0001 January 12, 1933, THE WEST VAN NEWS I ? ii I5 i8 i8 ?5 CORRESPONDENCE To the Editor I 8 West Van News. Dear Sir: -- On reading the interesting prise essay by Miss Marjorie Paton in your issue of January 6th, I was reminded of a discussion on this same sub- ject, "Fxlucation" that took place a good many years ago in one of the prairie districts of Manitoba. Many illuminating letters were published but one in par- ticular was outstanding and wide in outlook. It was from 0 woman and signed "Retired School-Teacher" I quote from memory one or two points-- "That a certain amount of drudgery was of advantage to the student for drudgery has to be faced in preparation for sny career and Indeed in any walk of life." "What is the object of educa- tion? Certainly not the passing of examinations, however, bene- ficial that may be in its way; but--the formation oi char- acter." "What is the test value of education? That those educated may in after life be 'ready't the call of duty." Truly yours, M. A. HAMILTON SMITH. CORRESPONDENCE Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--With your permis- sion I beg for space in your col- umns for the following: To the few the unexpected has happened, to the many the ex- tV ed hss taken place, Miss est Vancouver has called for an election, she says that she abhors the word acclamation. A bewailing voice has been heard as if from tbe wilderness, lamenting the existing condi- tions of this fair realm (lowing with milk and honey, in which neither privation nor suffering exists (?) it is the voice of Miss West Vancouver as she wanders forth to announce sn election. As she travels up the leading artery of her seat of local gov- ernment, I was invited by her to be s companion, of inspection through her Temple, as she leads me through the corridors, she shows me the quarters of one of her highly paid officials who also acts as secretary to the Ceme- tery Board, which, she thought an extra indemnity was paid, then I was lead to the seat of engineering accomplishments, which also included the depart- ment of plans, speciflcstions, and permits, where also another highly remunerated oificial act- ed as Secretary to the Police Commission for which surely sn extra revenue is derived. Miss Van. then pointed out to me an- other exuberant paid oificial in the water works department, while, as she mentioned, there were idle subjects of hers equal- ly capable of filling these dupli- cated positions at less cost. Inviting me to view the newly sown lawns, I ventured to ask for what reason all this waste of public money while her streets were in need of repair, with a sign of her hand not to be too inquisitive, at the same time whispering in my ear, per- haps the grass grown is going to be rationed out for relief pur- poses, then she pointed to that massive piece of stone masonry engineering, well built with skil- led labor but looking as if at one end a cave in had taken place, and one end sinking into the bowels of the earth. Then she pointed to her thread-bare snd worn garments which had been so lavishly placed upon her on two Msy Day celebrations, by 8 great exponent of oratorical effulgence, as well as to her shoes which although shiny and neat, were, underneath out of public view, full of leakages. Miss Van then opened her heart, full of sorrow for her suf- fering subjects while her shep- herds were living on the fat of the flocks. She said, "On the 14th instant, I am asking the electors to remove my tattered garments, and reclothe me with garments, free from stain, from partiality, but adorned with the emblems of equal rights, other- wise there looms upon the hori- xon that which will be non-palp- able and labeled in boldness of type thus: 'Improvement Tax'." Which this Municipality is fast travelling towards, then our stores will be empty, as well ss our schools, our streets desolate, in which alone the idle rich will dwell. Electors, we want 8 change all along the line. "VOTE TO- WARDS THAT END." SCHOOL BOARD EX- OFFICIAL ~ ~ ' ~ Only 0 demonstration wfll ~ the daim thst the new Forest Crolluy ll Cuueda'4 Rnuct rsdio value. Let ul prove this dsim tu you. Models tu cuit every purse from $75 to $225 PHONE OR VISIT J.W. Kelly Fiaao Co. Llmuul G. GEMMILL, rhscut 14lb uud biuciuc WEST 37 IVEST VANCOUVFR UNEMPI.OYED ASSN. West Vancouver Unemployed Association held a meeting on 'riday last at 1458 Marine rive, the new Socialist head- quarters, when two speakers ad- dressed the association -- Mr. Steven~, Provincial Relief In- spector for North Shore, who answered many questions put by the members, and Mr. Scales who spoke on Unemployment Councils. The next meeting will be on Friday, January 13, at 8 p.m. in the Legion Hall when an address on Unemployment Insurance will be given, MARKED DECREASE IS SHO%N IN TRANS-INI.ET FERRY TRAFFIC IN 1932 North Vancouver Ferry traf- fic during 1932 shows 8 substan- tial decrease compared with that of the previous year, according to a report of ferry department officials. In 1932, the trans-inlet sys- tem carried 2,987,091 passen- gers and 597,062 vehicles, as compared with 3,437,566 and 706,089 in the previous year. Passenger traffic shows a drop of 450,474 while 