0001 N ~rr~ia Were v ehevhr,+VVVV 4'erreer er r 'v4 v hr «V&r ev 4 '4 v4 L"reer 4 4 4 4% 4el " re 4 r 'vrskm4 ~ 4 '4t'44 4 ~%4 rw t 4'. I ~'4'4'4 W' 4 'I ~ . Vr 4'I%vve"I V IVrpve vrv V V 'r 4 VV Vr ~V Vr ~--'VV VV V VAVV~Vveh rrvvv -v rrvvrv Permanent Waf)es Or!Rulc $$.05 Lshm $$.00 summers Natural ~ $080 leeleeles H el tech Bheleeee ~ ed mes r were ~ ~INN g ~ GIUS Jya'olyM Beauty ShOPPd 1540 Marish Drive Phone \Vest 117 Peanut Briitle 1 cup sugar I cup roasted peanuts Melt sugar, stirring constant- ly. When a golden brown, add chopned or whole peanuts. Pour into hot buttered pan. Currant Tea Cakes 2 cups Sour 3 teaspoons baking powder Vz cup sugar $ &4 teaspoon salt I cup milk 1 egg 2 tablespoons shortening bk cup currents Sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt, add beat- en egg and melted shortening to milk and add to dry ingredients add currants which have been washed, dried and floured; inix well. The batter should be stiff. Grease hot muffin tins and fill half full. Bake about 20 minutes in hot oven. The cashier of 8 cinema was selling tickets as a friend looked on. A customer asked for a shil- ling seat, put down half s crown, ad walked away leaving the change. "Does that happen oftenT'skedthe cashier's friend. "Pretty often." "What do you do in a case like that?" "Oh, I always rap on the win- dow with a sponge." C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Sfarine Expert Work Phone West 135 Ee&ehUshed es Nerib Shore 20 Yesrih (Lady Ass&steat) HARRON BROS. & WILLIAAWISON funeral Sirertars North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 56 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THB West Van Nems PebUshed Every Thuredsy PubUshsT F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Besisees ssd BdReriei Ogicei 1?ih eud Merise Drive (Next Ie HeUybura P.O.) Phoae West 363 $18U Address& P.O. Bex 01, HVUybsru, ILC. North Vancouver Offlcei 123 Lonsdale Ave. $ L00 ~ year by serrier: $2.00 s year by malL United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright Next Sabbath morning mem- bers and friends of West Van- couver Loyal Orange Lodge No. 2990 will worship in West Van- couver United Church st the regular morning service. A special oi?ering will be tak- en in aid of the Protestant Children's Home, at New West- minster, B. C. In the evening the niinlster will preach snd will have as his subject "The Man with the Hoe" by Millet. The Sabbath School and Bible Class will meet as usual next Sabbath morning at 10 o'lock. On Monday afternoon the Ex- lorers will meet in the Church fall at 4:16 o'lock. All girls eight to twelve years of age are invited to join this group. On Tuesday morning the West Vancouver United Church Wel- fare Association will meet in the Church Hall at 10 o'lock for the purpose of sewing. As there is much work to be done as many ladies as possible will arrange to be present. Those who come will bring lunch with them. Tea will be provided. Only a few more days now to Ihe Annual Bazaar on Tuesday, December 6th. Miss Frame is looking after the afternoon music as usual, and Mrs. George Baldwin will take charge of the tea. In the evening Mrs. J. E. Durbin and Mrs. Howieson will have charge of the program. Gifts for all stalls will be gladly received. Sunday November 27th West Vancouver United Church music. Morning--anthem, Choir. Evening--Solo by Mr. J. Holt. Anthem, Choir; Solo, Chorus, Mrs. J. T. Watt and choir. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Haywood Ave. Sunday, November 27th, 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic: "Everyday Usefulness." A message that is needed by every Christian. Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening Worship. Topic, The Parabk of "The Importunate Widow." These are the words of the Lord Jesus Christ himself and there are none that can sfford to djsirense with His message. klonday, 7:45 p.m.--B.Y.P.(f. All young people over 16 arc heartily welcome. Wednesday, 8 p.m.-- Prayer Praise and Bible Study. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Choir prac- tice. Friday, 7 p.m.