0001 December 8. 1932. THE WEST VAN NEWS lime The ~ jjougj uiuui, I Cou. duel. ,Ac'm. niCM mlbi! I lhc Iohcjd Your 2 0ugry, Ig imbi %'e cordially invite you to ~ ~ ~ PHONE or VISIT J.W. Kelly Piano Co. Lce«»I 0 GEI4511LL, Agent 14tb coi Marine WEST 37 W. T. GRAHASIE PASSESjc'alterTeague Grshscre of Sherman, passed away l» t Tuesday at Shsughnessy Mili- tary Hospital. The derqsgej,. who was in hig GGth year, loavesto mourn his passing his wife, three daughters« Ina and I!«n- nsh, at home, Mrs. Reecl oc New'estminster;one son, hfurduck, at home, six grandchildren «nd one brother, Jim, of Vancouver. The remains are resting at H«I- ron Bros. dc Williamson'8 parlors 122 IVeut Gth Street, North Van- couver. The service will be hL!1 from St. John's Church on 8«'- urday, December 10, at 2 0'clou», Rev. William Askey oftfciutf.ig. Interment in family plot, NI rth Vancouver Cemetery. COUNCIL APPROVES AMENDMENT Copy of a proposed acnend- ment to the Municipal Aci, for borrowing of money from the government or individuals on security of chattels snd book ac- counts of 0 hospital, wag sub- mitted to North Vancouver City Council hIonday night by Solici- tor Dugsld Donaghy and ap- proved. Unpopular minister out calling to little girl at door: "Is your mother in?" »No, she'ut." "Is your father in&" "No, he's out." "Oh well, I'l just come in and sit by the fire till they come in." "You needn't bother, it's out, too." )VEST VANCOUVER UNEhlPLOYED ASSN. The West Vancouver Unem- ployed Association held their fortnightly meeting on Friday last. It was well attended and a protest wss voiced for all present against the Govern- ment's proposed cut in Relief rates. It was decided to begin the next meeting on December 9th, at7:30 p.m. promptly so as to hold the postponed whist orive. Admission for this will be 15 cents or two for 25 cents, includ- ing refreshments. Funda must be raised for expenses snd also to help put on a Xmas Tree party for the children of mem- bers. This event to be held prob- ably on December 25th. Mr. Phillips, the new president. was in the chair, and Mr. W. Crane took on. his secretarial duties. hlince bleat II/8 cups chopped beef (roast or steak) I pint chopped apple I/2 cup chopped suet I I/3 cups sugar I cup cider cup syrup from sweet pickle jar I teaspoon salt I teaspoon mace Gratings of nutmeg I/4 teaspoon cloves I/8 teaspoon cinnamon 2/3 cup raisins (Sultana preferred) Mix all together. Cook I hour. Put into sterilized jars. Fair Trade An illusionist performing in 8 Northern town put 8 woman into a box from which there wss no apparent outlet and shut the lid. When he opened it again there was nothing inside but 8 couple of rabbit& After the performance a Scotsman went to the illusionist and asked him if he could per; form the same trick if his (the Scotsman's) wife were to get into the box. "Why yes," answered the il- lusionist. "But are you anxious to get rid of your wife?" "Weel," answered the Scot, "It's no sae much that, but wee Wullie got me tae promise him tws rabbits for Christmas!" Sufferers from hiccough can obtain relief if they suck the juice of a slice of-lemon. CITY AND WATER BOARD