0001 lu tl sl II Ih. tl- xt he 4 I ly Ih 6 10 .'I- d, February 2, 1933. TAILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIOiNS M. %VILLIAMS THE WEST VAN NEWS YourLocal and Personal Prescriptions Properly compania)ed ~nd quickly dehvcred 1668 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phone Wuvi 20 Rub Phone Wutl 200L Mr. and Mrs. Watson and fam- ily have moved from 23rd and Haywood Avenue, into a house on 14th Street. ~ \ ~ The West Vancouver Orches- tral Society have accept'ed a re- quest to supply the incidental music for the play that is being given in March at the Avenue Theatre by the Vancouver Scot- tish Dramatic Society. v ~ ~ John L. McKenna, who has been a patient for some months in the North Vancouver General Hospital, following a serious ac- cident, has suificiently recovered to return to his home in the Keith Block, 15th and hfsrine Drive. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sim of Los Angeles, who are starting out on a second world's tour, were the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cripps, 25th and Otta- wa Avenue. Mr. Sim is a cousin of Mrs. Grippe. ~ \ ~ George Herrmann of "Spura- way," Keith Road, left last week for Chicago.\ v u In honor of Miss Helen Fry, whose marnage takes place ln the early part of February, Miss Hilda Whitehead entertained during the week-end at the home of Mr. and Nrs. Frank Er- ridge, Eagle Harbor. During the evening a presentation wss made to the bride-to-be, after whish dancing and games were enjoyed. The invited guests were hfiss Marjorie Forsythe, Miss Lillian Innis, Mr. and Mrs. B. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. B. Soules, Mr. and Mrs. A. Kelly, Mr. C. Chambers and Nr. Sidney Shcard. v Indications point to an early spring this year in West Van- couver. ~ Robins have already been seen and the vanguard of the blue birds has arrived. Miss Cunnmgham hss rented her home at 25th and Marine Drive and will take up residence at the Clachan. 4 ~ ~ Edward Wood of South Van- couver, has moved into a house at 1347 Clyde Avenue. v ~ ~ The many friends of George Faulkner, 1344 Gordon Avenue, will be glad to know that he is now able to get round on crutch- es following a serious accident in the late falL ~ v v Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Keith have moved from 1422 Clyde Avenue, into a house at 718 15th Street. J. Williams, King's Avenue, who has been seriously ill, is now on the way to recovery ~ \ ~ Rev. Father Fallon, O.M.I., brother of the late Bishop Fal- lon of London, Ontario, is con- ducting the annual mission at St. Anthony's Church. He had s distinguished career as 0 chap- lain in the Great War. Miss Herrin, who hss been the guest for the past few months of her brother-in-Iaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W. Herrin, 1387 Heywood Avenue, is leaving next Monday to return to her home in England. u ~ The West Vancouver Baptist Mission Circle meeting has been postponed until Tuesday, Febru- ary 14th, when Mrs. Ward of Jackson Avenue, will give an ad- dress. WEST VAN A. A. A. MILITARY WHIST DRIVE and DANCE tfemmill'I Drug Store in LEGION HALL FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3rd, 1933, at 8 pm. GOOD HGSIC -- GOOD PRIZES -- GOOD EATS ADMISSION 25c. Tbu Store ul Survive, 1402 Huriuu Drive West 22 Ibuurevuvy Pheuu Wast 221 (Alter 0 p.m.) Rich Muifins 1/4 cup fat 1/4 cup sugar 1 egg 3/4 cup milk 2 cups flour tik teaspoon salt I tablespoon baking powder Cream the shortening, add the sugar gradually, well-beaten egg, milk and the flour mixed and sifted with the baking pow- der and salt. Beat until ingredi- ents are thoroughly mixed, Bake in well-greased muffin tins a- bout 25 minutes. i.'ORRESI'ONDENCE v'ditor, Dear Sir:--In your issue of last week re "An Old Timer's Letter," our feelings with regard to the ferry strip tickets coin- cide with his or hers. I believe the ferry would make more money as no one coul~ass without the strip in the slot, which would be closely watched and we should aLso get one more ride for our money, which in these days would be much ap- preciated by alL Hoping this will meet with of- flcial approbation. Sincerely, M. BULKLEY. STRATtON'S BAKERY Bread - Tea Breads Butter Horns Coffee Rolls Large Se)ection of Psttriet Almond variety Teu Shout Bread ALL FRESH DAILY HOLLYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY hIsde at 1468 hfanne Dnve Phone West 27 Ambleside Sheet MetalPVorIEE LAUR)E SPECK, uuu4uluv 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET hiETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING PAULINE JOHNSOiV SCHOOL The following were the. lead- ing pupils in their respective Grades and Terms as a result of the examinations as at the close of the first session--September to January: Division I. Grade 8--1, Ksthleen Jagger; 2, Verschoyle Martin; 3, Tommy Robson. Dnnston II. Grade 7a--1, Brenda