0001 S Rln, nice, lilhnL Weh 00 ll naei hthe ass Iifcf iwith Ad ) I I Ilyin. HP.(4$ 8:(I e,can't ig,like I )$ l)ih ln THE WEST VAN NEWS (Ehrisituus (EarhsPersonalLocal and Twe)ve Cards and one pacli- age Chrieimae Seals $1.00 Bought separately would cost 51.50. Cemmill'I Drag Store Tha Scarc af Scvvku The total rainfall for Novem- ber at Duchess Avenue was 11.95 inches. There were three abso- lutely dry days in the month, and four days on which twf hundredths of sn inch or less of rain fell, which meant only slight showers. There were four days with more than an inch of rain, one of which was unfortun- ately Armistice Dsy. a Mr. and Mrs. S. Hopkins, 959 East 63rd Avenue, Vancouver, who have a summer home at 24th and Bellevue Ave., celebrat- ed their golden wedding last Sunday at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hopkins of Vancou- ver. They were married near Barry, South Wales, in 1882, and have been residents of Vancou- ver for the past twentywne years. Of their nine children. eight are Sving and there are nine grandchildren. Among their five children who were present last Sunday were Percy Hopkins, 1825 Esquimalt Ave.. and Mrs. J. R. Patterson, 2694 Marine Drive, both of whom were accompanied by their im- mediate families. Don't forget the Children'0 Recital on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 to 5 o'lock in the United Church Hs)L Boy and girl singers, pupils of Mrs. Colin MacLean piano and violin pupils of hiiss 1)iargaret McIntyre, and small dance pupils of Mrs. Fras- er to lend color to the program. A silver collection will be taken for )Ve)fare hvork and the public is cordially invited. ~ v a R B Bell 1173 Duchess Ave is moving on Saturday to Van- couver. Chairman Kendrick and Trus- tee Jackson of the School Board came before the council to re- quest that some work be done under the unemployment scheme to certain portions of the high school grounds. Trustee Jack- son stated that any vrork done on the lower portion of the front would be left entirely to the council, but no work should be done on the upper portion until it had been gone over by instru- ment. They were informed that the suggestion made would be con- sidered favorably on condition that the council could charge any cost to which they were nut to the next year's estimates of the board. Mrs. S. Wallace and family have moved from 2226 Inglewood Avenue, into a house at 233V Bellevue Avenue. v v c Finlayson's Drug Store at Dundarave wss broken into on Wednesday night the 30th ult., about 6200'0 worth of goods be ing taken, made up of three cameras, also a quantity of cig- arettes snd candy. For Christmas cakes, Scotch buna, shortbread and Christmas puddings, go to Strstton'0 Bak- ery and so support your local baker. ~ \ v W)Ilium Blair, 1527 Gordon Avenue, is confined to his home through sickness. v ~ \ At 2:50 R.m. last Monday morning an alarm wss turned in over the phone that the store at Fisherman's Cove was on fire. The fire brigade raced out there immediately only to find that the alarm was false. They then proceeded to Copper Cove, form- erly known as Fishermsnfs Bay, where also there was no conflag- ration of any kind. An endeavor is being made to discover who telephoned in the calL There wss excellent skating at the beginning of this week on the lake at the ski camp. Mrs. Puckering and young son, who have been spending the summer and fall st the Clachan, have returned to their home in Vancouver. The Vancouver Ski Club are giving their annual fall dance tonight in the Peter Psn Ball- room, Vancouver. A chimney fire occurred on Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. Wright, 25th and Hey- wood Avenue. The fire brigade turned out and extinguished it, no damage being done. About two hours later the brigade was again called out to a chimney fire at the house of H. B. Garland, 1291 Marine Drive, where also the building escaped injury.\ v K. B. Klovstad has moved from 1734 Duchess Avenue, into a house st 1848 Bellevue Ave. Good progress is being made with the chalet at West Lake, Hollyburn Ridge, which is being built under the supervision of R. D. Brewis for Mr. Mahon on the latter's property. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Co)lorn, 1393 20th Street, have moved into a house at 835 20th Street. * A very pleasant surprise party was held recently at the home of Mrs. W. Millard, 2433 Math- ers Avenue, on the occasion of her birthday, when a number of old time friends paid 0 surprise visit and spent a pleasant even- ing ivith cards. Refreshments were afterwards served. Among the guests were: Mrs. Geo. Lioyd Mrs. Lambert, hirs. E. McMilian, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. R, Kripps, Mrs. Grisedale, Mrs. Forest, Mrs. O'rady, Mrs. Capt. Johnstone, Mrs, W. E. Davis, hire. Currie, 51rs. Hawkes, Mrs. Guinsn, hiiss E. Millard, hIrs. Millard. a ~ ~ Miss Clay of the Gweudolvn Beauty Shoppe, has added to her equipment the "Turbinator"-- which is the fastest hair drying machine mad~rying linger waves in 15 Io 20 minutes. ~ ~ ~ A daughter was bone last week at Grace Hospital to hir. and l(irs. Steven Munn. Mrs. Munn, whose maiden name wss lifiss Marjorie Jackson, is 0 for- mer West Vancouver resident, being at, that time on the atafi of the B. C. Telephone Company here. FIRE INSURANCE RATES In West Vancouver V))Q pcr thousand for 3 years. Good reliable Companies. WHY PAY MORE 7 W. B. SHAKESPEARE Telephone: Trinity 5218 Telephone'orth 428 1402 Maviaa Drive Wcae RT ERavgcacy