0001 A Weekly Newspaper Ct'rculati egin thc District of West Vancouver-Amblnidc', Hollyburn, Wcston, Dundaravc CyprCSS Park, Caulfeild, WhytCCliff, EtC. Sc per copy at newsstand Vol. Vji SIX PAGES HOLLYBURN P.O. ~ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, DEC. 8. [932 No. 29 ro, IggL &E &as ~n )%~V(2 eI) fihoie ss)r&e) vmthe vnec0[ heI:q) islatter hieiit Schoo[ .at the stIam, ssv&rd iirsdim forcer. sre(dd llmll)' iocawl[ (eaters vaSses, medleys, i,grand cheer[, tive. &alms[a ~cannon andhch rovedh[ isofam I(era(tec THE COSIS[UNITY NEWSI'Al'ER ,s Most of the small towns in this province snd practicaBY aB the suburbs of ()rester Vancouker are served, each by a local newspaper. Most of them publish once a week, and, bec»» e thee specialize in the local news and the doings of the district in which they are located as distinct from Canadian and world news, are known as "community newspapers." Everything in them, be it news or advertisements, ia most carefully read, as their editors ilnd out, should they &nake a mistake. These e&litors, more especially in the Greater Van- couver community papers, have to combine the quaBti»s of an advertising super'-aleemann, a first-class coBector, an inde- f&ciseh)e». porter, s bookkeeper, and s diplomat, aB these in addition tp their regular editorial duties, Mostly they have at the hack the makeup of a fighting man, and they'eed it sB, for th.v S»t nothing unless they Yo after it and have to fight cnnid»&enely the oppneition of the r&ty papers, mail snd bill- bnsrd advert(a(ng. The condition of their bank balances would ront»ery to pnhlic opinion. s)eo show that they are in it for the Vnve nf th» game. To these newspapers is coinmitted the creation, cultiva- tion, and maintenance of that most important thing of «B to any district, an active community spirit. Without this np district can make any progress or attain to any prosperity worth while. And yet, what little support many community papers receive from the merchants and the residents of the district they serve and help to build up. Almost without exception no chain store will advertise with them, many'ocsl merchants consistently fail tp support them,'nd,. bemuse from the nature of the case they are bound to give s free circulation, very many residents refuse to hand them the small subscription which would materially help them in their efforts. Such is the inside story of the average community news- paper in this province, and, if there are any residents or mer- chants who doubt the value and influence of the local paper, they»sn fii»d out its truth by quietly. visualizing just where they and their town or district .would be hsd they to rely solely for local advertisements and news and for the further- ing and"support of local objects on the big city dailies; ANNUAI. CIIKISTMAS.CONCE[(T r»»av West Vancouver Public Schools The annual concert put on by pupils of the West Vancou- ver Public Schools will take place at 7:SO p.m. next Wed- nesday, December 14th, in the Inglewood School auditorium. The proceeds go towards the purchase of schools sports equip- ment, this being the only means by which it is possible to raise the money. These annual concerts represent a very great deal of work out of school hours on the part of the children themselves and also of the teachers, who do aB the necessary training of the young performers. They are always well worth attending, whether one is a parent or not, and the program is always varied and full of interest. It is hoped, therefore, that a large number of parents snd others wiB come to the aduitorium next Wednesday evening. The admission is only 25 cents. The following is the program: PROGRAM 1. 0 CANADA 2. THE GNOih[ES5 WORKSHOP...............................P. J. S. 3. THE CROCK OF GOLD............................................. H. S. 4. THE ELVES AND THE SHOEMAKER.................. H. S. 5. HOLLY AND IVY.............................................. P. I. S. 6. AESOP'S FABLES ......................................... H. S. (s) The Crane and the Stork (b) The Jackdaw (c) The h[iBer and His Donkey. 