0001 THE WEST VAN NE)VS Jsnuarv 26, 19'.13 r vr, ~p w rr v' * vrwr I I Vrvr ~ '"c * I II I r I IPHvrir:Iwvi r'Vi rrr 'rr, w Iim ~~"rr r ~r r I'. 'I . ~ ~ Vai Wr'«ir CI~p'r I're'- 'O' \ 'Vr rr «I'c~'vrv« Vr'vr VISCN I ~Vrrt'r VVvrvrrr rrv 'vrvIrrr«rrvrvivr rvvvrv+«~re «- rrv vvrv vr'VI'vv vrr «C . rr Krvr -vvvrvvvr prrvvvv vwvvrv C «r c~. rvvcvrrt «v«rc rvr United Church WEST VANCOUVER St. Stephen's Church SPECIAL ~a Any 3 of me fosowlws 01&5 I Sbwmww Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. January 29th -- 4th Sunday after Epiphany, 8'00 am --Holy Communion 10 a 11:16 a.m. -- Sunday School. 11:16 a.m.--histins and ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. Thursday --W eekly Interces- sion service, 7:30 p.m. Prof. W. A. Carrothers of the University of British Columbia, will be the speaker st the Men' Social Evening on Tuesday next. Dr. Carrothers wss much ap- preciated when he visited us last year and his talk will be awaited with interest. A cordial invita- tion is extended to all men to attend this gathering. The A.Y.P.A. sre making ar- rangements to entertain the adults of the congregation on Monday, February 13th, with a Social similar to the one held at the Harvest Festival. Mr. W. W. Rose of the Tech- nocratic Research Bureau, gave a very interesting talk on "Technocracy" and the work of the Bureau to the St. Stephen's Men's meeting on Tuesday night. The speaker dealt with various objections raised by dif- ferent people, then described some of the postulates of Tech- nology, and their methods of gathering facts together with the proposals for the dissemina- tion of the knowledge so gained. An interesting discussion fol- lowed. The W. A. propose to hold a Book Tea in the afternoon of Valentine's Day. Any character from the works of Charles Dick- ens can be represented. There will be a short program also from Dickens. Silver collection. ST. STEPHEN'S A.Y.P.A. IN A51USING COMEDY St. Stephen'0 A.Y.P.A. are giving "The Tightwad," next Thursday and Fnday, February 2nd and 3rd, st 8:30 p.m.in the Orange Hall. This is a modern comedy in three acts, and con- tains many amusing situations. The members of the caste have been practising steadily for some time, and an enjoyable evening is promised to all who attend. Admission, 25 cents. The following is the caste: The Cream Cow Two little girls were engaged in discussion ss to the merits of their respective homes. "Well anyway" said one little maiden in a triumphant tone, wyou may have more bedrooms than we have, but we have more cream than you do. We have enough for our porridge every single morning." "Pooh!" said the other. "that' nothing. We own a Jersey cow, and we get a whole cowful of cream twice every day." Christian Science Society Flmw w m Gff)eyffj'olyn Bcauly ShoPPc 1660 Mariaw Drive For Appointment Phoae West 112 Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. Martyn. Services: 2:00 p.m.--All branches of the Sabbath SchooL 3:15 p,m. -- Regular Church Service. Sermon by the minis- ter. All are welcome to the ser- vfces. Cocoanut Cream Pie III(I cups scalded milk If8 cup sugar Irk teaspoon salt 8 tablespoons corn starch Yolks 3 eggs I tablespoon butter If(I cup shredded cocoanut III teaspoon vanilla Add the sugar, cornstarch and salt to the egg yolks. Pour the scalded milk into this, return to double boiler, stir and cook until thickened. Add the butter, co- coanut and vanilla. Pour into a pie tin lined with pastry. Bake. Cover with meringue. Mrs. Greene (at her first Rugby football match): "Oh, isn't it awful? Why. they will kill that poor boy underneath." Daughter: "Don't be silly, mother? He doesn't mind it; he's unconscious by this time." HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 16th dk Marina EXPERT SERT(CE E. MARSH, Proprietor. Thought for the weehk: "We all pass through winter as well as summer. The winter of sick- ness, or the winter of trouble, or of temptation. But it is all meant to prepare far a summer- time later on. Let us trust God always." Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave Sunday, January 29th, 10 S.m.--Sulbsay School and J4dult frjpss. ds?I &I Pn.