West Van. News (West Vancouver), 29 Dec 1932, p. 4

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0001 I tv' r t:rrr pc~ir t~'reru u IrrI,' r 't'Yvt 't rr' rr*t'rrr», rrrtrrrvrr rrr rrrr rr-rrt ~Vvu"rvrw:r Vrrtrrv\ v .-err err.rrr rrr THE WEST VAN NEWS I'ROBABI.E ABUNDANCE OF FIHII I'ItEDICTED North Amerlcun Council on Fbth- erles Research Hears Int- eresting Results of Investigations Scientists carrying on flsheri- es research in the Western North Atlantic sre gradually findin it possible to predict the probable abundance of various species of fish bei'ore the flshing seasons set in and thus to en- able the fisherme to gauge more accurately the scale on which their outfitting prepara- tions should be made. Progress in this direction wss reported at the recent 1932 meeting oi'he North American Council on I"isheries Investiga- tions, which wss held at Wash- ington and wss attended by W. A. Found, Deputy Minister of the Dominion Department of Fisheries, Doctor J. P. McMur- rich, Chairman of the Biological Board of Canada, and Doctor A. G. Huntsman, of the Biologicsl Board staff, ss Canada's repre- sentatives. Newfoundland and the United States, two of the other countries which are mem- bers of the council, were also represented but no one was able to be in attendance from France, the fourth memberwountry. Next year the council will meet in Canada, probably at the Atlantic Biological Station, Saint Andrews, N.B. In the "prediction" fleld two cases of particular interest were brought to the council's atten- tion. It was reported that Doc- tor Harold Thompson, who is in charge of fisheries research for Newfoundland, harl been able to give fishermen of that Dominion accurate information as to the relative abundance of cod in cer- tain areas and as to which of two dill'erent iishing grounds would be most productive of squid. 0, E. Sette, of the United States Bureau of Fisheries, had predicted that the probable ab- undance of mackerel last year would mean a catch of approxi- mately 35,300,000 in the United States and the landings actually totalled 32,183,000 pounds. Many Investigations Reports on many different in- vestigations were made during the council's sittings -- reports on bait investigations, drift bottle work, hydrological study, plankton study, and investigs- tios into the cod,herring, mack- erel, and haddock fisheries. Doctor Huntsman told of re- search touching herring abund- ance in the Bay of Fundy dis- trict. W. C. Herrington, one of the United States investigators, told of progress being made to- ward predicting the probable abundance of haddock from year to year, and spoke also of the use of the new type of trawl- the "savings" trawl--which re- duces the capture of small im- mature, and unmarketable fis and gives them a chance to grow to commercial size. To Assist Predict)on In the course of the meeting it was decided to set up a Hydro- graphical Committee for the purpose of centralizing hydro- graphic data collected oi? the Atlantic coast of North America which must largely be the basis for fisherie predictions. No one country can effectively re- view the changing conditions in all the area influenced by the Gulf Sstream snd the Arctic currents, and sll countries should benefit from a general pooling of the ascertained facts, and hence the decision to establish the committee. Doctor Thompson, Newfound- land, was named as chairman of ihe committee with Mr. Har- rington ss the United States member and H. B. Hachey, of the Biological Board stsif, the member representing Canada. It is expected that I'rance an)i the Ice Patrol will each desig- nate s corresponding member. CoalCoal phone EDe BLACK West 68 Oifice and Yard, 2513 Marine Drive. For NANAIMO - WELLINGTON, GALT, TULAMEEN DRUMHELLER, and CAN51ORE BRIQUETTES at NEW LOW PRICES, Phone West 68--Night or Day. Wishing all our customers and friends Prosperity for the New Year, )kMAS PART% AT FRAhlAR MONTESSORI SCHOOI. LEGION CHRISTMAS RAFFLE Quite a number were present last Thursday evening at the Legion Memorial Hall for the drawing of the prizes in the Legion's annual Christmas raffle afterwards spending a very en- joyabk evening there in danc- ing. The following is s list of the winners with prizes: 1. M)vL E. Findlay, turkey. 2. E. Beckett, goose. 3. IV. hlichelmss, 49 lb. sack flour. 