEST SAY LIBRARY, "Tba Gabiaa" SAWS SHARPILfED. States Gr«mb 00 casts par moatb, afso stationary, N. R. Ellis, 1427 Mariaa, Pbasa taitting wooia, notions. City prfcaa. Wast 184R. HEADfIUARTFRS for AS tba Pas- GE1'Y FREE ESTIMATES aa alar Cigarettes, Tobaccos, aad Piab- Painting, Papering amf Kala«sin- ing Gabgala for local waters. iag. C. L Koaiaga, Raa. Pbaaa Ambiaaide Taa Ra«aa West 204R. 1-DAY SALE at iba Haady Aaaa FUIL&ISHED AND UNFUR.ifSHED Sboppa -- February 1st ta Fabrv- Houses ta Rasb Haaaaa, lots, asd aiy 4th, acreage for asia. Jobs Lawaoa, 17th and Marina. Phoae West 66. MARCELLE SHOP -- Ma«Hi ~ 60. wEBirs SHOE REPAIRS WEARcents; reset, 864; Sager wave, 604. Pbaaai Mn. Kmg, Wast 204. W1VA~ a.w