0001 December I, 1982 THE WEST VAN NEWS d 4 t 1 8 v I- I- )f U ,0 I ! '4 7 er 1 bd iatt 40 !0» 41. ISS the. '0)S Ity Igt tks Ic Ily CORRESPONDEN('I" 24th Nov. 1932. Editor West Van News. Sir:--May I trespass on your space in order to express my feelings of disappointment after a visit to Hollyburn Theatre, to- night. To sew artiste of the type of Mr. Boyd and his companions subjected to the humiliation of facing an audience of only a few adults, does not tend to in- crease one's respect for the com- munity in which they live. Surely those who were being directly benefited might have had the loyalty to put in sn ap- pearance. Evidently we in West Vancou- ver do not desire "Living Musi- cians.» Thanking you, Yours truly, GEORGE GRIGOR. We cordially invite you to ~ ~ ' ~ PHONE or VISIT J. W. Kelly Piano Co. I I«lisd G. GERM)I.L, Agent 14th osd Moriso WEST 37 IVEST VANCOUVER ORCHESTRAL SOCIETY The tvest Vancouver Orches- tral Society held their first meet- ing of the season Wednesday evening the 23rd ultimo, at the home of Miss Margaret Mclu- tyre, 20th and Gordon Avenue, when the following ol?icers were elected: President and conductor -- J Haydn Young. Secretary-Treasurer -- Clilf Groom. Librarian -- Mrs. T. E. Snel- grove. Committee--J. Haydn Young, Mrs. F. Knight-nodge, Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove, Cliff Groom, J. Al- lan. Rehearsals will take place every Tuesday at 8:16 p.m. in the Clachan. S. P. OF C. NOTES The regular meeting of the Socialist Party of Canada, tvcst Vancouver Branch, was address- ed on Wednesday, the 23rd ult« by Mr. Frank Walker, ex-M.L.A. of Alberta, whose topic wss a "Comparison between American and Canadian Economic Condi- tions.» Mr. Walker, ex-Liberal Whip for the Province of Alber- ta, an avowed admirer of Ram- sey MacDonald and Snowden, claimed to have strong Socialis- tic leanings. He was given a goad hearing. He stated that small private banks in the U.S. A. were rapidly going under be- cause of their decentralization and that numerous individua!s were suffering tremendous losses as 0 result. Although in Canada the people were suffering from extreme centralization of banks, he thought that somewhere be- tween these two points lay the solution of our problem. He also stated that, generally speaking, public feeling throughout the Northwestern States indicated that the people are opposed to the cancellation of war debts or ratification of the moratorium. Definite word was given out that the Annual Convention of the Socialist Party in British Columbia will be held on the Third Saturday and the fourtn Sunday in January, 1988. GARDENING . HUTT, rchitect S«h«l I I 4 S A hlissisr Iss)hsdstsas Is. What To Do Captain: »Got the locationr'ate (pointing at map): "If them's the Canary Islands--fine! But if they's ily specks--heaven help us!r A woman testifying on behalf of hcr son, swore "that he had worked on the farm ever since he was born." Triumphantly the opposing lawyer leaned over to her, and thundered: »You tell this court that your son worked on a farm ever since he was born?" »I do.« «Ivhaht did he do the first year?" Her answer came without hes- itation. «He milked." GARDENS and By MINA G Landscape A Osd I Is) «ds SI«SU.«IC. A Is C d «1st. ms«L» Nsils One of our favorite flowers is the peony, yet our garden does not contain 0 single peony plant. Perhaps the reason for it is that the peony is one of the most easily grown of the old fashioned ilowcrs. It responds to cultivation but left to itself it will continue to flourish for years. I remember a whole row of them growing in an abandoned garden near where I was born. They had been there for years. The grass was thick- ly matted all around them but still they seemed to thrive. I thought of them again the other day when I was passing before a nursery store where there were some peony roots on dis- play. How I wished I could be transported back to that old a- bandoned garden and bring hack those old plants with me. Next year there will be some peonies in our garden. They are 0 very great favorite in the east. Al- most every garden has a row of them. They require very little protection even in extremely cold weather, In fact wht.n peonies fail to bloom it is usual- ly because too much protection has been given. Even where the winters are cold 0 light mulch of straw is all that is required. When properly used in the