4. Mr. Gemmill, electric toaster 5. M. Batchelor, box apples 6. Mrs. J. F. Jackson, theatre ticket 7. J. )Vright, 5 lb. cherry cake 8. H. J. Baker, Q dozen Tea- spoons 9. T. Richardson, Xmas cheer 10. B. MacAdam, 4 lb. tin coifee 11. June )Vright, box crackers 12. T. McGregor, ham 13. J. Murch, 6 sacks coal 14. H. V. Thomas (city), radio regulator 15. Roy Lowes, Xmas cake 16. L. R. Lowes, Xmas pudding 17. Mrs. D. A. Brown (Prince Rupert), tt(. dozen coffee spoons 18. Bob Phillips, large box choc- olates 19. H. Allen, flash light 20. The Clachan, roast of beef 21. G. Turner, 10 lb. bag sugar 22. G. Payne, box chocolates 23. H. I Hunt, box cigars 24. I S. Jamieson, Xmas pud- ding 26. A. Baxter, box apples 26. Nancy Nicol, box apples 27. J. Baine (City), box apples 28. R. Curry, box apples 29. Ken Bower, (City), hand- kerchief set. 30. K. Roblin (Daily Province), Xmas pudding. A very delightful Xmas Party was given by the pupils of the Framer Montessori School on Saturday afternoon, 24th Dec- ember, at the Legion Hall. The pupils entertained their friends snd parents with a play- let called "The Toy Revue" and with various song and dances, in a manner that spoke volumes for the care, patience and enjoy- ment of the work that character- izes the directress of the school, Mrs. Wilfred Fraser, assisted by Miss Crickmay. From the mo- ment when biother Goose took the children under her wing and led them towards the stage, most effectively decorated to show off the Xmas party with balloons, colored lights and a Xmas tree, the whole performance went with a zip and swing, children as well as grown ups thoroughly enjoying themselves. Dance ac- companiments such as no child could fail to respond to were played by Miss Margaret blc- Intyre. The silver collection was for the Brownies who gave two very charming additions to the pro- gram: the Mermaid proving par- ticularly attractive because of the sweet true notes of the Brownie ring. Clifford Tearoe and Dorothy Greenwood, pupils of Mrs. Colin 5IacLean, and Miss Jessie Davis, pupil of Miss McIntpre, must have gladdened their teachers'earts by their rendering of songs and violin solo. After holding their audience entranced for an hour and a half the children went downstairs where they in turn were en- tranced by delicious cake and cocoa and thrilled by a visit from Santa Claus who was welcomed by Mother Goose and the child- ren in a truly royal manner. Flashlight photographs were taken at the end of a happy aft- ernoon by Mr. Peek of Glen- eagles. Oyster Dressing 20 oysters 2 tablespoons butter 4 cups bread crumbs Jfk tablespoon salt )ta teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon shopped parsley Drain and rinse oysters with cold water. Put butter in saucepan with oysters snd bring to boiling point; add bread crumbs, season- ing and parsley; mix carefully, so that oysters will not be brok- en. Curiosity "No, sir," said the clerk, "I can' give you u room. Tbu best I can du for yuu Is tu give you half of a priv- ate dining ruum. There'u a screen across it, aud u iudy huu the other hu)f, but I reckon uhe won't bother yuu Thirty minutes later he ran into the lobby, wild~yud uud pule. "Hey," he pefled to the clerk, "that woman iu deed!" "I know it," said the e!er'k, "but huw did yuu Rud out T'omewhereEkeThe wife of a famous English Bishop--whom we shall call John Smith--was recently very ill, and required a serious opera- tion. As she recovered from the anesthetic, she was heard to murmur: "Am I in Heaven? Am I in Heaven? No, there's John." Ferry Schedule JANUARY 1st From West Vancouver, 7 a.m., 8 a.m. and &/z hourly thereafter until 11:30 p.m. From City, 7:30, 8:30 and )Q hourly thereafter until 12 o'lock midnight. JANUARY 2nd-- )t9 Hourly Service; From West Vancouver, 7 a.m. to 12 midnight. From City, 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 midnight. Buses meet all boats. DECEMBER 31st--Extra Boats From West Vancouver, 12:30 a.m. (Midnight). From City, 1 a.m, Poultry Dressing 2 cups stale bread I tablespoon th)ely cut onion I tablespoon drippings I tablepsoon flnely cut parsley tablespoon salt teaspoon pepper )Jk teaspoon paprika I'owdered sage if desired. Soak bread in cold water 5 minutes and press out all water. Put drippings and onion into pan and cook slowly, stirring constantly, until onion is tender but not brown. Add bread, par- sley and seasoning and mix well together. A Goud Reason