Wicking; 2, Sheila Edwards; 3, Donna Cave. Division HL Grade 7b--I, Paul Jagger; 2, Doris Bernard; 3, Betty Hobden. Grade 6a -- 1, Martha Von Zuben; 2, Lorraine Holden; 3, Dale Eriksen. Division IV. Grade 6b--1, Hugh Williams; 2, Bobbie Kendrick; 3, Allan Forster. Division V. Grade 5a--1, Jack ihiscDonald; 2, Jim Anderson; 8, Bill Gracey. Grade 5b--I, Delwyn Beatty; 2, John Jackson; 8, Hilda Narkle Division VI Grade 6b--1, Pearl McLen- nan; 2, Douglas Mitten; 3, Doug- las McCartney. Grade 4a--1, Paulene Greer; 2, Joan Luke; 3, hfaureen Martin Division VII. Grade 4a--1, Wifliam Rock; 2, Norma Ware; 8, Donald Mont- gomery. Grade 4b--1, Margaret Hil- born; 2, Erie Ajello; 3, Barbara Edwards. Division VIH. Grade 3a--1, David Howden; 2, Billy Reid; 3, Hugh Master man. Grade Sb--1, Ruth Parnum; 2, Isobel Edwards; 3, Maisie Nc- Lennan. Division IX. Grade 2a--1, Richard Moore; 2, Nancy Grieve; 3, John Sher- iif. Grade 2b--1, David )Vi)son; 2, Rosemary Forrest; 3, Urayne Gray. Division X. Grade Ia--1, Jim hicDonald; 2, Phyllis Collom; 3, Dorothy Ruth Gilchrist. Grade 1b-- I, Gordon Fletcher; 2, Isabel Whitehead; 3, Barbara Bolin. Room & Board SPORT NOTES 1Vest Van. United F. C. The following players ate re- quested to turn out for the game with B. C. Refinery at Ambleside Psyk at 2:301 Saturday, Febru- ary 4th (subject to ground con- ditions) Larney, B. Dovtutey, F. Dow- ney, H. Downey, Tibrell, Fiddes, Grieve, Bell, Vaughan, D'Essum, Stratton, Normand, Hamilton. All players are asked to be on time and all supporters are in- vited to turn out and give the local boys a boost. 1Vest Van. Rrangers On Saturday, West Vancouver Rangers meet Burnaby in the second round of the Provincial Cup at Willingdon Park. Kick oit at 2:30. The team will leave West Vancouver on the I o'lock boat. The team will be B. Tratford, Johncox, Forrester, ihfcMillan, Buch, Masterman, Lennox, Cripps, Cripps, hiasterman, Ed- wards, Wedley, Barnott. The above players are all re- quested to be on time and take the Hastings East Extension car to Willingdon Avenue. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, btgr. Diutiuvtiva Funeral Service Lady Assistant 220- 3rd St. E, Phone North 620 MRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue West 458L K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambletdde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and InsuranceNOTICE Is hereby given that, provided there are no arrears of Taxes owing, payment of the 1933 Taxes may be made in advance, in accordance with a "Pre-Payment of Taxes By-Law" now being passed by the CounciL Such payment will receive interest at The Rale of 5% per Annum as from the dnte of Pavment until June 30th, 1933. Patronixe the merchants in our Badness Directory St. Anthony's Church ANNUAL MISSION Payment should be made at the Municipal Hall. WhL HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. Cuuduvtud by AN OBI 4TE FATHER SUNiDAY, JAN. 29 -- SUNDAY, FEIL 5 Services HOLY BASSES--Suuduy Si43 uud 10:43 u.iu. Wvvh Duyu 0:00 uud 1:20 uw EVENING DEVOTIONS AND HISSlON SERlnoN yt43 P.a. duib CHI).DREvCS INSTRUCTION, 4as p.iu. dully TO blAKE THE bllSSION WELL l.--Bu lulthlul iu uttvudiua Ou uvvvtvue. 2.--Pray ivvvvutly uud vvvvlve the Savvuwvutu worthily. 2,--Bviue yuuv fvlvudv. AMBLFSIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH. Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh hieals, Smoked and Cooked hieats. P HONE WEST 303 LITERARY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING A set of sixty colored lantern slides was recently obtained on loan from Ottawa. These slides cover the Dominion from Cal- gary to the Maritime Provinces; stHiillybururubliC Sthuui and it is proposed Io consider their availability for general purposes. An exhibition of them will be given at a special meet- Juet ArriVed ing of the Literary Society onThursday evening, February 9th Y kh~ S at 8 o'lock, when discussion ofQ~~sh~~~ their suificiency is specially in- C vited. Local school teachers, and OAL local societies which are interest- ed in the use of these slides, are invited to attend snd ofFer critic- FUEg QQ isms or suggestions with a view 140 Luuvdalu the series. Phone North 29S (Day ur Night) Friends who have personal knowledge of sny of the prov- inces included in the series of views, or who have made a study of any period of Canadian history are specially invited to be present and to give their im- pressions. The retention of these slides will depend on the degree to which they can be util- IXL Laundry sERvlcEs: -- Thvilty, Flat- a 86,000 automobile." ironed uud swished laundry Greene: "And what car is he (de luxe) Phone West 200 using now?Redd: "A street car." CANADIAN LEGION WEST VANCOUVER Military Whist Drive and Dance In the Legion Memorial Hall, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28th, at 8 P.bi. Admission 25 sents *& 'd erwhr