0001 Ilq December I, 1932. I THE WEST VAN NEWS TAILORING - CLEANING ~ DYEING PRESSING - ALTERATIONS 4I. M. %VILILAMS Fl 1568 Marine Drive (next to Fruit Store) c Phone Wcsi 2O Rcs. Phone Wast 2SSL FIRE INSURANCE RATES ln West Vancouver Slo per thousand for 8 years. Good reliable Companies. WHY PAY MORE 7 %V. B. SHAKESPEARE Telephone: Trinity 5218 Telephone: North 428 SCHOOL CHILDREN-Attention! Please bring TOYS, new and old, to your school FRIDAY, December 9th for Xmas Cheer. CORRESPONDENCE ZI We have been requested to publish the letter given below, the same being a copy of a let- ter recently sent to the reeve and council. (Copy) The Reeve and Council. Gentlemen:--It hss geen re- ported to me that on several oc- casions when recipients of Re- lief have asked for their vouch- ers to be addressed to "Smith's Grocery" they have been in- formed that this was not in order as it was a CHAIN STORE I wish to point out that this is entirely erroneous. "Red JI White" is a group of Independent Grocers, pooling their buying with the object of reducing the cost of distribution and passing on the saving thus made to the consumer. The Council are in a position to know that I own and operate personally my two stores, and that I contribute about 3250.00 yearly to the Municipal revenue. Every dollar I have is invested in West Vancouver, and what measure of success I have had hss been used to improve the shopping facilities of the Dis- trict. Under the circumstances any statement implying that oSmith's Grocery" is not entitled to of- licial recognition and local pat- ronage is unfair and misleading. If there has been a misunder- standing I feel confident che Council will have same corre t- ed. Yours faithfully, A. HARVEY SMITH. Corn Chowder Fat salt pork, 1 by 8 inches I slice onion 4 potatoes cut in hs inch slices 1 can corn I quart milk 8 crackers Salt and pepper Cut pork into small pieces and try it out in a pan over s slow fire. Add the sliced onion and cook 5 minutes without burning. Strain fat into a saucepan. Add potatoes and boiling water to fat and cook until potatoes are soft. Then add the milk snd corn. Heat to boiling point. Season with salt and pepper. Moisten crackers in cold milk. Seive crackers on op of chowder. Lqd. 'hf oi CICSI. 'CMSL ccpkd Ic sta !SE is'sg si IS pas II smi Water in which potatoes have been boiled is excellent for sponging dirt out of silk. Car Tops, Curtain Lights Slip Covers PHONE N. R. ELLIS, 1427 Marine .cncbi peerc Islscr c. rheoc- SPbc. VSS S. bchai Phone ED. BLACK WEST SS for GAI,T, TULAMEEN, sod NANAI)IO - WELLINGTON COAL All orders Cash ov C.O.D. BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgc. Distiuciivs Fuuovsi Service Lady Assistant $2e - Svd SI. K, Phone North S24 STAMP NEWS The regular meeting of the West Vancouver Stamp Club will be held in St. Stephen's Hall at 7 p.m. Tuesday, December 6th, subject, "Rudiments of Stamp Collecting and Principles of Ex- change." Special paper, "Rom- ance of the Stamp,u by either Mr. Leech or Mr. Woods of Van- couver. All collectors welcome. IXL Laundry~ i l ibss bs mother v SERVICES: -- Thrifty, Fist- Ironed sud Su(shod laundry (ds luss) Phone West 20e If your hens are uoc laying ~s they should, tvr Thrivo Laying Mash McKERZIE 5 MCWIWAM FEED CO. 225 Lousdsls Avs. Ronh 4 Icmbsi. 'I Iot Ihc slfrom iss'I de Johnnie (at lessons): "Father, what's perpetual motion 7" Father: "I don't know. Ask your mother, She's got every- thing on the tip of her tongue." TOMORROW NIGHT -- THE BIG NIGHT West Vancouver Welfare Association Christmas Cheer Fund DANCE, BRIDGE and WHIST In HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM us.i ,'OI 50 Cents SPECIAL BUSES BEFORE 4'I AFTER FUN BEGINS FRIDAY, 9 P.M. 'See News Columns) MI ic AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH, Proprietor Finest Quality Fresh Mcabh Smoked and Cooked Meats. PHONE WEST 303 ISS 'I PersonalLocal and Ctirtstnlns Karhs c Mrs. John Speck, 1483 - 29th Avenue, who k seriously ill in the North Vancouver General Hospital, is slightly improved. o c o The West Vancouver Teach- ers'eam playing in the North Shore Badminton League, de- feated Lynn Valley on Monday night by s score of 11 to 5. The match took place at Lynn Valley. ~ ~ o A very successful Tea, Sale of Work was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vinson, under the auspices o! Naomi Chapter No. 26, O.E.S., on Thursday, Noveii4 ber 24th, at 2:30 p.m. The Sale was formaRy declaimd opened by the Worthy Grand Matron, Miss Livingstone. The guests were received by Mrs. J. McGowan, Worthy Matron assisted by Mrs. Vinson. Twdvc Cards snd onc pscL ~ge hvisimss Ssak M. K. Bowman, 19th and Bel- levue Ave., hss returned from 'the Peace River to spend the winter with his family here. ~ ~ o A. W. Turner of Fernie, B. C., ls building a new home at 20th snd Mathers Ave. o c ~ Miss H. F. Hunter hss moved into a house at 23rd and Belle- vue Avenue, for the winter. ~ ~ ~ Most of the snow at the ski camp has gone as a result of the recent warm rains, there being only patches of it left here and there. The lake has a good sheet of ice covering its surface, but there is half an inch of water on it. ~ ~ D. Peterson has moved from the city into a house at 1379 Clyde Avenue. o c H. G. Dunne, 21st and Belle- vue Avenue, is consned to his home through sickness. c ~ c J. R. Sinclair, 1669 Duchess Avenue,has moved into a house at 1520 Argyle Avenue. ~ c ~ Sid and Guy Desmond, 29th and Marine Drive, have moved to Vancouver for the winter months. L.O.L. No. 2990 will hold their regular meeting and election of o(ficers next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall. The otficers of the County Lodge will con- duct the installation. Mr. snd Mrs. Ken Robinson and family have moved from 17th and Duchess Avenue, into a house at 20th and Esquimalt Avenue. ~ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Corlan snd fam- ily, 10th and Marine Drive, moved yesterday to Vancouver. c c \ Ruth Lodge, L.O.B.A., will hold their meeting and election of officers at 8 p.m. next Thurs- day in the Orange Hall. The in- stallation will be conduccM by the Grand Lodge o(ficers. A Reoital has been arranged by Mrs Colin MscLean of some of her junior pupils to take place Saturday afternoon, December 10th, from 3:30 to 5 o'lock in United Church Hall. The Junior Choir will assist with the num- bers they are preparing for their appearance the following Satur- day before the Philharmonic Club in Vancouver. Jessie Davis Violinist, and Brenda Wicking, Pianist, pupils of Margaret Mc- Intyre will provide instrumental interludes in the program while several groups of Mrs. Fraser's small dancers will give colorful variety to the program. The public are invited to be present and see what the young musici- ans of the community are ac- compkshing. A collection for Welfare work will be taken at the door. ~ ~ hir. Anderson of Vancouver, has rented a cottage at 15th and Gordon Avenue. $1.00 separately woukl cow 3 I. Cemmill'I Drug Store The Ssoco of Socvka, Ises Sfscfae Drive West 27 Bcusvsoucr Phoae West 22I (Aftor S p.ss) Ambleside SheetMetalPFocIEs IAURIE SPECK, Pvopdchcr 1446 bfarine Drive Phone West 78 FURNACES and SHEET METAL INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBING LITERARY SOCIETY Delay in securing some im- portant illustrations has com- pelled the postponement of the second of the Society's lectures relating to the centenary of Sir Waiter Scott. Its place will be taken on the evening of Thurs- day, December 8th, with an ex- hibition of lantern slides and a sketch of the geological history of "The Mountains of North- West Sutherlandshire." The time and place will be as usual. STRATTON'S BAKERY FRESH BREAD -- CAKES All Kinds of Tea Bread Assorted Pastries Almond Varieties Bsnbury or Ecckm Cakes, Variety of Butter Icing Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made at 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery wiB calL LEGION W. A. The general meeting of the W. A. was held in the Legion Hall Monday, November 28th. Much business wss discussed. There will be s meeting of the Woman's Provincial Executive Friday, December 9th, at II30 p.m. in the G.W.V.A. Hall, 856 Seymour Street, Vancouver. All members are invited. This gives an opportunity of meeting the new Provincial President, Mrs. bfcClennsn, snd there will be a real social gath- ering. The 12:30 p.m. ferry from here will get everybody there in good time. The next meeting of the W. A. will be held on January 3rd for election of ouicers. Will all members make a point of at- tending as it is very important. that all vote. Nominating off(cere sre hire. Wlcking, MCIL Doherty and Mrs. Graham. It is hoped to put on a concert about January 7th for benevo- lent purposes. Room 8I Board MRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phone Avenue K.W. Savory 1443 hiarine Drive Ambkslde Phoae West 340 Evenings, West 143 )VEST VAN. "Y" Time'riday December Scn at 8 p.m. Place: Home of Mrs. Trusscll, 20th and Bellevle. Members please note change of date; Tuesday, December 6th, being the dsy of the annual besser of the United Church. An invitation has been extend- ed to the ladies of the W.C.T.U., who donated money and material toward the "layette," to meet with "Y" members for a social time, following the business period. It is hoped that there ml) be s full membership present to welcome the guests, this also be- ing the Anal meeting for the year. Any members having articles of sewing, etc., are requested Io turn them in st this timiL Real Estate Finance and Insurance uloie on Breeding Fried Things The reason many fried things have a tlat taste. though the mixture may be highly seasoned is that the seasoning of the bread crumbs has been neglect- ed. Try mixing the bread crumbs with salt, pepper, and if des(Iud, a drop or two of any de- sired seasoning before molding. For frying or covering the tops of entrees, use bread crumbs, as they have less of a sat taste. Announcement is made by the B. C. Electric Railway Co. that the following night schedule for the North Vancouver branch, Capilano cars will be effective December 1. Leave Leave Capilano Ferry Wharf Terminus 8.20 p.m; 8.40 p.m. 9.00 9.20 9.40 10.00 10.20 10.40 11.00 11.20 11.40 12.00 12.20 12.40 The following ferries leaving Vancouver wii) connect with Capflano cars i 8.00 p,m. 10.40 p.m. 8.40 11.20 9.20 12.00 10.00 To remove fruit stains from linen place a teaspoonful of sugar on the stain; then boil. United Church ANNUAL BAZAAR TUESDAY, DECE51BER 6th, (Afternoon and Evening) To be opened st 2I30 p.m. by 5(RS. J W. CORNEIT Tea, hiask, bhiterfainment. Get your Xmas Presents Hero