West Van. News (West Vancouver), 15 Dec 1932, p. 3

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0001 Deceinher 16, 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS TAILORING - CLEANING - DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS M. WILLIAMS 1668 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) Local and Personal Christmas Shoppers Will find ~ complete stack af Cards, Seals and Christmas Wrappings at reaxanabla prices. tfetumill'I Drug Store Tha Stars af Sara)ca 1402 hiariaa Drive Wast 27 Eaiargaaay Phase Wast 22) (After 0 it ha.) Mrs. P. C. Steven and her daughter, 2250 Ingiewotxl Ave., have moved into 0 suite in Ap- pleton Court, 17th Street.I 4 4 Fire which broke out in the early hours of Saturday morning practically destroyed Mr. Cur- rie's house at 23rd and Ingle- wood Avenue, next to St. Anth- ony's Church. The fire brigade made a record, the engine being on its way four minutes after the alarm was turned in, but the blaze had got toa strong a hold for them to be able to do much but save the )hear of the build- ing. It is understood that there is no insurance. As a resulL of the hard frost last week. the creek which runs parallel to Argyle Avenue, east of 13th Street, was covered with a thick sheet of ice. Hundreds of skaters were to be seen there on Saturday and Sunday. Thomas Gregory has taken a house at I'isherman's Cove. 4 4 ~ Bruce Hamilton, 2193 Argyle Avenue, this week saved the lives of Robert NacVean junior 2366 Bellevue, and two girls, from drowning. Tbe quartette were skating on Trout Lake in the city, when the ice broke, plunging MacVean and the two girls into the icy water. Ham- ilton jumped in and was success- ful in bringing all three to safe- ty. A scow went adrift in the First Narrows early on Tuesday morning which with the fog was responsible for all the whistling and hooting that was heard on the water off Ambleside. ~ ~ \ Mrs. A. Boucher, of West Bay, has taken a suite at "The Cables lVest Bay\ 4 4 There will be no practice of the lVest Vancouver Choral So- ciety next Monday, the 19th in- stant, due to this being the night when thc choir will give the hiessiah in Hollyburn Theatre, There will also fie no practice on the following hfondsy, the 26th instant. ~ a C. T. Lloyd has moved from Vancouver into a house st 1186 Duchess Avenue. ~ a ~ The lire brigade was cuffed out at 2 p.m. Saturday to ex- tinguish a fire at the home of Nr. Dewar, 19th and Bellevue Avenue. Some damage was done to the roof. hfrs. Edgley, who has been quite ill in North Vancouver General iiospital, is making goad progress towards recovery and is now staying with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Mclntyre, 20th and Gonion Avenue. ~ 4 a L.O.I.. No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting next Tuesday st 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall ~ 4 a Mrs. Barff, 2275 Gordon Ave- nue, is going to Victoria. a ~ a A young hiker with a cabin on Hollyburn Ridge, while at- tempting to scale the Lions last week, spent the night camping out with the result that both of his feet were frozen. Two toes had to be amputated on each foot. ~ ~ ~ Captain Doitgfas Graham has returned from Prince Rupert to spend the Christmas holidays with bis wife and family at their home, 2128 Bellevue Avenue. G. H. Faulkner, 1344 Gordon Avenue, who recently met with a serious accident, is making good progress towards recovery. Before an audience that filled the United Church Hall, a very enjoyable Pupil's Recital took place last Saturday afternoon when the following took part- Biddie Wiatt, Agnes Colpitts, Dorothy Greenwood, Gertrude Thompson, Bonniebel Barbour, Kenneth hlcNafr, Stanley Green, and Clifford Tearoe, pupils of hire. Colin ihfacLean; Jessie Davis, violin, and Brenda Wick- ing, piano, pupils of ihIargaret McIntyre; and