0001 ~'wv c'c ~ wrrr rrvv'rv w vw wwr v c & \cw ~vv &v' wcrr.=vrr &vv&N~c ~rv +rvcvcvc, Avr. &re c ;r 1rc rv&rv'r c w'v'r~ ' '.r rv~ .. -',"&'v'v 'r vrrvrv vv'rrrvrr ~ rr v "rr vwar. ~rrr c vr vv~rrlvv rr rvvrrrrrvY vvv'rrr v'rr v Vr- rr V ~rrrvvvpvr rrrrvrr. ~rvrrr wrrrf Gtoendolyn Bgfyuty ShOPPC 15ls Ms&inc Drive For Appcistmcat Phone West 117 Never Fall Spice Cake I cup sour milk 1 cup sugar I egg 1 tablespoon shortening 2 cups flour I teaspoon soda I teaspoon cinnamon teaspoon cloves teaspoon nutmeg I&&5 teaspoon salt 1 cup rsisiruL Cream sugar and shortening. Add egg and milk. Sift all dry ingredients and add to the mix- ture. %qdte spots made by hot dish- es on polished tablees can be re- moved by spreading with com- mon salt and pure olive oiL Leave for some hours, then re- move with a dean cloth, and polish in the usual way. HOLLYBVRN Barber Shop 15th R Marine EXPERT SERvicB E MARSH, Proprietor. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 5 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Eclcbiicbcd on North Sbccc 20 Years. (Lady Acciciaut) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAMSON funeral Sirertars Norih Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 65 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems Pwbiicbcd Every Tbsccdcr VsbUcbcc F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 863 Bccicccc scd Editorial Odicc& 17ib csd Mcvisc Drive (Next ic HcUybscs P. O.) Phone West 363 Mail Add&sec I P.O. Soz 51, Hcnrbavs, E C North Vancouver Officei 123 Lonsdale Ave. DL00 ~ year br caccia&& 82nd ~ year by maiL L 2 THE WEST VAN NEWS United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis 'iVrlght The Meu'0 Club of the West Vancouver United Church will meet at 8 p.m, Tuesday, 81st in- stant, when sn address will be given by Rev. W. J. 5Bnto Swan of St. Mark'0 Church, Kitsilano, who will take as his subject. 'The Oxford Group Movement." The meeting will be open to ladies, and there will be refresh- ments. The Annual Business meeting of )Vest Vancouver United Church will be held in the Church Hall or& Wednesday even- ing, January 25th, st the hour of eight o'lock. All members and adherents are requested to arrange to be present. The Junior Girls'hoir under the leadership of Mrs. Colin Mac- Lean will meet in the Church Hall on Saturday morning at 10 0'clock. There is still room for a number of girls, aged ten years and over, in the Choir. On Sabbath next the minister will preach at both services. In the morning he will have as his subject, "The Joy of the Unex- pected." In the evening, "Christ at the Closed Door." Mrs. Hillis Wright is giving 0 tea and musicale on Friday, 27th instant, at her home, 25th and King's Avenue, in aid of the funds of the United Church IV.A. Mrs. Bert Stockdale and Mrs. IV. H. Leggatt will be the soloists, the other artists being 51rs. Van Sickle, pianist, and SIiss Hattie Young, elocutionist. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EOIF1CE zsib cad EcewivcciL Hcurbwcw Tbic Society ic c Branch of Tbc Mctbcr Cbcccb Tbc Fir&i Church of Cbvi~ I„ Scicniici, in Scctcs, Mcccccbucctic Sunday Scrviccc 11:50 ~ .m. cad 7&50 D.m. Sunday, January 22, 1933, Subject: "TRUTH" Sunday School ct 10:00 &Lm. Testimony Meeting Wcdcc&dcy ~I 8&15 p.aL Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: IIIrs. Martyn. Services: Sunday School at 2:00 p.m.-- All departments will meet. 3&15 p.m. -- Regular Church Service. The minister will preach on "The Authority of Christ." All are welcome to these ser- vices. Thought for the week: "Come to Church next Sunday. Medita- tion is the fertilizing element that enriches the soil of the mind. St. Anthony's ChurchBaptist Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clachan Hotel Sunday Confessions of Adults before both Holy Masses. 8:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 10:45 a.m.--Holy Mass -- Ser- mon. 2:15 p.m.--Sunday SchooL Week Days 8:00 a.m.--Iloly Mass. 7:46 p.m., Friday--Devotions. Confessions of school children before and after 8:45 a.m. Holy Mass on Saturday. Pastor: Rev H P Humphreys Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, January 22nd. 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult C)ass. 11 a.m.