0001 January 6, 1966 THE WEST VAN NEWS ~ ~ ' ~ Only u dumouxtrutluu will rove thu dulm thot the new Forest Ccoxluy is Couodo'4 Suoxt radio value. Let ux prove thlx duim tu you. Models tu suit avery Fucxu from $75 to $225 PHONE OR VISIT J.W. Kelly Piano Co. Llaliox O. GEMMILL, Asoui 14th uud Mucluo WEST 37 THE l3URNING BUSH 13y Subadur "The Gloomy Dean" has been at it again. He says that man has not made any intrinsic pro- gress in the last 40,000 years judging by the skulls of that period which have been unearth- ed. Physically we seemed to be degenerating, as we were losing our hair, claws and fur, besides our keen senses of sight, hear- ing and smell. There is no ques- tion about the growing army of the bald in spite of the tons of restorers used which do little but put a Sunday polish on the old dome. We may yet live to see parlors where the gentlemen with the brushes will say "Shine your shoes and head, sir.w Yet, while I believe the dean is a confirmed joker, there is always a basis of cold truth in everything he says. Anyone who has studied human nat- ure "on the hoof," so to speak, and not in professors'ooks knows by reference to history that man in his essentials thinks and acts as he did thousands of years ago. If we would only ad- mit this instead of talking tosh about modern man we would get rid of half the ideas that are clogging up civilization. The very scientists who have made such marvellous discoveries re- main in character and in their everyday human contacts just men. A certain Dr. George Brown of Atlanta, has just burnt up 681,682 worth of accounts and has written each of his patients to just "forget that this service wss ever rendered." I have con- ferred with a number of busi- ness men on the subject, and they aa told me that they mightjust as well follow the doctor'5 lead. And the burden of their song was the same. They had begged, threatened, attempted to shame, insulted, and even stood drinks to their debtors, and ao to no result. In their opinion anything from a sawed-oif shot gun to a 16-incher was indicated and would be equally ineffective, that they were fed to the eyes snd hoped each one of those ow- ing them would choke to death horribly. To return to the doc- tor, who, it will be noted, asked each of his patients to forget he had ever done anything for them. Now, as they had already P obviously forgotten, that iswhat I should call a very nasty one. The Mayor and council of Cal- gary, backed undoubtedly by aa their people, have "gone the lim- it,w they have done that which "is not done," and afi the fin- anciers in Montreal and New York are running round with their ears laid back and their trousers turned up wondering what kind of a hurricane has suddenly blown in from the blue. For their banker'0 aacged threat to cut out any further credit has not jarred this wicked council one Iouc from their blunt refusal to Pay 6660,000 of American ex- change on some of their bonds due 1st instant. They say they won't pay the exchange in spite of hell and high water, and, as for their action blowing up the Montreal-New York exchange market higher then a kite, be- sides disturbing the Jews'appy little home in Wall Street, why it's just too bad, but they as 0 council are not interested. Many other Canadian municipalities, however, with similar bonds fall- ing due in the future are intense- ly interested, and it is this more than the present sum involved which has started the financiers climbing for the high spots. Only recently I had occasion to ob- serve that the British peoples never allowed "anybody or any- thing they could handle to get too gay" with them. In this case Calgary evidently thinks New York is being too gay with them, and that they can handle the sit uation. If successful, their re- fusal may be of material assist- ance in settling the war debts'uestion. We in Canada will never find our way oui of the present eco- nomic impasse until we get rid of our fade and fancies, and face life as it always has been aml will be. AU men are not born equal either physically or mentally, and Jack was never at any time as good as his master in Canada where there is as much snobbery as in