0001 January 6, 1933. 'rHE WEST VAN NEWS I. 6 IO 1 la ht ch I he ~ ho at " io 't ht'„j be la t ho da of iar el ial rsl aot the Ini s ich- hai ' t Local andTAILORING - CLEANING - DYEING Ve arePersonalPRESSING - ALTERATI 0&VS M. 1VILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Phone West 2O Rca. Phono West 266L Your Druggists Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cole and family, formerly wefi known res- idents of West Vancouver, left yesterday to return to their home in Fernie after spending the holidays as the guests of Mr. and Mra. Ed Black of Dun- darave. ~ ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fay have moved from 28th and Bellevue Avenue into s house at 2360 Bellevue Avenue. \ ~ \ Brian Muir, 23, of Vancouver, broke his leg in two places last Monday while ski jumping on Hollyburn Ridge. He was mak- ing his first takooff of the sea- son at the big jump, but fell on the platform and rolled down the slope. The injured msn, s member of the Vancouver Ski Club was carried to the ski camp by companions, who used sklis as splints. From there he was brought down the trail on a sleigh to the top of 22nd Street, where an ambulance was await- ing him. t v Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Criplxo, 2361 Marine Drive, entertained at a New Year's party in honor of their niece and her husband. Mrs. and Mr. Charles Hudson of Calgary, Alberta. A most enjoy- able evening was spent in cards and music. The guests were: Mr. and Nrs. Charles Hudson, Mr. and hire. Henry Reed of Scot, B.C., Mr. and hfrs. George Bell, Miss Crewson, Miss Loretta Bell, Miss Muriel Bell, Nr. Harry Potter of Kamlooixt, B.C., Mr. and Mrs. E. Chapman and Allen and Lorraine Chapman. ~ ~ v Miss Margaret McLeod, who has been spending the holidays with her parents at her home, 2295 Mathers Avenue, left this week to return to Powell River, where she is on the teaching staff of the schools. ~ ~ \ To Mate W. J. Rse of the ferries and Mrs. Rae, falls the honor of having the first baby to be born in Greater Vancouver in 1933, a son having come to them early on New Year's morn- ing in the North Vancouver General Hospital Reeve Ley- land in accordance with the est- ablished custom will present the new arrival with a silver baby cup. Mr. and Mrs. Rae reside in the Hay Apartments, 14th and Marine Drive. ~ ~ ~ On Friday, December 30th, Captain and Mrs. Taylorson, Superintendents of St. Francis'hurch, Caulfeild, entertained the children at a party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Chap- pell. The room was gay with Christmas evergreens, while the tea table which was loaded with good things. was beautifully dec- orated with poinsettias, rose cyclamens and carnations with candles to tone. About twenty children were present and all joined heartily in the games and singing, the party finally break- ing up about 7:16 p.m. when Mr. Chappell and Capt. Tsylorson drove the children to their homes. Miss Grace Creelman on Christmas Eve, became the bride of Frank Hunter of North Van- couver. The cemmony was per- formed in the home of Rev. J. S. Muldrew of Hastings Street East, Vancouver. c v Miss Mabel Macfie, who has been seriously ill, returned to her duties on the teaching staff of Hollyburn School at the re- opening of the school last Tues- day after the Christmas recess. ~ v Mrs. F. E. White oC Abbots- ford was the guest over the holi- days of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pettigrew, 28th and Queen' Avenue. Last Monday the ferries were busy, carrying 2364 passengers. On Sunday (New Year's Day) 1251 passengers used the ferries ~ v ~ Miss hisisie Busst has taken over the management of the Handy Ann Shoppe in Dundar- ave, and asks for the patronage of West Vancouver residents. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Moore, 22nd and Jefferson Avenue, hsd as their guests over the New Year Mr. and Mrs. H. Taylor of Winnipeg. Miss Crcwson resumed her duties on the Pauline Johnson School teaching staff at the re-opening of school last Tues- day following a short absence due to sickness. v v ~ A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Rex Anthony New Year's Eve, at their home, 6th and Marine Drive. c Tlaavn ndn 2&n nn further Sat- urday matinees at the Hollyburn Theatre until further notice. t v ~ There was a record crowd of winter sports'nthusiasts on Hollyburn Ridge last Monday. There is now ten feet of snow at the ski camp and every pair of skiis was in use. Mr. and Mrs. Ckment and family of Portland, Oregon, spent Christmas with Mrs. Cle- ment's parents, Mr. and hfrs. G. Bulkley, "Dreamy Nook," 25th and Bellevue. ~ n ~ The council at their last meet- ing expressed their appreciation to the executives and members of the staff of the very efficient and loyal service they had rend- ered during the year. Miss Maisie Busst gave a birthday party during Christ- mas week at her home in Dun- darave. A very enjoyable time was spent, refreshments