--hiorning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Why Should IVe Rejoice." Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, vlVhy Should We Weep." Song service. A cordial invitation to all. Monday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. All young people over IG heartily welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Mid-week Prayer Service with Address. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "TRUTH." One of the Bible texts will be Psalms 25: 5: "Lead me in Thy truth, snd teach me: for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day." The Lesson - Sermon will also include the following passage from page 272 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The spiritual sense of truth must be gained before Truth can be understood. This sense is as- similated only as we are honest, unselfish, loving. Snd meek." WEST VANCOUVER PARENT-TEACHER ASSN. The January meeting of the West Vancouver Parent-Teacher Association was held in Pauline Johnson School on Tuesday, the 10th instant, with Airs. H. G. Selwood in the chair. Mrs. Bald- win gave a very comprehensive report on Education Week in the West Vancouver schools, after which the speaker of the even- ing, Mrs. Delmage, President of the Parent-Teacher Federation of British Columbia, gave 5 splendid address on "The Duties and Obligations of the P.-T. A. in the Present Crisis." Mrs. Delmage stressed the fact that now, more than ever, wss the need for efficient education; that the next generation would suffer tremendously, both in ability and in morale, from any curtail- ment of our educational system. since boys and girls, if excluded from recognized schools, in those years which sre so important in the formation of character and good habits, would assuredly gain a great deal of most unde- sirable knowledge in unrecog- nized schools; and that we have no right to make the next gen- eration pay for our mistakes. Trustee T. E. W. Russell, in seconding 0 vote of thanks, add- ed that the education of our fathers, though it may have been adequate for an exert age, was entirely inadequte for an automobile age. The meeting ended with the usual half hour in the tea-room. AiV&VUAI. MISSION AT ST. ANTHONY'8 CHURCH The annual mission at St. Anthony's Church will be con- ducted by sn Oblate Father dur- ing the week, Sunday, January 29th to February 5th Holy Masses will be held on Sundays at 8:45 and 10:46 a.m. Snd on weekdays at 6:80 snd 7:30 a.m. Evening devotions and mission sermon 7:45 p.m. daily also children's instruction 4 p.m. daily. An announcement rela- tive to the Mission appears in another part of this issue, On a wet day s young man driving a sports car was forced to brake very suddenly, with the result that the car got out of control for a moment and ended within an inch of a lamp-post on the other side of the road. A pohceman strolled up. "I ssy, sir,w he said, "you got a nice skid there." 'Tardon me," replied the young man haughtily, "this lady is my wife." January 19, 1983. Df.hkarjory MCCubbin tSt. Stephen's Church DENTISTRector:Rev. I'. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. January 22nd; 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, 10 and 11:IG a.m. -- Sunday School, 11:16 a.m.--Matins and sar- &non. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. 9:45 a.m.--Holy Communion, St. Fraucis, Caulfeild. Wednesday, January 26th- St. Paul's Day -- 10:15 a.m. Holy Communion. Thursday, 7:30 p.m. -- Inter- cession service. Tuesday; January 24th--Tho monthly Social for the men of the Congregation st 8:16, when the speaker will be Mr. W. W. Rose, of the Technocratic Re- search Society. This is an extra meeting as the regular meeting is arranged for January 31st, when Prof. W. A. Carrothers is to be the speaker. The Annual meeting of the Parish of St. Francis in the Woods was held in the Church on Friday, January 13th, at 8 p.m. Reports of the activities of the Parish were received which indicated a lively interest in the general work, and prepar- ations were made for the new parish hall. The election of of- ficers returned the same com- mittees as last year, with one exception where death had re- moved a faithful member. The Rector re-appointed R. M. Mc- Donald ss his Warden. The people elected E. Chappell