West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1932, p. 6

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0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS November 24, 1932. vv t m vpvvr vc1 rpx P4~ rtrtpt tr p tr 4 t w~ p P s sr p r pr'vs pm ~ .!t Pt t P'P Prp mt ,~tdtrrp..r ' t' p' r rrr tvrrr rrrrrrcvrr p rrrrrrrpvr-rrrr p. ~ vrt rr,rt rv rrrr rrrvr rrrrrrvv Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES DIInda rave z'4~-.'adw"M'„I„", Ambleside „'t "„".„'„," Rsd B Walls SPAGHETTI with Cheese la Ternate Sauce. tall Uas....,............. Isc COFPRIL-Freshly Rssstml, IK ............................. Spc t)HICK QUAKER OATS Large Package........... 17c Rcd R White PEAS, Fussy Nu. 4s ... ... ................. 2 ties 25c Rcd & White GOLDEN CORN tia .................................. 14c CHOICB WHITE CORN Blue sud White.......... pcr tia 12c Rcd A White GREBN BEANS Choice. tiu ........................ Isc ROGERS'YRUP..... 2 Its tlu 17c Rsd R Vl'hits JEI.LY POWDERS AU Surscs, pcc pscksge. 5c Rcd A White BAKING POWDER 12 ux. tiu ................ 19c Rcd Jt White FLOUR. 7 lb. sk. Ssc PASTRY FLOUR, Austpslisa S Iix sack.................... 19c DATES--Fresh New Stuck ..............2 lbs. 15c PRUN ES--Cslifscais Medium sixe .............. 2 lbs. Isc hIAY FORCE NORTH SHORE TO DEFAULT North Vancouver City will be forced to default on bond inter- est payments if the government persists with its proposed reduc- tion in relief contributions. This was the notification which City Council decided by resolution on Monday night, to send to the Provincial Government. In sponsoring the motion, Aid. H. C. E. Anderson explained that the Provincial Government hss declared its deterinmation to contribute to unemployment re- lief after December 1, only on a scale wholly inadequate to main- tain destitute families on s reasonable standard of living. He intimated that the govern- ment hsd suggested that such inadequate provision be aug- mented by municipal councils out of their general revenue. Conditions of the treasury of this city, added the alderman, precludes SB possibility of adop- tion of this proposal, and also meeting payments on bonded debt. In connection with the city' unemployment relief problem, City Solicitor Dugald Donaghy was instructed to submit a re- port showing the predicament the municipality would find it- self in if it attempted to force unemployed to work for orders for food. Mayor E. H. Bridgman stated that he had been quoted as hav- ing said that unemployed, under the Truck Act, could not be forced to work for grocery ord- ers. He added that exception had been taken to this statement hence the decision to have the city solicitor give an opinion. The mayor explained that al- though Provincial Government had requested 6500,000 from the Federal Government to assist B. C. municipalities unable to to pay their portion of unemploy- ment relief costs, only 3150,000 had been received. Such being the case, he declared, this city will not receive anything like what it had requested from Vic- toria, but there is a possibility of suificient funds being for- warded to take care of Novem- ber and December, and a request for a grant will be lodged with the government at once. JAP RICE, gusd quality, 4 Rm. 19c NABOB TRA, lb.............. S5c KADANA TEA .............. Vt Ux 15c lb. 29c Save the Csupsus for Valuable Premiums JAP ORANGES, bux .......... Ssc GRAPE FRUIT, Imperial Valley Large she ....... 5 fuc Ssc SWERI"OTATORS hlcdium sixe... S lbs. Isc l)RY ONIONS, grown in L C. 5 lbs. Ioc TURNIPS, Clean hlcdium siss ..................7 lbs. Iec Iu)TATORS. Ns. I Netted Gems ...... 25 Ibm zsc EGIGS--Preserved Extras, Royal Standard .......... duxpu Sec CAKE FIA)UR, Fairy Light Large package ....................... 25c SSIYRNA FIGS .......... 2 lbs. 17c I'ROICE Al'RICOTS, CsUfucuisRtspsrstsd........ lb. Iac Rcd R )vhi(c BATHROOhl TISSUE. Iurgc runs...z fuc 19c SLICED PINEAPPLE Singapore .............. 