West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1932, p. 4

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0001 r vrrrvv I « 'tr t' ~- r 't *et ~ t to t tr, 2 INN %rt &ort, *" ~it'i ~t t., 'tr t t'-r-». t rrrr .r:r.r ~ m t.t '1'r,r t t'vr .r ywrr v rr rrr 'm vrrv rv vvt r *rr rtm -'rrrrrvvt vrt" vvrrrrr . r"t'v vvrrvt.rrrr rrrv -rr.rrrrrrvrrvrr vrr t PERFECT SISIPLE METHOD OF UTILIZING FIB II WASTE IJQUORS IN GLUE IIIAKING Research may not always be concerned with practical prob- lems of immediate importance but it is work with definitely practical objects which goes on at the Fisheries Experimental Stations conducted by the Dom- inion authorities, and the devel- opment of a simple method of making glue from fish waste liquors is a case in proof. This particular job was done by a research worker on the staff of the Pacific Experimental Sta- tion at Prince Rupert, B. Cr but it is only one of many pieces of work of present or potential value to the fishing industry vrhich have been done at Prince Rupert and Halifax, the second of the two experimental stations conducted under the authority of the Dominion Minister of Fisheries being located in the Nova Scotia capital. At each of these research centres trained scientists are continually carry- ing on investigations and experi- ments in connection with prac- tical problems related to the fisheries and the results of their work are placed freely at the disposal of the fishing industry. At two other stations, one on each coast, questions touching fish life are studied. Prince Rupert Undertakings The glue investigation at Prince Rupert was completed Inst year and it was established that by means of the method de- veloped the waste liquors obtain- ed in reduction plant operations on the Pacific coast can be util- ized to produce a glue as strong as the best commercial liquid glues. References to one or two other investigations in progress at Prince Rupert during last year may also be of interest as indicating some of the ways in which science is being employed on behalf of Canada's fishing in- dustry but it should be kept in mind, of course, that work of similar importance was also car- ried on at the Atlantic Experi- mental Station. Here is some of the research that went on at Prince Rupert:-- Continued study was made of ways of improving cold storage rooms, which showed that "by increasing the cooling coil ares the total efl'iciency of the re- frigeration plant is increased whilst the dehydrating effect de- creases." Experiments were undertaken which indicated that a horizon- tal oil-sealed hatch is a great improvement over the standard refrigerator door. Investigations were made which showed that several Brit- ish deposits of diatomites and bentonites can be economically used to decolourize fish oils, a discovery of value in connection with the possible establishments of refineries since decolouriza- tion is an important process in refining. Valuable data were accumu- lated bearing on the use of pil- chard oil in the protective cost- ing industry. Experiments in regard to the nutritive value of canned salmon including Vitamin A and D pot- ency. Investigations as to the use of waste liquors from pilchard re- duction plants as fertilizer were begun. Further investigation was con- ducted regarding the character- istics of marine bacteria and their relation to the spoilage of fish, and study of the efFect on the growth of marine bacteria at low temperature of the sodi- um chloride treatment, which had been found so efficient in the treatment of fresh fish. In this study it was found that hali- but treated with a twenty per cent brine solution and kept in cold storage for eighteen months was in good condition at the end of that time. STASIP NEWS The P. O. Department at OI- taws announces that a new set of postage stamps will be on sale in Vancouver on December 1st, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8c (portrait of King George) and 13c (double sized pictorial). The set will supersede the Ottawa Confer- ence issue. The Air Mail Service to the Canadian North West will be ex- tended during the last week in November when Fort Resolution and Great Bear Lake will be connected via Rae, N.W.T. Spec- ial pictorial cachets will be used in First Flight Mail, whch leaves Edmonton about November 26. CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER Court of Revision of Voters'ist, 1933 NOTICE is hereby given that s Court of Revision of the Voters'ist will sit at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Esquimalt, District