West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Jan 1933, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS January 19, 1933. I '~t er rcc is c e'mlw tce ~ p~ rr ie *4 I ece 'Cre re..~r crt* e.c I rrerr.rt"'tr c ccrc 're'errerrerro'cc rcc.c Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Y SALETWO DA Friday and Sat. CHOCOLATB lbs.RS--Walnut, Fiibeti, Aimesd, Haxel Nui. 2 bars 5c PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP 4 bars 15c Sets tbe Wrappers for Premiuma ORANGES--Medium ....... dots 25e GRAPE FRUIT, Isrge„each sc DRY BEI.T POTATOES 25 Ib suck 27c TURNIPS .......... „. 7 lbs. Iec ONIONS, Oksssgsu Gesd cuskcts............A INC IOe SUGAR ............... 5 lbs. 23c Red A %hite BREAD FLOUR-- 24 Rs ascii .................... 83C 7 Ib sack ......... „....„Rse Red a White TEA Orsage Pekoe ..... pet Es $3c TohfATOES, Gecd quality Ne. 2 siss iiu.................... 9C PEACHES, Lynn Valley DeBciues tips halves, pet iiu ihc CORN, Golden Buaium Blue A %bne.......... per iia 12C QUICK OATS.. 14 ex. packet sc HONEY GRAHAia BISCUITS Rcd Arrow. I lb. ceiiepbsue pscksge .................. 19c Jan. 20th and 21st PANCAKE SYRUP. Ksy Brand 2$ ux. jug ................................ 2$e PANCAKE FLOUR, Aunt Jsmims 20 ex, psclisgc............... Ihc LARD-- North Stet.........i IL psckei iec Swift' Sutetlesf, I Ib cstieu 1ic ASPARAGUS TIPS Large I lb. iiu.. Rsc SERVUS BREAD, the large 24 ux. Loaf--White or brown, 2 for 15c LEiiON R hiELON JAhi Nabob ................ $2 sx. jst 25c 'ohia HONEY, each ........., 25c BUCTER- Golden Siesdsw ......... 2 lbs. 53c Msids Vale ............. 2 lbs. 49C PUFFED 'WHEAT,.... pet pki. 12c SLICED BACON. Fletcher's Ne. I Vt Ib pkgs. ----.......x pkgix ipc SLICED HA.II.Fieichet's Spiced Mi lb. pkgs................. 2 pkgs. 19c Red fk %hiie TOILET ROLLS 2 1st lpc I'INEAPPLE- Golden Slices, sixs 2. pst iiu sc Crashed, nice sud sweet per uu ........... .................... I 8 CORRESPONDENCEv'estVan News. Dear Sir:--In the report of the school board last week one reads like this: "Dr. Young, hIcdical Health Officer, foresaw malnutrition among our school children, so he ordered a nurse to be appointed. To a mother, it would seem more logical to have ordered milk and 8 wholesome meal served each day in school, to all such children, especially those living on reduced or relief wages. Adding another salary to an already strained budget is not fair to the taxpayer who is borrowing money at Sye to psy h18 taxes, and there are many such. It is hard on the nursing pro- fession who can not secure jobs after years of training,--but what about our husbands and brothersr The Health course given in our public schools is as good and tnorough as any. One refuses to believe that there are mr.ny Canadian mothers of the post- war period, who are not inform- ed of the daily need of their children, snd surely the British people living here are no less well informed. The school boards as well as the Health of- ficer will have to believe that cod liver oil and fresh milk would be better for our chiltlren, suffering from malnutrition, than any advice no matter how highly trained the source. Lct us be fair, cut out the frills snd think of the children. If our School Board hss the power to engage s nurse wiinout the taxpayers'onsent, then they have the power to provide for cases of malnutrition, surely. If we can alford s nurse, then the children of workless fathers should be given the medical at- tention the School Board sdvis- es, at the taxpayers'xpense, as well as dental work. Mothers, as s rule care little what they go without so long as their children are healthy. But there comes a dsy when old clothes and the wages of Relief will not suffice. A TAXPAYER. JONES PROIVIISES AID TO NORTH VANCOUVER Replying to a letter from hfsyor E. H. Bridgmsn relative to appointment of s commission- er for North Vancouver, Hon. J. IV. Jones informed City Council Monday night that he hss en- deavored to get in touch with certain of the bond holders snd hss asked them to give