0001 THF. WFST VAN NEWS December I, 1932 v 4 xu vw ' x rum I&up u r I ~hr '«r'4'x&u'r: '« ~p v wry-5 wpvrwclcmrr \ v I I 'r Crr ~ x'v ' r::rv ~ . '&'. rr r ~ r.rrv'r rr ~ ". t vrr'v rrr rrr '4 «rrv'vxrrv vrv'rr rvv ~ 'r. rwv wwrrr rrrrr w'w'rr rrvw mr r~.r~rw 1 JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS ISmith 's Grocery LumberTHE RED AND WHITE STORES DuniIarave,',"-" ""„'.,',.", Amblesi(Ie „"-" "„".„'„" SPECIALS FRIDAY & SATURDAY..."„":„"„";;, Government Inspected Only 1 Store at llollyburn, next Theatre PHONE WEST 3 LU BEE SASH - DOORS - ri Yl'R(hC Fverything for the Building SHINGI,ES NHIPI.AI'x I and All Din&ensloas KEI'T INSIDF Under a Dry ltoof SUL1'ANA RAISINS, Fancy Bleu&bud, pev Iix ................ 19& CLILAN CURRANTS Auu&vuiiuu. pev I&x....... 1$c SEEDLESS I&A&SINS Auu&vuiiuu ........ 2 lbs. 25& LE)ION AND ORANGE PEFI. Rubiuuuu'u ............. pvv Itx i pe PRESERVED GINGER, Dry Pur Ib ........................... 15c vrILD ROSE PASTRY FLOL'R 10 lb. sack ................... Sev SH EL LED W A L NUTS Ligb& muu& ......., V& Ib 15& SHELLED AI.MONDS .. && I&x 2$e DATES, Fresh Su&vs .....2 lbs. 15v SSIYRNA FIGS For Stewing ..... 2 Ibu. 17& Rud 8 White RXTRACTS VuuiRu uud Lemon, 2 ua buL &5& Rud Ii Wbi&e BAKING POWDER I 2 ux &iu ... . .. . ...... .... I 9v FLErCHER'S SPICED RAIY HA Vi, ulivvd for Ivyiug y& nx 10& CO)IB HONEY, 1922 crop ...... 2$& BUTTER-- GOLDEN (IF (DOW . 5 lbs. 79c h&AIDA VALE ........... 5 lbs. 7$v SGI&;8--Ruyui 8&uuduvd Pvvuuvvud Extras ................................ Sev LARD--I'uvu North Star ..... pvv lb. Iev SAUBAGE--Fur&a S&uv I lb. &eiiupbuue package lee SHREDDED W H EAT -- pkg 9 i i& Rvd 8 %bi&» COCOA. F& lb. &&u 22v GRAPE I'RUIT--Cuii&nruiuSeedless........... 5 &uv Ssc NAVEL ORAN&:F«--Swee& uudIuicy........... pur du&ex 25& POTATOF~Higbluud Netted Gems ............ 2S Ib sack 2$c Rvd 8 While TOhlATO SOUP 2 tins 25& BARTLEIT PEARS--Columbia Nu. 2 &iu ........... 2 &iuu zpc SHAKER SALT--Iivgui, This iu the large round 2 ib. ubukur Isc MAZOLA 011„1 lb. &&uu &ur frying, vuukiug uv makinguuludu........................ 25c Rvd 8 hrbi&e h&ATCHES &00'u ............ 2 buxvu zpe Rud &9 Wbi&u COFFEE I lb. Vucuum &iuu........... Sec DRY ONIONS Grown iu B, C.. 5 lbs. Iec CARROTS uv TURN&i'8.7 Ibu, 10& ~ ~ ~ and all Building hlaterial of liest (Iuality at Low Prices. BUILD NO(V ISeptic Tanks Cupboard Doors and Drawers gEST VANCOUVER I.UMBER ('O. LTD. Phone 1Yest IIS Res. I'hune West 3SSL 13th and MarineAMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. "Right Service -- Right Grades" 15th uud htxriuu Drive Pbuue Wuu& 199. cinl snd industrial activ&tie.& of British Columbia. Dean Buchan- After 6 p.m. uud holidays an emphashed the need of uxk for OERRY DENT, granting to boys and girls the pbuuu wvx& 2&IS same opportunities for education as had been available to the people at present trying to limit FDUCATION WEEK them. His suggested slogan v as "If your children beg for 1&read, One of the chief features of give them not 5 stone.u Education Week in West Van A vote of thanks wax lcn&iered eouver was the program given to the speakers on the motion last Friday evening in the gym- of Rev. Mr. Creelman, seconde&1 nasium showing glimpses of thx by principal Davidson. The work taken outside the regular large audience by a very vigor- school hours. Under the dirac- ous applause signified unani- tion of Nr. Condon the program mous support of the motion. was run oif on schedule time and A special feature of the after- the crowd that overfiowed into noon was.the presentation of s the halls was not given a dull set of books by Mrs. Hayes of moment. Headed by the Schon& thc Duncan Lawson Chapter, I. Band a grand parade consisting O.D.E., to Miss Narporie Paton, of over 100 folk dancers, public the winner of the essay competi- an&l high school basketball play- tin&i held during Education ers, high school badminton play- IVeek. Mr. Brooks introduced ers and cadets marched arourid the winner, explained the nature the auditorium. Mr. Russell act- of the competition and also read ed as chairman snd the following