West Van. News (West Vancouver), 24 Nov 1932, p. 1

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0001 ~ IPPI iTS A Weekly Newspaper Circulafi Jfgil thc District of West VJJncouf)cr-AFJJblcsiCc, Hollyburn, Winston, Duffdaraf)c $ 1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytccliff, Etc. 6c per copy st newsstands. TD. 3681, emt to in tim t. Well, Icalled, itoo oo'oad (p I.Write Pearl," ie. hioks a doesn' s op in iht oad gal)i.o noaot?" tch des. gos otic lili for a , made o dentist; 'its. pso hsd tbo gf 1 RE Ipmt I zto x zos 1.1O iato i izt it.11 py .@'OI. VII SIX PAGES WEST VANCOUVER WEI.FARE ASS'N CHRISTMAS Cilh'FR FUND Donations, large and small are asked for the Christmas Cheer Fund heing administered by ihe West Vancouver Welfare Associ- ation. The need this year will be greater than ever before, therefore every one is asked to do whatever they ptxtsibly can to swell the fund. Monies sent intu the West Van News will be ack- nowledged in this culumn. The following donations have been received: Municipality of West Van- couver .............,........525.00 Leyland. J. B.............. 5.00 COUNCII. NOTES Chairman Kendrick snd Trus- tee Jackson appeared before the council to ask that the driveway at the high school now in very bad condition be made fit for traific. They pointed out that they had no funds which could be applied for this purpose, and they would, therefore, be obliged if the council would do what was necessary. The chairman of the school grounds committee stated that approximately 70 yards of crushed rock would be required, laid 4 inches deep, and that, if the council would do the work, they would be quite willing to kave it entirely to their dis- pyessiyn.-, ' 'Thdir reqbest was left to'the chairman.of the board.uf wo'rks and the engineer'with power to act. The district superintendent of postal services, Vancouver, wrote the council re conveyance of letter carriers. He was informed that the council had no authority to make guarantees on behali of individ- uals, but that he might rest as- sured the council would continue to convey the mail carriers under the same terms and conditions as at present in operation. A. E. Ames & Company made a bond ofl'er to the council of 675,000 Dominion of Canada 41/g per cent due 1940. No action. The Hayes Manufacturing Company wrote the council re 32 passenger bus. Referred to the chairman of transportation. W. L. Black wrote the coun- cil regarding the 28th Street trail, Lawson to Mothers Ave. Referred to the engineer with power to act. Thos. L. Light et al applied to the council for a street light at the foot of bridge, 18th and Esquimalt Ave, The application was ordereil placed on the light fli. 1) H. Taylor wrote the council re boulevard in front of 2150 Mar- ine Drive, matter of missing plank. Referred to the engineer with power to act. F. N. Traill wrote the council re stagnant pool in front of 2508 Bellevue Avenue. Referred to the engineer with power to act. Mrs. Winlfred Reld wrote the cuuncil re crossing at 675 21st Street. Referral tu the engineer for report. No. 27 liIAJOR HAROLD BROWN TO Al)DIIFAS MEN'S CLUB Major Harold Brown, presi- dent of the Vancouver Board of Trade, will be the speaker at the next regular meeting of the West Vancouver United Church Men's Club which will take place next Tuesday 29th November, at 8 p.m. in the Church Hall. The subject of his address will be "Enjoyable Citizenship." A cordial invitation ls extend- ed to members snd sll men inter- ested to attend. A TOY FOR EVERY CHILD This is to be the slogan of every Guide, Brownie, Scout and Cub, from now until Xmas, and they are asking your help, an that not a single kiddie in West Vancouver, will be disappointed when they peep into their stock- ing Xmas morning. The committee are planning to make Friday, December 9th, "Toy Day" in the municipality. The Clachan has been donated to