0001 A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculatieg J'n thc District of Wnt Uancoutcr-Ansbicsidc, Holi burn Wcs D d $1.00 per year. Cypress truartt, Caulfcild, IrUhytccitff, Etc. 5 yer eely at newsstands. gl, 7[[2 ce uu[mu .Cur. Wuut a[aim su[urn Rust r,ILP [931 I[rui- Buuuu mfiug them Quru. mul luau; uum. llilug elec iu. [0[ iih& m.u[ remi uum. [the ual lme sic[ such h[uu. it[a '/y & Qhf rlmh sml [[u[I B.C. I uhy rui- ' 6 ui &ur. J ef rtrh[ I! sdt [ HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.cu THURSDAY, JAN., 12, 1933Vol. VII SIX PAGES 0[ Np. 34 TURN YO[rR DIAI.S COUNCIL PASSES AND LISTEN IV RESOI.UTIAnnual Stewardship Meeting ON ru IP9 EBI PLOY hiENT Reeve J. B. Imy[snd will addr~ the el tars of [1 ~t The Council p s~ th fdlpw Vancouver over Radio Sta- ing resolution at their meeting tion CKWX at 7 p.m. Frl- on Monday evening: day. "RESOLVED: THAT WHEREAS thousands LEGION W. A. are out of employment ss a re- sult of the general industrial The Leg[pa Hall was gled to conditions, and have little means capacity Saturday afternoon of subsistence except at the ex- when the concert given by the Pease of the taxpayers. West Vancouver Dramatic Soci- AND WHEREAS Munuc[ya[u- ety, under the direction of Miss ties are already burdened with Nina Grey, was very well receiv- more financial responsibilities ed. The large audience demand- than they are able to support, ed many encores. The musical NO[V T part pf the program wa [ deed ' EI E R E F 0 R E this very enjoyable as also were the tap dancing au~a, daintily 1'hat the FedeM Govern- ~ven by Mise Irene T rner. ment, in whom the msyom[bfiity for finding a solution lies, im- e atter part of the concert m&x[iate[y take some definite both old and young, the young house to introduce le 'atio ar y well. Special mention must utory Unemployment Insurance be given to 5[isa Betty Grey and and the Council~&vapid therefore play they were priceless). Premier of B. C.remier o .. urge in no un- plays in the near future by these people of this Province that prompt action be taken to dis- A Whist and Bridge Tea is be- cuss this subject with the Feder- ing held at the residence of Mrs. al authorities with a view to James H. Smith at 992 29th necessary measures being taken Street on Thursday afternoon, as soon as possible." 19th January, starting at about 2:15 o'lock. A copy of this resolution has S. P. OF C. NOTE 'olmie.been furwsrded to Premier On the evening of Thursday, EDG I ~ January 5th, the West Vancou- ver Branch of the Socialist Par- i ty of Canada held its regular meeting at 1453 Marine. The Wednesday morning at his resi- election of officers for the en- dence, 1052 King's Avenue. He suing term of 1933 occupied the ~ in his 78th year and had major portion of the business h. ed here 16 years. He is sur- period of the agenda. The new 'ved b['is wife and one son, Executive elected are as fofiowsi ho is on the Prairie. Funeral Piss[dent, A. M. Stephen; Vice- rvices will be held at 3 P.m. president, T. Russell; past pres- u "rd y at Harron Bros. 4[ 1Vil- ident, Harry Davison; Secretary hamson's chaPel in North Van- Mrs. C. H. Johnston; Treasurer, couver, Rev. F. A. Ramsey of- J, M. Sinclair; Convener of Ent- ficiating, and interment wiu be ertainment Committee, Geo. ade in Capilano View Ceme- Herring; Convener of h[ember- 9hip Committee Mrs H Glacd Delegates were aypo[nted tp the CHE& ROLET I'RESENTS forthcoming Annual Convention 1933 MODEL of the Provincial Socialist Party of Canada to be held in Vancou- 'Ihe new Chevrolet, 1933 ver, January 21 and 22. A model, is out combining features special meeting of the local never before attempted in auto- Branch is called for the evening mobile manufacture. of Thursday, the 12th instant, A hearty invitation is extend- to discuss matters of policy in ed to the public to inspect this view of the coming Convention. new model on Saturday, 14th The next regular meeting will January, in the show rooms of be held on Thursday, the 19th the Mcs[ifian-Hartness Motors instant. Ensuing meetings for Ltd., 3rd and Lonudale Avenue, the coming season will be held North Vancouver. on the flrst and third Thursdays of each month. sinking fund surplus of $30,128, a record which few B. C. munici- palities could equaL They hop- ed to continue their good work at Ambleside Beach, where con- siderable sand had been added by the ivinter storms, and they would have the finest bowling green on the coast in Memorial Park, also grounds round the hall had been greatly improved. 