DISAGRFF Disagreement hss ariser be- tween the Vancouver city eng- ineering department and Great- er Vancouver Water District concerning which will bear cost of installing valves to control pressure of water to be deliver- ed from Capilsno pressure tun- nel under First Narrows. At the civic waterworks com- mittee meeting Monday after- noon. City Engineer Chat les Brakenridge reported that pres- sure in city mains would Le in- creased from thirty to vixty pounds if water from the tu Inel were used without regulation. City mains, he said, are now car- rying the maximum pressrrc. He told aldermen the subject of responsibility for the regula- tion will be before the council saon. The city's attitude, he said, is that the Water Board should deliver its pral oct at pressure required by the rity. Commissioner E. A. Cleveland of the Water Board, however, argues that the city should pro- tect its own mains. There hss also been disagree- ment, said Mr. Brskenridge, a- bout responsibility for connect- ing the new service to city mains. It has been virtually de- cided, however, that it costs with the Water Board becsuse it hss changed the point of de- livery by construction of the tunnel. NORTH SHORE COur CH IS CONGRATULATED ON BRIDGE REPAIR SUCCESS »I have been requested by the council of our board to exteud to you and members of your council, our sincere congratula- tions upon the successful out- come of the Second INrrrows bridge controversy." So stated W. E. Payne, secre- tary of Vancouver Bosvd of Trade, in a letter to hiayor E. H. Bridgman which was read North Vancouver City Ciuucil Monday night. "It i8 a matter of 8atisfsction to the south shore to krcow that its views which, as you are aware, favor the erection of 8 lift span, have received endorse- ment," added Mr. Payne He also declared, "that this hss oidy been accomplished by the utmost co-operstion of all concerned, and we readily admit the go»d work which hss been dore by your corporation." GOOD AS NEW~»mf or Wood Hcoi- vv, 8816.00. J, S, Yctvg, 16SS uigvioc Drive. WANTED--Dally ivcogsovictios fcooc 22vd Street to Pvodvc Street, city, 9 em., closed cac. Phone Wcci 6S6R ERPERIENCED GIRL Waafs Hvsgv work. Phone West 414RS. FOR SALE--One Baby's Rcci So!br. with boo& One Mco' Sheepskin !!ocd jacket. pcgciicgny new. 1106 Esplanade. FOR SALE--Child's C.C.Si. jorcyda No, 0, perfect coed!i!os. Phone West S2SR. FOR RENT -- Comfortable focokbvd cottage, nice locstioo, 610.00. Phone West 256R. Stuged Eggplant I egg plant I cup crumbs 2 tablespoons butter I/2 tablespoon onion I egg Seasoning Cook eggplant 15 minutes in enough boiling salted water to cover. Cut 8 slice from top and with a spoon remove pulp, tak- ing care not to work too close to skin. Chop pulp, add soft bread crumbs, melted butter, add finely-chopped onion and cook 6 minutes. Add to chopped pulp and bread, season with pepper and salt, and if necessary, mois- ten with 8 little water. Cook 5 minutes, cool slightly, and add I beaten egg. Refill shell with mixture and bake 25 minutes in s hot oven. Cooked rice or macaroni may be substituted for crumbs. Chop- ped meat may be added. FOR PLUMBING