7. FOLK DANCES ....................................... H. S. (a) The Hatter (b) Serbian Dance (c) Fryksdalcpolska 8. CHRISTMAS CAROLS ..... P. J. S. (a) The Holly and the Ivy (b) Shepherds Rejoice (c) Whence Is that Goodly Fragrance' 9. DRILL.......................................................P. J. S, 10. THF. COLDEN TOUCII ................................ H. S. 11. FOLK DANCES ..................P. J. S. (a) Rheinlander (b) Newcastle 12. CHORUSES .................................. H. S. (a) The Song of the Music Makers (b) The )VasoaB Bough (c) The Viking Song G&x) Save the King. 1 CO'()NTRY DANCE SOCIETY 15[PORTANT TO GIVE DANCE ANNOUNCEMENT The West Vancouver branch of the B. C. Scottish Country Notice Is hereby given Dance Society is giving a dancL the )Ve)fare Association Head- next Saturday, 10th instant, at quarters will be open only on p.m. in the Clachan. The pro the foBowing days and times gram will consist of eightsonies, during December and January- qusdriBes, minuets, country Tuesdays--10 to 12 s.m. dances, etc. Refreshments wiil Thursdays-- 7 to 8:30 P.m. be served, and a cordial invite. Sa(urdaya-- 10 i.m. to 4 p.m. tips ls extended to the public to Emergency messages may be attend. The admission is 2ri sent to members of the Execu- cents. mve. WELFARE FIGURES ' ... FRIDAY--TOY DAY THAT SURPRISE YOU COU&&&CIL NOTES Friday of this week is the big W. H. MacBeth a If doubt existed in anyone's day for the gathering in of to s, h[usham, the forms mi 4 as to th penalty fpr the use4 pr new Welfare Association, that doubt that will make a suitabe gift owner of tb will certainly be removed after for some child this Xmas. This a red be rusing the figures given be- part of Xmas Ch 'e'w, especisBy when it is re- undertaken by the Girl Guides from 3rd Street west on membered that the «dnter has Boy Scouts, Brownie and C b, 'r an y. man and [rn. Musham re in just set in. and they ask for the assistance Ied. He also e on be follo 'te pr t of ' d bo, 4 Mrn. M ham goods supplied to needy cases in woman in West Vancouver who to h West V o r i July: is 'tin crested in making Xmas cupying on the SW'/4 of D.i- FJ Clothing . 1293 parcels day happy for the kiddies. 1072, Mrs. Mu haus &II 'top, pre- cepts, shoes, rubbers 218 pairs The Misses Stevensp h sented her own case.n ave , . 30S paresis very kindly donated the »C)ac They were informed that the Fuel. 6&/ cords of wood snd bann for the use of the commit- matter would be referred to the 13 sacks of coal. (ee on Friday. Mrs. Alan Mein. engineer for report, and, if it the sam riod ...... (,'ssh disbursements covering tyre will be there in the morn[ was found passible, th e pe '.....6265.45 to accept toys, and in the aner would be done to improve the ng , some ing Also, under the Welfare wood- noon there will be a Bridge (25c) condition of the road. .cutting scheme )00 cords of to raise funds to repair the toys wood have been cut, most of and buy new ones. For reserva- W. J. Dent appeared before'hich has alreadJ& been deliver- (iona please phone Mrs. p. C. the council in regard to his a "ed to the homes of the cutters. Chapman, West 42YS. The plication for permission to buiI4dance planned for the evening a dairy on D.I 1040A,'Bdance .. In order that no needy family as been pos'tponed owing to so (South of Marine Drive). msy be overlooked, the chair- "!'ther engagements the Mr. Dent, having fuBy ex- man, the Rev. F. A. Ramsey, same night. Plained that aB regulations of asks that sny person knovring he scl ppl children are also either the local or proirincial of a family [nneedof Christmas ~perating by bringing their health hoard would be compBed Cheer, telephone him at West " cd books and toys to their re- with, wss informed thatthks 276, preferably between the '4&pc ve schools on Friday, and quest would be considered and 'ours of 11 and I noon, and 5 he m ittee wiB caB for them. that he would be advised of tbe snd 7 evenings. 