0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURNING HU9H By Subsdar One of the greatest incongrui- ties in government is the elec- tion of an American president in November who is not allowed to take oi?ice until four months afterwards. In the interim neither the outgoing nor the in- coming holder of the office has really any authority, unless both are willing to act together for the common weal. As politics are run in the U.S., where the people think by state and not nationally, this is impossible, and we see what we see. Hoover seems to have been anxious to tackle the debt problem, but Roosevelt, probably at his party's behest, is afraid his pre- decessor may get some credit out of it, and is standing pat until March. Ii'he world topples over the abyss in the meantime, the American nation will pay the inevitable price of the sense- kss ballyhoo taught to them from childhood that their great- nese renders them immune to world conditions or even world chaos. Under the circumstances the only course left to the deb- tor nations is to make their own arrangements and then sct on them regardless of whether the American Government next March approves or not. When it comes down to cases, the latter with an angry and disgusted Britain and Europe on one side of them and 0 frankly hostile Japan on the Pacific are power- less to do anything but take just what is offered be that even nothing at all. And by next June we msy well hear Roosevelt broadcasting to his awakened people the well known words of the prophet, "Ain't we got fun T' note the chorus of cheer usual at this time of the year is beginning. Needkss to say "Prosperity is just round the corner," but stalled the engine badly just before taking the curve. "The golden age is upon U8," meaning evidently France and the U.S. who are liable to choke to death on it. "Prospects have never looked so good"-- for the Jews at SO per cent. "The depression is passing away," and so are we, only faster. "We are at the beginning of a new age," probably the ice sge, when one considers the amount of fmzen assets everywhere. And so on, and on and on. And nobody is deceived. IVe Canadians are Britishers, we'e got our backs against the wall, and we'e going to see it out. That's the kind of New Year's message to give the troops. December 29, 1922 CORRF9PONDENCE Editor, West Van News. Dear Sir:--May I express a word of appreciation of the ef- forts of the local choirs to give us some selections from Handel's "Messiah" this Christmas sea- son. The familiar music always takes me back to the first time I listened to a full rendition of this noble work. The occasion was the annual performance by the Leeds Philharmonic Society. An audience of five thousand crowded the great Coliseum Three hundred and sixty sonor- ous Yorkshire voices accompani- ed by the Halle orchestra; the solo parts entrusted to Madam Albanl, Miss Marie Brema, IVr. William Green and Mr. Watkin Mills; and the whole under the capable baton of Sir Chas. V. Stanford, raised the entire per- formance up above technicalities and mediocrity to 8 wonderful standard of excellence. From the opening bars of the overture to the closing choral fugue of the Amen chorus, one enjoyed a comfortable'sense of all things going weil. The first words- "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed," seemed to be ful- filled in thc spirit of the music which follewed and which held us enraptured for nearly three hours. Today, perhaps, I find myself more interested in the words than in the music. We do not write music first and then iind words to fit it, but the thoughts and words come first and music is written to give expression thereto. Surely the enduring merit of this greatest of sll ora- torios lies in it's inspirational theme, The Messiah, God's An- ointed King, "and He shall reign for ever, King of Kings and Lord of Lords." "And He shall speak peace unto the heathen." If the words mean what they say there will be no peace on earth until it be accomplished through the exercise of divine power. God can do what man can not do. "Why do the nations rage to- gether and the people imagine vain things?" "Thou shalt break them, thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel." The