0001 'us w SMi o t ~'rs ski'. tss i.ti t si su iu t smtel's pJr t& is ts + ~ vt. 1 v . \ rr, rii* t Vv ~ I Frr r wrrrrr rrr December 29, 1932THE WEST VAN NEWS WILL LANDLOCKED SOCKEYE BEHikYE AS SEA FISH ll" GIVEts( CHAiNCE IN OCEANT If the fry of landlocked sock- eye salmon are liberated in streams which lead to sea will they go out to salt water snd then return in due course to re- produce normal sea sockeyeT Canadian scientists are study- ing this question out in British Columbia and should they find an aifirmative answer it would be possible to increase greatly the commercial sockeye produc- tion. for eggs of the landlocked'almon, or "kokanee" or ored- fish" as it is generally known, are obtainable. in a bundance in diife&wnt PaciAc coast areas. For the present, however, the inves- tigators currying on the work express no opinion as to its prob- able results. Previous study has shown that sockeye which have been trans- formed by some chance into a landlocked Ash will reproduce their kind but their kind ls a small, stunted fish, of say, only six or eight inches in length. But will the rule work the other wayT Or, to phrase the ques- tion diiferently, will young ko- kanee go to sea if given a chance and then, when they have come to maturity, reproduce sockeye such as are born from the nor- mal sea runsT It's a question of importance, for kokanee themselves are of practically no commercial value but success in the present ex- periment would make them worth a good deal, indirectly, since the sockeye salmon of the sea is one of the most valuable Canadian fish. )Vhat's Being Done The experiment which Canada has begun is being conducted in the Cultus Lake area of British Columbia, and the Fish Culture Branch of the Dominion Depart- ment of Fisheries and the Bio- logical Board of Canada, which operates under the control of the Minister of Fisheries, are co- operating in the undertaking. A few weeks ago the sta(T of the fish hatchery at Nelson col- lected some 300,000 kokanee eggs in Redfish and Kokanee Creeks, which are tributaries of Kootenay Lake, snd transferred them to the Smiths Falls sub- hatchery in the Cultus Lake dis- trict. The eggs will hatch out at Smiths Falls next spring and the fry will then be placed in retain- ing ponds where they will be held until the spring of 1934. Then they will be marked and set free in Sweltzer Creek which leads to the Chilliwack River and thence on to the sea. Two years after that it will be time for them to return to Sweltzer Creek and spawn, if they are to behave like normal sea sockeye, for salmon come back from the salt water to spawn in the same stream where they themselves were born. A careful watch will be kept or these marked koka- nee, and, although the layman, of course, is not familiar with the practice, the plan followed in work of this kind makes it a comparatively simple matter to maintain an eificient watch by utiBzing a series of "fences" whereby fish may be held for ex- amination as they ascend a spawning stream. Then, when it is seen whether or not the marked koksnee fry went seaward and returned a- gain to spawn like normal sock- eye, it will be possible to form at least s tentative opinion ss to the likelihood that the kokanee can be made an eA'ective agency In increasing the British Colum- bia sockeye stocks. It may be, of course, that the present experiment will not be conclusive. I"urther investiga- tion may be necessary before positive conclusion can be reach- ed, but the expense entailed is negligible as no additions to the regular stafi'5 or equipment of establishments concerned will be involved. sg &ustsevwvwtp-vw&t&&&w~~&t&s&tss&&ntds&&t&sve&tktpetvk&- u&v &&u&t&s~ A I ROql kROUq NLW YFAR I I A Happy New Year I JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Gtovernment Inspected Only ",TURKEYS - GEESE - DUCKS - CHICKENSmith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Itm&lilvely no cold ntnrage birds Your Choice of 400 of ihe fhnicsnt Birds BASIS, hulf or whole. I.AMB, REIIF, PORK, VEAI. COOKEI) MEATS Ol'LI. KINDS, l)EI.ICATF&L&(EN Dundarave,',",„",~ ",'.,',„", Ambleside»~ I ! 