0001 A Weekly Newspaper CJ'rculaciytgiyJ thc Dittricc of West Uancoug&cr-Amblcsidc, Hollyburn, Wcstoyt, Dundaravc CypreSS Park, Caulfeild, WhytCCliff, EtC. 5c per copy st newsstsnds. Vol. VII S)X I'AGES HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, DEC. 15, 1932 No. 30 OUR I'ROVINCIAL FINANCFS I I kE goin 'ISTER )ESIRE9 jectionio echo&ter, nell&on! eeoc&for ven&non gh Itvhkh ,io!Xorih Enon&i ogvecel lkipoliiiP schieeio icon&voce &nniinfi&e clean!os lMxiRhe no&nest I HANDEL'S "hIESSIAH" i NEXT 51ONDAY Almost within sound of the 'oar of the city of London, Eng- land, lies the quaint old world village of Stanmore, once the seat of the Earls of Cbandos. ItsU quaint church has doors to the pews, paintings on the ceilings by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and many other treasures of historic interest, but one of the biggest attractions to the visitors is the organ, proudly shown as the in- strument on which "Handel" used to play. Handel, the belov-!'d composer, whose music has thrilled thousands, and composer of that immortal masterpiece, "The Messiah," which 1Vest Van- couver will have an opportunity of enjoying on Monday, Decem- ber 19th, in the Hollyburn Thea-~e-announcement that ,gt massed choirs will sing the same work in the city on Saturday may be a little misleading, unless it ls made clear that the city v rendition is to be on behalf of the Sun Santa Claus Fund in the city only. and the local rendition is on be- half of the West Vancouver Xmas Cheer Fund, fur which money is still urgently needed. I"ol owing is the program an- nounced by J. Haydn Young, conductor: "Comfort Ye," "Every Valley" (A. M. Laster); "And the Glory" (choir); "Be- hold a Virgin," "0 Thou That Tellest" (Mrs. F. X. Hodgson snd choir); "And Behold Dark- ness Shall Cover the Earth," "The People That 1Valked in Darkness" (A. J. Addy); "For Unto Us a Child is Born" (choir) Pastoral Symphony (Orchestra) "There )Vere Shepherds," "And Lo, the Angel," "And the Angel Said," "And Suddenly--" (Mrs. Colin MacLean); "Glory to God" (choir); "Rejoice Great- I " (Mrs. MscLean); "He Shall eed His Flack" (Mrs. Hodg- 'son); "Come Unb& Him" (Mrs. MacLean); "Behold the Lamb of God" (choir); "He 1Vss Despis- ed" (hire. Hodgson); "Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs," "All 1Ve Like Sheep," "Lift U Your Heads" (choir); "1Vhy Do the Nations" (Aubrey Clarke); "Hallelujah" (choir); "I Know That My Redeemer" (Mrs. I.low- ard Leggatt); "Since by Man," "By Man Came Also the Resur- rection," "For As in Adam All Die," "Fven So in Christ" (Mes- dames MacLean and Hodgson, Messrs. J. U. Holt and J. H. Smith); "1Vorthy Is the Lamb" (choir). The accompaniments will be played by Margaret Mc- Intyre and an orchestra. Do your Christmas shopping at your local merchant--early. A very serious warning was issued last week by Hon. J. W. Jones as to the ilnancial condition of the province, which it will be well for every British Columbian to "read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest." The minister of finance te!Is us in no uncertain language just what we may expect. Provincial revenues have shrunk one third during the year which has almost ended, a fact which should give us pause in view of the fact that the per capita taxation in B. C. is already greatly in excess of that of any other province in Canada. Obviously there are only two alternatives, either to in- crease the already huge burden of taxation or to severely cur- tail our expenditures. It is equally obvious that the latter course is the only one to follow, and Mr. Jones makes it very plain that this is what he proposes to do. He states that this year, while the province hss severely pruned its expenditures, municipal budgets have not been cut in anything like such s proportion. 