of West Vancouver, B.Cr on Saturday, the 10th day of December, 1982, at 10 o'lock in the forenoon, for the pur- pose of correcting and revising the Voters'ist for the year 1933, and to determine any application to strike out the name of any person, which hss been improperly placed thereon, or to place on such list the name of any person improperly omitted therefrom. Dated at the Municipal Hall, IVest Vancouver, B.C., this 24th day of November, 1932. WM. HERRIN, Municipal Clerk. THE WEST VAN NEWS THE Bl&RNING& BUSH By Subndar A great fuss is being made over the finding in Minnesota of the bones of a 17 veer old girl. Scientists are ravmg over it as one of the greatest anthro- pological discoveries of the cen- tury. They hail her as America' most pre-historic woman, nnd then they state she was murder- ed merely because a nick was found in her shoulder blade. Thus Is revealed how much all these scientific buzzlngs are worth. Anv fool knows that a human heing in any age can have his or her shoulder blade nicked in all kinds of ways with. out being murdered. When sci- ence draws such deductions on such very slender premises, no ordinary man can be anything but doubtful of the whole long fangled story about her being 20,000 years old. I became tired long ago with these scientific disquisitions about the origin of msn. They sre, when one exam- ines them in cold blood, found to be such a mass of airy deduc- tions as to be in about the same class as fairy tales. Until such time as scientists can fmd real worth-while evidence on which to base their theories, it will be best for them to confine their discoveries to themselves about our origin, instead of making as- sertions on evidence which would not be accepted in a court run by children of public school age. The other day I came across the following pertinent--I did not say impertinent--little poem which seems to be ve&Y apt just at this time. It runs as follows: In savage tribes, where skulls are thick And primal passions rage, They have a system, sure and quick, To cure the blight of age. For, when a native's youth has fled And years have taken pep and vlni, The savage chief rape him on the head And puts an end to him. ~ t e But we, in this enlightened age, Are built of nobler stuff, And so we look with righteous rage On deeds so harsh and rough. For, when a man grows old and gray And weak and short of breath, We simply take his job away And let him starve to death. And that's the God's truth, as the unregenerate of the earth like myself would say. If you are really honest in your thoughts, brother, and won't allow your- self to be bamboozled by all the gush and mush of today, you will have to admit that from the standpoint of kindness the poor despised savage has still got the edge on us civilized beings. As a matter of fact, the above poem contains the kernel of sll our present troubles,and, unless a solution is found very shortly, our so-called civilization is doomed, nor is it going to be settled, either, by such imprac- tical schemes as old sge pensions et alia. The professors have of late come out of their class rooms and told us Canadians just where we grit oF at. One of the McGill variety is quoted in the press as saying: "If the prime minister does not know the diff'erence be- tween Socialism and Commun- ism, it is time that he found out the difference from any univer- sity graduate," this in reference to that oificiaps ruthlessness in handling Communists according to the professor. The point at issue is, of course, that the pro- fessor only knows the theories of Communism, which are of no importance, while Mr. Bennett by virtue of his office knows ex- actly what they really are in practice, which is s very import ant matter Indeed. Personally, I should like to state that in my opinion our government ha» been much too kind to these dis- turbers of the peace, also that s November 24, 1982. university graduate is not neces- sarily a clever nr even a well- Informed man. I am going around the city streets these days on tiptoe. Every time I pick up a Vancou- ver paper I nearly have s fit, for there is sure to be recorded there at least one holdup. It makes me shiver, just as the shells acted on me in France, where I was the fastest dunker in the division. I have from force of habit ilopped down in the gutter three times the last month at the sound of revolver shots, and it's very disquieting to the digestion especially after lunch. In spite of all my piwcnu- tions I was told to stick 'em up in the West