1[e expected that this year the Vancouver Parks Board would take over Lighthouse Park and run same jointly with them. It had been necessary to make reg- ulations to protect the trees and lessen Are hauards on the Ridge, where the government harl given them an additional 240 acres. Unemployment was a human as well as a ihiancial problem, it was worrying all governmeiits, but wss, of course, really a fed- Coundllor William Dickinson up for re-election cause the western 7 miles of the district had no representation, and he believed in no taxation without representation. J. S. Yates J. S. Yates stated he was a candidate because he thought he could be of use. He was for strict economy, an&I had had past experience on the school board and council. J. T. Watt J. T. Watt thought from the reports that the income of the district was steadily decreasing while the expenditure wss being maintained at the same rate as in the good times four or five years ago. Doubtless those in charge weim doing their best, but there could be only one re- sult if things were run ss they (Continued on Page 6) THE EI.ECTIOVS Contrary io general expecta- tions and the desires of many. who wished to have the muni- cipahty saved the expenses of an election this year, three new candidates came forward at the last moment. Exrcauncillor J. T. Watt is a candidate for the reeveship against Reeve J. B. Leyland, while J. S. Yates and L. Lambert are running for the two seats in the council held by Councillors William Dickinson snd Robert Fiddes. School Trus- tees T, E. W. Russell and George Jackson, also Police Commission- er Joy have been returned by acclamation. A vote for Leyland is a vote for West Vancouver. Councillor ltabert F[ddus up for &pa[ection There was a large crowd at miles of new road. Total cost of the Inglewood Auditorium last the new Nelson Creek culvert night on the occasion of the an- was $ 1,500, but actual cost to nual stewardship meeting. Reeve district $210, government pay- Leyland asked Police Commis- ing the balance. They had solv- sioner Joy and the members of ed three drainage schemes. As the council to speak in the order chairman of the light depart- given, after which he spoke him- ment he stated the domestic self before calling upon the new lighting agreement had expired candidates. some time ago and had not been Commissioner Joy renewed, as the council wanted Commissioner Joy stated that the same rate as the city and the estimated expenditure for district of North Vancouver. If the police department for the elected, he would do his best ss year 1932 had been $ 11,370, and in the past. y they had actually spent $10,- Councillor Elgar k ' 545.63, a saving of $824,37. Last Councillor Elgar, chairman of 1 year the cost had been $11,315, the parks, said the net amount ~ I They had collected $4[7 in fines, spent hsd been $6,814, of which $1,830 in licenses,and $235 in $ [,805 was for Ambleside Beach, dog licenses, which was'$100 $ 1,666 in Memorial Park, and more than last year. During balance in the west end and the I 1932 43 business yremises had hall grounds. As chairman of iieen found insecurely locked. transportation, he reported a Councillor Dickinson 5",&I decrease in ferry passengers Reeve J. B. Iw land Councillor Dickinson, chair- but they had handed $ 12,000 man of Anance,reported that the clear to the municipality from finances of the municipality profits, after purchasing new were in g&xxl shape, the liudget bus at $4,000 and doing many re- . "tter. The council had had been balanced, sinking fund pairs to