0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS l&lbrmI&vr I, 1932 bh rr h ~ r VVVAV h rrr« vi ',v. V 'V VIW AVV&.VAV V CA $ « A l Ay Al o 'vh' ~'VA I 'OA IAS V O- -AIO 'AN AA 'O;I-'A . V At v i'A'I- ,rV% ,.6'";:,'%rAA IW«e Vv v««rryvrtvr ~ «vrv,vrrr rrvvv v~rv vrd Vrhv vrrv'~vvvr 'vrvvr htrvvvvv '««v "v'rv -vvvrr Ahy r rr.r yvvr Permanent Waues Or@aol& $R9$ to&os $S.O0 SOOISIOI S Natural $0.60 I &NVIOOIOV H ~ IIOOL Sbblbovo pblvlt CIJJctttlolyjV BC&zuty ShOPPC 16&0 hfstlso Drive Phone West 117 Casserole of Rice and Meat '2 cups chopped, cooked meat I teaspoon salt It teaspoon pepper 4 teaspoon onion juice I tablespoon chopped parsley I egg Vo cup fine bread crumbs 4 cups cooked rice. Season the meat, mixed with crumbs and beaten egg, and ndd meat stock to make mixture pack easily. Line a greased mold or baking pan, with 2 or S cups rice. Pack rice well and flll with meat, cover with the remainder of the rice, cover tightli and steam or bake about 45 minutes. Remove from mold. Serve with tomato sauce. Although true «osttosy springs from within, smt is often shown by poor people in &bo humble walks of life, Ii really csn be «u(iivsiod. It hss Ito origin in aiseote consideration sot on!v for the rights, bet for the happiness of others; bui even &hole who fvof &hio only slightly will feel it moto when they ooo how grateful sitsngors are for a little kindness. Then, feeling it more, they will prac- tice it until it becomes a bsb(i. Good manners are the lubricating ok of the ooeiot order; they make the dally round with Iesb fticuoo.--Wil- liam Lyon Pho&po. For the Funeral James Roberts (who is on his deathbed): "That's a fine smell of potted meat, Mary, I could do with a bit." hfaryi "And you'l get noth- ing of the kind. That's for your funeral." C. J. Overinjtton PIONEER BARBER 14th and Sfarine Expert Work Phone West 135 Established on Not&a Shore Ze Years. (Lady Assistant) HARROiN BROS. S& bVILL IAM SOIkf j'IIneral Birertar)I North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems PsbUNhod Every Thursday PsbUshot F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Bssfoooo ood Editor(NI OS&co: 17&h ssd Motiso Dtfvo (Nost Io Hokybuts P. O.) Phone West 363 MOU Add&boo: P.O. Bos 01, Hokyhsts, ILC, North Vancouver OKlce: 123 Lonsdale Ave, I 00 ~ post by ONTT(oti 0+00 ~ root by mok. United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis IVright Slorning Service Solo-. Mrs. J. Howard Leggatt Anthem--Choir. Evening Service Solo-James )loft. Anthem--Choir. Final preparations have been niade for the annual Bazaar on Tuesday, December 6th. The opening ceremony by hire. J. IV. Cornett, wife of the Prov- incial Member for Vancouver South, will take place at 2;30, The stalls are under th& follow- ing convenerships: Aprons, Mrs, Davis; Jazz Tree, Mrs. Lane; Home Cooking, hfrs. Dewar; Fancy )York, Mrs. F. J. Patter- son, White Elephant, SIrs. Mer- rick; Afternoon Tes, Mrs. Geo. Baldvrin; Music, Silas I"rame and Alexander and Miss Frame. The bazaar will continue dur- ing the evening aml at 8 o'lock a program anv&nged by sliss Frame will be presented as fol- lows: Pianoforte Duet -- Mrs. Alex- ander and Miss Frame; Com- munity Singing led by Mr. J. R. Mitchell; Song, Miss Mary 0'- Donnell; Reading, Mrs. H. P. Allan; Violin Solo, Ernest Har- rison; Song, Miss Gertrude Thompson; Accompanistes, Mrs. Aleander and Miss Frame. The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers of the Women' Association will be held on Tues- day, December 13th. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject. of the Lesson- Sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day wiB be NGOD THE ONLY CAUSE AND CREATOR." One of the Bible texts will be Psalms 146& 5: "Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his 'help, whese hope is in the Lord his God." