West Van. News (West Vancouver), 19 Jan 1933, p. 3

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0001 January 19, 1933 THE WEST VAN NEWS FIRST BIG DANCE OF 1933 Will be held in the Orange Hall FRIDAY% JANUARY 2 7th hfuslc by DELAIRE'S RHYTllbr BOYS Dancing 9 to I Admission 35c. I ito ix ef of cf ig ( 1 ut C'd P RIDGE NOTES The value of First Aid know- ledge was ably demonstrated by George Smith, when a young fel- low broke his leg on the ski hill recently. Smith commandeered the ski of 0 near-by youngster and, using it for a splint, strap- ped the leg in place preventing the excited crowd from moving the unfortunate skier until he was securely strapped. A goad supply of blanket strips end splints should be on hand at the ski camp. Pat Douet is acquiring fine style in landing and the Tele- mark, by steady practice under the tutelage of the old viking, Chris Johnson. We think Douet is going to be a fine skier. Some day when the Ridge Trail is turned into the hiker's dream of a perfect trail, our teachers should take their clas- ses en masse to the Ridge. In Oslo, a skier, states it is quite the thing for the schoolmaster in that town, to declare a holiday and take the children out in the snow end sun for the day, giving them an extra hour in the gym- nasium the next day, to take away the tired feeling. CORRESPONDENCE The Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--At their last meet- ing before the election, the Muni- cipal Council placed themselves on record favoring "Contribu- tory Unemployment Insurance.o Two years ago the School Board recommended to Premier Bcn- nett the adoption of the "prin- ciple that the first duty of gov- ernment should be to administer the afFairs of the country sothat every man end woman who is willing and able, should have the right, and opportunity to work in order to support them- selves and families, not relief or charity." We did this particu- larly on account of the many young people who were leaving our schools with absolutely no chance to apply themselves as useful citizens, for which by much hard work they were so well prepared, and which had been no small expense to the ratepayers. It would be very interesting to know the reaction of youth. Does it want to become a "poor parasite'?" (We already have the "rich parasite") or does it want to make such fundamental changes in our social system as will'enable it to play a respons- ible part in our national life? I would say to Youth, speak for yourself and insist on being heard. Yours truly, TOM RUSSELL. TO CONSIDER HOSPITAL PROPOSAL Regarding proposal that the district undertake payment of 70 cents a day for all indigent patients admitted to North Vancouver General Hospital from that municipality, Com- missioner C. E. Tisdall informed North Vancouver City Council Monday night "that the whole matter is such a large one that I will personally take it up.r BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHiTE, Msv. Dictluciivo Fuucrei Scvvicc Lody Assistant 220 - svd SL E, Phone North 020 AGREEhlENT RATIFIED A new water agreement be- tween the City and District of North Vancouver was ratified by district ratepayers Saturday. The by-law carried by a vote of 37 to 13, which provided the necessary three-fifths majority, WEST VANCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the West Vancouver Scottish Society, which will be combined with s Burns night, will take place at the Clachan on Friday evening, January 27th. For further announcement with full particulars see next week's issue. PREPAYbIENT OF TAXES BY.LAW PASSES COUNCIL North Vancouver City's 1933 prepayment of taxes by-law which provides for 6 per cent. per annum on all taxes paid be- fore due date, was passed by City Council Monday night. Statutory meeting of the 1933 Council was held at City Hall at 4 p.m. this afternoon. T AND SHOE FUND E.F. CONCERT PARTY range Hall Y 10th, Bt 8 p.m. IXL Laundry SERVICES; -- Thrifty, Flat- ivouog oud Sufcbcd laundry (do luzc) 1'bouc West 200 FOR WELFARE BOO EX-29th BATTALION G. Coming to 0 FRIDAY, FEBRUAR AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET ~i Finest, 14th and Marine Drive ). MURCH, Proprietor Quafity Fresh Meats, Smoked and Cooked hieats. PHONE WEST 303 TAILORING - CLEANING - DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS M. WILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive (next to I"ruit Store) Phone West 20 acs Phone Wcci 2SSL John Olsen of Vancouver has taken a house at 11th and Math- ers Avenue. ~ 1 1 Mrs. Birch is moving from 14th and Clyde Avenue into the O'Donnell house at 13th and Esquimalt Avenue. ~ 1 ~ Mr. and Mrs. F. Buseombe of Caulfeild, left on Saturday for Honolulu, where they will spend the balance of the winter. 1 Major Grant is giving 0 lec- ture at the high school tomor- row (Frklay) afternoon.\ ~ ~ Mrs. H. Paton is moving from 1373 Gordon Avenue into 0 house at 1669 Duchess Avenue.\ ~ ~ Alan Cameron of Caulfeild, kft last Thursday for Europe. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and birs. Stuart Cameron of Caulfeild, have as their guest, Miss Jean Thomas of Vancou- ver. Mrs. E. Black, 25th and iMar- ine Drive, has returned from spending a week at Selma Park. ~ 1 Miss Hilda Russell, 1288 22nd Street, has entered Vancouver General Hospital to train for a nurse. 1 1 ' Mr. and hire. Horsland, who formerly resided in West Van- couver, have rented the Bell house at 1173 Duchess Avenue, and expect to move in at the be- ginning of next month. 