0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS CORRESPOINDENCE Editor, West Van News. Dear SIr: Ferry Fares I understand the ferry mates sre refusing to take a punch from tho regular passenger tic- ket cards, when asked to do so for a friend of the holders. IVhy should this be ao, and on whose authority? The practice has gone on for years. In these oppressing times, when a man is out of a job, it is not always convenient for him to launch out a dollar for 8 blue ticket, and far less is he able to pay 30 cents for sn ordinary re- turn ticket. In fact it takes him afi his time in many instances to raise the 10 cents each way. Right now, it would certainly meet a very much felt want if the municipality were to intro- duce the strip ticket to residents --say 12 for a dollar or 24 for two dollars. North Vancouver Ferry Co. issue strip, why not West Vancouver? Thanking you, and expecting some quick action to be taken 8- long these lines. AN OLD TIMER. Welt 37 G. GEMMILL. Agan SPORT NOTES -West Vnn. United F, C. The following plnyers are E asked to report at Amblesidc Park on Saturday, January 26th, at 2:20 p.m. for the game with '. Hastings Athletics: Imrncy, Bert Downie, Frank Downic, Howard Downie, Tim- brell, Fiddes, Grieve, h(cLean, lf4 Bell, Vaughan, D'Easum, Nor- mand, Hamilton, Stratton, Grise dale, Kendrick, James. The above players sre all ask- ed to be on time, and all support- 1, 14th and Marine West 37 M.C. All for the small sum of two bits, and remember cards start at 8 p.m. sharp, and if you don't know how to play whist, we will even teach you how to do that and whet more could you want? So folks put down Fri- day, February 3rd, in your diary for the IVhist Drive and Dance at the Legion hall held in the in- terest of sport for IVest Vancou- ver. PROPOSAI. TO CURTAIL SCHOOL WORK Ald. W. I. Wilson's motion "that this council recommend to the School Board au8penaion ofera arc invited to turn out and give the boys 8 boost. Old AMan Winter sure played a~ dirty trick on the footballers last Saturday with his nice clean &) snow. However, it wns rather 0 ?EI good thing. The boys have had "&S some atiff games of late, a holi- J,'"- day will do them good, and now that they nre in the second half of the season what with cup ties and the Con Jones Shield play- oifs the boys will be on their toc8 every game. Looking over the league standing we find that the United are in third place with only one point behind the second place team and only two points behind the top of the league team which ia something to Yvvite home about. With 8 little luck they should be on top '." at the end of the season. The Rangers are seven (7) points d r," 'f; beliind the leaders and held that team to a one - nothing score at Powell Street two weeks ago. This is the first year that these ! P boys have played together and, .". when one considers that they are playing teams who are old tim I ere at the game, much older than themselves you got to hand it to the boys, having only lost four (4) games this season. So O',I."(P best of luck, boys, we will bring'@:,'he old cup home yet and have 0 monster football dance to cele-'rate the occasion. Speaking of dancing we nll had a wonderful time at the 6 IVhist Drive nnd Dance last Fri- II dsy evening. If you want to have 8 real evening's fun, keepII,'riday, February Rrd, open. This one, I understand, will be ~ -' .'„'ilitary Whist,. then refresh- ""=. ments and dancing. And I want to say right now, I don't care if 13 'you are eight or eighty years3g 4 4LPold you won' be able to keep offthat floor when Roy and George S '"" start the old piano and traps go- ing. Personally I have danced to five piece orcheetraa and did not get aa much kick out of them as I do from Roy and I:Ij 4 George. Your requests are al- ways in order, they will play ", them for you and I do think that i if you asked them to sing them for you they would try. Person- ,', ally I can't imagine George lull- Y ing me to sleep with singing but II when Roy starts in high some- thing the roof ia the limit, eo el come on dov n folks and have a wonderful time. As to prizes,'t ask those