REPAfmm Rcv- iioooc Pboac West 2411L Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 uicriov Drive Pboac West 21 ov Svrassr 7260E~ Wc I 2SCX GORDON ROBSON Bccigtcv Sc Solkitcc WEST VANCOUVER- Oilicc No. 1447, Msvioc Drive Phone West sink VANcoUVER 0PFfcs- Suite 818 I 510 Hcgiiogg SL W. Phone, Svrmcwo'199. C. J. ARCHER Spec!slang ia West Wsocoovcv REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE (AB Branches) MORTGAGES. ETC. Lle vac vcvvcccv cvc llvlvk cceocc. 791 Doavmoiv Stcvvt Pboovcc Scrmowc 5954, West 225 Grandmother (to Willie, who won't put away his tops): "IVjl- lie, let me tell you 8 story. Once upon a tune there was a httle boy who never put his tops away so one dsy 8 terrible giant came and stole him from his mammy and daddy. That's what will hap- pen to you one of these days." Willie: "Now, grandma, PII teil you one. Once upon a time there was a cat and it barked." CLASSIFIED ADS Tim rate fwc Cfcggigvi ASvcvdvcavsts is 2 costs Swv weel, abdawa mi cvoig. Egcvpi ia ibc gsvo of tbggc bgvisg cvgoicv ac»mais. aR dsggi- Svig ccv psrgbio givkiir Ia ggvgwce, Rvacainv Ctccd8»ls is ibc Wcvi Vca News gvi baaemcic cealia FOR SA!.E at Cagier'g, 2152 Sigciso WESTINGHOUSE fo NORTHERN --Beds, dressers, heaters, casgvv, Efvrtck Bsiioc. Eivciricai iogiai- books, host of other bosgcboii goock lsibag aoi Repairs. Phoae Novib ~igo pgioig, oils, glass, ctc. Focal- 210. Hcmmcccacck Bren. iocc mpsired coi Polivbvd. FURNISHED AND UNFURN1SHED MARCBLLE SHOP -- Mgcccno. 50 Hoosvg io Bcoi. Hoogcc, lots, asi cvoic; reset, Mk; Anger wave. 764. cccvggc for sale. John La»ma, Phono Mrg. King, West 204. 17ib sai Mcciac, Pbooc West 66. WEST YAVCOUYER M A CHIN E wEBIPS SNOB REPAIBS WEAR SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pmaps, Household articles. 1449 Mscioe. ERPER!FVCFD DRESSMAKER HEADGUARTERS fvc AR Ibe POP- Wooii bko work at isiccv boogcg, Ii c Cunmifeb To~ & Fm ~iiccaiiooc, coaic relined. 62.00 pec Iog Gsigvis for loca! wsiccg. Am- dar. Phone West 170. b!Ogiic Tca Rooms r » milk, !It ir,beat currgutg Idccmm uocuiu- sut Incogud jf,Tucg Ivcrcml iihkurd i'4) S.lS tujmg)L Rbdcf thew' ,bcI kcuim fcoaM fig G,tbk Opporioonim foc go Kwjorvbiv Vacvuow Aimocc Uoi«wicci kind of Ic!p io be made, whether one cvquiricg much eifvri, goi vg- Vvrimm, or one quuv frvv fram ccp!AI god pocivgcv, the vgoocigi bcg only Io select big cooiv. Ever ccf Accvcv Aitboogb cgiiwg&w gad Ibc auto- mobile have provided c means d rapid Inmoort, Ibccv are coooiicm place in the qoici of the focal, oui d reach of either. !I is vovb Okcmc gppcocobgbie only br ccsoc Ibvi mvitc the civvgiuccc to Evc- take of the wonders of nature. I'be railways coi Ibe Ikvelosmcm of good cock bgvc bowcvvc mvdv tbc mgjoriiy of cgooc couicv in Cg«gic vccly acmsibk, «od one need sot Icgvvi fgc !corn Ibv mvjocity of Cgoviico cities before rcgcbicg ucc ombgckisg point of ga eajoycbiv trip. Focvcc Uvvocy In me«is pack onv mgy folk» tbv viceam foc g long summer oouou agi ocvcc ccc a village oc doc!bog, rvi vivuicciioa Sco vo glom Ibci cviom iv easily powibk, Waivrfanc, cgpiiv Igcgv sop wogu, ivkcg of singular bcguiy hidden deep in Ibv focvvt„coi