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "The Church as She Should Be." Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic, "Yearning for Souls." A cordial invitation to alL VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLB Phoae West 0 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies The Men's Club of the West Vancouver United Church will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday, 31st in- stant, when an address will be given by Rev. W, J. Minto Swan of St. Ibiark's Church, Kitsilano, who will take as his subject, "The Oxford Group Movement." The meeting will be open to ladies, and there will be refresh- ments. Monday, 7:46 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. All young people over 16 are cordially welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Bible Study Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. F'riday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Eefablbdwd on Norfh Share 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & bVILLIAM SON funeral Qirertjjrs North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY On Monday, January 30th, st 8 p.m. in the United Church Hall Mr. Lightbody of the B. C. Elec- tric Company'0 Publicity De- partment, will give a moving picture lecture featuring the company's activities in British Columbia. The public is cordially invited to attend this lecture. CHRISTIAN SCIEiNCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sennon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "LOVE." One of the Bible texts will be Romans 13: 10: "Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law." The LessonNermon will also include the following passage from page 671 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "At all times and under all cir- cumstances, overcome evil with goad. Know thyself, snd God will supply the wisdom and the occasion for a victory over eviL" "Mary's spent s fortune on her face." "Yes, she hopes to get a goad return on the investment." Cheese Fondu I cup stale bread crumbs I cup or I!6 lb. cheese(cut flne) I cup milk 2 eggs 1 tablespoon butter )4 teaspoon salt Vs teaspoon mustard '/a teaspoon paprika iafix bread, milk and cheese in a double boiler. When cheese is melted, add eggs beaten until well mixed, and seasonings. Cook until thick and perfectly smooth. The same mixture may be pre- pared by placing bread and cheese in layers, in buttered pudding dish, and pouring over it milk, mixed with egg season- ing, then baking till firm, in moderate oven testing with knife, as for all custard mix- tures. Macaroni, rice, or other cooked cereal msy be substituted for bread crumbs. More or less cheese may be used. One egg wia often be sufficient or three may be preferred, Whites and yolks msy be separated and whites stiffly beaten, folded in last. Then bake ln buttered pudding dish. THE HOLLYBURN HALL Cor. 14th a DuchessWest Vars Nems PsbBbhed Every Tbsrfdsy Pebnsbwf F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Special Evangelistic Services by MR. JAMES GIBSON of Hardisty, Alta. Bmdsees ssd Editorial Olficef 12th slwl Msfise Drive (Next to HoBybars P.O.) Phone West 363 SUNDAY, Jan. 29th Msii Addrwesf P.O. Bez Sl, Honybers, EC, at 7:30 p.m. Also each evening during the week at 8 p.m., except Saturday. Everybody welcome. North Vancouver O(fice: 123 Lonsdsie Ave. 01.00 s yokf hy carrier: 02.00 ~ year by amiL She: "Did you see any sharks when you were crossing the At lan tie?" He: "Yes, I played cards with a couple of them(" Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright On Friday afternoon, January 27th, the 1Voman's Association CHURCH EDIFICE of West Vancouver United Church will hold an Afternoon 20th sad lhmwlmwli Honybwrn Tea and ikiusical at the Manse, Tbis Soclrty ls a Branch of 2603 Heywood Avenue, at the Thb Makber Church hour of 2:30. The First Church of Christ, Scientist. In Boston, Mrs. Howard Leggal t and hlaksachuketts Mnk Rert Stockdale will sing. Sunday Services 11:20 a,m. aad Miss Hattie Young will Elva 2:So P.m.'eadings,and Mrs. Van Sickle will preside at the piano. Sunday, January 29, 1933. A Farewell Offering wqll be Subject: taken for the Association's fund. "I.OVE" On Sabbath next the minister will have as his subject at the .sunday Scbool at 10:oo ~.m. morning service, "Human Pro- Testimony bleetlng Wednesday Etwas in the Future -- How? ~t 0:16 p.fs. Where&" In the evening he will speak to the question of Citizenship PreSbyterian MiSSiOn and what it implies. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to the Reeve and Council of West Vancouver. Also to the Regent and members of the Empire. And to the Boy Scout Groups, also to the Girl Guides to be present. This is an annual event in )Vest Vancouver. It was initiat- ed by the late Rev. A. M. O'Don- nell, B.A., B.D., some nine years ago during his pastorate in )Vest Vancouver United Church. It is a custom that could be followed with profit by all Civic ofi'icials throughout the Province and indeed throughout our fair Canada. It is a public acknow- ledgment of responsibility and s recognition of God on the part of those who serve their com- these several organizations. BIIPtiSt ChurCh A cordial invitation is also ex- tended to the public to be pres- ent. The Women's Association is completing its plans for the Free-will Offering Tea to bw- given at the manse.waf Fri afternoon (tolnorrow) at 2:30. A splendid musical program has been arranged and an afternoon worth while is looked forward to. DfiMBrjory McCubbifk DENTIST Hours ss m tosp fs. Saturdays: 10 s.m. ta 1 p.m. Evesiaaw ssd Saturday Atter. soofm by appointment only. Royal Bank BuRding I'hase West J(S Residence I'hwaw West SSE Dk. G. D. ll. SKALJ'ENTIST Hay Block, ltth sad Marlfm Dr. Oinm Roam 0 m 0 p.m. Evenings by appofstmeaL Phoim West 22 I,E(*'ION %. A. The regular monthly meeting of the W. A. to the Canadian Legion will be held on hionday, 30th instant, in the Legion I&Iemorial Hall at 2:16. All members are requested to attend as Unportsnt business will be discussed. A meeting of the social council will be held on Fri- day afternoon at 2 o'lock in the Canadian Legion rooms, 866 Seymour Street. All member are cordially lnvjted, also an in vitation has been received from Branch 44 to a whist drive and dance in the same hall on Thurs- day evening, 26th instant, at 8 o'lock. Everybody welcome. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent at Mrs. Smith's home last Thursday. The a(fair was s great success, the first bridge prize being won by Mrs. Butt, and theConsolation prize by Mrs Consolation pnze going to Mrs. Rankin. Mrs. Sherman won first for the whist. During tea, Mrs. Lovegrove sang several numbers accompanied by Mrs. She(field and Master Frank Smith gave 0 pianoforte solo and also duet accompanied by his sister, Val- erie, which were very much en- joyed by all. Ever since the dawn of recorded thought, wise men and great thinkers have tried to solve the puzzle of life. Whence 1 Why? Whither? And sB sorts of answers have been given. The great Greek dramatist Soph- ocles said: "The best of life is aoi Io be born." The poet Dante said: "Liv- ing is a race to death." One philos- opher called life vs fallen tear which the earth drinks up." aad another said: "To fight, sad ever to recom- mence the fight m iffm Life has been called a comedy aad a tragedy, a song and ~ dirge, a pro- gfem and a decay. It has been lik- ened ta a stormy aad uncharted sea, to action and to running water. It has been dubbed an illusion, s cheat and 0 fraud. The old Roman plsyright Plaufws caught one glimpse of the truth when he said: "To live well, live today"; and Balmc wes not far out when he said: "Life is what one's sentiments make iu«--Landon Ti I-Bits. He: "Does your mother object/ to kissing?" She: "Now just because I al- low you to kiss me you needn'1 think you can kiss the whole family." Tnzivsz- EONSDAL Tbemrrrl.-sm. Tbl~ Week WARNER BAXTER In l "MAN ABOUT TOWN" News- "Nrrwes of UIr Wrrr' (Nmwlr ! THUR. Uurrt NIsbi, Imb nwf w smII urkrf rwd bring frlvwd F11NR.-- FRI. Cruzfty SIOIe. ~BOYS and CIRLSW ANOTHER SIO TREAT for yos al Ikv Mkuam SAT. I'Imiwy lfom. Tw I.. )Vrd. Nrif JACK HOLT--RALPH ORAVES Ib 'WAR CORRFSPONDEN'I" V Iu know Ibis wal be Smd i DINNERWARE TOES. aNbf VOU eas tmrf NOW g r t II)I