--C.G.I.T. Teen Bge girls welcome. Choir Concert tomorrow, Fri- day, Nov. 25th, at 8 p.m. Col- lection. Splendid program. DIL BUCHANAN AND hfISS JAMIESON TO SPEAK SUNDAY The closng feature of Educa- tion Week in West Vancouver will be 8 public meeting at the West Vancouver High School, Sunday, November 27th, at 3 p.m. Dr. Buchanan and Miss Jamieson will be the speakers. There will be musical selections by the West Vancouver Schools Band and choruses by the School Choir. Reeve J. B. Ley- land will act as Chairman and all residents snd friends are given 8 cordial invitation to at- tend. Both speakers are held in high regard as authorities on educational matters. THF, WFST VAN NEWS November 24, 193'2. I DI.Marjory fjiccubbfn D EN T I ST Beers: 0 ~. Is. Ie 0 p. m. Saturdays: 10 8 m. Ie I 0, m Eveuiuzs sud Ssiurdey A(IVV esses by eppelsimeut only. Royal Bank BuRdiuz Phese Wee& 4&0 Res&deere I'bees West $0$. OR. G. JL lf. SEALE DENTIST Hsy Riess, 14&h eud &der&us Dr. 15th 0 Msrlue FXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Preprieisr SCOUT NOTF&j least week the Legion Troop held its long promised bun-f&md. Everybody In the troop voted it 8 great success. During . the evening splendid moving pic- tures were shown by a C.N.R. representative. Although S. M. Cunningham was not able to be present the Beaver patrol received their pup- tent all the same. P. L. Robson also received a scout hatchet which he won in a previous com- petition. Mr. Stevens acting on behalf of the scout committee, presented the whole troop with new scarves. Those awarded badges were: Victor Black, James Harrison, Alister Grigor, Second Ian Rich- ards, Troop Leader Donald Brod- erick, Second Robert Robson, P. L. Thomas Robson, Second John Phygeson, Everett Ronks- ley. "How did the Smith wedding go off?" "Fine, until the parson asked the bride if she'd obey her hus- band." "What happened thenT'She replied, 'Do you think I'm crazy?'nd the groom, who was in a sort of daze, replied, 'I do.' A man, observing 8 carter, a friend of his, shedding tears, in- quired. "What's the matter, John?" "Oh, Tom, my mother's dead," sobbed the carter. "Is that all--I was afraid it was your horse." Cuthbert: "That's a very cheap restaurant." Walter: "Do you think soy "Rather. I got two cakes, some coffee, and an overcont for sevenpence." L '""" EONSDAL P GUILTY se CHARGED Sees elml shell III ~III ~vwle ere l eleeveee ! SPECIAL MATINEE WEO. 2;4$ Eveeieeh 1 eed 0 GEORGE ARLISS 8 0 is ('ORRES)'ONDEN(;E EditorChrlsban SCIenee west van News S i Dear Sir: -- It was with a grea'Iociety &leal of interest that I read your CHURCH EDIFICE editorial re )lollyburn lbdge. 20th eud Ee&iuimsh HeUyhere While it looks very good on the surface, yet there are 8 few Thl~ See&'iy M s BTeush ei ang)08 frum Whfc)i jt might Tbe Me&her Church wise to view this proposition be-Tbs First Church ef Chr&TL Shish&is&, In Boston, fore placing 8 tax on the cabins bieseeebuseiie of the young folks who go up the Sunday Services 11&$0 s,m sud Ridge to spend the weekend. Yiso p,m. I will try to point out some of Sunday November 27, 1932 these angles as they occur to me. Subjec I I In thc firs place the levying ANCIF&NT AN I) hIODEII'N of thjs iax will, in all probability Oincs Hours 0 te 0 p.m.NECROYIANCY, ense MFA t t I st fift 'r Cent Of Eveuisi&s by aPPointment. $1ERishi ANI) IIYI NGTIBH stop at least ty per cen o Pheus Weel Tl DENO(INCED." " the hikers from going up the Ridge, consequently reducing Sunday School at 10:00 s.m. our ferry revenues from 'this HOI.I.YB11RN Testimony Meeiiuz Wednesday B&iuree by just that amount. Bnd ~t 0&15 P.m, I presume that this is quite con- Barber Sh$0p siderable in the course of 8 year. SteAnthOny'S ChurCh This falling off in hiker traffic is very much to be regretted in Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan that it is to these young men ReBidence': Clachan Hotel and women that the emit iB due for the advertising of the Ridge 9:15 a.m.--Holy Mass, Sermon as 8 winter playground. 2:&15 P.sunday Sc'hool. Now, Mr. Editor, d'on t you think that the levying of this tax is cresting a hardship for 8:00 B.m.--Holy Mass. these young foiks, most of whom Wmfnesdsy--7:30 P™., Devo- have had no remunerative work since they left school, and $ 10Fr'y 7:30 Ii.m., Devotions per year mi confessjom. ')00, or $1,000 for a)l the chanceturday--7:30 P.m., confes- they wifl )&ave of being aMe tosions(adultB). 