who have won at &IIQIIItwvtoks whist drives. You willB l Q '&, enjoy every minute. If you don'55" ~ believe medtsk Tom Smith, the domestic science and manual training classes for at least two years," was defeated nt the statutory meeting of North Van- couver City Council Thursday afternoon. "I am not at all opposed to cessation of these classes," de- clnred Mayor G. H. Morden, "but I think this motion might be misunderstood by the School Board which is an elected body the same as the councik" His worship considered that the proper place to voice such 8 suggestion was at the forthcom- ing joint meeting of the council, School Board and Police Com- mission. Aldermen Wilson, Harbottle and Cartwright voted for the motion snd Aldermen Hunter, Page and Gardiner against. With the vote three-three, Mayor Morden voted in the nega- tive end the issue, will be among those considered at the joint, meet;ing. Cream Potato Soup 4 medium-sized potatoes '/1 medium-sized onion 2 tablespoons fat 1 quart of milk 2 tablespoons fluor I teaspoon salt '/0 teaspoon pepper Pare potatoes very thin and cook in enough water to cover, until soft. Drain off water and save. hfash potatoes until free from lumps. Heat all but one cup of the milk in double boiler with potato water (about I cup) Melt fat, add onion, cut in thin slices, with flour. When this bubbles all over, add the cup of milk which has been reserved and cook until slightly thickened stirring constantly. Add mashed potatoes nnd stir into heated milk and potato water. Season and serve hot. If not free from lumps, the soup should be strained before serving. Two tablespoons of finely chopped parsley, added just before serving adds greatly to the attractiveness of the soup. Nail: "I left my last place be- cause I was told to do something I didn't like." Prospective Mistress: "Real- ly? 1Vhat was that'I" "Look for another job.o Customer: VIVhat's wrong with these eggs?o IVaitrcss: "Don't ask me. I only laid the table." CORRESPOVDEVCE I The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--Please let me cor- rect a mis-quotation in your cor- respondence column of last week regarding the School Nurse. Dr. Young, Medical Health Officer, did not order 0 nurse to be ap- pointed. Dr. Young is Provincial Minister of Health, but has no power to order the appointment of a school nurse. The appoint- ment was made through Dr. Young, after which he made the remark about malnutrition. Your correspondent is to be commended on the excellent sug- gestion that cases of malnutri- tion shouM be taken care of in the same category as dental de- fects by the. School Board, and he (or she) can congratulate himself that his suggestion has been acted upon. It has in fact been in eii'ect since the School Nurse assumed health supervi- sion. It is gladly admitted, as "Tax- payer" says that few mothers send their children to school in anything but a clean and heal- .thy state, but there nre excep- tions. There is also the ever- present possibility of well cared for children contracting com- municable trouble, and it should be a source of comfort to the parents to know that their chil- dren are protected from contact udth disease from whatever csuae and from sources they can not control even if they are 8- ware of them. I would refer "Taxpayer" to either the Nurse herself or to the Health Chairman of the School Board where I got my in- formation. He will be surprised at the number of exclusions of contagious cases and probably learn many things of interest that are not generally known, simply because until recently they were either unreported or "suffered out." He will at least appreciate that he has burst into print prematurely. ANOTEER TAXPAYER There Is Eomvlbiog new. 11 wav named by a woman wbo refused a cbivkoa the other doy, bovsooo as sbo told the dealer, sbo didn't want any sopoplooo oblokoa.v "An Aeroplane chicken," said the doslop. EIVbsl do you mean," EWby, look at Il.r said lbo wolooe. Ell'E OII wings aod maobloory sod eo moo l," IR WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH St)CIETY BURNS'IGHT Military Whist aihd Dance at thc