Two women were discussing a mutual acquaintance. "She has a very magnetic per- sonality," said one. "She ought to have," said the other, "everything she hss on is charged." December 29, HOLLYBURN THEATRE Ti)VRBt FRIDAY 0 RAT. December Mnh, Mnh urn) $)tu PIIILLH'6 HOLMRR ~fui DO)tOTIIY JORDAN "70,OOO witnesses" MONDAY TVFR a wFD January Zud, Std uud 4th. "Ambassador Bill" with WILL IIOORI)S Mut)uuu Monday ut Z p.m. BUSINESS DIRLCI'ORY Below wfll be found these merchants and flrms who by their regular advertising support render the publication of this paper passible. Without them there would be no West Van News. We, therefore, ask that our readers in their deal- ing give them the preference to which they are so justly entitled. It will be noted no chain stores appear in this list. BAKERS Strstton's Bakery, 1468 blarine Drive,........,.. I'hone West 27 BARBEIIS Hollyburn Barbers, 15th and Marine Drive. C. J. Overington, 14th and 5larine Drive........l'hone West 135 BARRISTERS r SOLICITORS Gordon Robson, 1447 51arine Drive.....,.„.„..... Phone West 403 BEAUTY I'ARLOltS Gwendoline Beauty Shoppe, 1540 Marine Dr., I'hone West 117 5larcelle Shop, 15th and blarine Drive......... I'hone West 30i BOARDING HOUSES 5lrs. Brine, 1497 Bellevue Ave, .. Residence Phone West 458L DENTISTS Dr. M. 51cCubbin, Royal Bank Bldg., 17th & blarine, West 446 Dr. G. D. H. Scale, Hay Block, 14th and Marine Ihive, West 72 DRUG STORES Gemmill's Drug Store, 1402 Marine Drive........l'hone West 37 FEED STORES McKenzie & 5lcWilliams Feed Co., 225 Lonsdale Ave. North Vancouver..............Phone North 4 Vernon Feed Store, 1746 5larine Drive............... Vhone West 9 FUEL, BUILDERS'UPPLIES, Etc. Ed. Black, 25th and 51arine Drive..................Phone West 68 Evans, Coleman & Evans Ltd., St. George & Esplanade, North Vancouver....l'hones: North 198, 178 & 978 Vernon Feed Store, 1746 5iarine Drive................i'hone West 9 FUNERAL DiitECTORS Burrard Funeral Chapel, 320 East 3rd St„ North Vancouver............Phone North 626 Harron Bros. & Williamson, 122 West 6th St North Vancouver...........Phone North 134 GARAGES & SERVICE STATIONS West Van. 51otors, 1451 Marine Drive.......... Phone West 268 GROCERS Smith's Groceries, 15th and fllarine................Phone West 46 and 24th nnd Marine...„...........Phone West 469 INSURANCE W. B. Shakespeare, 1350 St. Andrews Ave., North Vancouver............Phone North 428 LAUNDRIES I X I. laundry, 2316 Haywood Ave............l'hone West 200 I,UMBER, ETC. Ambleside Lumber Co. I.td., 16th and Marine, Phone West 199 West Vancouver Lumber Co. Ltd., 15th & blarlne, West 115 MEAT 5IARKETS Ambleside Meat hlarket, 14th and 5larine Dr., Phone West 303 Jeiferies'uperior Meats, 175i Marine Drive, Phone West 3 MEN'S & BOYS'UIINISHINGS W. I. Ogden & Co., 1585 Marine Drive..........Phone West 146 VHOTOGRAI'HERS C. J. Broderick & Son, 1436 Marine Drive. I'LUMl3ERS W. J. Dent, 2237 Gordon Ave. Residence Phone West 24111 I'UBI.IC UTILITIES B.C. Electric Itsllway Co. I.td.. 16th & Marine, I'hone West 101 B.C. Telephone Co.. 17th and blarine Drive.... I'hone West 76 Paciflc Stages, ft. I,onsdale Ave„ North Vancouver...........Phone North 162 RA I)IO, ELECTRIC WASH EBS. Fic., REI'AIRS B.C. Electric Railway Co. I.td., 16th & fllarine, Phone West 101 Hammersmark Bros, North Vancouver....... Phone North 310 J. W. Kelly I'iano Co. I.td., 1402 hiarlne Drive, Phone West 37 North Shore Radio Electric, 1439 Murine Dr.. I'hone )Vest 61 RFAI. ESTATE, MORTGAGIIS, I.DANS, INHUIIANCE C. J. Archer, 791 Dunsmuir Ht., City .............I'hone West 225 George Hay, 1405 Marine Drive...,..................Phone West 21 John Lawson, 17th snd Marine Drive.......„Phone West 55 K. W. Savory, 1443 Marine Drive,.„............Phone West 340 REPAIRS N. R. Ellis, 1427 Marine Drive, Residence I'hone )Vest 184R West Vancouver Machine Shop. 1449 bisrine Drive. SHEET METAI., FURNACES, Etc. Amhleslde Sheet Metal Works. 1446 51arine Dr„Phone West 78 SHOE RFVAIRS Wel&b's Shoe Repairs, 25th nnd Marine Drive. TAII.OIL9, CI,FANFIL9, DYEIL9, Etc. M. Wflllamu, 1568 Marine Drive.......... I'hone West 20 TEA ROOMS, TOBAC('09, S()FT DRINK9. Ftc. Ambleeide Tea Rooms, Ambleuide Ferry Dock, West 602-0 THFATRFH Hollyhurn Theatre. 17th and Marine Drive, Phone )Vest 600 Theatre I.onudsle, 16th & I.nnudsle, North Vancouver ......Phone North 211 ~ i ,I& I j:: 1 ~ tt'