West Van. News (West Vancouver), 8 Dec 1932, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS December 8, 1932 DAP I Smf'tII 'S GrOeery THE RED AND WHITE STORES D(mdarave,', ".„"„.,",.,'Ambleside „'™M.„„." SPECIALS FRIDAY 8t SATURDAY, „"„':„'„'„„ SASH - IM)ORS - GYPROC Everything for the Building SHINGI ES, SHII'LAP, 224 und All Dimensions 1 Store at Ilollyburny next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS i L umber Government Inspected Only vv vl AD Z4 ~'I 4 4 ~ IV I I Dylocotr 4'-4 Iv 4" n"~' 4 oa 4 at'~ ' 'r'vv vrryIVCPV 'A.Vvvp rpvvr ' 'A'pr, rrp.rrpv aq'avVrrrrprcrv.rrrrvAv 'P"vv rprrv'P u vpp'.v r rcrvv PC& EGGS--Royal Sraadani, preserved Eaivaa .............. do!en $04 LARD--Pure. I IB priara North Star .................. 104 TRA--Red 41 )Vbiia Ovaaga Pekoe ............ Ra $5e PORK & BBANS, Ayimev 18 au ................2 tins 154 Rad & White VEGETABLE SOUP ........,.....2 tins 194 Red & %brie TO)IATOES Large riaa ..............2 riaa 25e Red & %hire GOLDEN COILV No. 2 riaa ...................... I iv Rvd & White PUMPKIN Large ria .................... Iie PBACHES--Australian. sliced or halves, Iavga iiaa ............ 25v RED PLUMS--Nabob No. 2 tins ............. Ise STRAIYBERRY JAhi Columbia ....... 4 Ik ria $94 CREAM CRACKERS--Ormuad'a Large package........... 18e GRAHAMS--Ormoad'a I Ik vaiio. package........ 214 IL C. FINE GRANULATED SUGAR ................. 10 iba. 16e PUFFED WHEAT 'Quaker 2 pkga. 254 QUIICK OATS--Quaker Oats Co. 6 I be. 29a MALT--Blue Ribboa. hap Savor Light & dark ............2 Bc iiu 854 )VELFARE FIGURES THAT SURPRISE YOU (Continued from Page 1) Harold Eager have charge of the tickets the price of which has been set at 25 cents, with the exception of the front row balcony, and ten rows at the back downstairs reserved at 50 cents. Dance and hiilitary YVhist One more Big social event for Christmas Cheer remains on the tapis. A dance and Military Whist is planned to take place at the Orange Hall next Satur- day, 10th December, 8:30 to midnight. The notice is short, but the date has been put for- ward from the original date, next Wednesday, so as not to conffict with the Public School concert. No tickets will be is- sued, and patrons will pay at the door, in order to avoid ex- pense to the fund. It will also take the form of 8 Box Social, ihose attending bring their own refreshments, only tea and cof- fee being provided by the com- mittee. Encouraging local talent Tom Delaire'8 band of 8 pieces will be in attendance for the dancing. The L.O.L. has once more shown its fine spirit of co- operation in donating the hall for the occasion. Cheering News The Christmas Cheer Fund is growing apace and bringing cheer to the committee, as will be seen in the published list in another column. The school teachers have shown very prac- tical sympathy possibly mainly because they are in 8 position to know and realize the need better than many others, who only hear things. Surely after this no one will want West Vancouver teachers to retire at forty! Not 0 day passes that some story of unusual circumstances does not reach the Association, and it is such 0 blessing that the fellow citizens are responding so splen- didly to the appeals. The boxes in the Grocery stores too, are oftener being remembered in the housewife's order list than they were snd this respobse, too, is gratefully acknowledged. Christmas Cheer List Received at Xmas Cheer Head- quarters: Teachers, West Vancou-.....,...... ver.............................6121.00 Duncan Lswson Chapter 10.00 Anonymous ...................... 20.00 Friend ... 5.00 KEPT IAVSII)E Under 0 l)ry ltoofRed & W'hiio FLOUR I'aiaoi Blend ....... 24 IL aavk 6$c SLICED ILCCON--Fleichav'a WI lb. package ...............,., 104 CHICK)UP HADDIE Nabob. Ia. pov iia ........... Nc SERVUS BIIEAD. large 24 oa. loaf ............. 2 for 154 4X FRUIT LOAF Deiiaioua, each 19& Had & White FLOOR WAX Large I lb. )ia ................ $14 CURIIAIVTS--Australian Clean, pev ik ........ 154 SULTANA RAISINS Auairaiiau ........ 2 iim. 25e WHOLE PEEL, Lemon & Orange per ih 184 C,UT hiihFD PEEL )raga)age'a I lb. boa ........ Ipv Rvd & %hire hii)LASSRS 20 ua. Iia............. 1$4 NETTED ('Rhi I'OTATOES 25 iba. 2$4 SWEET POTATOFyd ..... 6 Iba. 2$4 TURN)I'S, riess even aiae 12 lbs. 15e DRY OVIONS Gvovla in B C....... 5 iba. 104 GRAPE FIIUIT Imperial Vanev .... 5 for 254 sUNKIsT OIIA."iGEs- Large ........... doves 404 vaovmvaa E. A. Llava ~ ~ ~ Septic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16ib aad hiavina Drive I'hone West 199. After 6 p.m. aod holidays aak for GRRRY DENT, I'hone Wear 24111 COUINCIL NOTFS The engineer reported to the council on. 1. J, E. Rodger's application re gravel for road to D.L. 772, 88 and Ptn B, Lots 1,4, 6, 7, etc. That this work was already in hand. 2. Annie Collie's application. That there was no good reason for this request tobe acceded to. Applicant to be informed that there are no funds available for doing any more work at this time, and that the matter of the street light is under considera- tion. 3. W. Partridge's application for gravel Bellevue west of 22nd Street. This work ordered done at u cost, not to exceed 56.00. 