0001 rrw R Ar, mhApw 'Vl~ ~ AP rr r Za ra 'rv'r 4' ~, e 'rica e.Mtered"rer rer m eeie 'P ~ e1"- i'-r'r wca ~: rir r ifrrrr ver e r rrrr ~:'r' ~ Yre: ' 'r ri'rr 'rrr rr 'rrr'r'r r rrrrrrrr rr'r rrrr r' rrrrrrrr-rr liecember 8, 1932 EST +AN MDTDRE 'OLLYBURN 1451 Marine (BILL GROUT) Ivegt 268 WE CAN TAKE CARE OF ALL YOUR WINTER NEEDS THEATRE FRIDAY and SATURDAY Deeembebr gth and 10th Willard Batteries Alcohol %Vhixx Gold Band Anti.freexe Wit.l. RO&'ERS ln Business (Tha first fill Is the inst for the season) Coniplete Mechanical Service WE SPECIALIZE IN PLEASING TEE CUSTOitER and Pleasure Mailnee every Saturday at Z s.m.CORRESPONDENCE Editor, West Van News. Sir:--I would like to add a word in support of your corres- pondents who suggest that the Reeve and those of the Council and School Board, whose terms now expire, be returned by accla- mation. In view of the good work done by the present incumbents it would seem the part of wisdoni that those who are familiar with the inner workings of Municipal affairs be unanimously requested to "carry on." Yours truly, S. J. NASMITH. of Shakespeare's works in three leather bound volumes. It was decided to draw the prizes for the telephone bridge at the Clachan on Friday. The ~ ratTle for the Afghan r'ealized a substantial sum of money and was won by Miss Maysll of Burns 6& Co., Vancouver. A letter from the Educational Secretary of the National Chap- ter was read suggesting a series of Empire studies to be taken up by primary chapters. A commii.- tee formed of Mrs. Hayes, con- vener, Mrs. Fiddes, Mrs. Jack- son, Mrs. Patterson and Mrs. Gourlay, was appointed to ob- tain further particulars regard- ing these studies. The Chapter voted a donation to the Welfare Fund. A splendid report of the Arm- istice Day service was given and a vote of thanks to all those that assisted was passed by th&. Chapter. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. A. E. Young the second Monday in January NORTH SHORE WILL APPEAL FOR FUNDS Protest against the near scale of relief put into effect by the Provincial Government on Dec- ember I wss lodged with North Vancouver City Council by a large delegation of unemployed. Council decided to again com- municate with government of- ficials suggesting that sufficient finances be advanced to inaug- urate an adequate employment scheme. City officials will at the same time explain "the supreme state of privation" being experi- enced by the unemployed, and in- ability of city finances to permit sny work being undertaken to alleviate the situation. Delegates addressing the coun- cil explained that what the un- employed particularly desire is work or cash. "This council can not get the money from the banks, and the government will not provide it," observed Mayor Bridgman. "hfunicipauties able to provide work and psy for it in cash are indeed fortunate. We are now carrying on largely through goodwill of merchants, who have not been paid all of their Sep- tember accounts. "I think it is a crime," he con- cluded. "We have stated so to the government--how long this city can carry on under present conditions, I do not know." It was reported that last month 1271 residents were on relief. Committee representing the unemployed will confer with a special committee of the City Council Saturday morning to ob- tain full details of the city' position in the matter of unem- ployment relief. English Plum Pudding i/z pound stale bread crumbs 1 cup scalded milk &/a pound sugar 2 eggs g!t pound currsnts 2 ounces finely cut citron i/z pound suet t/a cup fruit juice t/z grated nutmeg g/~t teaspoon cinnamon IY3 teaspoon cloves 1&3 teaspoon mace 1&/z teaspoon salt Soak bread crumbs in milk, let stand until cool, add sugar, best- enyolksof eggs, raisins, currants and citron; chop suet and cream by using the hand; combine mix- tures, then add fruit juice, nut- meg, cinnamon, cloves, mace and whites of eggs beaten stiff. Turn into buttered mold, cover anu steam 6 hours. Serve with hsr&i sauce. WEST VANCOUVER MASSED CHOIRS in the Bjtefifil(Ill ie..a.i.) For CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Theatre Monday, Dec. 19th, at 8.15 Admission 25c And 50c. The matter of the proposed dairy on Balance "A" D.L. 1040, south of Marine Drive (W. J. Dent's spplicationh wsg refer- red by the council to the eng- ineer and building inspector with power to act. CORPOltATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVEIC Court of Revision of Voters'ist, 1933 NOTICE is hereby given that s Court of ltevision of the Voters'ist will git st the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, District of West Vancouver, B.C., on Saturday, the 10th day of December, 1932, at 10 o'lock in the forenoon, for the pur- pose of correcting and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1933, and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which has been improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of sny person improperly omitted therefrom. Dated at the Municipal Hall, West Vancouver, B. C., this 24th day of November, 1932.. WM. HEREIN, Municipal Clerk. ANNOUNCING PUBLK SCHOOL CONCERT WEDNESDAY, Dec. 14th, at 7.30 prm Admission 25 cents. Proceeds for Schools'port Equipment THE WEST VAN NEWS TElE BURNING BUSH We expect to see the latter By Subudar standing un his head on the top of the statue of liberty before James S. Woodsworth, M.P., long. Meanwhile, I should like whom there is every reason to to know just what kind of drinks believe is sn honest man with they put up in the Id&tin Quar- honest convictions, is preachhig ter. Some of them must be most round the country a bloodless potent to make an American revolution. Anyone not an ideal- give out brain waves like that. ist knows "there simply ain't no such animal," and the reason for I. O. n. E. this is very simple. Revolution in actual practice means taking The regular monthly meeting away property or what have you of the Duncan Lawaon Chapler, from those who possess much I.O.D.E., ives held at thc home and handing it to those who of Mrs. K. V. Forster on ihion- have little or nothing. If you day, December 6th, with the believe the average msn who has Regent, Mrs. Iiaycs, in the chair. got anything ls going to hand Two new members, Mrs. Greer most of it over to his poorer and Mrs. Hicklenton, were wel. brother for the asking, you must corned into the Chapter. havebeenlivinginanotherplan- A report was given of tho et. It may be done on Venus, meeting of the special commit- but certainly not on this earth, tee formed to c&boperste with and most decidedly not among the Girl Guides and the Boy the inhabitants oi'ars. Why, Scouts who are responsible for TREMENDOUS SUCCESS I personally have nothing to lose the toys for the Xmas hampers. but my head, to date a most The committee expects tocollect The carnival put on last Fri- useless and unprofitable thing about 325 toys and to facilitate day evening by the West Van- and yet I would put up the darn- this work the teachers have beni couver IVelfare Association in dest scrap you ever'saw 'o keep asked to inform the pupils that aid of their Christmas Cheer it on my shoulders. For the sny toys old or new brought to Fund in Inglewood School was a crowd would be sure to think I the schools will be collected and tremendous success, there being with the rest of the whit~1. mended by the Guides and between four and five hundred lured brigade, was among the Scouts. guests present, including about plutocrats, and would crack me The Brownies have also a col- one hundred who played contract on the head first and examine lection box for their old toys. or auction and who later took my f1 bank balance afterwards. B~x~~ have been placed in the part in the dance. 'To conclude," as the old woman post pvttceg at Whyteclitf, Sher- The auditor'ium, where the said after talking all the even- man and Csulfeild for the use of dancing took place, had been ing, socialism will nev " 'itizens in those districts who beautifully decorated for the oc- adopted by the British " be would care to give. casion to represent Christmas in cause their distinguishing char- Mr. Ciimie has kindly otfered the North. Between the win- acteristic is individualism, wlflch hig store at the corner of 18th dows were sketches of Eskimo is the very opposite of snd Marine ss a Toy Headquar- scenes especially drawn for the socialism aims to eg ' ters where the toys will be occasion by Miss Madge Farm- mong mankind. mended. er, Christmas trees with colored In order to raise funds for new lights were placed here and The Shah of Persia hag annul- t&iys s Bridge Whist has been ar- there at the side of the floor led the Anglo-Persian Oil Comp ranged for Friday, November while overhead was a canopY any's concession, which is a very 9th, at the Clachan which hag made up of thousands