0001 THF. WEST VAN NEWS lteceinhrr 8, I 932. trtr 'ur ur ir txuvr u r r p 1 srr 1Lr 1 1 1 ~ . ~ ut t 1 t'txs t '~ ;1 tt '1- ~ ..t 1 vrr1'tVt ' ll '1 t utrt.r- t ~*C tu ' tw 1 lt 1 1'l ~%r ~ 1stYVxuw r Frr ~ iw rvt' Vrvv ~ 'r'v i r Vt'rttu Frvvr r«rrrrvr rvv Frt r rpvrr vr rr r "vr VFV r rrr rr% Give Her Beauty A Pstmkuxuut Wxvu ran Cmessxte wnl solve Your Immium Q ~~& Off)eyta'olyrt Beauty Shoppe 1040 Mxtiuu Drive Phone West 117 BOY SCOUT NOTES At the last meeting of the Legion Troop there were st me demonstrations in bandaging given by each patrol A pair of boxing gloves was brought down and the boys used them to good advantage. The new patrol formed two weeks sgo is coming along nice- ly under the )eadership of P. L. Bob Robson. All boys wanting to join the Legion Scouts snould come along to the next meeting while the new recruits are still fresh. The troops meets every Thursday in the Legion Ha)l, 18th snd Marine Drive, at 7:15 p.m. The boys are selling tickets for the Toy Bridge for the Christmas Cheer Fund and any people wishing to secure some may get them from any member of the Legion Troop. UNITED CHURCH YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY On hiondsy, December 12th, at 8 p.m., hfr. J. Porter will read a paper to the society. As Mr. Porter's work and abiL ity are well known it is hoped there will be a large attendance to hear this paper which wili be of great. value and interest i,o young people. Badminton will be played after the meeting. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Ezpert Work Phone 4'ent 135 Established on North Bbora zo Years. (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. R WILLIAMSON guneraIlIIIIrertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nems Pubiisbud Every Tbursdxy Pubkxber F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buxiueux xsul Esutorlxl Ogtsstt Iytb xud Mxxluu Drive (Next to HoUybura P.O.) Phone West 353 Hall 44ixuusi P.O. Box di, Hokybutx, ILC. North Vancouver Ogicet 123 Lonsdale Ave. 01.00 a year by cxniuri 0E00 u year by xsail United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright The Women's Association of the United Church were very en- couraged by the result of their annual Bazaar held on Tuesday. Although the attendance was of necessity smaller than in form- er years, it vras a happy and prolitable dsy. Mrs. J. )V. Cor- nett of Vancouver South, who opened the Baxaar was introduc- ed by the minister, the Rev. Hillis Wright. Mrs. Cornett is proinlnent not only as the wife of J. )V. Cornett, M.LA., but in hcr own right, having attained to a high position in the Order of the Eastern Star. Throughout the afternoon, Mrs. Alexander and Miss Frame layed pianoforte duets, the szaar being brought to 0 finale in the evening by a delightful program of music and readings arranged by hiiss Frame. Those taking part were, Mr. James Mitchell who led community singing; Miss Mary O'Donne)1, solos; Miss Gertrude Thompson, solos; AIrs. H. P. Allen, humor- ous readings; Mr. Maurice Bruce violin solos. Accompanied by hliss Frame snd Mrs. Alexander. The snuual meeting and elec- tion of olficers of the Women' Association will be held on Tues- day, December 13th, at 2:15 p.m., when a full meeting of members is requested. The December meeting of the Woman's hfissionsry Socity will be held on the 20th of this month and in view of the foci that this is such 0 busy time ii will be only a business meeting, not exceeding an hour. The election of oificers will take place at this meeting, and sll mem- bers are urged to be present. DUNDARAVE LADIES CHOIR The tentative dates for their next concert are first Friday and Saturday in March. The ahoir Is giving excerpts from the Mik- ado, Geisha, Ssn Toy and the Sings)as. They are being aug- mented for the occasion. Any gentlemen interested in comic opera and who would like to be- come members would be very welcome and they would not