4. Miss Betty Walton'0 appli- cation re grading of 19th Street. That to flll this request would cost approximately 345.00. Work approved at a cost not to exceed that sum. 5. A. W. Wyllie'8 application re work on road to Lots 52 and 55 inclusive, Block 1, D.L. 771. That the road mentioned by Mr. Wyllie is not as bad as his letter would indicate. Applicant to be informed that on account of lack of funds noth- ing more could be done to the road at the present time. The engineer was instructed to take up the matter of remov- ing earth from the municipal boulevard. 6. Mrs. Reid'8 application re culvert on 21st Street. The work ordered done E. I. Lane wrote the council regarding poor state of Mathera Avenue in the vicinity of 30th Street. Referred to the engineer for report. Lennox and Fletcher wrote the council re Hollyburn Ski Camp lease The council passed 8 resolu- tion that they would consider an arrangement as follows: 550 cash December 1st, 1932. 550 cash February 1st, 1933. 575 cash April 1st 1938 snd the balance in work, provid- ed the engineer and the ski camp lessees came to an arrangement in regard to the amount, of work to be performed for the 8275.00 balance. Head of the department of poultry husbandry, University of B.C., who wi)I deliver the sec- ond in the series of fifteeil min- ute farm lectures sponsored by the B.C. Electric Railway Com- pany and broadcast over CNRV every Monday evening at 8:60 o'lock. His subject will be, "Breeding Poultry for 1933,o and he will stress how B. C. poultrymen can best take advan- tage of the preferences allowed at the recent Ottawa conference. Professor Lloyd is well known to all poultrymen of the prov- ince. For 8 number of years lie was secretary of the R.O.P, As- sociation, which was responsible, in a large measure, for giy(ug world-wide publicity to the high- producing strains of B.C. poultry THO51AS BRUNTON KH I.ED Thomas Brunton, 50 years of age, of North Vancouver, was killed early Saturday morning as a result of being struck at Bewicke Avenue and Marine Drive by an auto driven by Mr. Jones of Horseshoe Bay. At the inquest 0 verdict wss returned of accidental death without blame to anyone. Funeral ser- vices were held at 2:30 p.m. yesterday at the Burrard Funer- al Chapel, North Vancouver, and interment wus made in the re- turned soldiers plot, North Van- couver Cemetery. The council granted the re- quest of 0 number of unemploy- ed for the loan of the municipal truck on Sunday, December 4th on the following conditions: (u) That the truck be driven by the municipal driver volun- tarily. (b) That the municipality be absolutely freed from all re- sponsibility in regarrl to passen. ger hazard. (c) Subject to permission from the Insurance company. Miss Marion McFadyen, who has been away ill for several weeks, hus returned to her duties on the teaching staff of Hollyburn School. "Right Service -- Right Grades" Inglewood School where the I'ublic Schools'oncert will be held. FERRY OPFRATIIVG SURI'LUS 511 957 45 According to the auditors'e- port presented to the councu at their'ast meeting the ferries made an operating surplus of 311)957.45 for the ten months ending 31st October. 1932. Boat fares totalled 370,361.41, while the total receipts from the buses was 616,472.49. GOVERINMENT REI.IEF PLAN IS REJECTED Li;employed in District of orth Vancouver will be return- ed to the old municipal relief scare, which provides for two, two and a half, three and fourdays'ork per week at 63.20 per day, according to size of the rehef applicant's family. Such was the burden of a res- olution passed by District Coun- cil 'I uesday night, despite a com- munication from the Provincial Government that the unemploy- meut relief schedule which went into elfect December I must be adhered to. The government will only be responsible for the a- mount provided for in the sched- uie, the commumcation stuted. Payment of the diiference be. tween the government scale and that of the municipality will be deferred until such time as u loan can be arranged, the coun- cil declared. Councillors decided 0 week ago that the government plan could not be accepted, and forwarded 0 protest to Victoria. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone Wear 9 Fertilizers, 1Vood, Coal I Builders'upplies The News FERRY FRAIN('HISE 18 I'AVORED BY rhllvribTER liUT 510RE DATA DFSIRED 'I can see no real objection to grauting 0 ferry service charter, but before any definite action is taken, it will be necessary for the government to have a map showing the area covered." T his was ihe reply u hich lioll. It. W. Bruhn sent to North vancouver District Council Tuesday night following recegg'aceutlyof the muntcipalit)avw apphcation for a franchise Io operate a ferry service across Burrard Inlet from a point in the dis.rict to a Vancouver terminui. Information requested will be forwarded to the government. h o. THk: LIONS After 8 heavy fall uf snow. LU SER" und all Building liluierisl of Best (Iuality ui llaw Prices ii U I I I) N 0 1V 'ESTVANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 Reu. Phone West 3681. 15th and liiarine