breaking-up going on is very apparent today and the language of prophecy indicates no patching up but a complete destruction of the old world and its arrangements. Many are quite sure that it is not worth patching up anyway and that God's modus operandi is the best, i.e., destroy it snd start afresh with "8 new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness." One word of criticism of the local performance of Messiah. More dignity might have been maintained had four soloists been selected snd this part of the work confined to them. It was not particularly edifying to wait while various members of the chorus were compelled to care- fully pick their way down to the front of the platform and back again. But anyway thanks to everyone concerned who all did W. TINNEY. their best. We cordially invite you to ~ ~ '. ' PHONE OR VISIT J.W. Kelly Piano Co. I lwlIrd O. GEMMILL, Agent 14th xsd Marina WEST 37 Mott parents wish io do the best . for their thiidtes so that they mxy grow up mentally xxd phyxicxny strong xnd hesitby as is ihvb'ight J f'. as lords of creation.Instinct does soi take ths place of ,, knowledge In the care of infanta. . With the tiwet cteaikx it ix dilfetent.1'hey live t!om io Nature, but we, the ovetloxtdt, have to tuttousdcd ourselves with xtiifieixi conditions und iuxutiet, chai we are the con- stant victims of out ows civBIxatios. Life is full of piifxiit fot the young child ssd IC it the part of the parents to tee ihxi they xte aB avoldvd xuc- ctttfuiiy and Cv iibtais whatever ad- vice and assistance mxy be sttesssty lcm Co this end. The advice of a well. meaning neighbor in ease of sickness .,;: It worthless xxd may be worse than '(".t I that. The ciaim of ibe neighbor Co advise, ...:on ibc ground Chat the hsd hxd Cex chndren xxd buried seven xnd wax I therefore experienced, tarries iit ows - 'ondemnation, xnd the sctepisnte of ,Il," 'dvice Crom such s source would prob- ably result In a similar catastrophe in your own home. The person com- ptitni Co xdtite in case of sickness is the trained physician who is able to dixzxtte the trouble and pmxctibt , the treatment It should be ttmtm- «6.„'. bvtvd that a bxbp is to delicately , '~ .'onstituted ihxi delay in case of xitk- '669II saxt msy result in permanent injury to the system xxd possibly death. It sttd Co be said that ss old pet- it tos of 80 yvxtx had a better chance io live s year than a newborn infant. !7, Thanks Co the advances made is ihc tcitste of Pubnc Health asd the dix- ~",'emination of ksiwitdsv, the infant mortality rate has been very materi- ally reduced from 71.3 deaths pet 1,000 births is 1914 io 23.01 in 1931 P ~ . --s notable achievement, snd ibe dshi is Zidsg an Ce reduce the mot- iaiiiy siifi further. I Surface scratches on polished'ood may be removed by apply- ing 0 mixture of turpentine and linseed oil in equal parts, and "rubbing it in with a soft rag. Leave for 0 short time before polishing in the usual manner. A certain Mrs. Gleed seems to have taken my remarks very seriously to heart, judging by a letter of hers which has been handed to me by the editor. I know she would dearly love to tear me limb from limb and scat- ter my miserable remains all over the landscape. As I ponder her burning words I realize more than ever the truth of Kipling' words, "For the female of the species is deadlier than the male." If my remarks on Social- ism were so "ridIculous," why the heat? Socialists criticize all other forms of government, and they in return must expect to be criticized, else what about their principle of all being treated alike? The lady may rest assur- ed that her pet theory will sur- vive all criticism if it is really sound. But her wrath only indi- cates that she fears or knows it will stand no investigation. As for Bernard Shaw, whoever be- fore called him great? Why, no- body ever took his remarks sert- ously, or he vtould have been in gaol long sgo. Like most colum- nists I am only "0 voice crying In the wilderness," and my iden- tity is of no importance what- ever. Therefore, in common with most of the guild, I prefer io reserve to myself our one privi- lege of remaining unknown. 