icigoic vovccci with piov aoi vpmvc «vcc HE ccqviwgovotc foc ~ vov- an. Cmogg Ibv iotccccuog fcgivcvv vedd gcd muckviocx trip mcoucknu eo route. !o vomv piaonvqm vous cgvcnvci summer dcmam, any kind. can be fouoi gbseg goy- Tbccv is g ccmgckgbiv cooicvvt be- jwbvn ia Ccoais. The is- tween tbv eoovvotiooguijc of mockco numerable igkov voi rivers make tbv life voi Ibc lull ogiocgiovoc of iifv cboivv of Icipc dmog ocumucd. !o tbv gcvat forest, where one Iogy Oov oco Icgve! foc bcowimbc of mucc nigg, em!i Ibv twgoiy of odocvi on any of Ibv gngi riven, joomcy «vwoooiiggc. A cicgogv go~=II Of big colo c v ofcom !cbv Iv lake vei rigsioc imvgicgiiog comvc to one wbik foi- wbvcv cgoick jccqccck or beigtck ioccc- iowmg the routes of the bivioc!I vva .. ftgvkg ivciicll upon Ibv cvpioccrv go 1 maicsimcoi prevails cmci the coovigot cbcogv of bcvo«- ki vcvcccr. Fish gwd Game Io Abundance Ccogiigo igkvv coi vie ccc are cvsovoej for tbv vgcimy god gbugdaooc of Ibvic ficb. Brook goi igkv Icovi are numvcoov, the icuvc often wvigbicg !corn 6ficvo to uiriy pounds wbuc oibec cpvcicw of ucc acv pivgtifut Eastern Cgccek is well provided with wg«cwwrc, well suited Io travel by canoe Canal vrviemc, rivets large vsi small rapids fcuv, !deca, vu!!wakes gci cn the ccqoicvwwoic for an eoioycbiv canoe Icip gvcii the devotee vf the pat!4k, (Vbccbec II be g ccovw tkcougb g well cvulci cvg!oo, oc an advvotvcoov journey through tbv wilderness, Ibc cgsovici will ucd vc gimoct unlimited number of igkcc goi vucgolg The wgivcwgrs d Occam Cvoeje in days gone hy, ccesci mcivrigur in unVeiling Ibv Oqrgiccy Oi Ibg ucvvi vouoicx bet»vga Lke Sufncjoc aci Ibc Pcviuc Occco. Rgiccuog !corn lake 'u oooocg, ccv coute» comgoiiv icicccvL Nvctiiog emma the moootgiov of tbc cocci cvv many beg«ufo! ickvv, vivo vuvgcov that wioi Ibcougb Ibv blue, where coocc foc Ibc aocicc cod booivc mvr be found. lbce iwfvcwcauow Tbo .'Iauoogi Dcvciosmcoi Bureau of tbc fkparimcst of the loiccioc ai Ougwg, bgv pnlnmd ~ vccim of lour booklek entitled 'Xkooe Tciog," covin of which mcy be bej by ooc naive, free oi cbccgv. Tbc mrivc covccv ibv Mvcitima Pcovioccc, qoe- Iwc, Ooiacio voi IVcvkm Cgogic. Fllclbvc ickilci lofonoguoo is gvgu- able Io Ibmc wbo tvqoicv qwc!SC Iblic el cov pcriivobg'ciig Canoe Trips in Canada Lakes and Rivers Provide Numerous Attractions =0 tc0: jI» mavvvv/ Christmas Tree Lights Spread Yuletide Spirit AINTY lialc lighted Cbcigcmgg tcccc play s won.j9 dafol pgci co cpcccdlog Ibc bcpp!I Yulccldc cpvtlc. Yoo can puccbgvc 4 gccinu of cbccc cobxcd bSbcc for cmly c dollgr or two god Ibcyll bwc occcly cg lcslg gg yoo want Io ucc Ibas. For ouccidc dccocccica cbc lcubcg are cpcciclly Iccgccd wich wccibccpmo5ng gnd will luce for many years. Tbe bouge chcc mates c link cffcxc cnd fmmm an cmsc. nvc djvpfgy lmmcdicmfy bocoomc cbc ccnccc of gtugccoo for the oagbbocboo& Tbc gmgll dfoci m cccuoOIog rioouc m smpb ccpgjd orid d "ooobg" cod'bmbg fnxa dm ricjjgbacj ksfdjm. SCQFdll 1 G APPLIANCE STORES Vsscocvvc Noccb eccf fVccc Veceavcc - Nnv W'acoaagcv cfjjfwgcievd ~ Cdv'flawed - Kewivwpc - Vccmccc ~ 11!III IE'Ec(01881:.I:if %SECcs 8:II&%:y qlmccy VKCLog 4rJ cv ~hc c ISA