garden planting peonies serve a double purpose. First their gorgeous display of bloom and second their beau- tiful green foliage will serve as a background for other flowers. In a really small garden they should, of course, be used spar- ingly. They should never be planted in single clumps but in rows or if this is not possible, in groups of at least three. They may be used to advantage to line a walk or driveway. In purchasing plants it is bet- ter to buy a three year okl root in preference to a clump broken oif from an old plant. It will perhaps cost a little mare but will be worth the difFerence. NOTa--Th «N ~ »OI s«m« ii ~ ti««r is «~ m«u s sr«siss)so ih ssid s I~ ihis ssk«s. The s« lint shs«ll hs sdd «4 is ihs «IS« I I »«allis» Th »SI s»«« is»rit Iss« It ~ O ««I Nt Is ~ I«d ~ s«««A ~OIMds«ssd ss d«shssdd h ssks»h Canadian Legion Military Whist Drive an(l Dance Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 193K 8 cfrcthmcna Good Prizes Good Munc Admission 25c. ARTHUR TIPTON DIES A resident of this municipal- ity twelve years, Arthur T!pton, 60, of 23SS Heywood avenue, died st his home Tuesday after- noon. He was born in England snd is survived by his wife and fion. Funeral arrangements will be announced later by Harron Bros Ec Williamson RA DIOTEI,EPHONE SERVICE PROVIDED I'RINCE GEORGE I'or the first time in its his- tory the British Columbia town of Prince George is now able to talk to the outside world by tele- phone. The new service ha» been established by t,he North- west Telephone Company, an as- sociate of the B. C. Telephone Company. It was opened for commercial use on Thursday, November 3. A 300-mile radio link between Prince George and the North- west Telephone Company's radio station at Campbell River gives the northern town connection with the B. C. Telephone Com- pany'v long-distance system and thus with the world-wide tek- phone network, consisting of over 32,000,000 telephones. Prince George is the fourth British Columbia community to receive longdiistance service by means of a radio-telephone link. Powell River was first served by radio, but this circuit was later rej)laced by 0 submarine cable, Ocean Falls was given radiotele- phone service in the spring of 1931 and Prince Rupert in Janu- ary of this year. The telephone system at Prince George is owned by the North-West Tekphone Company Installation of the radio equip- ment was under the supervision of C. H. McLcan, transmissiori engineer, and carried out by Bert Tupper, of his department. The service is restricted to day- light hours, from 9 a.m. to C p.m. In the course of experiments, prior to the opening of the com- mercial service, various citizens nf Prince George had the oppor- tunity of talking to southern B, C. Points. R. A. Renwick, editor of the Prince George Citizen. conversed with his daughter, Mrs. P. J. Balango, in Victoria. She could hear his voice so distinctly that she thought he was springing a surprise visit on her snd was talking from Vancouver. While sometimes referred to as 6 northern community, Prince George is actually at the geo- graphical centre of the province. It js located at the junction of the Nechacko and Frascr rivers, snd is practically equidistant from Prince Rupert to the west, Edmonton to the east, and Van- couver to the south. Its popu- lation is about 2,600. Chief in- dustries are lumbering, mining, mixed fanning and trapping. It is a divisional point of the Can- adian National Railway. Thc future of Prince George is liuk- cd up with the development of Northern British Columbia. A. M. Patterson is the mayor of Prince George, and IV. G. Fraser is the city clerk. The president of the Board of Trade is John Mclnni», and J. Ivilson is secretary of the board. The matter of a letter to the superintendent of education rt school grants was laid over pend- ing reply. Sufferers from hiccough can obtain relief if they. suck the juice of a slice of lemon. BESSIE FRAME is taking orders for CIIRISTYIAS CAKFS, SCOTCH BUN, I'LUSI CAKE. SHORTBREAD, I'.tc. Pieces oaiot early Phone West 46?IA. FOR SALE at Cotivy'h, 2162 Met)et -- BeCk, dressers, heaters, ranges, boots, host of oihot boesoho)st goods ~iso paints, oko, gkoo, OIO. Fsroi- toto to)m)tod ool polished. )A)ST--Lady's Iw«toosd Stowe hood bog toots)sing money, hoot Iitkot. oyv giosoos. Rewstst Phone West 42YS. DU'.