out a large list of students re- program was then carried out: ceiving honorable mention. Miss Basketball--Hallyburn School pston read her essay from the Girls under hlr. Lane.. platform. Junior Folk Dancing by Miss L. G, Brooks, as chairman of C. (Vuson. the local committee on Educa- Basketball--High School Girls tion Week thanked all who had under Mr. Mitchell. assisted at the various schools. Senior Folk Dancing by Miss The attendance by the parent» hI. Wilson. had been most gratifying Badminton--High School, Mr Miss Margaret Wilson snd J. Brooks. Condon were in charge of the Basketball--Pauline Johnson, musical program. Miss E. Mil- Mr. Brown. lard, Miss J. Castell and hIiss C. First Aid Display, Cadets, hlr. Wilson arranged for the retep- Hamilton. - &ion of the visitors. James R. Basketball--High School Boys Mitchell acted as conevencr. Mr. Patterson. Misses F. Herrin an&1 H. Wilson THE MESSIAH acted as accompanists for the The rehearsals for tha Messi- folk dancing. ah are proving very successful, The Anal event of Education seventy-two turning up iu spite Week in West Vancouver wss s of the weather and cou»ter st- well attended public meeting tractions last Sunday. held on Sunday, November 27, It is expected that one hun- in the High School Auditorium, dred voices will be in rbe choir when Dr. D. Buchanan, Dean of on Monday, December 19th, st the Faculty of Arts and Science, Hollyburn Theatre, when the University of British Columbia, rendition will be given on behalf and Miss A. B. Jamieson of the of the Xmas Cheer Funri. Vancouver School Board, deliv- ered addresses Reeve J B Ley- Mix a little charcoal with clear The meeting opened with "O, sink. This will disinfect lt and Canada," led by the West Van- remove any unpleasant odor. couver Schools Band. Following the chairman's re- marks the band played two num- bers under the direction of Mr. Jordan. The school choir receiv- ed much applause after singing ~NF three numbers. Both speakers later complimented the boys and girlu who furnished the musical part of the program and wished that in their school &lays oppor- tunity had been made avaiiable far theni to enjoy such privileg- es. hlr. Kendruvk, chairman rf lpest Vancouver Board of Scl.o&1 'I'&'uutccs, introuu ed Mluu Jiauiu- bcn. Tha speal&or stressed the of «trusts& uhip'ur the 0! ildren and &'I ue« from hcr experience as a teacher, trustee and citizen. Dean Buchanan paid tribute to tha splendid rec- ord of the University of British Columbia. Only 76 of the grad- uates were not in B. C. or Can- ada. The students werc taking 0 prominent part in the cua&mer- VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEAR&.E I'buue Wee& 0 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplieshe can become eligible for the re-ceiving of the distinguished hon- or of becoming a Knight of the Relief Order. One case in point may be cited. A ratepayer with family going about looking for some other re- munerative means of earning 5 livelihood, because his present resources are insufficient to make ends meet, applied to the Council for a share only, of work that was available but others evidently got the monopoly of (a very few others at that) wss fiatly turned down. In this con- nection there msy be, I have no doubt, other similar cases, and therefore cannot trespass upon your space further. No, Mr. Hay, I do hope we will have an election, not another "RE-ELECTION," and I have a presentiment that an election we will have either in part or whole, snd if so, at the end of «Der Tsg" there may be 8 few disap- pointed hearts, should all of our retiring members not be return- ed, to such I offer in advance my sincerest apologies. AN& EASTERN EX-COUNCILLOR. CORRESPONDENCEv'est Van News. Dear Sir&--In reply tr your correspondent of last issue I beg to ask for space in your column to express not only my own views but others as heard on the Street. As the greater majority of citizens have not off'icos to do their talking in the only alterna- tive is to utilize the sidewalks as a platform. This privilege your correspondent would