0001 January 19, 1938. CURRENT EVENTS CLUB The West Vancouver Current Events Club began its second season on Wednesday, January 26th, when the first lecture of the present course was presented at the home of Mra Small, Ful- ton Avenue. Mrs. J. Stuart Jamieson, ler turer, took for the subject of her opening address, "Technoc- racy, and Its Implications." This group of experts, Mrs. Jamieson said, had been working since 1920, measuring the total a- mount of energy being produced over a given area; and also the amount being consumed by indi- viduals. From these, snd other measurements they had deduced certain findings, and had indi- cated the direction of the world's future production and consumption. They had proved beyond all doubt that the number of men needed in production was de- creasing constantly. At the same time they had proved quite as conclusively that we were in the age of plenty, when every mat- erial necessity could be produced in abundance. These findings indicated that we must change both our accustomed thinking, snd our methods of life. The Club will meet on the first and third Wednesdays at 8:45 at Mrs. Small'0 home. On February 1st, Mrs. Jamieson's lecture will be on "Current Events -- Present World Out- look." New members maly join at any time. Phone the Secretary, Mrs. Bernard Hayes for inform- ation. ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ Only o demonstration wlfi prove the doim ihoi the new DeForest Crodoy is Conodo' Booxt radio value. Lot ul prove this claim to you. Models io suit every purse $75 to $225 PHONE OR VISIT J.W. Kelly Piano Co. Llmlmx G. GEkl MILL, Agent 14th ood Marine WEST 37 REI.IEF RECIPIENTS MAY TAKE 1VORK Under an important new rul- 'ng, announced at the Legisls- ive Buildings Tuesday, unem- ployed men will not lose their assistance from the government or municipalities because they are able to get 8 few casual days work a month. The government intends to leave the unemployment allow- ances of these men untouched, provided that they do not earn more in 0 month than is allowed for food. For example, 0 man with a wife and three children is given a food allowance of 59 for himself, 33.60 for his wife and 82.60 each for the children, or a total of 820. This man will be allowed to earn 520 in 0 month and will still draw his allowance. But if he earns more than 320, say 325, in a month, his allowance will be cut by 86. The government feels that this new arrangement will avoid dis- couraging unemployed men from seeking odd jobs, which are sll the more necessary now that of- ficial allowances have been re- duced. Who will pay for the relief of single men resident at the homes of their parents, also on relief, is 0 point that is being taken up now with the federal authorities snd an early decision is expected it was said Tuesday by Hon. R. W. Bruhn. As a temporary ar- rangement the minister has as- sured Vancouver that these men while debarred relief, through the Fordham committee in charge of transient and home- less men, will be allotted 20 cents day for the present, while leir cases are under review. e same provision will of course be made at other points in the province, including Victoria. MANCHURIA MARKET FOR SALT SALMON Drysalted herring from Brit- ish Columbia have been sold on the Manchurian market in some quantity in recent years but the Canadian Trade Commssioner stationed in Manchuria now points out that the territory also oifers opportunities for selling salted salmon. In additiori, there ls 8 small Manchurian out- let for certain Canadian canned fish such as "good quality sal- mon, pilchards, sardines, lob- sters." "It is 0 peculiarity of the local situation," the commissioner states in referring to the possi- bility of doing business in salted salmon, "that fish of larger size than herring are in popular de- mand and, on this ground, sal- mon or other salted fish of sev- eral pounds weight are purchas- ed more readily than smaller varieties." Any Canadian ship- pers sending salted salmon to the Manchurian market, how- ever, must expect to face rather sharp competition from some other sources. LECTURE ON BURRARD BRIDGEParsnip Fritters Wash and cook parsnips in boiling water 15 minutes; re- move the skins, mash; season with salt, pepper and butter. Flour