2 fsr lpc SPORT NOTES Ivest Van Rangers 0--Y.C.I.A. 3 At Ambleside Park last Satur- day the Rangers lost s tough game to Y.C.I.A. with several players on the sick list combined with some weird decisions on the part of the referee. Three local boys put up a goad game. The Y.C.I.A. opened the scoring after fifteen minutes of play the local defence being slow in clearing. The play after this wss fairly even. Just before half time the visiting team broke through thc defence snd scored, making it 2-0 against the Rangers. On re- suming play the local boys show- ed much improvement, the op- posing goalie saving several good shots by J. Cripps and hfsstermsn. Just before full time Y.C.I.A. again scored, two of their players being off side, but the Referee allowing the goal, making the score 3-0. B. Trsffard in goal and C. Mchfillan left half, turned in s fine per- formance for the Rangers. The following West Vsn. Ranger players report at Amble- side Wharf at 12:50 p.m. for game at Renfrew Park East, with Rupert Rangers. Take No. 4 car to Broadway snd Commer- cial, transfer to Grandview bus. B. Trsiford, Ross Forrester, N. Johncox, C. McMillsn, T. Butt, A. hissterman, hL Lennox, W. Wedley, A. Edwards, J. Cripps, P. hfssterman, B. Winch- combe, A. Cripps. The following West Vancou- ver United F. C. players are ask- ed to turn out for the Con Jones Cup game (2nd round) against North Burnsby at Willingdon Park, Hastings East, at 2:30 p. m. on Saturday, November 26th. Leaving on West Van. Ferry at I o'lock: Larney, hicLean, F. Downsy, H. Downey, Fiddes, Grieve, Bell, Timbrell, Vaughan, Hamilton, Stratton. Subs--D'Essum, Griscdale. Angry Farmer: "What are you coming home for with your milk pail empty? Didn't the old cow give anything?" Farm Hand: "Ay, sir, the old cow gave nine quarts snd one kick." A PHOTOGRAPH Our Studio ls usw cssdy ts serve yuu sud for upsuiug we oiler A SPECIAL LITTLE P!CTURE !R R!CE FOLDER st 6 FOR $1.76 (, J. BRODERICI4c, tmam»m»s tx«vg Prices on a level with the times SPECIALS FRIDAY & SATURDAY, „;"."„",";;„ Lumber SASII - DOORS - GYPROC Everything for ihe Building SHINGLES, SIIIPI.AP, zx4 snd All Dimensions KEPT INSII)E Under a Dry Roof ~ ~ ~ Sepilc Tank» Cupboard Doors and Drawers AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th sad Msclus Drive Phoae West 190. After 5 p.m. sud hsUdsys ask for GRRRY DENT, Phone West 241K COUNCIL NOTES The engineer reported to the council on: 1. Miscellaneous items. (a) D. L.'s 1124 and 1126 are 0 timber limit, clo Heaps Timber Company, J. P. Meehan. (b) The order to cut brush at th end of Nesbitt Lane has been issued in response to Mr. Cor- bett's letter. (c) The following roads have been gravelled where necessary Heywood, east of 22nd Street. Gleneagles Drive. Rose Crescent. Lawson, 23rd to 24th Streets. Creery Avenue. Oxley Sttmet. 2. Application of C. W. Ma- goun et al re lane east of 12th Street between Keith snd Duchess Ave. That to grant this request would cost approximately $48. Work ordered done under Un- employment Relief. 3. Dangerous trees Lot 14, Block 2, D. L. 557. The clerk was instructed to notify the owner of said lot or post notice for removal on said trees in accordance with the pro- visions of Bylaw No. 615. 4. Dangerous trees Lots 7 snd 8, Block 16, D. L. 555. The clerk wss instructed to notify the owner of said lots or post notices for removal on said trees in accordance with the pro- visions of Bylaw No. 515. 5. Shield'5 flume, Cypress, D. L.'s 889 snd 1344. That to move the flume would cost approximately $87.20. No action. 6. Drainage, Great Northern Cannery. That this would cost approxi- mately 61,296.00. No action, but this case to- gether with drainage matters in the vicinity of 25th, 22nd snd 14th Streets be referred special- ly to the 1933 counciL The following otTers of bonds received by. the council from Pemberton snd Son were accep- ted snd the reeve snd clerk were instructed to make the necessary arrangements to purchase same for Sinking Fund account: 61,000 West Vancouver 5VP due 1st August, 1962, price 85.84 and accrued interest,--yield 6.25. 74,000 West Vancouver 5!/sPA due 1st August, 1940, price 94.80 snd accrued interest-- yield 6.80. 