seemingly deprive the citizens of according to the sentiments of his letter. He evidently either resents, or is afraid of, street talk. Why your correspondent takes this attitude I cannot understand, for he being s respected citizen of this municipality, at least I have always respected him and hope to continue to do so, ought to at least respect the freedom of others as far as having the lib- erty of speech on the street within reasonpnd not seek to apply a polite gag. In seeking to lasso street talk which may be more favorable to- wards an election, by his profFer- ed advice in favor of no election, he at once magnifies the fact that he is just as other speci- mens of frail humanity, who are by nature poor fallible creatures, and just as liable to err in his opinions as well as the man on the street. True it is the present Council closed the land deal, a good thing for West Vancouver, but what about those who opened the deal, framed it in the rough, and blazed the trail for its final end- ing. Why lavish all this borrow- ed honor on the former7 It was on the strength of this honor that the retiring members a year ago were returned, why re- peat the dose, the laurels of con- tinued office have become wilted, and the public are asking for a change. The best of our statesman, even some good, well-intentioned premiers have lost their good name by prolonged office, and that same weakness applies to all other constituted bodies, or governments no matter whether it is Federal, Provincial or hiuni- cipal. If your correspondent will al- low me, I feel in my opinion that our present administrative local government have failed in re- gard to the manner in which the relief has been administered, I refer to the insulting restric- tions put upon persons in need of relief, restrictions which de- mand that a person must not own this and that, must be low- ered to the depths of a beggar without food or clothing before The News rORrFOUS SETTING FOR XSIAS CHEER FUND DANCE (Continued from Page 11 Transportation For the convenience ol those attending the festivities s speci- al bus will nieet the bus from the west at 9 p.m. at the corner of 17th and Marine, and the 9&30 bus from the west at the corner of 14th snd Marine. This latter bus will take the regular ehut end route to the High School. Buses will be available at the conclusion of the dance at I a.m. Just as we go to press word has come that some attractive prizes are to be offered for cer- tain dance events. (Ve are told they will range from nearly s whole smoked pig down to candy and tea. Among the feature dances will be spotlight waltzes, lucky spot dances, medleys, moonlight effects, tags, grand march and others--SU cheery, all happy and all attractive. Professor: "Science has mado tt ~ such progress that we can now ~ send pictures by wireless." Old Lady I,istener: «Really, ready framed lu Hair that is limp snd lack lustre ls greatly improved by adding a couple of drops of am- monia to the rinsing water alter the shampoo. SPORTS NOTES CON JONES CUP RE-PI.Ai West Vancouver United wil'eetNorth Burnaby Shamrocks on Saturday, December 3rd, at Ambleside Park at 2:30 p.m. Last week both the above teams drew, the score being I all, at Willington Park. This should be one of the best games of the season as both teams will battle hard and a win for the United will put them into the Third Round. West Van. United The following players are re- quested to turn out for the game at Ambleside Park at 2:30: Larnie, McLesn, F. Downey, H. Downey, d'Easum, Grieve, Bell, Vaughan, Fiddes, Timbrell, Stratton, Hamilton, Normand. Matches kept near water in kitchen or bathroom sometimes become damp and so are wasted. Rut if a few grains of rice are put into the match box the matches wjll keep all right. Golfer (to partner): "Just look at that girl dressed like a man. What are her parents thinking uf, anyway 7 I think it is disgracefuL" Partner: "That, sir, iu my daughter." Golfer: "I bcg your pardon. I didn't now you were her father." Partner: «I'm not. I'm her mother." ~ 9 ~iurg for B&S Frolic Tomorrow N&gh& id':-