the hands or dip them in cold water and shape the mix- ture into small cakes. Dip these cakes in flour and fry in hot fat. Our High School auditorium has been occupied on several oc- casions by well-known engineers. On Friday afternoon, January 20th, at 2 o'lock, the high school pupils and the senior clas- ses of the public schools will have the opportunity of hearing another of these, Major J. R. Grant, M.E.I.C., who designed and superintended the construc- tion of what is by far the finest bridge in Vancouver. The lec- ture will be fully illustrated with lantern slides; and its scope will include matters of much more than local interest, which will alford to his listeners a notion of the many factors be- sides the purely technical ones which have to be taken linto consideration in the case of an important modern bridge. Major Grant is a fluent and lucid speak- er; and the West Vancouver schools are very fortunate in having secured a lecturer of such prominence on a subject of such interest. DON'T FORGET Whist Drive & Dance LEGION BALL Friday, Jan. 20th 8 p,m. Roivoohmoalo ADMISSION 25c WEST VAN. A.A.A. Patronize the merchants ln our Business Dlreciory. The family dispute had ended when husband being quiet, awhile ',id:"Jane, you must be made of elastic surely." "Why, am I so universal and liberal in my ideas as that)" "No! you'e so snappy." THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURiNING BUSH By Subadar While walking along a street recently in a certain Greater Vancouver suburb. I was inform- ed of an election in those parts by 0 gentleman handing me 0 postcard on which was printed in large type (among much stuff in smalkr type) the following: "Vote for -- for efficiency and strict economy." I said, "The same old line of bull, as old as the hills and twice as hairy," to which the gentleman replied in a stage whisper, "That's so, but don't say a word." These same words, "effkiency and strict economy," have, since Can- ada voted, elected many honest men to oifice who later found out that in things political such was almost impossible of achievement, and not a few rogues who knew it beforehand. The voter ought to know it too. by this time, but doesn', and he'l stub his toe any election time to vote for 0 candidate erupting these magic words. My vote always goes to the man who promises nothing, because the odds are he is both wise and honest, also I escape disappoint- ment. The Oxford Group Movement is making itself felt, and, while only a hazy idea of what it ex- actly stands for can be deduced from press reports, it certainly has resulted in some individuals restoring their ill-gotten gains, which is all to the good. Person- ally, I am doubtful of all new or oldAished-up-as-new religious ideas, because they nearly al- ways end in the creation of an- other division of Christendom, and certainly the last movement coming out of Oxford has been everything but an unmixed bles- sing. It is to be hoped, there- fore, in these times, when the Christian bodies are trying to get together, that another off- shoot will not come into being to make the issue the more con- founded. That the world is in 8 very bad way and must be re-built from the bottom up has been for a long time obvious to all think- ing men. Lloyd George in mak- ing that statement only repeat- ed what has been heard on every street corner for months. In the course of 8 blast of oratory he further stated that England had been defied by Japan, bullied by America, and bluffed by Ben- nett. Japan hss defied the League but not England, which is an entirely different kettle of fish, while there was no bullying of England on the part of Wash- ington. An honest offer was re- fused, which may and may not be repeated, and that is all. The very clever little IVelsh politician did some good work during the Great War, but he has been al- ways a Little Englander, which with his out-of-date free trade ideas is responsible for his ob- jection to the Economic Confer- ence. In a more sensible age age he would have been hanged for his pro-Boer speeches during the South African war. His con- duct then, of which he hates to be publicly reminded„and other items in his carrer are said to have resulted in the British thoroughly distrusting him, and when