the ferry wharf; $130,- inst ac&it a resolution to Dr. charges provided for, and $5@00 000 ferry bonds had been paid 'n this connection, who paid oif the bank overdraft. The oif, and new boat might be wa»caving for Ottawa that total expenditure in his depart- necessary. Ferry pff[c[a[s had night to &iiscuss this subject. ment had been $ 19,543.50 as a- taken a voluntary reduction of They were making arrangements gainst $20,773 in 1931, a $700 5'4 for relief purposes. to remove garbage area, The reduction made in costs of 'ouncifior Garth best ally of the district. had been clerk's department, and $1,000 Councillor Garthorne, chair- H I re Assoc[at[on. Refer-the Wel r saved in bank interest. Taxes man of the fire department, said g o he uPPer levels'evel- callecied were $10,000 less than tliay had purchased s new fire opment scheme, which had help- 1931 and government grants truck, total expenditure for year h !" ip oyment, new caiI[racts down $3,695. Unemployment re- being $1,454 As chai'rman pf hsd just been let to clear 5 miles lief had totalled $35,372 less the the waterworks he said the oper- roads and a golf course, both government's share $20,837, be- sting surplus for the year wa„ to be Anished by 30 April. He ing a net cost to the district of $10,633, which had been turned hank d the council and staff for $14,535. A loan from the bank over ia the municipality. M~te~ for 1933 had already been ar- rents had been cut out and a 'e-elected, he would ranged, there was a surplus in saving of $49,ppp made in the make no Promises, but would en- &he sinking fund of $30,128, and matter of the $ 165,QQQ water by savor to serve the district to the balance at credit for the law, this [icing due to premium t of his ability. year was $4 382.47. He saw no on bonds, reduced cost of mater- eave Gisby, who wasEx-Reev reason for any increase in the ial, and day [abor. They had hen aPPointed chairman of the mill rate in 1933, but further $186,0PP wprth pf ~aine fpr meeting called on the candidates drastic economy would be need- $165,000. to speak in the order given, ed for which reauon his slogan 'Reeve I yh d Reeve L yland and Council[am if elected, would be "don't Reeve Lay[and reviewed brief- ickinson and Fiddes coming spend money until you have it." ly what the caunci[ had accomp- ~rd to state they stood on Councillor Fiddes lished in 1932. There had been their records. Councillor Fiddes, chairman of no increase in taxation for some L. I.ambert theboardof works'saidtheesti years and he saw no reason for L I mbert said he had sat 6 mate had been $18,300, and they any increase in 1933, much [ess years in the Burnaby council ~ had spent $1,000 less, the aver- an improvement tax. He and but had been a resident of age over 18 years being $18,000. the council were absolutely oP Horseshoe Bay for 17 years Work had been chieAy mainten- posed to any im[irovement tax where his property was assessed ance, 6 old employees had retir- any many courses were still oPen at $8,000. Burnaby had gone ed, and 3 new ones been taken to them in the years to come be- down as a result of having to taken on, and the policy had fore it would be necessary tp keep 6,000 workless people. been to spend for the general even consider such a Pr«eed'ng They had taken up unemploy- good rather than for individual which would be the last res&irt ment insurance for years with bene[it. Toprovideworkforthe The bank overdraft was now the U.B.C.M. lately adding to unemployed, one-third of the $28,000 as compared with $55 their application insurance for cost of which only was paid by 000 in 1930. In sPite &if cuts! old age and sickness. The the municipality, they had ha&i government grants, increase in municipal act was out of date work schemes in the parks, social service charges and 60 I['nd should be washed out to give b ach~, and in opening 1 2/3 of t xes collected, they had bsl- place toan act which would give anced their budget, Paid pff municipalities a chance. $ 130,000 ferry bonds and had a He was offering himself, be-