Helen Jackson, Lois Colvin, Sheela Ware and Norman Jackson, dancers, pupils of Mrs. Fraser. The Junior Choir also assisted with three numbers. The accompanists for the afternoon ivere Nrs. Alex- ander for the choir, Mrs. Love- grove snd hiiss hIargaret Mc- Intyre for the pupils. ~ ~ Mrs. Boucher has been obliged to move thc lVest Bsy Library across to Suite 8, "Thc Gables," oiving to the extreme cold weather. Phone Wait 20 Rai. Phase Wait 2SSL FIRE INSURANCE RATES in West Vancouver 3)?p per thousand for 3 years. Good reliable Companies. lVIIL i'AY MORE? W. B. SHAKESPEARE Telephone: Trinity 6218 Telephone: North 428 CANADIAN LEGION Military Whist Drive and Dance Legion Hall, SATURDAY, Dec. 17th, '32 Ambleoide SheetMetalWorks LAURIE 2PZCK, iasliata 1446 Marine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET hiETAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING at s p. ah, GOOD PRIZES Ith REFRESHhIENTS GOOD AIUSIC Admission 25c. ftt ~ tht fhh gjg 'ps ( meats Ht Ihm ;hist Ik et tf Ik il htda) llpap m I zp 2 fim. mt pf Iht 'al hf ls WELFARE DANCE AND hilLITARY IVHIST The Military \Vhist and Dance put on by the lYest Vancouver lVelfare Association last Satur- day evening in the Orange Hall was not so well attended ss was hoped for. This was undoubted- ly due to the hard frost, which resulted in many who would have been present "keeping the home fires burning" to protect their plumbing. The winners of thc military whist tournament were a table at which the players were Al- bert Nasterman, Ross Forrester, R. Cripps and N. Johncox, the consolation prizes going to Mrs. Bovhnnan, Miss N. Bowman, A. Jensen, and J. Barnott. A turkey was raffled during the evening, the winning ticket No. 84 drawn by Miss Stella Bruce, being held by J. E. Con- dOll. The guests had an enjoyable time dancing to music supplied by the Rhythm Boys'-piece orchestra. These boys are sll local and have'not been together long as an orchestra, but they certainly know how to play dance music, their rhythm and time being all that could be de- sired. Graham Wafer I'ie 14 only Honey Graham Waf- ers (rolled fine) I/t or 1&3 cup (to taste) Gran- ulated or Brown Sugar ;.';I/4 cup hielted Butter '.li/2 teaspoon Ground Cinnamon (if desired). Mix together and remove I,» cup of mixture for top of pie, using the balance to line the bottom of the tin. Bake in slow oven for 10 minutes then add your favorite filling, such as cream, lemon, custard, etc. Sprinkle over top remainder of crumbs and bake in slow oven at, 260 degrees for 10 minutes. Cut and serve when cold. STRATTON'S BAKERY Christmas Cakes, Scotch Buna Shortbread, Xmas Puddings all made with Finest Creamery Butter, Fresh Eggs and Choicest Fruits NOiNE BETTER ORDER EARLY Phone lVest 27 1468 ihiarine Drive %VEST VANCOUVER SC(ymSH SOCIETY The regular monthly meeting of the above Society will be held at the Clachsn, Dundarave, Fri- day, December 16th, at 7)46 p.m. Following the business meeting there trill be a good pro- gram of vocal and instruinental music, an address will also be given by hfr. Walter Loch of Vancouver, entitled "Flora hfac- donald." Refreshments will be served and time permitting, a short period of dancing will fol- low. Lobster canneries in operation in Canada in 1981 numbered 337. Their output hsd a mark- eted value of about 32,640,000. Beautiful, But Dumb Big He-man: "I developed these muscles working in a boil- er factory." Innocent Flapper: "Oh, you great big vvonderful man! What do you boil?" A Real Diplomat! Feminine Voice (telephoning) "Is my husband at the club?" Porter: "iNo, ma'm." Feminine Voice) "But I have not told you who'I am." Porter: "Ah knows dat, lady, but they ain't nobody's husband h h h." Phone ED. BLACK WEST SS far ()ALT, TULAIIIEEN, aad NANAIPIO - lVELLINGTON COAL Aii orders Cash or C.O.D. BURRARD