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following pasbage from page 510 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip. tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Science reveals only one Mind, and this one shining by its own light and governing the uni- verse, including man, in perfect harmony." TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS The Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, Cube and Bro»7&les, are can&lug out to the letter the spirit of their organizations in this year trying to provide happiness for others. Their objective is that every child in West Vancouver shall have a toy, and are joining with the Welfare Association to see that the residents of West Vancouver have a Happy Xmas. The toys msy be left any time at the Xmas Cheer office and Toy Shop, corner of 18th snd Marine Drive, but a special effort is being made on Friday, Decem- ber 9th, to collect as many as possible, at the Clachan which is being loaned to the committee for the entire day. Ti.e program for that day is 10&30 to 12 a.m.--Mrs. H. l.. Sfc- Lenn &iili receive toys. 2 to 5 p.m.--A Bridge (charge 250) . 9 &o 12 p.m.--Dance. aRmis- si&n a toy. For information Afn&ut &ne Bridge phone Mrs. P. C. Chap- man, West 42YS, and I'm the dance, Miss Joan Durbin, West 97) L Everybody loves children, so lan ou doinging sometiiing to ielp the Scouts and Gmdes make other children happy this Xmas. CAI&O OP THANKS Will iho friends who bhowai sv lo moth hlodsobl Nbd Nym- poihy In out botoovomos& h(odfy Ntvopt ost Nfocoto iboohl. IL H. LEMGN a YAM&I.Y WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Society (.'HUkCH EDIFICE $0&h ood Eoeslmbli, HoUybots This Society Ib o Btsktb of The Moihot Cbotch Tho Pivot Chotvh of Cht&N&, Solon&&bi, In Boo&os, hfoobbchuvoi&o Sunday So&vivos 11:00 s.m. Nbd 7&60 p.m. Sunday, December 1, 1932, Subject: «GOD THE ONI,Y CAULF AND CREATOR Sunday School at 10:00 s,m. Tosilmony Meeting Wodooodoy ~t 0:16 p.m. St. Anthony's Church Pastor: Rev, Father Flanagan Residence: Clachan Hotel iN.B.--Due to an oversight, this very important announce- ment was omitted at Holy Mass on last Sunday. All of SL An1hony's parishioners should attend "Holy Hour," at 8 o'lock on Friday evening, December 2nd. On that evening Father Keenan, S.J., will be at St. An- thony'0 Church to give Benedic- tion of the siost Blessed Sacra- ment and a sermon. He will en- roll new and old members of the League of the Sacred Heart. Secre&I Heart badges will be blessed snd distributed to encl'ember.They will also receive the Sacred Heart leaflet. 9'15 a m --Holy Mavs sermon 2:15 p.m--Sunday School. WEEK DAYS 8:00 a.m.--Holy Mass. Friday--4:30 p. m., Confes- sions of School Children. 7:30 p.mh Devotions, Confes- sions (Adults). Sa)urday~y:30 gbm confes- sions (adults). Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Organist: Mrs. Holden Services: 2 p.m.--All departments of the S.S., also Bible Gass. 3:15 p.m.--Church Worship. Sermon subject: "Stewardship of Life." Thought for the week: "First they gave their own selves unto the Lord, then their giftrho To prevent drawers sticking turn each drawer upside down and rub the running boards with s bar of soap. When shampooing fair hair, the juice of a lemon added to the final rinsing water will leave the hair fluKy and shiny. To remove ink stains from wood use equal parts of vinegar and linseed oil. Shake the bottle well before applying the mixture on s soft cloth. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: IS43 Heywood Ave. Sunday, December 4th, 1932 10 a.m.--Sunday School anil Adult Class. IVe teach the International lesson«. We have classes for all ages. Come snd visit our Sun- day School vou will enjoy it 11 a.m.--jdorning worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "blade Nigh by the Bio&Hi of ('hrist.o Anthem. The ordinance of the Lord' Supper and the reception of new members will be held at the close of the morning service. 