1 Mrs. L. B. Roche, 2505 Belle- vue Avenue, has left to spend a holiday in Seattle. Nordal Kaldahl of the Holly- burn Pacific Ski Club, won the class A ski jump last Sunday in Spokane. He scored 217.1 points, his landings being almost perfect, while his nearest, com- petitor, with 216.5 points jump- ed farther but landed poorly. ~ 1 ~ Captain W. Somerrille, a well- known tugboat master of North Vancouver, passed away last week, funeral services being held in Harron Bros. and William- son's chapel in North Vancouver on Thursday. Miss Doris Som- erville, chief operator here for the B C. Telephone Company, is one of his daughters. RAINFALL AT WEST BAY 1932. Total precipitation by months recorded at Rock Ledge, Creery Avenue, was as follows:-- January .............. 7.69 ins. (including 16.2 in. snow) February ............ 7.64 in. biarch 10 37 April .............,.. 5.32 Nay .................... 1.21 June .................... 2.22 July ...................... 6.27 August .................. 2.61 September ........... 2.20 October ................ 6.25 November ............ 11.70 December ........... 8.73 Total for year Vl.ll inches. BRIDGE ENGINEER BUSY AT NARROWS No time is being lost by Col. Chas. N. Monserrat, prominent Canadian bridge engineer of Montreal, who is here at request of the Harbor Board to investi- gate strength of the present piers at Second Narrows bridge. A platform is being fitted on the east and west side of the south pier for boring to ascer- tain if foundations require ad- ditional strength. When this is done the same procedure will be carried out at the north span. Col. Nonserrat and his assistants vfere busy all yesterday morning in cumpany «4th Chairman S. hicchq and Chief Engineer IL lV. Fnth of the Harbor Board, T. M. Watson of Altamont, is jump was made of 127 feet. This constitutes a record for the hill. ~ ~ ~ At the ski hill on Sunday a was made of 127 feet. This con- stitutes a record for the hill. ~ 1 On Wednesday, January 12th, a supper snd social evening was given to the members of the Women's Guild of St. Frands Church by Miss Chappell of "Cedarville,o Csulfeild. Mrs. W. H. Clark of Cypress Park, who this year hss been elected Presi- dent of the Guild on the retire- ment of Miss Chappell, sat at the head of the long table which was daintily spread and decor- ated in a)Rules of rose snd pink flowers with green and pink and white candles arranged down the center. A large number were present and a pleasant evening was enjoyed by all the members. 1 ~ ~ Mrs. D. Dewar, 22nd and Belkvue, was hostess at her home on Tuesday evening, when she entertained at a Bowling Club Bridge, when 8 tables were played; the first prizes going to Mrs. NacAulay, and A. Cromsr Bruce, with Mrs. Hadwin and V. Nelson claiming the consola- tions. The guests included Mr. and Nrs, Cromar Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Brine, bir. and hire. F. Miles, Mr. and Mrs. Romans, Mr. and Miss Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Bowman, Mr. snd Mrs. W. Partridge, Mr. snd Nrs. A. hiac- Aulay, Coun. and Mrs. Lance Garthorne, bir. and Mrs. H. B. Garland, Mrs. F. J. Patterson, Mrs. Hill, Nrs. E. Simpson, Mrs. F. W. Hadwin, hire. Steele, Nrs. Ida McLean, hire. E. Gallilee, Mrs. J. Bissett, hirL D. McColl Stitt, Mrs. A. Gartjorne Miss Anne Dewar, Miss Gertrude Lawson, J. W. Banks, and J. Findlayson. Will be ooficfied by Cedbufy c New Choco(sic. 11 cou'1 cost aucb oc ibo Pviccc oco'. co )or Cemmfll's Drag Store Tbc Sieve of Scvvfce. 1402 Moviuo Drive wac $2 Euicvzcucy Pbaa Woco 221 (After 0 P.a.) STRATTON'S BAKERY Bread - Tea Breads Butter Horns Coffee Rolls Large Sekcnon of Peonies Almced vorieiy Tes Shan Bread ALL FRESH NO JUNK Made at 1468 biarine Drive Phone West 27 Agnbleside SheetMetal%Forks tsusiE SPECK, Poslicio 1446 Marine Drive Phone %est VS FURNACES and SHEET METAL LVSTALLED aad REPAIRED JOBBING L. Lambert wrote the council re work on Keith Road, Horse- shoe Bay. Referred to the 1933 council. LEGION TROOP Scout Notes Last week more recruits join- ed up, but the troop still wants a few more boys. Boys 12 to 18 years should come to the troop meeting on Thursday, at 7:15 p.m, in the Legion Hall. SPORT NOTES West Van. United F. C. There is no game scheduled for this coming Saturday, but all are asked to turn out and boost for the West Van. Rangers. SAFETY HINTS FOR HIKERS 1. Don't hike alone. 2. Wear warm clothes. 3 Take extra food 4. Wear well-nailed boots. 6. Keep your nerve if lost or in- jured. 6. Let someone know vvhere you are going and for how long These are cardinal rules for safety in climbing North Shore mountains where unusual snow conditions prevail and careless- ness may cost a life and endan- ger the lives of searchers January to March is the dan- ger period. Room & Board .)IRS. BRLNE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue West 458L K.W. Savory 1443 hlarine Drive Ambleoide Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance 'Tm afraid I'l have to raise your rent said the landlord "I wish you would; Pm sure I can't raise it," replied the fed- up tenant. St. Anthony's Church ANNUAL MISSION Coueucfce by AN OBLATE FATHER SUNDAY, JAN. 29 -- SUiNDAY, FEIL 5 Services: HOLY MASSES--Suueoy Size oai feies o.a. lrccb Days 0:$0 oud 2 ise o.a. EV)LVfRO DEVOVfOES ARD MISSfON SERMON fib'a 4oiiy 1 HiLDRFR'S INSTRUCTION, Oee Sac. dully TO iilAKE THE hllSSIOiN WELL 1 --Bc fuiibfui iu aucueluz ibo ocvvicrv. Rw'vuy fervently oue receive the socvoacuio rovibiiy. R--Bring your fvicuec. J Local and Personal Your Sweet Toothand Sweetheart ~ ' ~ 1 ', r a r rr r v A Jc