0001 pvrl vv iro'v~ C 'v vr ~ & mrrrrrvx r x' v' 'x'vrr w r ' r vvml r r r rr.rr ~ r rr r' Vrrvr rr rxw rrv 'rrvr rrvvv rvv'vr' rvv'rrv rVvv'rrvvrr rvr+rrvr ~vrvrrv vrvv r vvV -- rr«v v rr ~ ~ rvvrxrr vrrvvr'rr 'Cv r r'v~v -v rvr 'xvrvrrmrrr rr United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright Sunday Evening services:-- Anthem by the choir. Solo, hire. F. Stainsby. Next Sabbath will be White Gif t Sunday when the children of West Vancouver United Sab- bath School will bring presents and will present them to the re- lief committee of the Church for the needy in the district. The children will then unite with the congregation in wor- ship, taking an active part in the service. The Girls Junior Choir under the l«sdership of Mrs, Colin MacLean, will sing several an- thems. The minister will give the address. This service will be held in Gifje Her Beauty Gm!enclolyn Beafdty Shoppe lste Mxvish Iirive Phone West 117 For Xmas Appointments )vest Vancouver United Churchat a quarter psst eleven o'lock. In the evening the regular church service will be held st a quarter past seven, when the Senior Choir will have charge of the worship of praise. The min- ister will preach. The Sacrament of Baptism vrill be administered at the morning setwice. Parents who desire to present their chi)div.n will notify the minister. The Explorers meet every Friday in the lower hall at half- past four o'lock. All girls from nine to twelve years are cordi- ally invited to attend this Soci- ety. DEATH OF P. C. STEVEN, Peter Carmichael Steven pass- ed away early on tvednesday the th instant. at his home, 2550 Iewood Avenue. The deceas- OI., who was in his 73rd year, lvavos to mourn his loss his wife, two daughters, Elsie at home and Mrs. John Robinson of Jubilee, and twq sons, Bernard .4f Vancouver, and Edwin of Bridge-of-Allan, Scotland. Fun- eral services were held at 11 a.m. last Friday at Harron Bros & Williamson'0 chapel in North Vancouver, Interment heing made in the Capilano View cem- etery. ! On Christmas Sunday the choir will render the Christmas cantata "Bethlehem" by West. Young People's Society At 8 p.m. on Monday, Decem- ber 19th, a social will be held in the Church Hall. An interesting and entertaining program has been arranged. The society extends a cordial invitation to all senior young people to attend this social. A Mexican and an American worked together in s mine in Kansas. On several occasions the Mexican had rabbit in his dinner pail and he shared it with his work-mate. One day the American asked: "Where do you get rabbits, Jose? I can't find any. "My wife, she get um," Jose replied. "Ever'ight they come aro the house snd make noise, she shoot um." "Noise 7 Rabbits don't make a noise." "Sure," answered Jose posi- tively, "Go 'meow, meow'." C. J. OVerington PIOiVEER BARBER 14th and hiarine Expert Work Phone 1Vest 135 Establishes os North Shore 20 Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAI ISOiV guiIeral Qirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nenjs Publishes Every Thursday Psbiixbxv F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssisxxx ssg Esaovisi Ogive: 17th smi Msvise Drive (Next to HoDybors P.O.) Phone West 363 Msn Assvessi P.O. Bex Si, HoRybuvs, E C. North Vancouver Office i 123 Lonsdsle Ave. SL00 ~ year by xxrvicvi 02JN ~ year by meit The December meeting of the Woman'a MissiorJIry Society~will be l.eld on the 20th of this month and in view of the foct that this is such a busy time it will be only a business meeting, not exceeding an hour. The election of oificers will take place at this meeting, and all mem- bers sre urged to be present. Word for roll call "Peace." The Women'0 Association held their annual meeting and elec- tion of oificers on Tuesday in the Church Hall. After the usual business, the chair was vacated by the president, Mrs. A. RL O'Donnell in favor of the Rev. Hillis Wright who presided over the election, hfrs. J. Watt