1Ve may, therefore, as a municipality in common with all other municipalities, expect to receive very much reduced . sums in provincial grants in 1988 as compared with what has come tous in the past from these sources. And it goes without saying that this will apply not to one but to all grants. It has been very noticeable recently that every time any suggestion has been made of a curtailment in expenditures in any line, a howl and in some eases propaganda have been forthcoming demanding that the old rate of spending be main- tained. All such howling is futile and will be eotirely unpro- ductive of results unless the municipalities are prepared to raise their taxation to that point, which will enable them Lo obtain the difi'erence between the amount of the provincial grants in the past, and those they will receive in 1988. Which no council would think of doing in these times. Contractors may raise their voices in protest, but there will be little work done in capital expenditures by any muni- cipality next year. Educstionalists may rave about the cal- amity that is coming upon our children if the present school system is not maintained in all its glory, and so on all down the line, but none of it can have or will have any effect. The ledger balance hss been in red ink for almost forty years, and the time hss come when the figures have got to be placed on the credit el&le unless the whole finsncial fabric is to collapse. ~aurrry rite~. Wnr~oe-,-eon~a.-'~it. b res&qd«gt ito limits and we csn no longer discount the future. At the same time we believe that the curtailment of prov- incial grants will in the long run be of great bene!it to us. One of the greatest lessons of life is to learn to stand on one's own feet, which we Canadians have been largely forget- ting during the past few decades in our propensity to reganl the government as a kind of fairy godmother. We have been "pap fed" with a silver spoon far too long, and it will do both us snd our children good to have to personally work for all we obtain after the manner of our pioneer forefathers. As a great novelist, once put it: "Nothing in this life worth having is won for the asking; and the best is fought for and bled for and died for." Remembering this, the curtailment of govern- ment grants instead of a curse msy well prove a blessing, by throwing us more on our own resources and enabling uo to regain some of that virilitv which we are in danger of losing. DISTRICT CONSERVATIVES LEGION N&OTES EI.ECT OFFICERS The annual meeting and elec- The annual meeting and elec- tion of oificers of the Canadian tion of oiticers of the North Legion, West Vancouver branch, Vancouver District Conservative wIII take place next Wednesday, Association took place last Wed- 21st December, at 8 p.m. in the nesday evening in the Elks'lub Legion Memorial Hall. It is par rooms, North Vancouver, when t&cu»I& requested that in view. the annual report wan received of the election of &i?Ice and adopted by the large num- other busine&m to be d~ ber of delegates who attended. every member make s point of J. T. Watt, the retiring president being present. reviewed the year's activity, Well, members snd and extended his thanks for the how ar'e the Xmas ILdne icket'uPPorthe had received in his going? Only another feiw dms two years of oifice. Jack Loutet, M.L.A., made a aware it is to take plass, &e& brief speech in which he stated Thursda&', December 22nd that the present provincial gov- the Legion Hall at 8 p.m. IIj ernment wss the best in 25 years everybody who has tickets although probably they &ox&old lyturn them in with the mosey not get the credit for being so. to Comrade G. Childs, 1760 Ar. In response to a question he gyle Avenue, not later than! went in some detail into the )Vednesday, December 21st, inst. ~ ! RUSSELL L. DAVIS antecedents and activities of Mr. Saturday, December 1&th, vriii FieM Supervisor for Jerse hfcGeough. be the last whist drive and F „, ho ill d li th The election of owners result- third in a series of lectures on ixqnon in their Hall at 18th and farm topics over CNRV, ~n" Hon Pen Hon R B Ben rine Drive until after thehia'ored by the British Columbia nett. New Yea&; so it is hoped that Electric Railway Co. Monday Hon. Vice Pres.--Hon. Dr. S, " rybody wIII make a special ef evening, December 19, at 8&60 F. Tolmie, J. L,utet, M,L.A., fort to attend. Come along and o'lock. Mr. Davis wBI speak to Senator A. D. McRse. have a rosily good time and help to the topic "Milk Production President --F. M. J. Barker of . ng a good cause. The price and the Fluid hIilk Market." Lynn Valley. is right, the refreshments will Anyone who desires msy obtain Vice President -- S. Humph- be g'md and the committee hope printed copies, free, of any of reys of North Vancouver. that all will be present for thM the series of lectures by wnting 2nd Vice Pres.