0001 t r xrx rr v r rr'~rrr t $ t Iritr \ tuvxrt tV v'rgix-urv '*u ~rr ~ r ;t.trrvx'r it tm v~iid-'fr.ruttr rrv't rrtm 't r' ~ r ' rr . ' r rvrru t'v'trr vrtrrrhr vvtrrr\v r'~rrre.rrvrr« rrr rrvs rrrr'r'err r rrr rrvrr v rrrrrv r.. r-rrrrrrrrrr Wishing you all A uery Happy 1Veu) Year Gracnclolyn BCuuty ShOPPC f540 hiuviuu Drive For Appuinimeut Pbuuu Weui iiy Open ltlcfo Yrar'I Entr until O o'lock Mines hieat 2 lbs. fresh lean beef, boiled and chopped fine when cold I lb. suet chopped very fine 5 )bfL chopped apples I lb. Seeded raisms 2 )bfh currents ak lb. sliced citron lftl teaspoons cinnamon I grated nutmeg 2 tablespoons ground mace I tab)espoon ground cloves I tablespoon allspice 1 tablespoon fine salt 2f/2 lbs. brown sugar I qt. sherry or 1 qt. boiled dder I pt.. brandy Mix all ingredients thorough- ly. Pack in jars. Store in cold dry place. Allow to stand 24 hours before using. Curious: "This liniment mekes my arm smart." Not-so-Curious: "Why not rub some on your head'I" HOLLYBURN Barber Shop 15th A hfxriue EXPBRT SBRVICE B MARSH, Proprietor. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Pause West 0 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Established on North Shove I 20 Yuxru. (txtdy Assistant) HARROih) BROS. Sf bVILLIAM SOth) j'In)ErallIirrctars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Vari Nems Published Every Thursday PubUsbuv F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buuiuuuu uud Edifuriui Ogfuei iyib uud Marine Drive (Next tu HeBybuxa P. O.) Phone West 863 hisg k&lvuuei P.O. Bux Si, H48ybuva, ILC North Vancouver Oglcei 128 Lonsdale Ave. 5100 ~ yvuv bit Curvier; 522fo 4 yuuv by maiL NEWS United Church hfinister, Rev. Hillis IVrtght Sunday Services--11:16 a.m. and 7:15 p.m. Sabbath School tb Bible Class at 10 s.m. At the evening service the choir will repeat by special re- quest West's Sacred Cantata, "The Story of Bethlehem." IVeekdsy Activities Senior Young People's Society Mondays at 8 p.m. Explorers, Girls 8 to 12 years, Mondays, 4:30 p.m. Tuxis df Trail Ranger Groups, Tuesdays at 7:JO p.m. Prayer Service, Wednesdays at 8 p.m. Choir Practice, Thursday at 8 p.m. C.G.I.T. Groups, Fridays at 7:30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extend- ed to sll. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH BDiy'iCB Ssib uud Eueuimuii, Hunybuvu Tbix Suciviy ix u Branch uf The Mother Cbuvcb The First Cbuvub uf Cbvixi„ Suivuiixi, in Buxtun, bixxxucbuxuttu Sunday Services iiise u.m. uud 7:20 p.m. Sunday, January 1, )933 Subject: "GOD" Sunday Svbuui at te:00 ~ .m. Tuxiimuuy Meeiiug iyuduuxduy ut 0:is p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clschsn Hotel Next Sabbath Day communion o f the Lord's Supper will be ob- served at the morning service. In the evening the members and friends of St. David's Lodge of Master Masons will worship in West Vancouver United Church at 7:15 p.m. The min- ister will preach at both services A Watchnight service will be held in the Baptist Church st Ambleside on Saturday night commencing at s quarter psst eleven o'lock. The Women's Association will hold their first meeting for the new year on Tuesday, at 2:15 in the Church Hall. Sunday 8:15 s.m.--FIoly Mass, Sermon. 9:46 s.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon. 2:15 p.m.--Devotions. )Veek Days 8 s.m.--Holy Mass. Friday, 7 a.m Holy Mass. 3.30 p.m.--Confessions of school chf)drefb 7:4li p.m.--Holy Hour, Con- fessions (adults). Saturday, 7:30 p.m. -- Confes- sions (adults). St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. January 1st -- Feast of Cir- cumcision, New Year's Dsy. 8 a.m.--FIoly Communion 10 and 11.15 s.m. -- Sunday School. 11:16 a,m,--Holy Communion 7:16 p.m.