as People's Warden: Lay-Delegate to Synod, Capt. Kettle; Alter- nate, R. M. McDonald; Vestry Clerk, H. Stone; Committee, W. Astley, F. Taylorson, Mesdames Kettle, Chappell, Matthews, V. Clarke. Hall Committee, Capt. and Mrs. Kettle W. Astley Miss Chappell and Mrs. V. C)arke. The Annual Vestry meeting of St. Stephen's Parish was held on Tuesday, January 17th. The W. A. provided a good supper at which about 60 persons sat down. After supper an inspira- tional address wss given by the Ven. F. C. C. Heathcote in which he referred to the beginnings of this parish 20 years ago. The meeting was called to order at 8:16. The Rector outlined the general work of the Parish for the psst year which had been very encouraging despite many difficulties. The Reports of the various activities; Sunday School, W.A.; Girls, Intermedi- ate and Junior W.A. The Social Service Work; the Boys'nd general Sports Activities all re- flected progress. The Warden' Report covered the financial side of the Parish. The Rector ap- pointed J. D. Hardy as his War- den I'or the year, and the people re-elected C. T. Kendrick. Lay- delegates to Synod are Messrs. Parkes and Silva-White; Alter- nates, Messrs. Wrisberg and Hawkes.'estry Clerk, B. I layed. Church Committee: Messrs. Lightly, MclA&ren, Sewell, D'Essum, Lettner, Mrs. Ford, snd Miss Almss, Miss Beavis and Mrs. Davies. The A.Y.P.A. are preparing for a play to be put on in the Orange Hall on February 2nd and 8rd. Hours & 0 ~ . &c. Ic 0 D. M. Sctcvdc75& 10 L sL io 1 0, aL Evenings ~ &wl Bciccdcr After- scccc br cppcisimcsi only. Royal Scab SuUdiag I'bcac Wcci lid iiccidcncc I'bcac West DDE Dk. G. D. Jl. SEA LE DENTIST"-, --"--. e Odicc Hours 0 Io 8 D.m. Evenings by cpscictmccL Phoae West 72 SALARY CUT IS TEACHERS'IM Offer by school teachers of North Vancouver district muni- cipality to accept sn additional reduction in salaries of 15 per cent. with a minimum of 61000 --proposal which represents a saving of 64100--wss tacitly ac- cepted by Mr. Charles E. Tisdall, commissioner, at a meeting held last Saturday. Mr. Tisdall thanked the teach- ers for the friendly spirit tn~ which they had approached the~ situation, and added that an- other meeting will be held to ar- range details snd set a date when the new scale shall become effective. Teachers explained that they have already accepted a cut of 13&/2 per cent. Teachers'alaries during 1932 cost the district $27,981. This year's provincial grant toward salaries is cut more than 63000. The reduction will mean 0 net saving of 61300, as compared with last year. Mr. Tisdall explained that he was negotiating with bondhold- ers and others to c~perste in helping the district meet its ob- ligations. He said that taxpay- ers can not continue the present scale of salaries. The floating liability of the district vvas $309,000 in September. Last year only 50 per cent of the tax levy was collected and prospects this year are no better. He'ssured teachers that if he undertook to pay them s cer tain amount of money at 8 set date they had every reason to expect it. Popovers I cup flour 1 cup milk 1 egg Spk. salt. Mix flour snd salt. Add I&(I the milk slowly, stirring to form a smooth paste. Mix the rest oi the milk with the beaten egg and add. Have gem pans sizr ~ ling hot. Pour in the batter and cook in a quick oven about Q hour. Serve immediately while hot. Most people like to split pop- overs and eat butter or jsm on them. I Lo8885iE I NOW FLAYINO LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE "IIBRURS OP THS WESI"' Ncwc- Ccctccc . Ib&c&csz There will be 5 study meeting in the Parish Hall on Tuesday at 2:30, subject, "China--Everyday Life." COUNTRY STORE FRI. BOYS ccs OIRLS COME EARLY A OUI Ic Rvcvr nc& ccd Uici A&tccdics MATINEE SAT„2 tc 5 S.&c. 1&ccrc Opec I:15 Frozen Tomato Salad 1 can tomatoes 2 tablespoons plain gelatin or lemon jelly powder. Strain the tomatoes. Heat the juice to the boiling point and pour it over the gelatin. Add olives, pickles and celery in small cubes. Left over peas, car- rots or other vegetables may be used instead. Pour into molds and harden. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise. ('Iniixci, lice. Tccc. Wcl. "Trouble in Paradise" licrbccc Mcccbcn bncic&c Hcpbicc nb&vlcc Russ&wc OINNERWARE Tccclcy