need to be present at rehearsals until 9 o'lock. SWtlhihIING CLUB VS. WHITE ROCK IN GALA The West Vancouver Swim- ming Club are holding 0 gala at Chalmers tank on Wednesday, 14th December, when their op- ponents will be White Rock. The following members will report immediately to President L. C. Raid as to their availability for the gala: M. Anderson, G. Mason, S. Welsh, T. Robson, N. Davidson, M. Lennox, A. Ed- wards, E. Partridge, O. hisrtin, P. Douet, D. Johnston, C. Chap- man. Wilms Donaldson, Jean Cur- rie, hisrgaret Currie, Lucille Currie, Edith White, Gwen Clay, hiolly Edwards, Marjory Rivers, Peggy Anderson, Mawilln Mar- tin. Transportation to snd from the ferry at Vancouver and the Chalmers tank will be provided. CARD OF THANKB The Duncan Lxwsuu Chapter, I.O.D.E., wisb tu tbxuk 49 tbuxe wbo xmisted xt the Armistice Dxy service, sxpedxky ibu Buy Scouts, tbu Girl Guides, Ruv. F. A. Ramsey, Rev. Huks Wrigbt, Rev. H. P. Humpbrius, Rev. J. W. Cuddefurd, Canon D'Euxum, Mr. J. Duskwursb xud West Vxucuuvsx Choral Satiety. CARD OF THANKS Hrs. Tiptou xmt sou Ralph, dsstru tu extend their siucere tbxuks to xil tbuse kind Is)suds wbo shouted their sympxtby xud beip Iu tbuir roxuut bereave- ment. WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science SOCiety Baptist Church Dr. Marjory McCubb)n DENTISTPastor:Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1S43 Heywood Ave. Sunday, Dec. Ilih. 1932. 10 s.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m.--iMornlng IVorship. Topic, uOur Expectation." Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Woruh)p. Topic 'The Sinner'0 Saviour." A cordial invitation to all. hionday 7'4(i pm --B Y PU Speaker, Mr. Draper. Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer and praise. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Hours: 0 ~ . m, to d p. m. Saturdays 10 ~ m to I p m Evuuixgs xud Saturday Alter- uouus by xppolutmtut Only. Royal Bxuk Bukdiug Phone Wuxl 440 Rue(deuce I'buxu Wtxt Ssa CHURCH EDIFICE zstb xud Euuuimxit, HoUyimtu Tbis Satiety ix x Branch uf The biotbar Church The First Church u( Cbrlst, Scientist, in Buutuu, Mxxmcbusuttx Uuudxy Services ittzd x m uud 7:00 p.m. Sunday, December 11, 19S2 Subject: "CtOD THE PRFBERVER OF hIAN" Sunday School at ie 00 u m Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 0:id p.tu. DR. G. D. It. SEA LL DENTIST Hxy Bluet, 14tb aud blxrisu Dr. oinsu Hours 0 tu 0 p.m. Eveuiugs by xppoiouuuuk Pb uu Wmt TJ HOLI.YBURN Barber Shop Idtb 4 bixHuu RXPERT SERVICE E. HARSH, Proprietor St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clschsn Hotel Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Sunday, December 18, 11 a.m --White Gift Service. ItitORT NOTES The following players are ask-~ ed to turn out for the game w)th~~ I.O.O.F. at Ambleside Park an Saturday, December 10th, ai. 2:30 p.m. latrnie, McLean, F. Downie, ll Downie, Fiddes, Grieve, Tim- bre)i, Bell, Vaughan, D'Easum, Hamilton, Normsnd, Stratton, Grisedsle. Following Ranger players re- port at 1 o'lock ferry Saturday for game against St. Phillips at Memorial Park: 8:16 a.m.--Holy Mass, sermon 9:45 n.m.--Holy Mass, sermon 2:16 p.m--Sunday SchooL WEEK DAYS 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. Friday--3:30 p. m., Confes- sions of School Children. 7:30 p.m., Devotions, Confes- sions (Adults). Saturday--7:SO p.m., confes- sions (adults). St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. December 11th -- 3rd Sunday in Advent. 8 s.m.--Holy Communion. 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11:15 a.m.--Primary School. 11:16 a.m,--Matins snd Ser- mon. 7:15 p.m.