every opportunity for the city to re- habilitate itself. "I Can SSSure yOu,w declared hfr. Jones, "that the government will do everything it can to help you out in connection with any payment that msy be overdue." The minister said he hsd noted the efforts being made to stave ofi appointment of s com- missioner for the city and inti- mated that he wss pleased to have the information conveyed to him by hfsyor Bridgmsn. He added he hsd discussed the situ- ation with the deputy minister snd said that he would attend to any pressing matter immedi- ately. On suggestion of Aid. H. C. Anderson, the council will com- municate with hfr. Jones asking "if the government is prepared to find money the council is un- able to find to psy bond inter- est." In connection with the same matter, Attorney-General R. H. Pooley stated that a letter ad- dressed to Premier S. F. Tolmie had been handed to him. He said he would be pleased to keep the suggestion of Mayor Bridg- man in mind. Coal Cpal ED. BLACK w~t es Office and Yard, 2513 Marine Drive. For NANAIMO - WELLINGTON, GALT, TULAMEEN DRUMHELLER, and CANMORE BRIIJUETTES at NEW LOW PRICES, Phone West 63--Night or Dsy. Dundaraveg'4n ",.,""„'„',.", Ambleside Ih„'"'~ "...„," For SERVICE, QUALITY ssd REASONABLE PRICES deal wuh The Lstgcsi Exclusive Reisa Lumber Otgsaissueu In K C. Ssiisfeciieu Gustssicsd Rx4 Speciaed Lengths........g 830 Rx8 tu Rxig any ieugtb ... 8.00 Ixs ie Ixio Shipisp ........ 8.00 ix$ Flooring sud V Joist K. D., long ......... 11.00 1$ 4 Flooring sud V Joint K. D., long ................... 14.00 8 In. Fir Sidiug, long, ...K. D., Nu. 1 .............. 15.00 Skx$ V Joint .................... 10.00 Ne. I XXX Shingles ........ E25 No. 2 Shingles................. 1.80 VANCOUVER PRICES ~ ~ ~ Everything iu Building hisietisis AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 18th sud Mstise Drive iyssi Vsucuevet Pheee West 199 A Branch ef Exeeisicr Lumber sud Shingle Ce. LIIL SHOE REPAIRING BIG CHARGE ON WELFARE (Continued from Page 1) people have been comfortably supplied. To those who steadily, week by week and month by month, sct aside s definite amount to help the other fellow through until times pick up again. A Request l So many people who formerly used electricity are now using their wood snd coal stoves for cooking, which makes it a little more difi'icult to find a cook stove not working, but if there is one in the Municipality, the Welfare Association would ap- preciate it for a family. A wash boiler is another need of the moment, in the household line, also s few kitchen utensibn In the food line, a donation of butter from time to time would be gratefully received. This seldom comes in with the week- ly donations and is one which is very usefuL Added to the staples butter snd 8 little meat make a nice change. 1 Store at Hollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BER'nd all Building Materinl of Best finality st Ieow Prices. BUILD NOW 1 EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. I'hone West 3631e 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" CITY REVENUE I.OST TO GOVERNMFNTS Nearly 3100,000 is being lost annually in taxes by the city snd district of North Vancouver as s result of lands held by the provincial snd federal govern- ments being exempt from taxa- tion. This was disclosed at s meeting of the executive of th« Board of Trade at St. Alice Hotel Thursday night. As s result of the discussion, the matter will be debated fully by the board on January 19, when some recommendation may be made with 8 view to giving the two municipalities the bene- fit of revenue to which many rstepsyers think they are en- titled. It wss explained that the city, for instance, loses 360,000 annu- ally on the mile and a half wst erfrontsge held by the Harbor Board. It wss stated that this property hsd been exempt from taxation for five years, which means the city hss lost 3300,000 in taxes--more than sujficient to psy the present bank over- drsft. On the three Indian reserva- tions in the district, it is esti- mated 