0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS i ) January 6, 1933. I vr Vtv v J vvr I Ir~m~ v rv J.JJ vvlv I J r sir* 'JlrI'J ~ I rl'- ~ i 'FA' r'lrl LlC VJCI . 'J 'C rt J'rJJ Jw JJc "v v rvr J rt IJ«IV I 'VIul 'co \"I'rv 'ir + rr ,,r': Ir c r vcr rv rrr 4 Fv v'vr Jrvrrrvv 'v lrrrrr r 4~.vrrrrrjrrl J-rrvvrYv.rr 'rv rv .rc ~. Vvrrrrrrrr ~rr Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dun(IaraVe,', " ""„'„'" AmbleSidfl „'"",~ "„.„," TW'0 DAY SALE Friday Rftd Snt Rvd B White TOMATO SOUP with that Sae Tomato Savor 2 ties Sse Red tk Vrhite TOMATOES Soud pack, large... 2 this 25e Red B White PEAS, Faavy Na ~.. 2 tins 254 SUGAR-- lk C Gvaauiated ...... 6 lbs. Rse Red tk White GREEN BEANS No. 2 tia ........................ 1 so GOLDEN CORN, Blas B White Packed ia L C ...2 tins 25e Red R White SPAGHEFTl with Cheese B Tomato Sauce tall tia ........ „...,....., 10e TEA, Nabob, vleh ia Savor Special price, lb............ Sse Red B White FLOUR-- 24 Its sack ....................... 62s 49 tts ssvk..................... 51.15 MARhlALADE, Nabob Pare Orange, large 52 ox lav Rse STRAWBERRV JAM, Nabob, pure Fruit aad Ssgav....4 Its tia 45c Red B White PILCHARDS tall tia ....................... se CHICKEN HADDIE Nabob pev tia ....................... 17e Red B White KEI'CHUP 14 ox. bottle ...................... 15e SHREDDED WHEAT pev yscksge ....................... 9e PEACHES, Lyaa Valley 2s .................... 2 tins Ssc COUNCIL NOTES (Continued from Page I) council passed 0 resolution that this property be offered to the applicant at $1,220 plus regis- tration and conveyance fees, terms cash. The council accepted the oiFer of Pemberton 67 Son of the fol- lowing bonds to be purchased for sinking fund account: $1,000 District of West Van- couver 5tv(t por cent bonds due 1st January, 1940, at $91.80 and accrued interest, yield 7 per cent. Also the following bonds from Reed, Henderson Ltd. for the same purpose: $3.000 District of West Van- couver 5tck per cent bonds due 1st January, 1940, at $91.00, yield 7.15 per cent. The engineer reported to the council on: l. hfrs. J. A. Grigor's applica- tion rc state of Keith Road, 11th to 13th. That the difliculty could be overcome by cutting snd grad- ing an earth gravel walk along the south side of Kcith Road. The work wss approved. 2. hfsrgarct Bentley'6 appli- cation. That the road ciesring be ex- tended about 50 feet to match clearing snd grading of private property. The work wss approved. 3. W. Arnold's application, King'6 east of 11th Street. That an order for two loads of gravel had been already is- sued for the worst section of the road snd that the remainder should be left until such time as regular grading is undertak- en. 4. hiuriel C. Roid, December 23rd, tall trees outside gate. That the origina complaint dated July 19th, had already hsd attention. Present request referred to the engineer with power to act Jan. 6th Rnd 7th BACON, Fle(cher's, sliced side Ml ttx pkg................... 2 fov tae KADANA TEA, good value 1 tts package .................... 29e COFFEE, freshly ground yev Its ............................ Rse PRUNES, Fiuest Santa Clara large slue ...,...., .. 2 lim. 1st BUTTER- Goldea Meadow ....... 2 lbs. 5SC 1lsida Vale ................ 2 lbs. 49e APRiCOTS, lielicious stewed, Fine quality, large siss, ib lse FIGS, New Crop Smyrua- for Cookiag ...., . 2 lbs. 15e SMALL WHITE BRANS, 2 Ibs 14e MACAiiON1, 16 os. package 2 for 15c RED ARROW SODAS Large family packet ......... 1Se CORN STARCH, Caaada .....,.........,.. 2 phd lpe SHAKER SALT, Regal per package .................... 1st LARD, Pure, 1 lb. pviata, 2 fov 21e ORANGES, Canfovaia Medium slxe,....... pev douce 25e Large ............ pev doves 40e OKANAGAN ONIONS, Dvy 5 lbs. 10e POTATOES, Ashcruft Gems 25 ttus 27c QUICK QUAKER OATS Large pkg.......................... 17e without prc)udice. 