--,James Eding- ku&t ~hist drive of the year, to the agricultural division, B. C. ton of West Vancouver. Electric Co., Vancouver. Secretary --A. Scatterty. VfELFARE &&OTF„q Treasurer--hIiss E. J. Stevens CPRIST&119 HEBR 5 r&h;n Executive--North Vancouver, is unusually cold snap bee& .v«w.=eL 't'; 'Jopnoon, R. et. hoser, ~ v' J o~ homes whereL e t J. N. White, W. H. Wilkins, p warm clothing, boots and extra Broadfoot: 1Vest Vancouver, J. food are badIy needed. 1Vbilst T. Watt; Lynn Valley, T. Crave- the Assocb&tion is making ley. aPpeal for Christmas Hard times are with us, and Cheer, it is also bu&dIbusily engaged Chrhtmss is only a little over 8 K R t ying to find extra bedding, re- XMAS CHEER FUND ever joy they get on ihe ood- 1Viih only a few days remain- will of th&x&e who are fortunate ing before the hampers must beeg enough to be employed and in filled, it is very urgent that more ficult it is to re lace them, sn receipt of a regular income. 1Ve donations be forthcoming, if the ~I w wa f ask, therefore, the public of really useful hamper planned by 1Vest Vancouver io be generous the Committee is to be sent. this week snd to remember th&s&e hi«h thought is b~ing given to bm&Sng able to do in the district less fortunately the practical end, the committee placed than themselves, more taking into consideration that it particularly the children All is useless io send a good dinner . grocery boxes are receiv- money sent to the West'an toahomeif iheretsnothlngto Ings gest dealmm attention News will be acknowledged ln cook lt with. or no ch«« fire to t . i es a this column. The following donations have io the happiness which toyland ~ sugar nce, etc., to provide b nreceived: snd candyland might bring io thedist ibutommththe~ount ity of%est Van ihe children and so to the par- qu&md for d~tributkm. The couver .....„„,.„.. 525.0(i enis, hlother snd Dad haven't mi tt)es on the various coun- I.eylsnd. J. B. „,, .......... 5.00 been having a very fiourlsbing ters tor opavo coppers are reoeiv B. yC. V........, ..„., „..., 5.00 time lately, and it would be nice g „ncouraginit support, and the B. G. P....................'.'..'.. 5,00 if something just a little extra 'orkero are thankfuL Messinger and Chaiterton 5.00 niight be added for them. How Gordon Robson ...., 5.00 often you hear a parent say "1Ve wi I be seen in another col- K. q. and hi. B.. 2.00 don't mind for ourselves, if only '„mn, the children of the schools Smith's Grocery ......, ..... 5.00 the children can be afiowed io ve done their part in cash, to- R. 5L Husband .......,... „2.00 forget for one day. and be just wards the Christmas Cheer as 1V. C. T. U......... 5.00 happy as they used to be," and u 11 as in the collection of the 5.00 because of this spirit of selt 1 &ys It is fine when children hlr. and 1lrs. J. F. Ikv&d 10.00 sacrifice which permeates the start out in life imbued with a St. I'atricia School.... 2.00 majority of honies. It is hoped feeling ot responsibility for the hire. G. G. Gray ......."....... 8.'00 to mal'e the p nts feel i~ other fellow,a dreal»that th hlrs. Geo. E. Breaiey........ 2.50 that they lives in a community &ox'ihbeing of every man is every Greenwood's Grocery.... 5.00 where everyone cares for everv- other man's business. It bodes 1. M. 1Vorking..... 10.00 one else. and wLohes them in a wefi for the future. The mental prscilci way -Happy CbrL't and often ph&~m su(tering of 8101.oo masl" their parents must be a very great strain on their childhood, This is almost a last minute but the youngsters are made of 1VEST VANCOUVFR appeal io the person who css sturdv ~stutt and will win UNEMVLOYED ASS'N only give a few cents as wei a throu&gh to vict y with better the person still holding a job tin&os ahead. The Publicity Secretary (Iiirs. any sort, who would hate to be Gleed), owes an apology io the left out of 1Vest Vancouver's members of the above for hav- own special Xmas Cheer eifort ing wrongly announced the date for West Vanoouver's own of the next meeting. It is &o people. jie next Friday, Decevnber 16, Donations may be sent io this „A htother- at ?:80 PromPt, to be followed PaPer or to the Fund Hesdquar. Coun. Vg D. Dickin on. by a 1Vhist Drive and Social at ters at 18th and hisrino. Pauline Johnson School 24.Ã 9 p m All members snd fnends Bntish I'acvfic I'ropert&es are asked to come snd make this Do your Christmas shopping Ltd, 85.00 s success. at your local merchant~arly Miss Phgip . 100"'-