16 Needed s Dixssvxit A man came inta a drug store one , w dxy snd said: "Have you zot xsyibinx'ood fat Aesx'I" "Well, I don't know," replied tho proprietor, who turned snd looked . through his assortment of dog xnd L 'nsect remedies. Then returning io+i?,. where iht customer wst wsninx, saidiI "Well, tir, I don't beiicvt I havt- What appears io be the msiict with the deaxt" Ill 16 "Mrs. Smith has wonderful po180. "Yes, and a couple of good- looking girls, too." H 18 M ai 21 . r'42 WEST VANCOUVER SCHOOL BOARD ANNUAL MEETING in the II6 6141 666 64 Iii Inglewood School Wednesdayp January 4thf 1033 at 8 p.m. Everybody Welcome CLASSIFIED ADS mmi4 It 2 tvs4 pef wvtd mIItiwixm baths ttzxist sttsssts, sB dssrt-The rate 1st Cixttided Adttttisv 25 ttxix. Except is Cbt case of Chest dods stt payable strictly is sdtxstt. Rtmembtt Cistsidtdx in the Wtsc WANTED TO BUY--A attd thiid't Joytycie. Gite Call pstutsixm. Ap- piy Box 14, West Vxx News. Vxs News Ztt immeBsm ttteiia HANDY ANN SHOPPII, Dssdststt --For sn hinds of Wooit, Ksaiisz Needlee, Sisciuxst, alSO Zttd imrr pir Knitting Boots Novtiiiet WANTED--Site 8, «xcmb4 ziti fm hostcwott; shit 4 toot. Small fsmSy. Apply Btx 12, Watt Vxs Newt. FOR SALE xi Cstkt's, 2152 Mstist --Beds, drtxtttx, hvxcttx, ranges, boots, host of ocher household goods ~its paints, oils, zixtt, tcc. Fund- tare mpaittd ssd polished. WANTE~xpxblt Girl for tmxB home, able to take charge. Mtdet. ais wages. Phone Wttc 147Rz after 7I80 evenings. HANDY ANA SHOPPE, Dssdststt --Scbool Ssppiitx, Stationery, Paints, Hardware. MARCELLE SHOP -- Martens, 60 ctn4: reset, 35c; dsstr wats, 'idc. Phone Mtx. King, West 804. WEST VANCOUVER M A C H I N E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Hossthtld stticiex. 1419 Ifatise. FOR RENT -- Comfortable fxtsithtd coiixse, ske location, 310.00. Phase West 255K. SLIP COVERS, Cbttittdtid xsd Two chairs, 515.00. N. R. Fdnt, 1427 tfatine. Phone West 164B. A FEW OF OUR SENSIBI.E sxd Practical ptesvsit for New Year': Boxes of Cbocoiaitt, 25c io 51.00; Boxtx tf Cigars. fist Co 84.00; Box« of Cigarettes, 264 io 81.00. Ambittide Tea Romxt. FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Res ideate Phone West 241K Fruit Salad I/2 lb. Malaga grapes 2 pears 1 grape fruit I orange 1 head lettuce Wash, peel, remove seeds from all fruit; cut grapes into halves, pears in lengthwise pieqes, grapefruit and orange into sec- tions; allow to stand until cold. Serve on lettuce leaves with French dressing. The dear old Scotch lady wst es- Joying het wevkiy religious paper. "Just fancy, Robert," xhe remarked to het hatband, "It xxys here that for every missionary sent xbtosd chit country expot44 two thousand boi- Ciet of whiskey." "Bless my soul," piously whispered the old gentleman, "whsi does the mxs do wah it sRI" SAWS SHARPIDipdt, Stxits Gtosmi N. B. Ellis 1427 Excise Phase Wert 184R. I.ATEST MODEL Royal Vscssm'I«~, 83940; M Crit Fioiw Waxer, 5IL00, both is zted cosdWon. North Shoto Bsdio Electric. 1489 Matins Drive, Phoae West 01 at North 79. WESTINiG HOUSE B NORTHERN Klttitic RsIBas. 62tcititsc Isttxi- isiiout ssd Repairs. Phoae North 810. Hxmmtttmstk Bros. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Houses Co Rest Hostts, lots, ssd ~tttsss ftv sale. Jobs Lawmm, 17th ssd Mxrist. Phoae West 66. WEBB'8 SNOB REPAIRS 77RAR BEST -- Dssdstsvt. e -sy GEO. HAY Notary Pabbt FIRE INSURAACE IVishing Our Clients and Friends PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 1405 Maritm Drive Ogice Phono West 21 tw Stymout i%0 Evenings: Wmi 204-X GORDON ROBSON Barrister R Sontimt WEST VANCOUVER- Oirict No. 1447, Mstist Drive Phoae West 40K VANCOUVER OFFICE- Suiis 818 I 510 Hxttiszx SC. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. C. J. ARCHER Wishes xB hit ftitsdx xsd Ciitsix ~ Happy Ntw Year List your property for quiet tvtidcx. 791 Daxxmxit Street Pbssts I Stymost 5954, Wtxi 225 5 Sfeam111g &taSOO'5 Srrett11g to Duc glaiip Kllstomers'R GREETING is said wich lighc... kindlD0 cadiam hghc chsc illuminscez the house... soft lighc that beams harmoniously all cbmugh che season. Mxy your share ofchc prospecicy cbac ebs NewYear pmmizcs be s geaemus pofciocb sad msy ic be ccmeinbeted ss che New Year iu which youc every purpose wsz cmwncd with aduevcmenc. This is sbt wdb of citisij Columbia cjPlcctcic Railblap