(DARAVE LAD)ES' H 0 1 k Woold spptocioio loco ol scores ol M!Usdo sill Gvisbo. Pioxso phoei. West 605R. FOR SALP Woixoi htsitomo suite. also Fotd tst. Phone West 291X. Fok RENT--Partly iota)shed mofitto five-room boost, 1178 Duchess hve. $ 16.00. Phone West 461R. MOTOR CYCLE SFRV)CE--Psttdo delivered ot tsssoosbio rates promptly sod swiftly. Phone West 184 R. )VANTED--h small camp stove with ovso. Phone West tsfizk. I'OUND Pokvo Dog wkh coikt, male. Phone West )8)Lk TOUR)NG CAR, Hawaiian Guitar-- Trade for single bsl, bedding or lotnkoto. What bove yooT Pbooo West 100. 6)ARCBLLE SHOP -- Mottone, 60 cents; reset. SSO; fioget wove, 76c. Phone Mts. King. West Md. FOR RENT-S)5.00. loot toom lute- )shod cottage, West Boy, semi- waterfront, piano, full plumbing. Phone West 2)8RS. WEST VANCOUVER MACHINE SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Hoosobo)d st)ides. 1449 Mstioo. Fok RENT--AI Duofiotovo, Itooslot ood stets room, $10.00, oiso real estate or insurance oil)to, $10.00, Either m)gbt be suitable for other trades or business. Apply Owner, West 98L2 or agent West 4. BXPERIENCED DRESS)(AKER- Would like work at iodide'oosso, okstotioos, coats toksdd. $2.00 ptt doy. Phone West 1'IS. "THE GABLES," West Bsy, For Rent --Furnished Suite, steam heated, vlottticoky equipped. Phono West S18RS. Aberdeen spinster to shy lov- er: "They say we'e gacetm'arried,Tam.r »Ah weel, we'l gie them 0 b)g disappointment.« WESTINGHOUSE 4 NORTHERN Ekcttk Rolioo. Riot)rica) ioxte- ilitlmm omt iklpoits. Pbooc Norih Sio. Hommotsomth Bros. ELRCTkk) MANTEL RAD)O $49U Cosooio, $49l New Ms)con) $8930; Radios tvpoitod, tabes mot«L ooti- ~is, plugs, wiring. Nmth Shore Radio Elooitk, 1429 Sixties Drive. Pbimo West 61. FOR SALB--C.C.)4. Oyoki, 4 Io 10 ears, vxtoikst eoslitioo, toot $2'4 hone evenings West 14788. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Boosts io Rent. Hosooo. Iota, eed scrosge lot oslo. Jdm 17th ood Mat)so, Phoae West 66. WEBB'8 BEDE BEPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Desdotsve. HEADRUARTERS lot AU ibs Pop- ular Cigstoaoo, Tobaccos, ssl Fish- ing Gadgets lot iocei wsiots. Am- biosido Too Rooma FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Roo- Mosvv Pbooo Wsot 24)R. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Metis» Drive Pboso West 21 or Soymoot )260 Evvsisgs West 204X GORDON ROILqON Barrister S Sonskot WEST VANCOUVER- Ogito No. 1447, Merino Drive Phoae West 4(6L VANCOUVER OPPICF Soite 818) 510 Hxsibuto St. W. Phono, Svymout 4199. C. J. ARCHER Spoaehsmg io % os) Voodoovst REAL ESTATE, iNSURANCE (hk Btoatbos), MORTGAGES. ETI;. Li« t«r O«OSSW )St »«hh iv«I«. 791 Doasmoit Street PS»assi Sty »soot S9S4. Wso) 225 When making 4 baked custard cook it very slowly or it will be watery. If your oven is too hot, place the custard dish in a larger dish of water. Announcing a Series of FARM 1ECTLI RES to be broadcast over C NRV each Monday evening at Sao o'lock beginning on December 5 Ns B. C Ehzcrwc RAIIWAT Co))FARY will Ipomot s series of ltamcs on fans sobjtca Io be gives etch Monday night Ihmoghoot the wiotct by tv)diag hgticol- Iotisa. Exch Isik will be of 1) miouits'totsiko Hsiv are Ihv spsshws sid s«hisas i»r dw linc wsht kcoovsi Dcc. 5 Dsha F. M. Chs)IFNT, Dtss of Fscuky of hgti- cukot», Uoivcauy of British Cdumbis--"Price of Fsau Pmdoas." Dcc. 12 Paoyztsoa E h. Lho)TA Head of Dtpanmtm of Pouhty Husbandry, Unite)shy ol Briioh Columb --"Btc«UOS Pooluy lot 19)R" Dcc, 19 Rumshh L D*va, Fidd Sopavimt for Jcacy Fsnns--"Milk Ptoduaios hod dx Ftiiht Siiik h(dtka." Dec. 26 Chtismus holiday. Jsn. 2 New Ycet holiday. Jso. 9 L h. hrx)N)oN, lkttctiologist for da FIO)et VIEIT Milk Pmdocai haoast»)o--"Quality Milk. 'sa.16 Roster Sorrow, Disma Rcpttstsistivv, Ptovia- cid Dtpsamvot of hgticoitott--"Mskiog Btvf for I!Ic kistkta of B. C." Jmh 21 Psoysmos H, M. KINcs Hdod ol Dvpsamoht of hoimd Husbssdiy, Uoiatsky of Btiibh Cohsa- bi~--"h Bttcdisg Pmgisoh" Jso. 50 H. U. Hhas, FMMRtpaxtmmivv. Fstm~ --"Planning Fsan Bo)iocos lot 19)3." Fdh 6 Ds. h. F. Bhass, Htsd of Dtuauoct ol Hoai- culture, Uaivvaky of British Cotombsi--"Sax»- bc)tie)." F W-ss 8;I udi I'Ee(0]islet Iy'%SEROUS I[sn 1116))(l,V'dts(4g CLASSIFIED ADS The rate lot Cioooaol hdvetikomooio 4 2 vooio pvt wme. mkimsm 25 teoio. Except io the coos ol tbooo bovisg togo)et otvoemio, sk dosoi- Sofis oto poyohio oitkiiy ia mivoste. Romomhtt Clem)6«4 io iho Woot Vss Nowt got immolioio too»Ra « »sr 4