being served at the conclusion of the evening. The guests were: The Misses Helen Ritz, Marjorie Ver- non, May Cripps, hfarjorie Woodford, Phyllis )Uoodford snd Alfred and Ernest Busst. ~ t Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Whitelaw and family, 1786 Gordon Ave., left yesterday on the S.S. Aor- angi for Australia, where they expect to reside m future. Mr. Whitelaw is retiring after twenty-six years in the service of the Pacific Cable Board, the last three years of which he has spent in their Vancouver branch. Death of Mrs. S. A. G. Curry's Father T. A, Peacock, a well known resident of Moose Jaw, and the father of hire. S. A. G. Curry, 2062 Argyle Avenue, was found dead last Friday in the front seat of his car in his garage. Mrs. Peacock, who has been vis- iting her daughter here, was on her way home at the time. Be- aides his wife and Mfa. Curry, he is survived by one son, Ken- neth, who resides In Regina. We are wnkbtg fcv you& ovde&z ht WEST 37 W. L. OGDEN CO. West 146 MEN'S AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCI.USIVEI.Y Gemmill's Drug Store Tho gtovn nf So&vlcc. 1362 bin&inn Dvivn Wont SI Rmcvgvncy Phono West 321 (after 2 p.m.) Boys'an Leather Gauntlet Gloves ~'4 F'ri.„" Also n fcvv black 79C Asoizc stoat-2 STRATTON'S BAKERY Bread - Tea Breads Butter Horns Coffee Rolls SINGING AND PIANOFORTE HENRY MCCLEARY, A.T.C.L., M.R.S.T. Teacher's Diploma Royal Academy of Music, Trinity College of Music, London, England STUDIO:--Over Post Office. Every Tuesday from 3 o'lock. Mid-Summer Exams, Trinity College and Associated Board, 100% Successes. Large Sekctkxt of Pat&ric Almcmd variety Ten Short Bread ALL FRESH NO JUNK hfade at 1468 hiarine Drive Phone West 27)VEST VAN. "Yn The "Y" will meet at the home of Mrs. Thomson, 689 20th Street, Tuesday, January 10th, at 8 o'lock sharp. All young women interested in tem- perance work are cordially in- vited. Patronize the merchants in our Business Directory. Amblesigie Sheet Metal PVOTIEB IADSIE SPECK, Ppnctov 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING DANCING + For particulars phone MRS. W. D. I'RASER 1785 Egin)malt Ave. Classes Re-Open TUESDAY AFTERNOON January 3rd, 1933. WINS SKI CLUB PAPER CHASE Jim Pearcy won the annual ~ u M. II tannpbnvn Pacific Ski Club over the week- end wtih Daisy Bourden a close second and George Smith third. Gus Johnson had a ten-minute start as hare. A big turnout of spectators and skiers featured the week- end. Nordahl Ksldahl of the Holly- burn Club has departed for Cop- per Mountain, where he will train for the flrst big meet of the season Sunday, January 15, at Spokane. 'FffaIII car Mozzsoooowa Day School for Young Children Rhythm and Dancing included Term Re-Opens Thursday, Jan. 5th, 1933. Room 8I Board MRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phane Avenue West 458L C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert IVork Phone West 135 Mrs.T. E. Snelgrove Violiy) nffd Pinyfo XMAS CHEER FUND AND TOY SHOP Mrs. J. B. Leyland kindly drew the lucky tickets for the Xmas Cheer and Toy Shop Raffle on Friday, December 23rd, and the winners were as follows: The Silk Quilt, donated by Mrs. A. S. Smith, was won by hirs. R, B. Rhodes: The Permanent Wave donated by Miss Clay, won by Mrs. Dor- chester: The Turkey donated by the Xmas Cheer and Toy Shop, won by Miss Kilby. The Xmas Cake donated by Miss Durbin and Mrs. Hayes and iced by Mr. Jones of David Spen- cer Ltd., was won by Mr. Cole of Vancouver: The Dressed Doll donated by Mrs. Sieburth, was won by Mrs. Aubrpy Clarke: The Basket of Decorative Flowers, donated by Mrs. R. B. Rhodes, and won by Mrs. J. D. Allan: The Box of Candy donated by Mrs. R, B. Rhodes was won by Mrs. J. C. Oswald. Pupils'uccesses in London Acndcmy, Trinity College nnd Toronto Conservatory. West 21OL K.W. Savory BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEI. B. D. WHITE, Mgv. Distinctive Funeral Scvvicc Lady Anointnnt 326- 3rd St. E, Phone North 626 1443 hiarme Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 IXL Laundry Real Estate Finance and Insurance SERVICES: --'hrifty, Flat- ironed nnd finished laundry (dc laze) phono West 206 L O. D. E. The regular meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D. E., will be held next Monday, 9th January, at I:30 pzn, at the home of Mrn. A. E. Young, 14th and King's Avenue. If your hens nvc nct laying as they should, tcy Thrivo Laying Mash McKENZIE S M&WILUAM FEED CD. 225 Lontdalc Avc. North 6 WEST VAN. AMATEUR. ATHLETlC ASSN. Whist Drive I FRIDAY and Dance i Jan. 6th Legion Hall, at 8 ILgn. sharp GOOD MUSIC REFRESHMENTS A Big Night for Everybody AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCHv Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh Meats, Smoked and Cooked Meatih P HONE WEST 303 FIRE INSURANCE RATES in West Vancouver @Ip per thousand for 3 years. Good reliable Companies. &WHY PAY MORE 7 %V. B. SHAKESPEARE Telephone: Trinity 5218 Telephone: North 428