and Mrs. Rush acting as scrutineers. As the result of the election the executive stands as follows: Hon. President, Mrs. Archi- bald, Mrs. Rush and Mrs. Hillis Wright: President, Mrs. A. hf. O'Donnelli 1st Vice, Mrs. Geo. Baldwin; 2nd Vice, hIrs. F. J. Patterson; Secretary, Mrs. Mc- Vean; Tress., Mrs. D. McColl Stitt; Welfare Convener, Mrs. Merrick; Sick Visitors, Mrs. W. C. Thompson and hfrs. J. Watt; Treasurer, hire. R. Howieson; Pianist, Miss Frame; Press, Mrs. Cromar Bruce. Mrs. Baldwin snd Mrs. Hillis Wright will con- tinue as Social Service delegates. HEAVY DECLINE SHOWN IN TRANS-INLET TRAI'FIC SINCE FIRST OF YEAR Tragic on North Vancouver City Ferries in the eleven months of this year shows 0 heavy decrease ss compared with the corresponding period of last year, according to s report of ferry oificials. Since January I the boats carried 2,759,043 passengers and 566,884 vehicles as compared with 3,190,223 snd 656,858 in the corresponding period of 1931. In November, the ferries car- ried 202,695 passengers and 39,191 vehicles as compared with 243,633 and 60,755 in Nov- ember, last year. TFIE WEST VAN NEWS IIN.I mlmr Iri Iq I2 DI.Marjory McCubbln DENTIST Hours: 0 h, m, M 0 S&tsehyv 10 ~ m 4, I 'y. Is. Evvsisgx hsd Shthnu AIM,soasx by syyhihimehi only. Royal BanE Bsiieihg I'hoax Whxi &IS Itvxidvhve I hose TIvxI Ssx Baptist ChurchWEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th sse Exesimxii, HoRyimvs This Sociviy ix ~ Branch of Tha Mother Church The First Church of Chvixi, Svivntixt in Boston, Mxxxxchoxetix Sunday Services Iligo s.m. ssd 7:So P.m. Sunday, December 18, 1932 Subject: "Is the Universe, including Sian, Evolved by Atomic Force?" Sunday School at 10:00 mm. Testimony Mvviihg Wednesday ~t 0:10 PJs. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. December 18th--4th Sunday in Advent. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion 10 a.m,--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Primary School. 11:15 a.m.--Matins and Ser- mon . 7'l5 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- mon. Pastor: Rev. H. P. HumPhreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Sunday, Dec. 18th, 1932 11 a.m.--White Gifts Service. United Sunday School and Con- gregational service. Special program will be pre. senteII by the Sunday School. Pastor will preach, topic, "God's Gift to Man." Freely ye have Iwceived freely give. 7:30 y.m.--L'vening service, Topic, "No Room in the Inn." Old time Christmas hymns, Tuesday, 20th, 6 p.m.--Sun- day School Chnstmss Supper snd Entertainment Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: hfrs. Holden Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sunday School. Also Bible Class. 8 15 p.m. Chutxh Set vice. Sermon by the minister. Thought for the week: "Thou shalt call His name Jesus; for He shall save His people from their sms." St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clachan Hotel 8:15 a.m.--Holy Mass, sermon 9:45 a.m.--Holy Mass, sermor. 2:15 p.m--Sunday School. DR. G. D. H. SEJI Lp i~ DENTIST Hsy Block, Isis hhe . xxxgm Dv. Dinch Hours 0 io 0 y.m. Evenings by spyviaimvni, Phase Wvxi 72 HOLI.YiiURN Barber Shop 10th a bixvmv EXPERT BERYIcB E. MARSH Pvoyvletvr. JOHN FLETF I'ASSES John Flett aged 59 for mne- l teen years a member of the Brit. ish Columbia Board of Moving Picture Censors, died at mid ~night Tuesday at his home, 2621 Bellevue Avenue. Death follow- ed s short illness. Son of a pioneer Winnipeg family, the deceased came Vancouver twenty-one years ago. Shortly after his arrival he entered emplov of the Provincial Government m the Vancouver land registry otficc He then joined the Board of Censors. A singer of unusual ability, Wednesday, Dec. 21st -- St. Thomas Day; 10:16 a.m., Holy Communion. Sunday, St. Francis, Caulfeild --8 p.m., Evensong. the deceased was well known inmusical circles throughout the city He was a member of the West Vancouver Choral Society In his youth he was known as a versatile athlete, and was a fam- ous member of Winnipeg la- crosse and hockey teams of the old days. He is survived by hix wife and three sisters Funeral arrangements will be announced later. CHRISTMAS DAY Holy Communion--7 s.m., 8 a.m., and 11:15 a.m. Evensong and Carols, 7:15 p. m. WEEK DAYS 8:00 a.m.