--Evensong snd ser- mon. 3 p.m.--St. Francis, Csulfeild --Evensong and sermon. WEEK OF PRAYE~sl) to consecration of every phase of our life. There will be intercessions snd Holy Communion daily at 10:15 a.m. and Evening Service at 7:30. Everyone is asked to do their utmost in making this call to prayer the beginning of s new life in this community. If you cannot come to the services, then endeavor to spend s short time in quiet meditation when you hear the church bell ring. The Church Committee will meet on Tuesday evening after service. The Annual meeting of the parish will be held on January 16th, snd will each member of the congregation please reserve this evening for that purpose. The Watch-night Service is being held in the Baptist Church at 11:16 p.m. Saturday. The Rev. T. Hillis Wright will give the address. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Saturday, New Year's Eve. 11:15 p.m. -- United Watch Night Service: speaker Rev. J. Hillis Wright. Come snd spend the last hour of the Old Year well. Sunday, Jan I, New Year's Dny 10 S.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class.. We commence the study of the Gospel of Mark. 11 a.m.--Morn)ng worship. The pastor will preach on the Motto Text for 1983. The ordinance of the Lord' Supper will be observed at the close of the morning service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Topic, 'The Immutable Christ," Jesus Christ the same yester- day, Today snd for ever. A cordial invitation to Sll. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer and praise with short address. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday 7 p m --C G I T The church plans to observe 0 week of prayer, January 8th to 13th. Further particulars next week. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches snd societies on Sun- day will be "GOD." One of the Bible texts will be Psalms 90: 1: "Lord, thou hast been our dwefling place in sll generations.u The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 336 of "Science snd Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Fx)dy: «God, the divine Principle of msn, snd man in God's likeness are inseparable, harmonious and eternal." Worn linoleum may be patch- ed by filling the holes with old chipped lino, snd covering thor- oughly or evenly with glue or gum. Leave to dry, then polish in the usual wsy. - Cheese Souifle 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour I/2 cup milk I/2 teaspoon salt Few grains cayenne I cup grated cheese Yolks of 2 eggs 2 teaspoons baking powder Whites of 3 eggs Melt butter, sdd flour, and when well-mixed sdd milk slow- ly. Add salt, cayenne snd cheese Remove from fir, add yolks of eggs beaten light. Cool mixture snd mix in baking powder snd beaten egg whites. Bake in greased dish 25 minutes ln slow oven. Serve at once. Fuv Service Ruuduvvd Bridget bud been discharged. Ex. iructiug 4 56 bUi fvum bur wuge roll, -xbe threw ii iu Fide. Then the xbucbud mixivexu bxuvd ber exeiuimi «Suv'u 1 uivev fevgii ~ fviuud; ibut'or help-iu'e wuub tb'ixbuu." December '&9, )932 Df. Marjory McCubbln DENTIST Huuvx i 0 u. m. lu 0 p. m. Suiuvduyxi is ~ .m. Iu I p.m, Evvuiugx uud Suiuvduy After- uuuuu by uppuiuimvui uuiy. ! Royal BanE Building Pbuuu West II~ nvuidvucu I'beau Wvxi siix OR. G. I). IL SEt) LE DENTIST Huy Biuvb, ifib uud Huviuu Dv. Oinvu Huuvu 0 iu 0 p.m. Evuuiugx by uppuiuimuui. i Phono Wvxl 22 Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall hiinister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. Holden 2:00 p.m. -- All departments of the Sabbath School. Also Bible Class. 8:16 p.m.