6600 West Vancouver 51/2'/I due 1st July, 1942, price 94.13 snd accrued interest--yield 6.80. The council approved the re- quest of F. P. Colpitts that his service with the municipality prior to his transfer to the school board service be added to his superannuation record, and that the clerk notify the super snnuatlon commissioner accord- ingly. JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS F.'overnmentInspected Only 1 Store at Hollyburny next Theatre 0'j PHONE WEST 3 LU BER~P BUI I.D NOW I gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. I'hone Ivest 115 Res. I'hone Ivest 368L 15th and Marine "Right Service -- Right Grades" I.OCAI. CONSERVATIVES EI.ECT OFFICFRS The annual meeting of the )vest Vancouver Conservative Association took place last night in the oi?ice of J. T. Watt, ]7th and Marine Drive, when the an- uual reports were received snd officers elected for the conting ).ear as follows, all by acclama- tion: President--J. T. Watt. Past President--W. J. Dent. First Vice-Pres.-James Eu- ington. Second Vice-Pres. -- W. h. Woodcock. Sec.-Tress.--W. G. Barker. Executive Committee -- J. J. Rutledge, D. McC. Stitt, Captain C. J. Archer, Dr. F, Dorchest.cr, W. R. Hamilton, )Vflliam Blair, Jack Bstchelor, Robert Stewart, Captain F. F. Lovegrove. The above officers were slsa chosen ss delegates to the Not th Shore convention.. W. K. Woodcock snd John Speck were again appointed as auditors snd a vote of thanks passed to the retiring officers. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phoae West 0 Fertilizers, IVood, Coal Builders'upplies The News "The time will come," shouted;: the speaker, "when women will get men's wages." "Yes," said 5 little msn In the corner, "next Friday night." Father: "Get your jacket aff, 'oungman, snd come with me." . Jack: "You'e not going toq lick me, sre you father?" Father: "I certainly sm. Itc Didn't I tell you this morning I'd settle with you for your bsd behaviour." Jack: "Yes, but I thought it "- wss only a joke, like when you told the grocer you'd settle with him." BAND NEWS There are still a few vacancies for beginners in the new class being organized in connection with the West Vancouver School Band. Beginners will be taken up to the first of January, but those interested should get in touch with Mr. Condon as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made regarding lessons snd choice of instruments. "The Englishman loves his, + Ibeer and his Bible; the Scots-('~~; man keeps the Sabbath and 'verythinghe can lay his hands!'pon;the Irishman does not know what he wants and will not be happy until he gets it: the ' We)shmsn prays on his knees on 0 Sunday snd on everyone else for,„'he rest of the wack." i "Your Majesty," said the can- '! Fi" nibal king's chef, "there is a- mong the prisoners a native of '-'. Scotlsnd." "Good," replied the . dusky monarch, "serve him sizzling from the broiler. I'e often wondered what a hot Scotch tastes like. 'otel Keeper: "hir. Smith, I come out here and look at this . marvellous rainbow." Cautious Tourist: "How much extra is it?" t For scorch marks on garmeuts try one of the following meth- ods:--Soak in, ammonia; rg I with powdered borax; rub wiRms a freshly cut onion. Wash snd boil afterwards. HANDEI,'S MESSIAH Some of the fines anti best known solos and choruses from Handel's "Messiah" have been chosen for the rendition on Mon- day, Dcember 19th, by West Vancouver's leading choristers in the Hollyburn Theatre. J. Haydn Young will conduct, whilst the orchestra will be pfo- vided by Miss M. McIntyrs. The soloists chosen are: sopranos, Mrs. Colin MscLean snd Mrs. H. Leggstt; contralto, Mrs. F. X. Hodgson; tenor, Major A. M. Laster; basses, A. J. Addy, and Aubrey Clarke. The practices are being held on Sunday afternoons in St. Stephen's Hall, commencing at 3 o'lock. A letter from Barr & Ander- son re heavy fuel oil burner for the municipal hall was ordered illetl by the council. West Vancouver United Church Men's Club Next regular meeting in the Church Hall TUESDA Y, Nofj. 29th, as 8 p.m. Address lsy Major Harold Brown Preisdent Vancouver Sosrd oF Trade Sggbject: Enjoyable Citizenship" Members and sll men interested cordmlly invkcd