109,027 fewer vehicles were carried in 1932 than in the previous year. During December the boats carried 228,048 passengers and 40,178 vehicles as compared with 247,342 and 49, 231 in the corresponding month of the pre- vious year. Passenger traffic de- crease in 19,294, while 9,053 fewer vehicles were carried in December, 1932, than in the same month of 1931. All members of the Unemploy- ment Association are earnestly requested to attend a joint meet- ing of the Legion and the As- sociation this (Thursday) even- ing at the Legion Hall at 8:30 o'lock, sharp. CURRENT EVENTS CI,UB The West Vancouver Current Events Club will resume their course of study under the lead- ership of Mrs. J, Stuart Jameson on 1Vednesday, the 18th, at 3:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. W. B. Small, 2047 Fulton Ave. The first lecture will be on "Tech- nochracy" and its implications. Single lectures 35c; course of six lectures 81.75; for further information phone the secretary Mrs. Bernard Hayes, IVest 318L1 A vote for Leyland is a vote for %est Vancouver. Frantic Rush Golfer (to friends ahead): "Pardon, would you mind if I played through. I'e just heard my wife is seriously ill" A vote for Leyland is a vote for IVest Vancouver. "Hooray--a jobI. I'm glail I kept nay Telephone.'" "Hooray!" shouted Jack, as he executed a step dance in the kitchen. "I'e got a jobl I'm glad I kept my telephone." No wonder he's happy. Thanks to his telephone, he' going back to work. When the position became available, several fellows were considered; but he was the only one who could be reached by telephone. He got the job. The man with 8 telephone has the beat chance of getting a job, A vote for I.eyland is a vote for %est Vancouver. SPECIAL 8. 6. W'sole,'Nul, Scodecc COAL $7.50 a ton DELIVERED A1 FUEL CO. 146 Loncda(c Ave. Phone Nocch ?93 B. C. TELEPHONE COMPANY CLASSIFIED ADS The rate iur Ciuccilcs rhdrcctbmmcum iu 2 mmlc pcc word. miuimum 25 clcllu. Except iu Cbc cslN 01 1bmc bccbll cceuiuc uccmmiu lads urc pcrubic ulciclir iu slcuucc. Bcmcmbcr Clumiscec iu ibc Weel Vsa News Scl immmnclc rcuuna A vote for Leyland is 8 vote A vote for Leyland is a vote for West Vancouver. for %est Vancouver. SAWS SHARPENFD, Skcicu Gruumi N. R. Enic, 1427 Mcciuc, Phoae West 184R. DRFASRrhKING -- Cmulrb Drccucc, Children's Wear, Alteration&. Prices Rcummubic. lice. W. T. Device, WCCC 287Y. GET MY FREE EHITMATES cu Painting. Pupccius aul Kuicruum- iug. C. 4 Kuuiueu, Rcu. Phone West 804 R. WANTED -- Houcckcupcc, amen re- munerative. Phone West 878Y. IDST--Fuk-Srouu kklcu, fcuu-seer ~lith black ctcipcc. Reward. 1060 Marine Drive. WANTED -- Small Four.buic Cook Stove with oven. Rust bc In good shape uul ccusouubic in price. Phone West 4008. HEADGUARTERS for an tbc Pop- uicr Cilucclicc, Tobaccos, aul Fish- ing Gad secs for local waters. rhmblccktc Tcu Reams. FOR SALE CC Carter'c, 2152 Rcciuc --Beds, dressers, bcutcrc, cuulcc, books, host of other buuccbcid goods also puiuis, oils, glass, cic. Furui- tucc repaired uud polished. RARCELLE SHOP -- Mcrccnc, 50 cculc; reset. 854; laser wave, 764. Phoae Rcc King West 804 WEST VANCOUVER 51ACHINE SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Household articles. 1440 Marine. Fok RENT -- Cemrocicbic furuicbcl cottage, nice iucuiicu, $ 10.00. Phoae West 266X. SLIP COVFRS, Cbcclcrlcid umi Tuu Chairs, $ 18.00. N. R. Ellis, 1427 Marine. Phone West 184R. FOR PLUMBING REPSIRS -- Rcc- idcucc Phone West 2411k LEGION TROOP SCOUT NOTES The troop is rapidly increas- ing in number. At last week' meeting thirty boys were pres- ent. The troop is still wanting more boys, however, and any boys wishing to join will be wel- comed on Thursdays at 7:15 pm in the Legion Hall where the troop meets. A new patrol competition is in progress and keen interest is being shown by the various members. WAISTED -- Cmus Kkcbcu Ruaac, child's so-cuci, table, ccdululc for lccwocl or labor. Bou &, West Vcu News. PURN1SHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses io Beat. Houses, lots, uul ~cccsxc for sale. John luuccu, 17th uud Marine, Pbcuc Wast 56. WEBB'6 SHOR REPrhIRS WEAR BEST -- Duuduravc. A vote for Leyland is a vote for IVest Vancouver. GEO. HAY ?COTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND LNSURANCE 1405 Mcciuu Drive Phoae Wc41 21 or Scrmouc 1260 Ercuiusc Wccb 204X GORDON ROBSON Barrister R Sukckoc IVEsT YANcDUYER- Oiticc No. 1447, Ruciuc Driva Phone West 408. VANCOUVER OFFICE- Sunc 818 610 Hucliusu Si. W Phone, Seymour 4100. TEAROE & SON Phone 84 West Sand, Gravel, Bllllders'uppHes Wood, Coal Dump Truck IVork ~halaavCaa Let the jtreet car fill all your ccrrbc brs clc ci lour lrc rccricucc Creme Cmbu luce ~ ercrrcr ~0 uc IcrrucC ~ crr4 Trmcl br succl Cm tranipo*ation needs thij year Room for afl members of the family dmtu Ccc( no pcrhius worries. Ready in Cii weather, at cB tiulclr iu curve yrw 10 trculpolhruuiu cumtu* iu the chopiuue dilirkk ~ io the muriuc ~ io church ~ ho ciYii your iriuudc ~ home fmr luucib ~ iI III I L1 I Eu(0] ill..l:I y % S R KCB 6 15 [08:FCS I KICF \Ref084 A vote for Leyland is a vote A vote for lwyland is a vote for %est Vancouver. for %est Vancouver. ~ ~ 'ul Gv r vl u C ~ ~ ~ ' r r ~ 'r rr rru