0001 'hr PJ' rp PJr $ rl 9JV'L V r ~1wawpJ'JT LVIJ., rrjivev vr~vv Jrv p rrviwrJJ V r J.XVVV ~ T '\ VPJ'J: *r r\-r ~~r rrV«rr~ JVJ VrvvJ'rrrv rr ~rrwmr~. r, rrrv~'rrr rrrrrrvrrvrvrvrrr rw'rrvJWrrrvrrrrv vt'rrrr\ Jvr. vvvr v r'ir rvrrr ~rvrrvtvrrr.vvrr r United Church SPECIAL Aer 3 of (8 the IeaJtwled fev si&s Minister, Rev. Hiflis Wright West Vancouver United con- gregation held their annual busi- ness meeting on Wednesday, January 26th,in the church haU at 8 p.m. Satisfactory reports were heard from SU the organizations of the church. A total of $6,057 was raised for afl purposes dur- ing the year. Of this amount $794 was sent to Toronto for missions; $243 being raised by the )Vomen's Missionary Society All organizations connected with the congregation reported 8 credit balance on the right side. Four members were added to the board of Stewards--James Duncan, Harry Thompson, Wil- liam Turnbufl and K. G. Watson. There are to serve for s term of three years. Resolutions of thanks snd ap- preciation were passed to afl the oificers and workers in the church. Special mention was made of the splendid work of the choir and of their leader, Mr. J. Addy, for their eiforts during the past year. A note of optimism prevailed at the meeting and afl organiza- tions begin the work of the new year with new courage and high hope, determined to make it the best in the history of the con- gregation. Shvwvvo MIITJJ w JJv KJJJK nvvhiovv I-' GF/ocyJJolyu Beauty Shoppc IS(0 Mxrlae Drive For Appoiatmvai Phoae West 117 LEGION TROOP SCOUT NOTES On Sunday, twenty-one boys attended the evening service of the United Church. This is a record so far but next time we hope it will be beaten by a good number. The inter-patrol competition is running along smoothly, points being given for attend- ance, inspection, scout tests and gsRies. The troop has now thirty-one members but boys between twelve and eighteen years may still join. Sandy: "Polished woman, Mrs. Brown, don't you think Fw Matty: "Very. Everything she says casts s reflection on someone." HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 18th n hhuiae EEPERT sERvIcE K MARSH, Proprietor. VERNON FEED STORE A. C, SEARLE Phoae West 8 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Rxtxhlixhvd on North Shove 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. Sc VV ILL IAM SON funeral Sirertiirs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 TEB West Van Nems Puhiixhvd Every Thxvvdxr PSDBhhvr F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bexletwv xed Bdiievixi Ogicel 17th xsg Marine Drive (Neat ie HSByhsm P. O.) Phone West 363 Mxii Addrmel P.O. Boz di, RoUTSSTJL ILC. North Vancouver Oiflcei 123 Lonsdale Ave. Si.do s year hy exrrierl 82.00 a Tear hy ~O. CLASS LEADERS AT DUNDARAVE 4s--I, Alma Skerton; 2, Ray- mond Lycett. 4b--I, Yoshiko Hoshino; I, John Coney. Ss--I, Teddy Climie; 2, Bert Jordan. 3b--I, Douglas Brew)a; 2, Betty Brewis. 2a--I Marion Dundas. 2b--I, Patsy Taylor; 2, Peter Ajeflo. ls--I, Doreen Galvard. Ib--1, John Williams; 2, Con- stance Oswald. Next. Sabbath the minister will occupy the pulpit at the morning service snd will have as his sub- ject, "Drifting." In the evening at a quarter past seven o'lock there will be a special Mother & Daughter and Father 4. Son service. The speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. Hugh Dobson, B.A., D.D., of University Heights. Mr. Dobson is one of the foremost speakers of the dsy. He will have as his subject, "Youth at the Dawn." A cordial invitation is extend- ed to afl young people and their parents to this service. On Tuesday night the West Vancouver Men's Club was ad- dressed by the Rev. Minto Swan, Rector of St. Mark's Church, Kitsilano, who explained in a concise clear way the Oxford Movement to a large snd deeply interested gathering. )iir. Clark and )iir. Holt sang in 8 pleasing, finished way, both receiving a great ovation and recsfl. Mr. Wm. Blair presided and introduced the speaker, after which the ladies served refresh- ments. The Freewill OfFering Tea at the Manse last week was s huge success, and 8 large number of ladies gathered to enjoy an ex- ceflent program of music. Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. Howard Leggatl and Mrs. F. C. Stainsby and pianoforte selec- tions by Mrs. Van Sickle, s cheery interval being filled in with community singing led by Miss Frame. Mrs Hillis Wright was assisted in receiving by Mrs. O'Donnefl, president of the W. A. Pouring tea were Mrs. Alan Mcintyre and Mrs. A. J. Addy, and serving were Mrs. Gordon Robson, Mrs. W. Blair, Mrs. Clarke, Mrs. Denton, Mrs. F. J. Patterson and Mrs. E. Lane. THE WEST VAN NEWS St. Stephen's ChurchWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIP'ICE 20th xnd B eelmhn Honrhsvll This Sockir ix ~ Branch or The Moihvr Church The First Chulvh oi Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mxxxxchuveiis Sunday Svrvicve II:80 x.m. xnd 7:80 p.m. Sunday, February 6, 1933, Subject: "SPIRIT" Sunday School at ie:00 ~.m. Testimony Meeting Wvdevvdxr ~i 8:IS p.aL Pre$byter)an Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. Martyn. Services: 2:00 p.m.--AU branches of the Sabbath School. 3:16 p.m. -- Regular Church Service. "Triumphant Evangel- ism," sermon subject by the minister. AU are welcome to the ser- vices. Thought for the week:--"Dr. Marcus Dods once said: "I do not envy those who have to fight the battles of Christianity in the twentieth century?" Snd then added, "Yes, perhaps I do, but it will be a stUF fight." It will, but we must go forward: IVe must go forward on a spirit- ual oifensive, using the resources God has given us for His war- fare. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humpbreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave Sunday, February 5th 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class, 11 s.m.--Morning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "A Personal Penticost." Anthem. The Ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed and the reception of new members at the close of the morning service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Special preacher, Mr. Birch of Vancouver. Mr. James McGechuen will sing. Commencing a series of four special Sunday evening services for February. A hearty invitation to afl. Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. AU young people over 16 are welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Bible study. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Teen age girls welcome. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in afl Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "SPIRIT." One of the Bible texts will be Galatians 6: 17: "For the flesh )usteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would." The LessonNermon will also include the following passage from page 223 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip. tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Sooner or later we shall learn that the fetters of man's flnite capacity are forged by the Ulus- ion that he Uves in body instead of In soul, in matter instead of in Spirit." HOLLYBURN HALL Cor. 14th 4I Duchess SUNDAY, Feb 5th at 7I30 p.m. An address by Mr. JRL Gibson of Hardisty, Alta. SUBJECT--"The Links of the Chain, or How the General Got the Bless. ing." Everybody welcome. Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. February 6th -- 5th Sunday after Epiphany. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 and ll:16 a,m. -- Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--Holy Communion snd sermon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. 8 p.m --St Francis Caulfefld --Fvensong. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. -- Inter- cession service. 8:00 p.m.