--Fvensong and Ser- mon. Tuesday, December 13th, at 10:15 s.m. -- Intercession snd Holy Communion. The regular monthly mooting of the Church Committee will be held on Tuesday st 8:16 p.m. VA Call to Prayer" hss been issued by the Primate in con- nection with the joint committee on the Evangelization of Csrsdi- an Life." In part the Primate says, "WIth all earnestness we appeal to you to arrange your program of life that the first week in the New Year shall be set apart for sustained interces- sion for your Church, your Na- tion, snd the World, that God msy draw men in sll nations into Christian discipleship, deepen the spiritual life of the fsitnful, and direct our present enterprize to the glory of His name, and the extension of His kingdom m the hearts snd lives of men in sii the relationships of their daily hfe.u The annual meeting of the St. Stephen'0 branch of the W. A. on Tuesday next will commence with Intercessions and Ho)y Communion at 10:15 s.m. Adjournment to the Hall for the hIorning Session will be fol- lowed by lunch at 1 o'lock. The Venerable Archdesctin F. C. C. Hesthcote will then gite an address on important matters connected with the W. A. at which it is hoped sll members will make s special eifort ttt be present. The Afternoon Session will corn)irido various business in- cluding the appointment uf of- ficer. A. Harvey Smith wrote the council in reference to relief orders. The council thanked the writ- er for his letter, snd stated that instnictions hsd been given to the relief oliicer to see that the applicant received s share of the orders, Presbytenan MISSIOn Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. Holden Traiford, Forrester, Jobncox A. Mssterman, Butt, McMillan Lennox, R. Cripps, P. Master man, J. Cripps, Edwards, Wed ley, Bsrnott.Services: 2:00 p.m.--All departments of the Sabbath School, also Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church Service. Sermon subject: "Religious Growth." Strangers and visitors alnttys welcome to our services. NORTH SHORE GROUP TOC H After the evening servic» ot St. John's Anglican Church the North Shore Group of Toc H wiil be lighting their Rushligiit of Maintenance in conjunction with the World Chain of Light. Ail those interested are cordially In- vited to attend, The ceremony will begin promptly at 8:40 p.m., Sunday. Thought for the week: "The Church of God is Not Thirled to any chosen Industrial Regime- to Capitalism or Socialism; it is Thirled to the Kingdom of God.u (Very Rev. John White, D.D., L.L.D., Barony of Glasgow.) Johnnie: Will you give me a cent, Mother?" Mother u)Vhat for Yu Johnnie: "For being good to. dsy.u Mother: "Why, Johnnie, can' you be good for nothing like your father?" CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "GOD THE PRE- SERVER OF MAN.V One of the Bible texts will be James 1: 12: "Blessed is the msn that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall re- ceive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from Page 674 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "The very circumstance, which your suffering sense deems wrathful and a(f)ict)ve, Love csn make sn ange) entertained un- awares." Corn Cakes lt/z cups flour 1 cup cornmeal 4 teaspoons baking powder li/0 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons melted fat '/4 cup sugar li/z cups boiling water I/4 cup milk 1 egg Add meal to boiling water snd boil 5 minutes; turn into bowl, add milk and remaining dry in- gredients mixed and sifted, then the egg well beaten, snd fat. Cook same as other griddle cakes. "Well, of afl the nerve," she said as she slapped his face. "Don't ever try to kiss me again." VA)l right," he replied meekly, "If that's the way jtou feel about it, get oif my lap. 'NSDALNOW PLAY I NOGEORGE ARLISSiuuA SUCCESSfUL CALAMITY" Next Week HOV.-'1'UBS.-WED. The Night of June 13th Ftsiutixx kumxxu Luwt xxd IJla lrt THUItnrFltL-SAT. "The Crooked Circle" Ftsiutlxz Fusil I Itis FXTILh Aitiiiiii TOM MIX AND HIS HORSE TONY H. C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCF. N(FCIETY DANCE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10th, AT THE CLACHAN, 8 I'. Refreshmeniu Admbmlon 25c The Public are Cordially Invited.