321,900 is lost in taxes annually. Provincial Government holdings account for the loss of 310,600 annually snd the district it is said, also loses about 33600 each year in taxes on Blair Rifie Range. In this total sre not in eluded taxes that might be levi- ed on the Indian reservation ad- joining the City of North Van- couver. It wss also stated that improvements of the Water Board, which should be liable for taxation, are not included. The question of insurance rates in the city was also dis- cussed and this will also be dealt with later. Mercenary Mary, the many times divorced film star, wss re- entering the marital state. She decided to mention the fact to her director. "Of course you will understand that this time I am marrying for love snd nothing else," she ssM. "How romantic!" replied the director knowingly. "So st last you have decided to go ojf the gold standard." The board of school trustees wrote the council regarding dangerous trees on the grounds of Pauline Johnson School. Referred to the engineer with power to sct. Winter Sports in Canada Skiing--Bob-Sledding--Hockey--Curling--Tobogganing--Dog Derbies Outstanding Attractions HE tuvtgunusg chmsie of s typical Ccusdisu wiu 1st, uuw regarded ss an sdcssisgs rather than s hsidsbip, owing ic ihc uu- usual variety of hsslibful sud sppesiiug sports, is siitsciisg iuctawug uum- bcn of visitors iu the Demisiuu. Actucs Csesds ibete sts many beautiful sud siitsciits ssuw-clsd muusisius, hBIC sud valleys, which ugst exceptional uppetiusiiies for cuieymg s wide vsneiy of uuidcut winter specie. The principal scuciuec throughout the seusity are ckiiug, mcwchoeiug, sksiisg, iubuggsuiug. curling, hockey, bcb-sicddiug sud deg derbies, sii uf which msy be iheteughiy enjoyed, under ideal ceu- diiiuus. 1Vkh the cxcepiies uf an uccsciuusi dsy during mid-wiuiet. ibe icmpstsiute is uci iuu cold for pstiicipsiiug iu euiduet sports. While iusiot travel is uui geuctsl during the winter cessuu, there src many long siteichcs of bigbwsy which are kepi ceuditicucd thteugbcui the winter muuui~ . The itsveiiet will ~ iwsys fied train service ~ mcdctu ~ud Iuxutiuus mssuc ef itsscpetis- iiuu. Hotels is many uf um Issdiug summer ttsuti diciticis tsmsis epee ihs year tuuud, providing goad ~ccemmedsiius for ibcsc «ichisg iu pctiicipsie iu local wiuiet cvsum. Wide iissgc sf Specie is Every Ptstisce Fetch province pemesscs wi uict siitsciiess more or jess peculiar ie ii~ uws pstiicuist mtteusdiugs. Ptsc- iicsiiy sii forms ef wiuiet cputi sn ~vsiisiile iu ihe histiiims Ptet- iuccs, bu1 ~ ptcfctcucc is shows for hockey sud curling. In ihc ptuvimw of Quebec the major speci stcuic csuin iu sud stuusd MontreaL Quebec City, Matey Bsy ssd ibe Iauttutbu mcus(siss. Lovers uf wiuist spst4 will 8sd tsci ictti- iencs is Deistic which are ideal in iucsiiss ssd in scsuic besuiy. Oiiswe, ibs fcdctsi capital, is sd. jsccui ie cemc ef ibe sscci skiiug seusity on ihe ceaiiucsi, whiie ibe / 4'„F .Ie ~suihwcsists ps¹ ef Btiiish Colum. bi~ eget golf, isssis ssd other summer space, fcc ihs uisim vMnw. Giwctuuicui iistau isfsnusiisa SsnLe Isfotmsiies sescstaieg wieiet ~putts m Csusds msy be ebmmcd item ibc Nsuimsi Dstcjupmcsi Bureau, Department cf ihc Isictict ~ 1 Oiisws, These wbs dteite mch isfetmsties sheuld stets, if pucubis, ule s&tiiciiist disitbi lw dbtt44 is which ibey stc iumtaisd, is order umi ibs mal eumpie4 dsis msy be appiisit beet ef ice-yscbiiug msy bs eujeycd iu Tutee(u bsy sud along the water- boat of lake 1!sistiu. Iu ihe Mus. kuks sud Aiguuquie Park districts, hotels sud csbuw ste open for ibs scccmmodsuus of wisict tiwiets. Iu Manitoba the Wiuuipcg heucpiei slue 'ull! willict cslillcsi iield si Tbs Pss, are sususf ecesis ef isict- ssuessi ismtcci while Bssfi, siiusied is the sccsic Csusdbu Reckics ie Alberta, is one of ibs mcci Im- uticei ccuitcc 1st winter sput4. ccetd pstfenussccc is ski-jumplsg hstc bess wjcutmcd si Rcvebmke. The icisads sad msisissd of the LUMBER JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS SERVICE Government Inspected Only