CI.ACHAN, DUNIIAIIAVE, FRIDAY, 27th JANUARY, 1934, at 6:lfl I'.SI. Admission 26 cents Not IVhst Teacher hiennt Teacher: "Now, Dolly, if you take three from ten, how many remain?" No answer. Teacher: RVell, suppose I take away three of your finger, what would you have then'!" Dolly (joyfully): "No more muslC leSSOna!o fr+'anuarv 26, 19SS. THE NEW DE FOREST CROSSLEY RADIO I T El Pd PE N,,ET More BeautiFul Cabincll R EAL RADIO VALUE J. W. KELLY PIANO CO., LTD. CLASSIFIED ADS NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Moriao Drive Phoae lvosl 21 or Soymoov 1260 Evoaisgo West 204K BRADqUARTERS for AR the Pop- ular ClgEY*los, Tobaccos, aad Pish- Ing Gadgets for IocaI waters. Amblooide Toa Rooms. FOR SALE al Carloy's, 2152 Mspiao --Beds dressers, heaters, Psagos, booko, (Post of other household goads oiso paints, oils. glass, elo. Forni- luro repaired sod pollobod 51ARCELLE SHOP blspvono, 50 cents; reset, 86E; 0agov wave, 76O. Phone Mrs. King, Wast 804. 'WEST VANCOUVER Iu A CHIN E SHOP -- Ropairs Spray Pumps, Household articles. 1449 Marine. FOR RENT -- Comfortable faralobod «ollsgo. nice location, 610.00. Phone West 255K. SLIP COVERS. CbmIlerSOM Ead Two Chairs, 616.00. N. R. ERIE, 1427 Msrioo. Phoae Wosl 184R. FOR PLU51BING REPAIRS -- Roo- Idoaoo Pbooo lvool 2411k Carrot Loaf If/2 cups ground raw carrots 1 cup boiled rice I cup ground peanuts 1 egg Salt Pepper 2 tablespoons red or green peppers 3 tablespoons minced bacon or other fat I tablespoon onion juice % teaspoon mustard hiix ingredients in order given and bake the loaf in a moderate oven I hour. Serve with tomato sauce if desired. GORDON ROBSOV Barrister B SoBEnov IVEST VANCOUVER- Ogwe 'lo 1447. Bartas Dnve Phoae Wost 408 VANCOUVER OFPICE- Sallo 818 I 510 Hsoliogs St. W. Phone. Soymom 4199. TEAROE & SON Phone Q4 West Sand Gravel Builders'upplies W'ood, Coal Dump Truck Work Trav lo Form "YOE. said the specialist, as be stood sl the bedside of lbs sick psrobssieg agent, "I asI Oops I can care yoe. "What will Il cool 7" asked lbo siril maa faintly. "Niasly-ons doBara" EYos11 bavo lo Ebodo yoor price a little," replied the pooobaoiag ogoab Ef bove a better price fmm the so- deplskor." t)CLLdjL ~CL75C~ 7 'Sob' R you will quickly save thai amount by using the street car for your trips downtown instead of in- dividual means of transportation. The street car fare of 6)J4 cents gives pou tbe cheapcsf rare of travel obtainable. Riding lhe street cars means nol only economy lo you bul also better transpor- cation service. You are taken swifdy and safely thmugh congealed trsfilc right lo your desdnalion. Driving womes, parking trouble, all are Forgotten and your day is made the bellel for il. K- SCfila'Rifts ~RY Py klt3g. %L S?IIu'AR B.C. ELECTRIC RAILWAY COA(PA94Y 11 ~ 1 ivlf-1 4 1 rr rvt M 18 IIIS 1 1 rrrl 1 1 1 rrrralII Tbo rate for Closoldmt Advovtbmmsats kI 2 Eoslo pov word. mlalmsm 25 Eoata EEEopl Ia the oooo of lbooo bovlsg vogslor svveosls, SR riasoi- gods spo psysblo strivtiy Ia odvoavo. Romombov ciomigods Ia um west vsa Novo gol Immvvnoto voostta J TO RENT -- L'sfovolobod ~Xtvsvuvv LOST ON CI.YDE STREEI' Two EIE.poomod modern boogalow. Two purses. Pisder please polora lo 1447 nropiaooo, fovaoov, klloboa range, Clyde. Rovpapd, earaao, bIwo. near beach. 52E I'bono West 481L2. SAWS SHARPENED Sksloo GvoosdElba, 1427 Marine, PboM 4-DAYS'ALE--At the Baody Aoo West 184R. Sboppo, February 1ot lo February 4th--Porplo Heather, lie M; ElaEEO GEY MY pREE EsTIMATSS os 14O oo; 7 bans 90E., otc. Soo win- Poialiag. Papering aad dowa lag C L Konlags Roo PhoneW~ 8941L LOST--MEDoaasfl Plaid Silk Hand- kEPEbief, keePsake. Please Phono FURNISHED AND UNFURN1SHED IVosl 278 L. HoMos lo RESL Hoosos, loni, OYldsvpvsgo for sale. Jobs Lawsoa, WEST BAY LIBRARY, "The Gobivo" 17th and Moriao, Phone Wool 56. 00 coalo por moolb, also Elaliooery, knitting wools, aolioao. City pplooo. n'EBB'S SNOB REPAIRS WEARBEST Dosdapavo BANDY A.iN SBOI'VE, Domlspsvo --For Woolo, Koilllag Needles, Booko, Crochet Hooks, Bslloso, D. ~ M.c. miskoi a sovko, 8~kiss ' EO HAYolc. Ah' J-h r «rr'v rr ' A- .a rr.I : ~ I hh 'P„ ~ 'h I-"I h~h h hhhI h hAlh hr vvh rr h h ho