Phase Wean Sn (Afiar 0 p, sa)W. L. OGDEN CO. g'est"I'46 MEN'S AND ROYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVELY Suitable ( Braces, Sox, Garters Armbands, TiesKmaS GiftS ) sweaters, etc. LOW PRICKS Amblesigie Sheet Metal%F4)rks LAURIE SPECK, Piapvlaiav 1446 Marine Drive Phone West V8 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING MEETING OF BOARD OF SCHOOI. TRUSTEES A letter was read from the Municipal Council in connection with cost of necessary work on the driveway, Inglewood School. The Secretary was directed Lo write the Council to the efi'ect that the Board quite understood that the cost of this was to be chargeable to 1933 School Boarcl expenditure. It was resolved that the Coun- cil be approached with the re- quest that some of the work car- ried out under the plan of un- employment relief be devoted to the improvement of the Ingle- wood School grounds. Mr. G. M. Miller attended and submitted request for the use of the High School lunch room on the evening of Saturday, Nov- ember 26th; it was resolved that permission be granted for tliis occasion. The matter of operation "i the three school lunch rooms was discussed, and it was resolved that this matter be left in the hands of the Chairman and Trustee Mr. Batchelor with 0 view to introducing 0 uniform system of distribution of tick- ets and methods of supply in sll three schools. Reports were submitted from Inspector Pollock on teachers of the public school staff; it was resolved that these reports bc passed over to the Management Committee for report at tho next meeting. A letter was read from 'i%isa Joan Durbin in connection with Girl Guide and Boy Scout Toy- shop Committee, asking permis- sion to have an announcement in regard to this organization made in the schools, with a view to collection of discarded toys being made on December 9th, It was resolved that permission be granted. The Secretary was directed to write a letter to Miss J. Castell, and the Girls of Grade IX, ex- pressing the appreciation of the Board at the manner in which the dinner served on this oc- casion had been prepared and served. The council made the appoint- ment of Pe)lough Pogue as rang- er retroactive as from 1st Nov- ember, 1932. NORTH SHORE CONSER- VATIVES TO IIIEET A meeting of the central ex- ecutive of the Conservative As- sociation of the North Vancou- ver District will take place at 8 p.m. next Tuesday, 13th instant, in the Elks'lubrooms in North Vancouver. This meeting will be attended by the delegates recently appointed at the annu- al meeting of the West Vancou- ver Conservatives. STRATTON'S BAKERY Anxious wife to husband who is looking very blue: a)Vhat's wrong with you,'Jack?" Jack: "Ive told a lie." Wife: "What's that'? You'e told many a lie in your time." Jack: "Yes, but I'e been found out this time." Chrzatmas Cakes, Scotch Buna Shortbread Xmas Puddings a)I made with Fmest Creamery Butter Fresh Eggs and Choicest Fruits NONE BETTER ORDER EARLY Phone TA est 27 1468 Marine Dnve Car Tops, Curtain Lights Slip Covers PHONE N. R. ELLIS, 1427 Marine phone ED. BLACK Room 8~ Board MRS BRLaiE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue West 458LWEST 00 for GAI.T, TULAMEEN, aud NANALv10 - WELLINGTON COAL AR orders Caah or C.O.D. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL D. D. WHITE, Mgc. Diaiiuciiva Funeral Service Lady Assistant 320 - 3rd SI. K, Phone North 020 K.W. Savory 1443 Marhie Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 IXL Laundry hiORE RAIN THAiN SUNSHLVE IN NOVE61BER Vancouver had more rain and less sunshine during November than usual the monthly report of \Veatherman E. B. Shearman reveals. The rainfall, a total of 10.17 inches, ss compared with the twenty-six-year average of 8.04. is still far from the record which was established in November, 1909. The precipitation then was 15.66 inches. The month brought 37 hours 48 minutes of bright sunshine as compared with the long-time average of 56 hours. The aver- age temperature was higher, however, being 45.8 degrees as compare with 42.9. The highest temperature of the month was on November 18, when the mercury hit 67, and the lowest, 30.9 on November 23. Total rainfall for the year to date is 69.02 inches, just 1%27 inches above the average. SERVICES: -- Thvifiy, Flat- ironed aud finished laundry (da Iuxa) Phone West 200 Real Estate Finance and Insurance If your hens are uot laying as they should, Icy Thrivo Laying Mash McKERZIE 0 McWILLIAM FEED CD. 220 Laaedala Ava. North 4 A PHOTOGRAPH 6- hfrs. John McGinnis of A))- bull. hIontans. recently sent in the following testimonial to the local bootlegger: "For years I suffered from In- digestion and was afraid to eae my meals. I was advised to get s bottle of gin snd bitters. Now I can get along quite comfort- ably without eating, and csn highly recommend it to all who suffer as I did." Ouc Studio Is uaw ready ia serve yau aud fav opening wa offer A SPECIAL LITTLE PICTURE IR RICE FOLDER AT 6 FOR $ 1.76 C J BRODERICtC ~ i4sd MARlvig DRivs Prices on a level with the times AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH, Proprietoa I"Ineat Guality I'rash hieats, Smoked and Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 For XMAS CHEER FUND DANCE ansI MILITARY WHIST ORANGE HAI.I SATl'RDAY, DECE11BER 10th. 8130 P 11. Admission 25 cents st the door. December 8, 1932. TAILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS 1VL %VILLIAMS 1568 Marine Drive (next to I"ruit Store) Phono Weei 20 Rae. Phoae Weel 206L