Europe. Competition or stagnation ending in degradation is a law of nature, and much of our trouble is due to our artificial elimination of the first. Manhood franchise is based on the assumption that an men are capable of forming respon- sible judgments, which every- body knows is absurd. The franchise must be limited, if we are to get good government. Cities are supported by the farms, not vice versa, a thing we British Columbians particu- larly need to remember. Given health, a family will never starve to death on a farm, although they may not make money, and it may involve going back to weaving cloth there, etc. Modern conveniences are not necessities, and can in the long run only be enjoyed by the few. Our insistence to the contrary has broken up more homes than aa our indulgence in the cardin- al sins. Without a deep sense of re- ligion, some religion, no civiliza- tion can last, for "God is not mocked." These are 0 few of the things we might remember. None of them are new, and most of them can be found enshrined in the writings of the great philoso- phers. Chicken Salad I quart cold boiled chicken cut into small cubes I pint finely cut celery I teaspoon salt Itstcaspoon pepper 2 hard boiled eggs 2 cups mayonnaise dressing 6 olives Mix chicken which should be very tender, with celeb, season- ing and one egg cut into small pieces; marinate with little French dressing and let stand in cold place one hour. Sense on lettuce leaves and spread may- onnaise over top. Garnish with olives and remaining egg cut into slices. Dust with paprika. AU the Winners Captain: "You bathed here without my permission. Don' you know that the sea is full of sharks?o Sailor: OYes, sir,but sharks can't worry me. I am tattooed." Captain: "What has that to do with it?m Sailor: "On my back I have in tattoo. 'The Americans won thewar'nd even a shark can' swallow that." Patronlxe the merchants in our Business Directory. WELFARE NOTES Still seven other hampers were delivered over the week and to homes where Christmas Cheer was not forthcoming, in spite of the repeated requests through the press that neigh- bors keep their weather eye upon next doors to make sure that none were left out. It is to be hoped that those who receiv- ed the belated hampers were at least of Scotch descent, to whom Hogmenay means more than Christmas. Emptying the Bottles Starting the New Year in time honored style, the Food Conven- er has been emptying the bottles this of course referring to the milk bottles placed in the stores for stray coppers, and to hei de- light found nearly nine dollars, with stia some more to collect from. This proves the value of the small donation from 0 large number of people. Collection of I'arcels Sometimes, when 0 parcel is not collected immediately it ls offered, the donor is inclined to think that it is not needed. Donors are reminded that ao jobs connected with the Welfare are voluntary, and that it is sometimes difficult to find some- one able, at a moment's notice, to collect stray parcels. The Association would appreciate co- operation in this matter. Any- thing that is noi required for local use is passed on to other centres. The office is not open every day this month, and it would facilitate matters, if those who could, would deliver their own parcels to the Han, or when that is closed, either to 1243 Marine Drive or 2131 Marine Drive. Everything is needed by someone, somewhere! Thanks for Posters Many people helped with the posters in connection with events put on in connection with the Christmas Cheer Fund, es- peciaay the pupils of Hoayburn School, who turned out some very nice work. To them many thanks for their help. An Appreciation from Afar A former resident of West Vancouver, J. R. L. MacDaniel, Dennis Qusy, Kinesic, Co. Cork, Ireland, is evidently very much interested in his former friends and their well-being, for he has sent 65 across the Atlantic to the local Welfare Association. Kindly and practical thoughts of this kind travelling across the continent must leave good in their wake. Spedal Request A special request this week is for cooking utensils and men' underwear. A Reminder Christmas is past, and as is