'iiumugh the kindness of hlr. result the foBowing day. He In add)Mon ep thpse cpmmit CBmie the Xmas Cheer Fund then withdrew. tees already mentioned who and Toy Shop have opened an The request having'een re- helped to make the Dance and ofFice at the corner of Marine viewed again later, the matter Bridge so successful on Friday anu 18th Street, snd any dona- was left for the attention of the last weeP Mrs. Sherman, Mrs. tions you may wish to make, engineer snd buildmS insPector. phijBP any Mqs, Doherty who wi I be gratefuBV received there. iiad'charge ot the refreshment Thb Xmas Cheer'und and N.M Clarke «rote the coua- booth in the dance hall, and Mr. «y ShoP have had given to cB regarding the fioodins of D, G. Curry, Mr. Blair Clerk and them to rafFle for Xmas, a beau- L 582, Lpt 12 Mr. 5[itten who sat at the re- tifui silk quBt'e was advised that on sc- &eipt of custom. a Turkey,a nice home-made Xmas Cake, could be done at present, bmut There are still three outstand- ing dates to remember in con- Ba " Dec tcd F)pwers red specially along with other nection with the»Christmas . ~ Tomorrow, Friday, Tpy I'hose w&B be aB pn pne tick~[ counrii fpr thdr serious conoid Day at the Clachan, with its which will sell at 10c or three eration. afternoon Bridge; 'Satiny, tor 25 . Just Pne more wsy you Mili )Vhis n December 10th, the Hard Times™ay eP Santa Claus. E. Odium wrote th 'I ' itsry ist and Dance in the reference to the ilooding of D.L. ma h I ~ . um wro e counci in Orange Hall, and last, but very LEGION W. A. 682, Lot 12. certainly not least, Monday, De- He was advised that on ac- cemlier Igth, Handd's»Messiah» A meeting of the )Vomsn's count of lack,pf funds no(tung at the HoByburn Theatre. ProvincialExecutivewillbeheld could be done at present. but Th I Fnday Dccemb r 9th st 130 that the matter would I r'efer As has happened so frequent- p.m. in the G.W.V.A. Hall, 856 red apedd)y dong with other iy, when an appeal for a spe id eymour . members are major oPerations to the 19S3 article has been made, the re- N&ex' council for their serious consid- sponse to th apnea) for a ush Next meeting, Janus Sid eration. chair was immediate, an4 the 19 c~p ration in these matters is January 7th in dd of th'e Wel- ~ ~m~ of the Best very greatly appreciated. The "l)[essiah" The date is drawing very near good thing both for chfidren and un y co~rt in HoByburn for the presentation of possibly ad its. )Vetch for later an- &he greatest musical treat ever offered to a West Vancouver cil regretted ther coukl not of- audience by local talent. The fer to support the proposed Sun- Christmas seaso somehow does CHRISTI [AS CHEER F UND day concert, which was arrang- not seem complete without a ed for the purpose of coBecting iendition of Handel's h[essiah, funds for the purchase of foot- snd it is practically a foregone baB s«waters. etc., but that the conclusion, that when the mass- Association couM be assurep choirs of the municipalit!'onation, large and small are that they could rely on the eoun- make this their offering to the asked for the ChrMtmas Cheer cil's moral suPPort in their gen- Christmae Cheer Fund on Mon- I'und being adminietered by the eral activities. day, December lg, in the HoBy- . V couver Welfare Assoc[- burn Theat', a capacity audi- ation. The need this Year will J. G. Rimmer wrote the coun- ence wiB be there tp enjoy this be greater than ever before. cil re street ligh&, intersection enjoyaMe and cultural work. It therefore every one M asked to CloveBy Road and P.G.E. level xpreas Iy 4esIre 4 that the do whatever they pose i b IY can to cnes ing, CauIfeiId n4. Monies scut in&a His applicat[pn w that ther be no commotion after the )Vest Van Nevvs will be srk- placed on the light file. the program has commenced. now ged in this column. The solpists will b, so fpBO«s: rhe fdlowlng dpnatiwm have Th matter of the ditz) s on bpprano, Mrs. Colin MacLean. been. re d& e4 Mrs. H. Leggatt Tenors Mr. A. hlunicipality of West Van .. the council to the engineer to M. Laster, Mr. J. U. Heft; Con- u"er -----------.-." Sgp 00 discuss with the prpvtncia[ gov- ttaltp, 5[to. F. X, liodgson; ~y,~", . + ---------- 5 00 ernment engineer. Bass, hIr. A. J. Addy 51r. Aub- rey Clarke. Mr. J. H. Smith. Slr. B '.P""-- ----------." 6.00 The ferry manager wrote to J. Haydn Young wiB conduct, 5 essinger and Chat(erson 500 the council regardin road t p. and the or.'astra,, also entirely, +~ R~pn ---- . 5 00 G.E. crossing, 14th Street analGo g coniposed of local talent will be 8 and M B -------- 2.00 various points on the upper )esne) under. the direction of Miss Slar. qm (ha Grocery -------. 5.00 route. garet 5[clntyre. Mr, and Mrs. R. Sl. Husband,.......... 3 00 Referred to the engineer with power to act, \Continued on Fuge 6) 659 00 (Continued on Page 6)