--Bible class. The A.Y.P.A. will entertain the adults of ihe congregation at s social on Monday, February 13tli. Mr. B. Drew of the Columbia Coast ihiission, will address the meeting of the St. Francis'adies Guild at their meeting on Monday, February 6th, at 2:30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Adair. A large gathering of men heard Prof. W. A. Carrothers give a very interesting diagnosis of present economic problems and elucidate possible ways out. The speaker drew upon the pyramiding of problems which the depression itself was crest- debtedness which fafllng prices ing and the burden of bonded in- and wages made redemption im- possible, A coordinat)on of the monetary system, taxation and trade was essential, and the speaker pleaded for people to think, not only of the way out of the present morass but to plan for the future on a high level of culture and coordinated activity. Baking-Powder Ihscuits 2 cups mixed flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 'I/I teaspoon salt I to 2 tablespoons fat About 8/i cup milk. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Rub in fat with tips of fingers, or chop in with a knife. Add milk gradually to make s soft dough. Use 8 knife in mixing. Toss on a wefl-iloured board. Pat snd roll out to 1-inch thickness. Cut with 8 biscuit cutter dipped in flour. Place close together on a greased pan. Bake in a hot oven 10 to 15 minutes. One cup flour with 1 cup rye flour or whole wheat, or 1I/2 cups flour with Ip(z cup cornmeal, or I cup flour with 1 cup mashed potatoes may be used in p!Sce of the 2 cups of flour. One cup rye and 1,cup buckwheat flour and two extra teaspoons of bak- irig powder may be used in place of the white flour, and a little more mdk wifl be required. "I wish I knew how to make a barrel of money," sighed the Little Man. "That s easy, replied the Big Man. "Spend a half a barrel of money in advertising and you'l soon have s barrel of money." Februanl 2, )933 DI.Mnrjory McCtrbb)II DENTIST Hosvei 8 am. Io 0 p.m. Sxtsvdhzvi ie s. m. Io I p. le. I Evenings xxd Saturday A(mr aeons hr hppvintmeai only. Royal Bank Building I hose Wvvi iid Revidvnve I'hose Wvvi Zpa DR. G. D. H. SHALE, DENTIST Hay Block, lith ead Marine Dr. Oglev Hours 8 Io 0 p. m Evveixgv hy eppoietmeeL Phone Wvvi 72 I nironlxe ihe merchants In our Businmm Directory. Helpful Like A motorist's car was stalled on a country road. The driver looked over his csr and ssw that it was lubrication trouble. He asked an old lady In a nearby farm house If she hsd any ofl in the house. "Any kind of oil wfll do," he said, "even castor oil if you have it." "Well, I have no castor oi), sir," xsid the old lady regretful- ly, "but I can mix you up s dose yof salts." Meat en Casserole Cut 2 pounds of meat into suitable pieces for serving. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, dredge with flour. Brown meat In a little fat in a frying psn. Put browned pieces of meat in casserole dish; add I carrot cut Into cubes, I cupful stewed and strained tomatoes, Cover closely snd cook 15 minutes. Add i,z cupful peeled onions snd I cup- ful potato balls, and continue cooking until meat and veget- ables are tender. The casserole should be closely covered that the steam msy be retained. Serve with boiled rice. lj The editor of a paper received a long poem from s gentleman '4 l last week, and wrote to the lank- haired specimen 8 mild remonst- rance. "You must reafl send short verses," was the w nd up of the editor's exordium. The reply was: "I enclose you 8 little thing, it is short and to the point:" 'The Ballad oi'he Trades- man. Shop Assistant: "It's hopeless madam. You want a pair of shoes large on the inside snd smsfl on the out--and we don' stock them!" Lieutenant (roaring at steward): "Who told you io pei those Bowers on ihe iahiei" Steward: "The commander, viv." Lieutenant: "Pretty, area't they i" --TUXXTXK EONSDAL NOW "THE OLD DARK HOUSE" A VJJz Good Luna Jv Splnixr ~ulixhlv I u J Iivvill IzinJIJen NEWS "IIFIUIFS GF 'I'IIE WEIIP THUR ....., .....OUKST NIGHT FRI. COUNTRY STORK -- SATY. 2 to 5 P.M.-- MATINEE CJKIJJZ I(ox.TTJJ -'ivvi Nest "Money Means Nothing" A nrlllvh I'wdvvuov Thur..FJL-liat. Vvvl B IINRI.ER Ah(i 'I'ilxlLSET "Ho1d 'em Jail" ~ (pl 1