--Church worship- New Year's message and music. A Happy New Year to you all. Thought for the week:--"Ye have not passed this way here- tofore. Sanctify your- selves: for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you "-- Joshua 3: 4,5/ Let us go for- ward in God's name ss ilia children to do His work, greet- ing the unknown snd untrodden wsy of 1933 with courage snd confidence. Fgeax ax vCMra F AraÃpP HIGEI SCHOOI, NOTES Wishillg $'OU all the CA)111P11111eutts of the SexISOll At the students'ssociation meeting on Friday week last re- ports of the term'0 athletic act- ivities were read: Murjorie Pston reported that under the guidance of Mr. Brooks the girls had taken up gram hockey. Whf)e not hsvmg entered any of the leagues, a number of very good inter-class games hsd been staged. Dick Lester, for the Soccer team, reported that a team had been entered in the Junior Div- ision, weight under 136 pounds, snd hsd met sll the engagements of schedule, finishing third. The team wss: Mr. Mitchell, coach; IVi)fred Thompson, manager; Dick Lester, captain, snd the following players: Aldred, Msstermsn, McLintock, Tim- bre)I, Watson, Willington, Mason HSITier, Fiddes, Grieve, Irish, Kerr, Mclntosh, Lennox, Hsn- bury, hIiles, Russell. Gerald Mason reporting for the Rugby team, stated that they hsd won the cup offered for competition in the Intermediate Section of the Inter-High Rugby league They hsd won six of the eight games played, the other two each ending in a tie score. During the season only six points hsd been scoreil against his team. The personnel of the team was: Mr. Sinclair, coach; Gerald Mason, captain; Philip Farmer vice-captain; Jack Watt, Alan Vaughan, Bill Atwood, Toro Grieve, Bernard D'Easum, Den- nis Coleman, back field; John Kendrick, John Redden, Bill Mstheson, Jim Watson, Bob Msthews, Jim Murray, Jack Msthews, forwards; Alex Msc- Auley, Ronald Irish, John Hsn- bury, Wilfred Thompson, spares. The annual party was suc- cessfully staged, the Junior sec- tion on Thursday evening snd the Senior section on Friday evening. The Mystery Orches- tra, composed mainly of Ex- Students contributed much to the pleasure of Friday evening. Two plays, "The 51sn in the Bowler Hst," and "Two Luna- tics," also community singing ;vere bright spots in the pro- grams. School re-opens for the winter term on Tuesday, January 3rd, 1932. Nine I'oints of the lmw "Should s woman cling to her youth?" asks 0 contemporary. "If she does not, some other woman will get him." K.W. Savory 1443 Marine Drive Ambleslde Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 dMRd+~A'rat tteerÃcp Stu(fed I'otaioes Bake 4 large potatoes. Cut in half lengthwise snd without breaking skins; scoop out insid- es sml mash; add I/2 teaspoon salt, I/2 teaspoon pepper, I tea- spoon chopped parsley, I table- spoon melted butter and mix with fork. Remove to shells, put a few drops milk on top; rough with fork; sprinkle with paprika. Place in oven until brown. VHEATRE- ONSDAL 1)iapplJ Qlul PrtiaprrnIIB 2&u) glPI)r ie OUR NORTH SHORE x II I ivs CITIZENS HOW PLAViNO SHANGHAIED LOVE A iiixbiy Siury of the Sva hiEWS CXQIHDY EXTRA ADDED A ibvluer fvum the pvu vf Peter B. Eyuv i "Heroeu oE the West" FREE ICE CREAM iu ibv Xiddivv ui THE MATINEE SAT'Y Reiv Cbxuev MATINEE SAT'Y. 6ixri ~ 2 p.m. Yuu rxu xvv ~ full xbuu if yvu vtuuv xx late as 2.45 pim -- iuixin ..HARI,Y They Often Smack Lips, Though Men msy have their failings, but they don't kiss when they meet on the street. Hvxi Mvu Tuvv Wvl ruiOHY AFTER N)OHT" SINGING AND PIANOFORTE HENRY McCLEARY, A.T.C.L;, M.R.S.T Tencher's D)p)orna Royal Academy of Music, Trinity College uf Music, London, England STUDIO:--Over Post Office. Every Tuesday from 3 o'lock. Midsummer Exums, Trinity College and Associated Board, 100',~v Successes. I t "r