1 Store Rt llollyburu, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 TWO DAY SALE Friday and Sat. Dec. 30th and 31st )L C GRANL'LATED SUGAR ~ WINDSOR SAI.T, 1HI ib carton 5& 1 Ibn )m I RED S WHITE BA)i&NO POW- NORWEG(AN SARDINES.... 19s I DER. &In..... 2&c HEINZ PORK & BEANS 't'STRALIAN RAISINS 11 us &ins ....... „..... Ss 2 lbs.. 25s NABOB LOGANBERRY JAM Si(ELLED WALNUTS ~ Bs tin . . .. ..... ,....,.. 19& Hi Ha .... ..... ... . .. I &e AYLMER TohlATO CATSUP lss WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR RED PITTED CHERRIES........ 15s I 7 Ib. sack ..... 27c COLUMB&A PEACHEE un....if& I QUAKER OATS ......... 19c SUNLIGHT SOAP psv ss«oa 17& FRESH DATF'I, 2 iim. 15s FE(S NApHTHA SOAp, bav Ts RED a WH(TE CLEANSER(Special Sampling Price)... 7e ~GOLDEN MEADOW, 2 ibs. 52&, ASHCROFT MAIDA VALE........... 1 lbs. Sps i 25 Rs sack 27& pAC)F(C MILK, iaS &hm 19& SUNK)ST ORANGES. dos..... 25& EW SEASON'S CHEESE, psr Ih ......... JAP ORANGES. psr hos ... Sss STANDARD PRESERVED EGGS CUPS lk SAUCERS ....Daasn .................,............ 29& ', (Bius Band)..................... 19& tAY-Soap VWP -vo'&Wr A'AAVfbt&ogtodtv-'&dv g%~pp 0"'lSIllllg Rll our CtlStolllerS lntl frielitls A VERY IIAPPY NEW YEAI4 gEST VANCOUVER I.UMBER ('O. LTD. Phone West 115 Res. Phone West 368L ISth and Marine DISPUTE HARBOR BOARD'S ACTION Action of Vancouver Harbor Commission in assuming author- ity on December 13 to grant permission to enter upon and traverse a portion of the Low Level road, &esulted in North Vancouver City Council on Mon- day night instructing Solicitor Dugald Donaghy to take immed- iate action to protect the city' rights. Mayor E. H. Bridgmsn report- ed to the council that on the date mentioned the Harbor Commis- sion placed a rope across the Low Level road west of St. David's Avenue snd stopped use of the highway, allowing access only to those who signed a per- mit. "In doing so, the Harbor Board was guilty of trespass, its action being illegal and high- handed," declared the mayor. "It showed a dishonest intention to take something which belongs to the city and which cost 052,000." He also declared "that the board's action leaves no doubt that if it could, it would steal this road and take ft from the city. As this is 1 legal matter, I recommend that this City CouncB instruct the solicitor to take immediate action to protect the city's rights." bfayor Bridgmsn explained to the council that on December 12 all persons desirous'f making use of the road hsd to sign a form "applying to Vancouver Harbor Commissioners for per- mission to enter upon and trav- erse their waterfront roadway from Esplanade to Moodyville, North Vancouver." The name of W. J. Enwright, acting secre- tary of the Harbor Board, was attached to the form. Commenting on the situation, Mayor Bridgman stated that the Harbor Board has nearly one and a half miles of waterfront, not improved, on which the city loses more than 660,000 a year in taxes. The city gave four street ends to the Harbor Board and granted it the right to build a tunnel under Esplanade. The city expended 68000 on a water- msin to serve the area and 652,- 000 on the concrete highway known as the Low Level road. "If I had known in time that a rope had been placed across the road, I would have ordered the chief of police to go down there and cut it," declared the mayor. "I can not understand why this was done, unless it was sn attempt to establish legal ownership of the road. This «dll have to be fought to the last ditch." Right Grades ~r s% tpwc %totp tpsyt tq THE CORI'ORATION OF Tllk: DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER ;! Public Notice Is