--Holy hines. Friday--3:30 p. m., Confes- sions of School Children. 7:30 p.m., Devotions, Confes- sions (Adults). Saturday--7:30 p.m., confes- sions (adults). The monthly social for men will be held in the Parish Hall on Tuesday next at 8:15 p.m., when the speaker will be Prof. J. Friend Day, Associate Profes- sor of Economics and Commerce at U.B.C.. why will oarry on the discussion alohg the lines of the last meeting. A hearty invita- tion is extended to all men to attend. He's Modern Teacher (in grammar class) I mtne, p)ease tell me wnat n is, when I say, I love, you love, he loves'." Willie: "That's one of them triangles where somebody gets shot." IUIIRIsTIJkie OUI Hytcn--p. CHURCH The subject for the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "IS THE UNI- VERSE, INCLUDING MAN, EVOLVED BY ATOMIC FORCE?" One of the Bible texts will be Matthew 15: 37: "And they did all eat and were filled: and they took up the broken meat that was left seven baskets full." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 273 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Jesus walked on the waves, fed the multitude, healed the sick, and raised the dead in direct op- position to material laws. His acts were the demonstration of Science, overcoming the false claims of material sense or law." The Christmas Parties for the Sunday School will be held on tvednesday afternoon, December 28th, and Thursday evening, December 29th, and the Choir will present Pesrce'0 Christmas Cantata, 'The Morn of Glory," on Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 28th. THEATRE -- EB LQNsDALC NOW PLAY I NO Crooked CircleThe annual meeting of the St. Stephen's branch of the W. A. on 13th instant was an all-day affair. The speaker after the lunch- eon was the Venerable Arch- deacon F. C. C. Heathcote who based much that was interesting and practical on Rev. 21: 16. The following officers were elected: Hon. Pres.--Mrs. Ramsey. President--Mrs. E. A. Ford. Vice Pres.--Mrs. F. Eatock. Secretary--hire. Jupp. Treasurer--Mrs. Forsyth. Corresponding Sec. -- Mrs. Wiltshire. United Thankoifering -- Mrs. Purchase. Dorcas--Mrs. Bloxhsm. Living Message--Mrs. Glass. Extra Cent a Day -- Mrs. Flookham. Juniors -- Mrs. Wiltshire and Mrs. Lester. Little Helpers--Mrs. Wallace. Literature Sec. -- Mrs. Hamil- ton Smith. Social Service -- Mrs. W. T. Davies. Representatives to Diocesan Board--Mrs. Eatock and Mrs. 'I Rxttiixx Onxe Uvmv&ir Drama Extra Added TOM MIX MY PAL THE KINO ! Thxvvexy Guest Nlehi Fvidxy TURKEY DRAWING 7 T I 'I KEYS (XIJIINII NEXT WEEK Mvx Txvx Wve JOHN BARRYISORE I II "Bill of Divorcement" Thvvx„Frl., Sht Lew Ayres - Mss Uarke In "IMPATIENT MAIDEN" SCOI:IT NOTES Again last week the boys of the Canadian Legion Troop prac- ticed first aid. After they were quite sure that they could tie the diiferent bandages, etc. they had boxing bouts with one another. The troop hss been asked to collect 150 boxes for the Wel- fare Christmas Hampers and the scouts will be glad of the co- operation of the store-keepers On the night of the "Messiah" Monday, December 19th, repre- sentatives of the Legion Troop will sct as ushers. TURKEY DRAWING Mox - wxo . Fxi Next Vvvvh 7 'I'IIIIKRTs RAIIH NIOIIT WEST VANCOUVER MASSED CHOIRS is the "Sessiah" „,....,., Beggar--Thank you ms'am, for giving me sixpence. Old Isuty--Then you are not really blind 7 Beggar--No. At home they gave me the wrong card. I sm deaf and dumb. For LOCAL CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND in IIollyburn Theatre Monday, Dec. 19th, at 8.15 Admission 25c and 50c. Cii ss he ev ye sp cn st Cr, et'