5. E. Craig's application drain- age water across Pslmerston, D.L. 783 W+-15-2. Referred to incoming council. The council finally adopted West Vancouver Land Re-Saic By-laws No.'0 516, 1932, snd 517 1932. Waifles ltvvs cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder t/4 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar I cup milk 2 egg yolks 2 tablespoons melted fst 2 egg whites Measure, mix snd sift the first four ingredients; sdd the milk gradually, then egg yolks snd melted fst, snd mix thoroughly. Lastly, fold in the stifFly-beaten egg whites. Cook in n well- greased waffle iron. Plain Mulf ins 2 cups flour 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons fat 31Ai teaspoons baking powder VR teaspoon salt I egg 1 cup milk Sift the dry ingredients sever- al times. Beat the egg until light; sdd it to the mixture snd lastly stir in the melted shorten- ing. Mix the ingredients thor- oughly; grease mulfin tins; fil two-thirds full. Bake in 0 hot oven, reducing heat gradually towards the end of the baking. Bake about 26 minutes. "I know s place where women don't wear anything--except a string of beads once in s while." "Holy gee, where?" "Around their necks, stupid." The News Announcement Dr. J. SimPSOn Cull, B.A., M.D., LM.C.C. Hvyy oprrfrd an pj)Frr in a suifr in fhr Krifh Block Jvi 40 Jvfarinr Drivr Phonr Wert 167 LUMBER A74D SER VICE For SERYlCB, QUALlTY aud ItEASONABLE PRICES deal with The Largest Exclusive Retail l.umber Orgaalxauou ia lk C. Satlsfattloa Guaranteed Rxt Syeeigod 1 ugtba..... 6 8.5O Rx8 to Rxls any ieugtb.... 8.00 lxs to 1xio Shiylsp ....... 8.00 lxS Flooriug and V Joist K. Dv long ............. 11.00 lx4 Floorlug aud V Joint K. Dv long ............... 14.00 6 in. Fir Sidiug, long, ... K. Dv No. 1 .............. 15.00 tkxs V Joint ............. 1O.00 No. 1 XXX Shlugies ..... 2R5 No. 2 Shingles ...... 1.80 ~ o ~ Everything In Buildiug Materials AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th sud Msviae Drive 'treat Vaavouver Phone irest 199 A Branch of Excelsior Lumber aud Shingle Co. Ltd. SCHOOL BOARD ANNUAL hlEETING (Continued from Page 1) beginners, snd they hsd won the The matter ofthe bowling provincial school championship at the Vancouver Exhibition. They hsd camped for ten days on Kest's Island, snd had given concerts on the piers here be- sides assisting at a number of functions. Trustee George Jackson Trustee Jackson, chairman of the heating, lighting, snd plumb- ing committee, said they hsd spent $407.39 in sanitation, $964 in heating, snd $120 in ventil- ating and light. Of the $964, the cost of practically rebuilding the old burnt out furnaces at Holly- burn School hsd been $782, snd they were now as good as new, while most of the $120 hsd been spent in putting in lasting shape the antiquated snd unsatisfac- tory ventilating system at Hol- lyburn School, which wss contin- ually breaking down. Speaking to the matter of grounds, of which committee he wss also chairman, he reported s total expenditure of $727, most of this being for the work on the grounds of the high school. Allowing for the govern- ment grant, this hsd cost $646, the remainder of the $727 being made up of small expenditures at the Hollyburn and Pauline Johnson Schools. Trustee W. N. hlcDonnld Trustee hicDonald, chairman of finance, stated they had been met at the beginning of the year with a cut in the government grants, which hsd caused them s great deal of trouble in strik- ing their estimates. Their ssti- mate as finally decided upon hsd been $46,528.15, snd they had overspent this amount by $1,544- .15 due to several contingencies which they could not foresee. The chief of these wss the loss of $1,250 in fees from the senior matriculation class, which hsd had to be discontinued this year for unexpected reasons already expisined. They hsd also been called upon to meet over $600 carried over from the previoUs year. The net cost to the board of the school nurse hsd been $378, the dental clinic's net cost being $375.98, of which sum $222.10 represented unpaid den- tal accounts. A number of questions were asked by members of the audi- ence following which s vote of thanks to the board wss moved by Ex-Rssve George Hsy and secondsd by Ex-Reeve S, Gisby, R. Ford also moving 0 vote of thanks to the teachers for the good work they hsd done voiun- tsrily in training the children in their sports activities. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Ilollyburhty next Theatre PMONE WEST 3 LU SER and all Building Material of Beat ()uailty sl Low Price BUII.D NOW I WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 116 Res. I'hone West 368L 15th and hlarlne "Right Service -- Right Grades" THE CORI'ORATION OF TIIE DISTRICT OF'EST VANCOUVER REST IN POUND MAKES PI(.CHARDS GOOD BAIT Pilchards kept in pound for 0 week or more make better hali- but bait than pilchsrds fresh from free wanderings at sea. Fishermen in northern British Columbia have found this out by experience snd there's really s very simple explanation for what might seem to be the strange condition they uncover- ed. Fresh from their liberty in the sea the pilchsrds are very oily fis and because they slip- ped so readily from the hook they hsd not been found very satisfactory for baiting htiibut hooks but when they are im- pounded for s time they lose much of their oil content snd when they are put on the hook they stay there. This turned out to be the case when fishermen in the Rivers Inlet area im- pounded several thousand hun- dredweights of pilchards this year, kept them impounded for a week or more, and then sold them to halibut fishermen for bait. Pilchsrds have not ordinarily appeared in northern British Columbia waters in large quan- tities--the great pilchard lish- ery of the province is in Van- couver Island areas--snd the halibut fishermen have relied upon herring for bait purposes. In the past couple of years, how- ever, the pilchsrds have shown up in some abundance in the northern district snd if the runs there continue, the discovery that impounding inskes them suitable for halibut baiting will doubtless mean that s good many of them will be sold for this purpose. Public Notice Is hereby given to the Electors of the Municipality of the Cor- poration of the District of West Vancouver, B. C., that I require the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni- cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C. ON hIONDAY the 9th day of January, 1933, at 12 o'lock noon, for the purpose of electing per- sons to represent them as Reeve and Two Councillors and electing two persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per- son to represent them as a Com- missioner of Police. The hlode of Nomination of Candidates Shall Be as follows: The Candidates shall be nom- inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elec- tors of the Municipality as pro- poser snd seconder, snd shall be delivered to the Returning Of- ficer at any time between the date of the notice and 2 p.m. of the day of nomination. The said writing may be In the form num- bered 3 in the Schedule oi'he "Municipal Elections Act,o snd shall state the names, residence snd occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner as sufFiciently to iden- tify such candidate; and in the event of 0 Poll being necessary such Poll shall be opened on SATURDAY, THE 14TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1933, between the hours of 8 o'lock s. m. and 8 o'lock p. m. of said day at the New Ambleslde Hall, corner of 14th Street snd Mar- ine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C. of which every person is hereby required to take notice and gov- ern himself accordingly. Given under my hand at the Municipal Hall, District of West Vancouver, this 28th day of Dtqcmbcr, 1932. WM. HERRIN, Returning Oificer. Hoiiyburn, B. C., 28th December, 1932. A works foreman congratulat- ed one of his men on his new Sunday suit, but suggested the usc of s coat hanger to make the jacket keep its shape. On meeting the foreman on the fol- lowing Sunday, the workman said: "I'e 'sd to give up that coat 'anger. It was very trying across the shoulders, an'hen I stooped down the 'ook pushed my 'at oiF." Doctor (to Cockney patient): "Thctw'0 nothing wrong with you, my msn. All you need iu s little change." Patient: "Gorblimy, guv'nor, you don't ssy. What sbs'st 'snding ms a quid or two'I" St. Peter (to applicant at the golden gates): "What's )Jour name 7" "Tammss Gordon." "Where do you come from7" vA horde«n.o "Did you ever do a charitable deed on earth f" "I since gae a tramp tup- pence." St Peter "Here's your tup- penco back, anti go elsewhsreio Corn hluiflns I cup corn meal I cup white i)our 3 tablespoons sugar 3 teaspoons baking powder tv(t teaspoon salt 1 14 cups milk 2 tablespoons melted butter I egg Mix dry Ingreqflents. Add milk, egg and butter. Stir well. Bake in muifin pans In s hot oven about 20 minutes. V *O l