hereby given to the Electors,.'I, of the Municipality of the Cor- ' poration of the District of West Vancouver, B. C., that I require "'Iv.': the presence of the said Electors at the Council Chamber, Muni- cipal Hall, West Vancouver, B.C.. ON MONDAY the 9th day of January, 1933, at 12 o'lock noon, "Right Servlce-- CHRISTMAS CHEER FUNI) We wish at this time to thank sll those who so generously sent in donations, the total of which was turned over by us to the West Vancouver Welfare Associ- ation's Christmas Cheer Fund last Saturday. The following donations were received: Previously acknowledged 6130.63 Friend....................... 3.00 B. Thorpe .................... 3.00 Art & Jackie R ......... 1.00 "Excelsior" C.G.I.T... 1.50 Miss Beveridge....... 1.00 Mrs. Steele .............. 2.00 0142.13 December 24, By cheque to West Vancouver Welfare Association's Xmas Cheer Fun&i...... 6142.13 Received at Christmas Cheer Headquarters Previouslyacknowledged 6337.88 Mrs. R. W. Froud......... 1.00 Julian & Eric Ajello..... 2.00 Mr. & Mrs. H. W. Lang.. 10.00 B. C. Telephone Co........ 25.00 Mr. W. C, Russell ...... 5.00 Nuk ........................ 2.60 Mr. S. S. Magoifin.......... 5.00 William Blair ............... 5.00 West Van News List.... 142.13 W. V. Telep. Oifice StaN 5.00 Mrs. A. B. Turnbull........ 6.00 Mrn, J. H. Redden........... 6.00 Doreen & Raymond For- ster 2 00 St. Stephen's A.Y.P.A. 2.07 i%r. T. A. Spencer......... 5.00 John & Lieschen ........ 5.00 H. A. Stone ......... 16.00 Girl Guides No. 1 Co... S.OO Safeways Ltd. Grocery order .... 5.00 Piggly Wiggly Grocery order ............ 10.00 Sterling Market (meat) 5.00 for the purpose of electing per- I;-'ons to represent them as Reeve and Two Councillors and electing two persons to represent them as School Trustees and one per- son to represent them as a Com- missioner of Police. The Mode of Nomination of Candidates ShaB lie as follows: The Candidates shall be nom- inated in writing; the writing shall be subscribed by two elec- tors of the Municipality as pro- poser and seconder, and shall be:„ delivered to the Returning Of-,;-'icer at any time between the date of the notice snd 2 p.m. of the day of nomination. The said ~tingn&ayb Intheformnum- 4 rv bared 3 in the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act,o and 'j shall state the names, residence It and occupation or description of each person proposed, in such manner ss suificiently to Iden- tify such can&lidste; snd in the event of a I'oil being necessary, such Poll shall be opened on SATIJICI)AY, TElE 14TH I)AY OF JANIJARY, 19.')J, between the hours of 8 o'lock a. m. and 8 o'lock p. m. of said ] dsy at the New Ambleside Hall, corner of 14th Street snd Mur- ine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C. of which every person is hereby required to take notice and gov- P'. em himself accordingly. Given under my hand st the Municipal Hall, District of West Vancouver, this 28th &isy of December, 1932. WM. HERRIN, Returning Oificer. Iiollyburn, B. C„ 28th December 1932 Cop& "Hoy, what are you trying &o dot" Drunk: "I'm trying &o pull this lamp o&f the bridge, hio--my wife wan&a a bridge lamp." The News e WEST VANCOUVER WELFARE ASSN. Needs Boots, Shoes, Clothing and Cash Phone West 109 'e Ambleside Lumber Co., Ltd. Phone West 199 Marine Drive at 16th Bathing Girls (in one voice): "Hello there, Grandpa! How old are you?" Grandpu: "Seventy-five -- and ain't I msd." oDid )ou tell her when you proposed that you were unwor- thy of her7 That always makes a good impression." "I was going to--but she told me first." WANTS&i--Twu hisn, uuaii&iod salus. msn. Mast have gaud sppsavsncs and pvrsonsii&y. Phone Was& 572K fus sppoin&msn&. Ii Wishes all its Customers and h riends )I'Yge Cotnpltmento of the Season D. MORTON, Local Manager pa%'V- FV@'e y-t W-'P-sap-"P to=. -t-V-'. -'vo- ~ -' vrm. «vo-'ver~&tettbttthfg ~0'