'ay lt. Furthermore if these young people through their in- St. Stephen'S Church ability to pay, are debarred from spending their week-en&le up in the clear, health-giving at-Rev. F. A Ramsey, L.S.T. m&Lephere of our mountains; we are condenming them in many November 27th--Advent Sui - instances to spend their Satur- day. day evenings in the smoke pol-Sa.m.--Holy Communion. )uted atmosphere of city pool 10 a™.~unday School. 'ooms, snd to contact with other 11:15 a.m.--P imary 8 bool evil influences found in our cities 11:15 B.m.--Matins and Ber- Another bad feature that ap- pears to me ls that while without 7 16 P™. Evensong and ser- the tsx these hlkers would have at most three or four in a cabin, 9 45 B.m.~t. F anciB, Gaul- the levying of this tsx is going to create s condition where theNovember 30th, Wednesday, cabins wiR become nothing but St. Andrew 8 Day--'10:15 a.me bunk houseB, with as many as Intercessions for Missions and twenty occupying same, thereby Holy Communion defeating the very object that takes these young people away Advent Sunday is the An»" from the foul air of our cities to versary of the dedication of the get a breath of God's own, un-present church in 1925. T" contaminated air of the moun- thought of Advent and 8 dedica- tion festival will be stressed at Now, Mr. Editor, you yourself all services on Sunday. ss a man who hss seen consider- able of the world must have Confirmation classes are being noted the bad effect certain en- fo™ed SPecial classes to suit vjronments have on youth, and the convenience of sdultB will be I would just )ike to Bay that if arranged uyon consultation with by foregoing the kvyjng of tbjsthe Rector. tax we can save even one young man or woman from the snares The Bazaar will be held on of the city, then for God'8 sake Thursday, December 1st. It is )et us not measure these young ProPosed in addition to Needle- people by the "doUar mark." work and Home Cooking to have a "White Elephant" Bta)). Any Finally, Mr. Editor, I see no suitaMe srticks, including books good reason why the regulations csn be )eft at the Rector or you sPeak of cannot be Put in phone West 192L " '" force without the eternal com- mercial aspect entering into it. I sm asking you to please give Pr@3byterIRB MISSIOB t»s space in your wort"y paper Orange Hajf with the hope of hearing some Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford constructive criticism from 8 Or anist: Mrs. Holden more able pen than mine. Yours sincerely, NOW PLAYINGServices: JOHN McGOWAN. 2 p.m --All departments of the Sabbath School. Also Bible CHRISTIAN SCIENCEClass. In view of the "Education CHURCH Week," special gathering in the IMmeed &cree High School to hear Dr. Buck- The subject of the Lesson- Rleherd Aries anan of the University of British Sermon in all Christian Science Columbia, there will no service churches and societies on Sun- I'erieee . &Ieeredy in the Ha)l ss generally held at day will be "ANCIENT AND 3:30, MODFRN N EC R 0 M A N C Y, ALIAS MESMERISiC AND Thought for the week: "See- HYPNOTISM, DENOUNCED." ing that all desire happiness, and One of the Bible texts will be happiness, as has been shown, James 8: 16: "For where envy. 44IIII 4 uee. Tees ww. is gained by 8 use, and a right ing and strife id, there is confud HAROLD LLOYD use, oi'he I.hings of life, and the sion an&i every evil work." IV right use of them, and good for- The Ieesson-Sermon will also Twevls eeAIT" tune in the use of them, is given include the fol)owing passage by knowledge,--the inference is from page'405 of "Science and that everybody ought by all Health with Key to the Scriptur- means to try and make himself es" by Mary Baker Ed&ly: as wise as he can."Socrates. "Christian Science commands Ther. Prl.eeh Nell WM man to muster the propensities, -siss Tisxssviru'henmaking jam use three --to hold hatred in abeyance A huu Ihsel ehlluh rr teaspoonfuls of glycerine toeach with kindness, to conquer lust pound of fruit. The glycerine with chastity, revenge with will prevent fermentation when charity, snd to overcome deceit msufficiently boiled with honesty."