of snow- serious matter because from that been kindly placed at the dis- fiakes strung on cords, these source comes the main oil sup posat of the committee. Tickets having been especially lent for ply of the British Navy. Th 26 cents. Tea guests are cordi- &he occasion by the Province fact that Persia has recently afly invited. newspaper, who hsd had them ordered quantities of war mun- Toys will also be received at made for their recent Snowba I itions from the U.S. and is on the Ciachan on Friday morning Frolic in the city. Another the point of granting a virtual November 9th, A prize is to be special feature was an archway monopoly of the auto and rubber given to the Guide or Scout sell- strung with snowflakes leading trades to American corporations ing the highest number of tick- to the dance floor, and the gal- cannot but increase the strained etg lery was hung with a quantity relations already existing be- The Hospital convener report- of heavy paper colored and sr- tween the British and the Amer- ed that a visit had bbeen paid to ranged to represent snow drif ~ icans. We can only trust that the Shsugh„eggy Hospital on Nov- The dancers crowded the matter of the oil concegs " ' ember 26th with cigarettes and fioor for every number and thor- be settled diplomaticsfly, "'„'obacco snd while there they had naggy enjoyed themselves to cause there is already too much the pleasure of writing several the music provided by the Romeo dynamite in hlanchuria and Xmas letters for one of the pati- perry five-piece orchestra. J. R. Polish corridor for the peace ents. Arrangements were made hfjtchell was a very capable the world. for the annual Xmas party to master of ceremonies, and hc take place at the Hospital on and his assistants were kept A woman by the name of Alice December 30th. busy throughout the evening Foote MacDougsll has announc- Mrs. Fiddes reported the two scattering novelties, picking out ed that the business world is no meetings held in the auditorium the winnem of the spotligiit place for a woman. From what during 'Educational week. Ai prizes, drawing and announcing all my business friends in Van- thc Sunday meeting which was the r&n&ults of the three turkeY couver tell me it is also qu'ddressed by Dr. Buchanan of ratfleg, and generally keeping certainly no place for a man. Afl the University and Miss Jsmie- everybody at concert pitch. of which would lead us to the son of the Vancouver School Refreshments were served natural query, "just whom is " Board, the 'I.O.D.E. Essay prize during the evening, and, when business world fit for Th" was presented to Miss Marjorie at I a.m. the orchestra played answer is "monkeys." Lest y "i paton, whose essay on tho the NationalAnthem,everybody brother, may think this state- "Value of Education" we hope went home happy. ment crazy, I might sav that a to have printed at a later date. In an interval between the leading Canadian business man This prize was a complete b&.t dsnceg Rev. F. A. Ramsey, not so long ago told me that the president of the Welfare Associ- surest way of being made a ation, made a brief speech iii monkey of at the present time which be thanked all those pres- was to go into business. Q.E.D., ent for the splendid support they as old Euclid used to say, ana had given by attending in such you can take your choice ss to numbers. what kind of monkey is indicat- The following is a list of the ed, always remembering that it prize-winners: looks like a reversion to type. An Am rican, from th f t ofth Lsti Q rt i P ri roposing ah sll-America mon- li 'th B iu li ' k' isshortly going to send 1st,, Jatnes Sinclal. nso ion izes-- 2000 missionaries to the Mrs. Corbett, A. I Hanbury, preach a jehad on the jhe sub'ect, but he's not going there himself Turkey Ra eg-- w 'aif1 which shows he is not altogethert snads will G. O. Whitelaw, J. R. Mitchell, crazy. He expects Canada come in, so exchanging KingJ. Currie. George and all the Royal family for one prince. All the Jews, French-Canadians, Germans, the various blacks and yellows to- gether with the piebalds and other non-whites are to be ex- cluded. No provision is made for these gentlemen, so one must INGLEWOOD SCHOOL presume that they sre to be pushed into the sea on both coasts. It's a great idea, which might be popubir among s few old Southern colonels, but no- where else, and it's certainly tough on poor old Washington. r~.rr rrrem a~~* rrw