0001 IHr r. ~ H )C r»444 H-mv'I. 4 v 444r 4't '4tc'%z ~ 44)»4 I'"4 4 w 4'4'4~4 4.4. 44)vvmv.;4~rr.-rmr» re 4r I '44 l .t 4 .:44 r rrrtvr» ,. Hrvvvrrr 4»rrrr, r'rr +rrf 4" rt rvr'rrrvr ~I~r'V~rrr-rrrtr 'vr4»vr rrr THE )VEST VAN NEWS Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dundarave,', -,""„'„',.". Ambleside „„"'.„'„"'.." LUMBER AND SER V ICE I"ov SERVICE, GUALITY aad REASONABI.E I'RICES deal with Tbe La)geo( Exelualve Retail I.umber Orgaubauou In B. C. Satiafaeiioa Guaranteed zx4 Spavined Lengths....... 0 8.50 zxd to Oxlz any length.. 0.00 lxs to ix)0 Ship)up ........ ((00 Ixz Flooring aud V Joint K. Dt long ............. II.OO lx4 Flooring and V Joint K. D4 iong .............. 14.00 8 in. Fiv Siding, long, ...K. Dt No. I ............ 15.00 )bx$ V Joint .................... )0.00 No. I XXX Shingles ...... 2.25 No. 2 Shiuglea ....... 1.50 VANCOUVER PRICES 4 4 ~ Every(bias In Building )la(eriala AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. IS(h aad blariue Drive )teat Vaaeouver Phoae West 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber aed Shingle Co. L(d. TWO DAY SALE Friday and SRt Jsn. 13th Bnd 14th 1'ELLOW SUGAR ........ 4 lba. 1st Red 4) Whi(e BAKING PO)VDEK Iz oa Iin .......................... Ipe Red 6 While COCOA, 1'Ilb. (ia zle PIN EAPI'I,P4 Singapore, per (la .............. . ..... I Oc SARDINES, Brunswick Canadian Pack pev (in........ 5e PEA SOUP, Royal Ci(y, yev tiu Se GIN('ER SNAPS. lb.... Ile BACON. Fle(cher'a No. I Sliced Side, VI lb. yaekei ...... Oc SLICED HAYI, Fle(vhev'4 Delici- ous Syieed Ham, VI lb. pkt. Oe BUTTER, Finest Alberta Golden Sleadow .........2 lbs. 5$4 )laida Vale........, 2 lba, 494 ORANGES, Sunk(et ')tedium aixe ............. don 254 Large a(ac . dozen 454 GRAPE FRUIT. Imperial Valley-- Large aixe .....,......... S fov 25e ONIONS, Fine Dvy Okauagaa Onions............ 8 lba, )54 TURNIPS. Fine qual((y Even aixe ..........)2 Iba. )5e POTATOES. Highland Netted Gems, even medium size 25 lbs. 274 Red R Whi(e COFFEE I Rx Vacuum ilua ......... $94 Family Blend, freak gvouad per lb.. 29c COILS FLAKES, KeRogg'a 2 pkga (54 WHEAT GRANULFJI, The Cream of (be Wheat..--. 2 lb. eaek 15» PASTRY FLOUR Wint Roue ..... 7 lb. sack 2$e Red R White PEAS, Small, Swee) Ieluler Peaa........z 'ilua 254 Red 6 Whhe VEGEtABLE SOUP Rich fuB-dave), pev (ia ...... Ise PORK 6 BEANS, Ayhnev ........... 2 tins Ize HONEY, Finest Oa(avlo zu Ih tia ..................... 29e RED PLUSIS. Nabob Peeked ia IL C„pev Hn........ lse RAISINS. Australian Seedless .............. 2 lba. 2$4 DATES Fresh New Crop 2 lbs. )54 SYRUP. Rogers'olden..........2 Ih (iu 15e STRAWBERRY JAil Columbia .................4 lb. (Ia $7e ICING SUGAR ................ 2 Ibm 154 1VELFARE NOTES ~ It was hoped, when the )Vel- fare Association was first form- ed that by conserving existing resources, the local needs could be met, but conditions having become increasingly diificult for our citizens, the need for cash is also urgent. Some people wonder what the Association needs cash for, when the Hall is donated, and nothing is paid for services rendered. Just to mention 0 few: electric- ity, telephone, printing, postage, advertising, etc., are a!I unavoid- able office expenses, to say noth- ing of sewing supplies, cooking, etc. More important still, the people must be kept dry-shod, and that means a big expense in boot repairs, and then it is al- ways necessary for the chair- man to have money at his dis- posai for emergency needs of n)any kinds, in sickness, unex- pected removals, and dozens of other items, that it would be breaking the record of confid- ence of the Association to dis- Cuss. The public may rest assured that not one penny is wasted and how necessary the need is may be realized when one stops to think that many homes in West Vancouver have seldom handled a dollar bill in the past few months. Stop! Look! Listen! A big night is assured for the Boot and Shoe Fund at the end of this month. It is not possible to announce the exact date, time, or place this week, but when you know that the famous con- cert party of the Ex-29th Batt., C.E.F. is coming over to help us, you will be eagerly watching for further details. Among those appearing on the program will be Wm. Hudson, baritone, late Moody Manners Opera Co., Syd- ney Nichols, tenor, Canadian Military Choir, London; Archie Robb, comedian, Glasgow and other Scottish Musical Halls, and Chas. Harper, pianist, Queen' Hall, and 1Vorid Tours. I'lease ! Floor Covering, Carpet, Mats or Linoleum, ls urgently need- eui, also 0 cook stove, and cook- ing utensils. Irate Customer: r)Vs!ter, there's s iiy in my soup!" Waiter (soothingly): "Oh, no, sir, you'e mistaken, That' one of those new Vitamins Bees that we serve with each and every order." "I'm cutting quite a figure," said the chorus girl as shu sat on a broken bottle. A vote for Lay!and is a vote for 1Vest Vancouver. ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP hIEETING (Continusd from Page I) were being run, and he suggest- ed hs was the man to steady the helm in these difficult times. He had opposed the 8166,000 water by-)aw, as equally good results could have been obtained for 625,000, which he would explain at his meeting the following night. By the use of publicity both the B. C. E!ectric and the B. C. Telephone Co. could easily be brought to time over rates. The cost of the election need be only advertising and printing costs, the booths being placed in the municipal haB and the of- ficials used as the election of- f)cia)a at no extra salaries. To talk of having a new ferry was absurd, as the bonds for it could not be sold. He was in favor of strip tickets, and sub- stituting a metropolitan ponce force for local police. He invited ali to attend his meeting in Hoi- lyburn Theatre the following night (Thursday). LITERARY SOCIETY The second of the Scott Cen- tenary lectures will be given by Mrs. Selwood on Thursday even- ing, January 19th, at 8 o'lock, in the usual meeting-place of the Society, OJ)d will be on "The Country of Sir Walter Scott." It will be illustrated with read- ings from Scott's poems, aud with about 50 lantern slides, which have been chosen for their complete relevance to the sub- ject. Mrs. Seiwood has been making a careful study of Lock- hart's "Life of Scott," and other special works during the greater part of last year; and this, com- binod with her own first-hand knowledge of the Border Coun- try and her elocutionary skill, will render her lecture one of unusual importance. A!! friends who are interested in the subject are invited to be present. "There must be something wrong with American stock- breeding methods." "Why vo "I hear the United States is absolutely over-run with blind pigs A vote for Leyland is 0 vote for West Vancouver. LAWRENCE LAMBERT Solicits your vote and influence AS COUNCILLOR Rigid Economy for 1933. Coal Coal Phodhe ED. BLACK lvest 68 Office and Yard, 2513 Marine Drive. For NANAIMO - WELLINGTON, GALT, TULAMEEN DRUMHELLER, and CANMORE BRIQUETTES at NEW I.OW PRICES, Phone West 68--Night or Dsy. He has had six years'xperience in Municipal life, having held chairs of Finance, Fire, Health, Board of Works, and been Acting Reeve three years. January 12, 1933. and all Building hluterlnl of Bent Quality at I.ow I'riess. BUII,D NOW! EST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. I'hone )Vest 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" DEATH OF 1VAI.TER NE)VMAN Walter Newman of Capiiano Itosd, passed sway suddenly last Thursday in his 74th year. He had resided longer in )Vest Vancouver than sny white man now living, having lived here for forty-two years, and, when he retired, wus the oklest em- ployee of the Capi!ano Water- works. He leaves to mourn his loss his wife, one son, and two daughters. Funeral services were held on Saturday from Harron Bros. and Wiliiamson's chapel, Rev. F. A. Ramsey ofi'ici- nting, and interment was made in Capilano View Cemetery. Councillor Lance S. Garthorne Councillor (v. D. Elgsr A vote for Imyland lu a vote for West Vancouver. THE CORI'ORATION OF THF(y DISTRICT OF WEST VAiNCOUVER Pubhc Notice Is hereby given to the Electors of the Municipaiity of the Cor- poration of the District of West Vancouver, B. C., that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni- cipa! Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. ON MONDAY the 9th day of January, 1933, at 12 o'lock noon, for the purpose of electing per- sons to represent them as Reeve and Two Councillors and electing two persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per- son to represent them as 0 Com- missioner of Police. The hlode of Nomination of ('.sndidates Shall Be as follows: The Candidates shall be nom- inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elec- tors of the Municipality as pro- poser snd seconder, and shal! be delivered to the Returning Of- ficer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of the day of nomination. The said writing may be in the form num- bered 3 in the Scheduie of the "Municipal Elections Act,o and shall state the names, residence and occupation or descript)on of each person proposed, m such manner as sufficiently to !deny'g tify such candidate; and in the~ . event of a Poll being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 14TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1933, between the hours of 8 o'lock a. m. and 8 o'lock p. m. of said day at the New Amb!Oside Hs!1, corner of 14th Street and Mar- ine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C. of which every person is hereby required to take notice and gov- ern himself accordingly Given under my hand at the Municipal Hall, District of West Vuncouver, this 28th day of l)ecember, 1932. Wli!. HERRIN, Returning OfficerCJ Ho)lyburn, B. C., 28th December, 1932. West Vancouver Current Events Club (Under leadership of Mrs. J. Stuart Jameson) will resume studies 1VEDNESDAY, 18th JANUARY, at 3:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. H. Small, 2047 Yuiton Avenue. SUBJECT OF !,ECTURE--"Technocracy.o For information phone Mrs. Ilsyes, West 818LI. JEFFERIES'UPERlOR MEATS Government Inspected On)y 1 Store at ilollyburny next 'I heatre PHONE WEST 3 !LU SER'