evidenced by the numerous tele- phone calls and letters of ap- preciation which continue to come, the Welfare Association "went over the top,o thanks to the cooperation of the citizens. Unfortunately the need does not stop with Christmas, the New Year has dawned on a stin troubled people who will need the staying power of a friendly hand for some time to come, therefore the work goes on,and will need the continued support of the public. Coffee Cake 2 cups flour ~ Trk teaspoon salt S tablespoons sugar 4 teaspoons baking powder 2 tablespoons shortening I cup milk Mix and sift dry ingredients; add melted shortening and enough milk to make very stiil'atter. Spread Ir(T inch thick in greased pan; add top mixture. Bake about 30 minutes in mod- erate oven. Top mixture -- 2 tablespoons fiour, tablespoon cinnamon, $ tablespoons sugar, 6 tablespoons shortening. Mix dry ingredi- ents; rub in shortening and spread thickly over top of dough before baking. CLASSIFIED ADS mesio io 2 couio poc woaL mbdmum buries cosufuc uccouuiu, OR duos!. The euro for Clamisaf Adrocifxo 2S coula Except Iu um case of ihooo Sais oco puyublo oicfofly Iu udcuuoo. Remember Ciuxoizodo iu iho West Vxs Nowx Soi Immodfofo camlfts. SAWS SHARPENFJx Skuioo Gcouud N. IL Enio, 1427 Marine, Phono West ISIIL HEADHUARTERS foc An ibo Pop- ular Cixucoiiox, Tobuccox, oud Fixb- Ius God zoiu for local wutoco. Amblooido Teo Rooms. I.ATEST'ODEL Royal Vacuum Ciouuoc, 6$0.60: uixo Johuxou Eloo- tck FTooc wuiecc 615.00, both in goad coudiiiou. North Shoes Radio Elootdo. 1420 Racine Drive, Pbuuo Wom Si oc North 70. IIANIiy ANN SHOPPE, Duudocuco --Wooiu, Needles, Kuixtiug, Boohx, Hoots, Stutlouocy Cords, oio. TO EXCHANGE with Some Cash- Two xmuS furnished housoo, fiso view, Lou Angeles, COL, foc xmun modern house, West Vancouver. Porter, Wudxloy P.O. FOR SALE at Cucloy'o, 2152 Mxcluo --Beds dressers, heaters, ruusoo, books, 'Lost of ofhce houxobold goods aixo puiuix, oils, Zluxx. etc. Fucui- tare copuicod aud ponxhaL MARCELLE SHOP -- Mxccona 50 cents; reset. $64; flugor wave, 754. Phouo birx. Kiss, Wast $0L WEST VANCOUVER M A C H I N E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Houxohold ucddes. 1440 Marine. FOR RENT -- Coucfociotdo fucuixbal cottage, nice location, Sie.ee. Phouo West 265X. SLII'OVERS, ChooiocSold uud Two Cbuicx 6 I 0 00 N IL Ellis 1427 Normo. Phone Woxi 184R. FOR PLUSIBING REPAIRS -- Roo- idouco Phone Woxt 24IR. WESTINGHOUSE S NORTHERN Efoctrio Radios. Eleoxrioul Iuoiul- Ioiioux uud Ropuica Phoae North $10. Hummocxmuck Bcoa FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houuox io Rent. Hommu, Ioix, uud uocuugo foc sale. John Luwxou 17th uud Marino. Phouo West 65. WEEKS SHOE REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Duuduruvu. GEO. HAY NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1406 Moriuo Delve Phouo Woxi 21 or Soymouc 1240 Erouiuzu West 204K Louisiana Shrimp Cook I tablespoon chopped onion in 2 tablespoons butter. Thicken with I tablespoon flour. Add I cup cooked rice, I can shrimp, frff can tomato soup (or 0 little more) I+ can (sman) evaporated milk. Cook until it boils up, stirring constantly. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. John: "I see the papers are saying that a married man lives longer then a single one. Do you think that's true?" Tom: "No. It only seems longer." GORDON ROBSON Bucrixioc e Sofidioc (VEST VANCOUVER Office No. 1447, Marino Drbro Phone Woxt 40$. VANCOUVER OPFICE- Suiiu Srai 610 Huxiiusu Si. W. Phoae. Soymour 4100. Stenog (0 husband hunter) I "When you'e blue and lonesmne don't you often wish you had a loving wife?" Boss (a confirmed bachdor) I "Why, of course not, girhe. Then I wouldn't be able to step out with you." Patronize the merchants in our Business Directory. A HOME PORTRAIT The cost is surprisingly little! C. J. BRODERICK, 143IS Marine LET the motorman do your worrying... let him do the parking for you... travel Ht less expense-in greater comfort. Budyet your transffortation at g centsa ride! IISE YOIIR STREET CARS IN IOIn O rrr tr OA hhr, ~ m rrrr ~:I:IIIR? IKu(0]RSIAI:IF%HE%42:I(e8:FXIHIl-'bCK+3 I „;I'Ir~rrrr O .t I r I rh I vww m~ u h hr. f.h I ". h h~h h 'hh