End the other night. I said, "You have the earth, I'l starve," as I knocked two per- fectly good stars out of the sky. My pockets only yielding ten cents, the gentleman remarked, "You oughta be a holdup man. What in -- sre you?" I said, "I'm a newspaper man," to which he replied, "Well, I don' know as there's s -- of a lot of dlffeivnce." So we lct it go st that, and I kept my ten cents. HOLLYBURN THEATRE yRIDAY and SATURDAY November zdih and zeih REBECCA OF SUNNYBROOK FARM C,.l with hl A R I A N N I X0N and IIAI I'l SSI.LAslv diatinee every Saturday at 2 n.m. 12 days because the weekly steamer does not stop there long enough to enable letters to be answered l&y return boat. NOR fH SHORE I AVORet AMENDSIEVTS TO BANK AND INSI&RANCE ACTS ~ Resolution of Winnipeg City Council suggesting that the Do- minion Government be asked to amend the Bank Act to enable the banks to loan money to mun- icipalities at 4 per cent., with public works as security, was endorsed bby North Vancouver City Council Monday night. City I'roperty Owners'ssoci- ation forwarded a resolution re- questing that the Insurance Act be amended so that excess prem- iums can be adjusted with the insured when total loss in less than amount of insurance. Reso. lution was endorsed and will be submitted to next meeting of U. B. C. KL ISOI.ATED LOGGING CASIP HAS LONCt DISTAiVCE I'HONE For the first time in British Columbia, an almost isolated logging outfit has been given long distance telephone service by means of a radio hook-up which links it with the long- distance system of the B. C. Telephone Company. This service is now being given to the floating logging camp of Eerie 8& Brown Timber Company, Ltd., anchored against the shore of Claydon Bay, oif Grappler Sound, about 200 miles up the coast from Vancouver. The voice leaps by radio a- cross a 100-mile gap to Campbell River, Vancouver Island, where connection is made with the B. C. Telephone's long-distance net- work. The service was establish- ed as the result of experiments by the North-west Telephone Company, an associate of the B. C. Telephone Company. The equipment at Claydon Bay has been supplied by the Canadian Marconi Company. Radiotelephone equipment is installed in the floating office at Claydon Bay. It enables the camp to carry on ordinary tele- phone conversations with the logging company's Vancouver office. A striking example of the value of the new service occur- red recently when the main drum of a donkey engine at the logging camp pulled out. By means of the telephone it was possible to order repair parts quickly, and a week's time was saved in getting the machinery back in service again. To get a mailed reply to a letter sent from Vancouver to Claydon Bay takes I'otato Salad I quart cold boiled potatoes I onion finely sliced i/2 teaspoon salt Chopped parsley &/2 cup French dressing Cut potatoes into slices or cubes; add onion: mix; mix with salt, parsley and French dress- ing. Serve on lettuce leaves with boiled dressing. Cocoanut Cream Candy I tablespoon butter s/I cup milk 2 cups sugar '/2 cup grated fresh cocoanut I/ teaspoon vanilla extract Melt butter in saucepan; sdd milk and sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved, heating slowly; boil 12 to 16 minutes; remove from fir and add cocoanut and vanilla beating until creamy. Pour into Buttered tins and cool. For chocolate cocoanut cream candy add 3 ounces unsweeten- ed chocolate to other ingredients before boiling. Corporation of thc District oi'Vest Vancouver VOTERS'IST. 1933 Voters'ist now in course of preparation. See that your name Is included if entitled to vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION -- None but registered deed holders and registered agreement for sale hold- ers are placed on list. Where agreement is registered deed hol&ler cannot vote on same property. Agree- ments or deeds must be registered at the Land Reg- istry Office, Vancouver, B. C., before the end of No- vember, 1932. The List is closed at 5 p.m. on the 30th day of November A Corporation the name of which is on thevoters'ist shall voto only by its duly authorized agent. whose authority shall be filed with the Clerk of the municipality before the end of November, and who shall be a resident of the I'rovince and s British sub- ject of the full age of twentyone years; snd such agent shall be entitled to vote for the corporation from year to year until his appointment as agent Is cancelled and the Clerk has notice of the cancellation. Hollyburn, B. Cr WM. HERRIN, 10-11-19S2. Municipal Clerk.