7:30 p.m.--Evening worship. Parables of Christ, topic, "One Greater than the Temple." A unique presentation of the gospeL There will be some special singing. A cordial invitation to alL Monday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Illustrated address by Mr. Rankin entitled "1500 3!iles through the Canadian Rockies.v All these photos were taken by the speaker. All young people over sixteen heartily welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Mid-werk service for prayer and pr&.ise and Bible study. Thursday, 8 p.m.~heir prac- tice, Friday 7 p m --C C I T Teen age girLH welcome. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. December 4th--2nd Sunday in Advent. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 s.m.--Sunday SchooL 11:15 a.m.--Primary School. 11:15 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:15 p.m.--Evensong and ser- mon. S p.m.--St. Francis, Caulfeifd, Evensong. Monday, 3:45 p.m. -- Girls'uxiliary. 7 p.m.--Scouts. 8:15 p.m.--A. Y. P. A. Tuesday, 7 p.m.--Cube (seni- or). Wednesday, 3:45 p.m. -- Cuba (j unior) . 7:SO p.m.--Choir Prac&fce. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Bible Class in the Rectory. Friday, 7 p.m.--Trail Rangers Tuxis Square. The choir is preparing the Christmas Cantata, "The Msn of Glory," for presentation on December 28th. The Sunday School Christmas parties will be held Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening December 28th and 29th. Df.hlnrjory McCubbift DENTIST Hosto: 0 ~, si, &o 0 p sl Ssiutdsyb 10 ~ m io I 9 NI Evoslsgl obd Soionfoy il fivt- Nooob by oppo&nimob& osly. Royo! Bosh Bund&kg I'hobo Woo& I&S Koo&dvoto I'boob West $0$. DR, G. D. H. SHALE DENTIST Uoy Block, I&ih sbd Idol&no Dt. Omvo Hoots 9 io 0 p. m. Evoblsgb by Nppoioimobi. Phone Woo& 70 ROLLYBUkN Barber Shop 16&h B Hot&no BxPERT BBRY!ck E. MARSH, Ptopt!otor. SCOUT NOTES Last week the Canadian Iwgi- on Troop sent Tom Robson an&i Tize Broderick to represent them at the Patrol Invaders'onfer- ence st Victoria. They have now returned and will give a report of the proceedings at tonight'0 meeting of the troop. Last Thursday something of a record for the troop was creat- ed when eight recruits present- . ed themselves and were accepted'ormembership. There are still 0 few vacancies left an&I early application should be made. The scouts are assisting in the collection an&1 repairing oi'oysfor the Xmas Cheer I"und. They want as many toys as pos- sible for this good object an&I will welcome all contributions. Toys will be accepted gladly by any member of the troop. Adelside'Don't tell anybody but see this ring7 Clarence slip- ped it on my finger last night" Cornolia: "Yes, it's nice f&N&k- ing but it will make a black circle around your finger before you'e worn it a week. It did on mine." She was sitting in a dark cor- ner. Noiselessly he stole up be- hind her and before she was a- ware of his presence he hsd kissed her. "How dare you!" she shrieked. "Pardon me,r he bluffed read- ily; "I thought you were my sister." "You dumb ox. I am your 6 I st ei'. Wife: "The couple next door seem to be very devoted--he kisses her every time they meet. Why don't you do that'!" Husband: "I don't know her well enough yet." "I called on Mabel last night, and I wasn't any more than in- side the door before her mother asked me my intentions." "That must have been embar- rassing." "Yes, but that's not the worst of it. f(label called from upstairs and said, 'That isn't the one, mother.' ONSDAL ROW PLAY&NO A I&i&RA'I'IY&&TIII&r IIIL&ki,i Miss Pinkerton A i&OAT Knb tlv iubvblr& H&ovt Novi Week "BACK SYRggrr II v 1&NA &IN& Tbvv. V I. NVA GEORGE ARL&sa ah«br ~ ONOOIN Nl~ NT lov "OINNONWONO" OOOOT NI~ NV NOON T ONOWINO NON, TOSS T N U N. V N I. VVV