that happens with them 8 man is politically dead. The president of a large Amer ican industrial corporation, back- ed by 160 kaders in American life has thrown down the gage of battle to the technocrats. He states the solution of our ills is in more labor saring devices to Improve production, and that his firm is going to follow this policy. The statement alarms me, for it seems to be tanta- mount to saying that if the hens lay hundreds of eggs which no- body can purchase, make them lay thousands of bigger and bet- tel'ggs, and the enignla iS Selv- ed. Personally, I only see my- self sitting on 0 huge and most CLASSIFIED ADS moots h 2 room por worl. mioimoa imvhg rogaior acvomus, oR oioooi- The rate Ior Ctaolsod Adrorlioo 26 cents. Except ia lko Oooo ot Xkoa lads ofo poyoaio otrirtly Ia oavowc. Remember Cioooiloso Ia lko Wool Voa News got Iaaodioto corolla r WEST BAY LIBRARY, rhr Gokioo" 80 cents por month. also olotioeory, knitting wooio, notions. City prkoo. FOR RENT--Foor loolord boagoiow, furnace, lropiooo, garage, near whorl ood ferry, 620.00. Phone Wool 292IL WANTED -- Akoot foor rooms oo Waterfront; wast be ooop for on coxIL C. J. Archer, Wool 226. Boy. 6964. TO GIVE AWAY -- Prolty Kittoo, female. Pkooo West 151XI HAi?IDY ANN BHOPPFo Doosorovo --I'ov Wooio, Knitting Needles, Books, Crochet Hooks, Buttons, D. M.C Puiixkoiax Socks Stockings olc. HEAIMIUARTERS for AR tko Pop. oior Cigarettes, Tobaccos, ood Pish- Ing Godgrlo Ior local waters. Ambioxido Too Rooms. FOR SAI.B at Covioy'o. 2152 Moriao --Beds, dressers, heaters, roogoo, books, boat oi other household goods also paints, olio, glass, olc. Furni- ture repaired oad poiiokmL IIARCELLE SHOP -- MorroBo, 60 cents: reset, 26c; logor wave, 75c. Phono Mra King, West 204. WEST VANCOUVER MACH I N E SHOP -- Ropoiro Spray Pampa, Household ortieiox. 1449 Marino. FOR RFNT -- Comfortable Iovaiokod cottage nice location 610.00. Fkono West 266X. SLIP COVERS, Ckoolorloid oad Two Chairs, 618.00. N. R. Ellis, 1427 Marino. Phono Wool 184IL FOR PLU5IBING REPAIRS -- Roo Idooro Phono Wool 241R. unpleasant pyramid of rotten hen fruit, and that's no position for any self-respecting man to find himself in. So I think Pn sit on the sidelines and wait for the situation to develop, ss the policeman said when suddenly introduced to 0 man-sized riot. To remove iron mould, cut 8 lemon in halves, squeeze out the juice, moisten the iron mould stain with this, then rub kitchen salt on it. After kaving the material for two hours, rub it, and no trace of the stain will be left. IOST--Bolwooa Ambkokio Dork ool 291k Sl Brows loather koadkog containing 619 IoMor wfik moory, check lo owner, idoaliloolkm cord, kryo oas olkor voioobioa Loaro at Goorgo Hat's ogioo. SAWS SHARPENED. Skoloo Grooad N. R. Enio, 1427 Movioo, Phoae Wool 184R. GEP MY FREE FSTIMATES oo ,-Poprviag omi Koimwoia- mg. C. 4 Koolagx, Boo. Phoae Wool 294R. WANTED -- Good Knckoo Roogo vkfid'o go-mut, table, oxokoxgc for lrowood or labor. Box 5, West Voa News. FUILVISBED AND UNFUBNISHED 80Mos to Real Hooma Ioto oad ~eroogo for sale. John Lowooa, 17th ood Marine Pkooo West 65 WEBB'8 SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Doodorovo. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LNSURANCE 1405 sioriao Drive Phoae Wal 21 or Soymoov 1280 Ervaiago Wool 204X GORDON ROBSON Barrister a BoBORor WEST VANCOUVER- Ogioo No. 1447. Marble Drive Pkmm Wool 4ILL VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite slsl 610 Hoxtkum Sl. W. Phone, Seymoor 4199 TEAROE & SON Phone 84 )Vest Sand, Gravel, Builders'upplies Wood, ~ Dump Truck IVork I v,t "Nix! Too much light over there for our business" pLBNTY of lighl moy aol be an oblokaoguamamc 45mom booloblookiog bol k is one of the best loads ofpromaioa you ma bare. Bolglom are more afraid of Bgkl lboa of Iow. By lighting up yow home oulxldv, as woR as inside, you can be plony am ibm booxoblm cn will moxldcr u o poor ploce for lbmr buaavlx. Lighl mxm you xo Hule lbol it is o Smro mixako nol lo have pivoly of il.... Do Ioo know lbol burning o 60-wall hioxdo lamp for rhmo bowls corm you Iolx dma lbc price of4 Fomxlo ramp? Moy we rood you o firv copy of ool iamlrxliag booklet,"How lo Ligbl Your Homo"? n: I ll I I KI '- Eotei R 85.l: I F 8 9 E Bogs '.I [au.'y 1 I Rl.'ISKOL0$