I'UNERAI, CHAPEI. B. D. WHITE, higr. Distinctive Funeral Service I.ahty Assistant 220 - prhi St. F Phoae North 620 attluii; 0visiir ,fm)st Room & Board hiRS. BRINE I4» Bellevue Res Phone Avenae % est 448L POLICE VETERAi( IS LAID AT RESTRoast Goose, Bread and Apple Dressing )Vfpe inside with damp cloth and season with salt snd pepper; put in dressing and sew up. Push back skin and cut ofi'eck. In the skin put 2 apples, which have been pared and quartered; tie the skin. Put in pan breast- bone up; dust with salt, pepper and flour. Place in hot oven; when browned bast e with 2 cups cold water; turn breast side down and roast 2 hours, basting three or four times with cold water. Ten minutes before serv- ing turn breast side up. Remove fat and make gravy. Apple Dressing I tablespoon drippings 2 tablespoons chapped onions 1 quart finely chopped apples 4 cups stale bread crumbs I egg I teaspoon salt Iitp teasPoon grated nutmeg I/0 teaspoon pepper '/0 teaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Put drippings and onions into frying pan, cook a few minutes aml add apples. Cover bread with cold water a few minutes, remove snd press out all water. Put into pan; add seasoning snd beaten egg and parsley. h?ix well until thoroughly cooked. K. W.Savory Last rites for lValter Teague Grahame, a North Shore resi- dent for many years snd former member of North Vancouver city police department, who died Tuesday week, ivere conducted Saturday afternoon at St. John' Anglican Church. Rev. William Askey and Rev. IVillam Stott, chaplain of St. Andrew's and Caledonian Society, were in charge. Interment took place in the family plot, North Vancou- ver Cemetery. Pallbearers were Peter Steiv- art, former chief of city police force; Chief George Gauld, John hloir, Alee Sutherland, Alee iklunro and E. Rhodes. Nr. Grahame had resided on the iNorth Shore twenty-seven years and had to his credit al- most twenty years of continu- ous service in the city police de- partment . He was superannu- ated last June. Iie was a veteran of both the Great lrar and Boer War. Members of the North Van- couver City Council attended in n body and St. Andrew's and Caledonian Society, in which hIr. Grahsme had been in active for many years, was wdl repre- sented. He had held the offices of honorary vice-president and st&rotary, and some months sgo a life membership in the society was conferred on him. 1443 hiarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 rcle IXise'eal Estate Finance and Insurance IXL Laundry SERVICES: -- Thrifty, Flat- ironed aad finished laundry (de iaxa) I'huaa Wait 200 iRZ htat" An old batchelor about to take the plunge asked a friend of his, a miserly old farmer, what thc ceremony cost. "lVell. Tom," was the repl), "After I got married, I asked the rector how much I owed him. 'Oh.'e replied. 'Just what you think it is worth.'rhen I handed him a shilling. he gave me back sixpence, and. man. do you know he was right?" f?atht pzs" If your hens are aat laying as they should, try flflG FRI ~ail Thrivo Laying Mash tttKJ)tzlz si mxwiLLIAM FEED ca. ~22% Laaidaia Ava. Neith 4 Jl)NIOR CHOIR The members of the Junior Choir are asked to be sure to come Io the practice Friday aft- ernoon at i)irs. NacLesn's bouse. 2031 Marine Drive, immediately after school. The Choir leaves on the 2 o'lock boat for town, Saturday. Mothers who wish to come over to hear the children will please let Mrs. MacLean know and tickets will bo provided for them for tho Recital before the Philharmonic Club in the Hotel Vancouver. Bene6t Football Game West Van U. vs. North Shore hiaccabees Amblehide Park, Saturday, Dec. 17th, 1932 Jef't) Finest uusflty Fresh hieats, Smoked and Cooked hlests PHONE WEST 303 ~t 2.20 4'ataah AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 1 j. MURCH, Proprietor rh r h l V h er i r MM h -Wth 'fi . 'ha 'w'w ha h Wh h Xh