the committee for the entire day and in the morning will be npen to receive any toy you may have to contribute. A bridge will be heid in the afternoon (charge 26c) to raise necessary funds for carrying on the work, and in the evening a dance will be staged; the admit- tance to this being a toy to the value of at least 26c, Keep this ':day'ree and be prepared ty do your 'share and more.to bring "hdppihess to some child this year. The Guides and Scouts are prepared to repair any brok- en toys, so bring them too. For further information inquire of Miss Joan Durbin, Mrs. Bernard Hayes, the Guides, Brownies, Scouts, Cube or their leaders. THE BIG FROLIC FOR XMAS CHEER The High School Auditorium will be transformed from an at- mosphere of learning to one of light-heartedness and frivolity on Friday, December 2nd, when the Welfare Association holds its Dance, Bridge and Whist for its Christmas Cheer Fund. To music of the first order floating through the hall resplen- dent with Esquimsux scenes, falling snowballs, etc. (thanks to the Daily Province which is lending decorations from the Snowball Frolic) West Vancou- ver will trip the light fantastic toe; and those who prefer cards will have an equally good time, always remembering Shake- speare's advice: "'Be merry.' advise, for whilst you are merry you will still be wise" This big event coming also under the special Xmas Cheer fund. Mrs. W. B. Small is the general convener with Mr. Jas. R. Mitchell in charge of the danc- ing: Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherriif, bridge and whist; refreshments, Mrs. E. C. Bolin; decorations, Mrs. F. C. Stainsby; tickets, Mrs. Colin MacLean. Those wishing to reserve sard tables are asked to phone Mrs. R. Sherrilf at West 364L3. Mr. Mitchell is planning some novelty dances and an eiUoyable evening is promised for all. Refreshments wi)j,tbp~Lved anflyrizes wdl ue given, Edgar Kettner came before the council to speak to his letter re cutting wood in Block 4, D.L. 783 WIA. He was informed that his ap- plication would be considered in committee and that he would be advised of the result. WEST VANCOUVER CHORAL SOCIETY'S CONCERT We call our readers'ttention to the program of the con- cert to be given on Monday evening next by the Choral Society. A glance will convince those who attend regularly the cnn- certs presented by this society during the season, that there can be no complaint regarding the quality of the music. The principal contribution is to be "Hiawatha's Wedding Feast," and for those who appreciate this beautiful poem of Longfel- low, cnnsiderable charm is added by the luring music of Cole- ridge Taylor. In order that all may have an opportunity of attending the presentation of "Hiawatha," the admission has been fixed at 36 cents including program, and it is expected that the church will be filled to capacity, as a most enjoyable musical entertainment of outstanding merit is assured. Early purchase of tickets, which can be procured from any of the members, is available. Particulars of the program are as follows: 0, Canada. PART I. SOLO & CHORUS--"Now Tramp. 0'sr Moss sod Foil"..................Bishop Soiomt-- birs. J. C. Hunt CONTRALTO SOLO-- (s) "Mon Coeur S'ouvrs s ts Yoix"....Sstst-Sssos (b) "Till I Awake" .........., „, Finds Mrs. Fred Stsmsby MALE CHORUS--"Venetian Love Song" ....., „,.„...,,, Nevis VIOLIN SOI.O--"Heirs Ksti" ....................,,.....„„„„, . Hobsy Miss Margaret Mcistyrs Accompanied at the piano by Mrs. James Mclotyrs SOPRANO SOLO-- I ~ I "A Psstorsi" ............ „„, Vsrsoioi (From the Opera "Rosshnds") (b) "The Exquisite Hour".............,... Rsyssldo Hsho Mrs. Colin MscLosn EIGHT-PART-SONG--"How Sweet the Moonnght Sleeps" .. I'snisg PART H. Coo tots "Hia(()atha's Wedding Feast" Music by S COLFRIDGE TAYLOR Words bv H. W. LONGFELLOIV Tonor Solo--bir. James Fiddss God Save the Kiox SOLOISTS--Mrs. Colin Msctwsa, Soprano; bira J. C. Hunt, Soorsno. Mrs. Fred Stsiosby. Contralto; btr, Jsmss Fiddss, Tenor, Miss Msrgsrst Moistyro, VioBotst. Accompanist--Miss btsrgsrst Mcistyro. L'oaductor--bir. J. H, Young, GEORGE BOYD Famous S«ottish Basso FAhIOUS SCOTIYSH BASSO IN MUSICAL RECITAL AT HOLLYBURN THEATRE George Boyd the well known Scottish basso assisted by Ber- tha Strang have arranged one of the outstanding musical pro- grams of the year which will he presented at the Hollyburn The- atre, Thursday, November 24th. ,. Mr. Bpyd is. very weil known 'esrmkks. rendittotpwsf Sdoetlhht songs and fully appreciates the splendid musical talent which West Vancouver is very proud of, so he has selected a group of artists and arranged a program particularly adapted to the music loving public of the Ni rth Shore. This musical treat has been made possible by Guy and Sid Desmond of the West Vancouver Community Players in order to raise funds for the )Vest Van- couver Amateur Athletic Assoc- iation. They fully appreciate what an impartant part athletics play in the lives of the girls and boys. The officers of the West Van. A.A.A. are very grateful and fully appreciate the splendid spirit of hfr .Boyd and his art- ists. who have made this recital possible by donating their ser- vices, also Mr. Fletcher who has placed the theatre at our dis- posal for this occasion Be sum and keep Thursday evening open. Let us show hir. Boyd and his artists that the citizens of West Vancouver ap- preciate his elforts snd that we are proud of our reputation as a music loving yublic and of our community spirit. Program "0 Canada." Piano selection arranged by Bertha Strang, Med- ley of Classics. Song, oShe Wan- dered the Mountainside," Beth'rown. Violin, Finale, Conceito in E hIinor (Max Brush), Slav- onic Dance in E Minor (Kreisler- Dvorak), Edmund Osbaldeston Song, "Eleanor" (Hulbert), Bert Blakely. Song, Non piu andrai Le Nnzze de Figaro (Mo- zart). Toreador's Song, Carman (Bixet), George Boyd. Song. "Iiighty Love " hlarriage of Figaro (Moxart), Beth Brown. Violin, Gypsy Airs (Sarasate), Caprice Viennois (Kreisler) Ed- mund Osbaldeston. Tenor solo, "Nirvana" (Adams), Bert Blake- ly. Songs, "King Charles" (hlsud V. White), "In Shelteral Vale" (D'Algoun), "The old Superb (Stanford), Charge Boyd; accompanist, Bertha Strang. "God Save the King.o WELFARE NOTES + someone told the average West Vancouver resident that someone living next door to them was actually in need of food, he would be horrified, and probably say "impossible," but such cases do exist, though fortunately these are not many. There are however a great many who have small pensions, or are what is known ss "transients," because they have not lived sufficient time in the municipality to qual- ify as residents. In many cases these are paqtle who came to live in West Vancouver while they still had jobs, but have lost them since. There are so many reasons for the existence of the Welfare As- sociation, and so many reasons why it shouM be supported whole-heartedly by a sympathe- tic public. As well as clotlung, boots, shoes, etc., gifts of food are needed, and sometimes cash. So many asd hearts, lonely by vir- tue of their financial yosition st this time, have found friendship snd help thmugh the Associa- tion and are no longer afraid to come. "A little help is worth s deal of pity," and the Association would remind the housewives of the boxes which friendly store- keepers have aBowed to be placed in their stores, for the ex- , tra litdje,~oft4)t6'nbbtd, -, ~':'d6nICJest~ot 'te'uilk bottks placed here and them for the stray odd change. Thanks At a recent meeting of the Executive a resolution express- ing the thanks of the Associa- tion was passed to those forty canvassers under the convener- ship of hira )V. B. Small who gave so much valuable time to the house-to-house canvas rec- ently, with such splendid results. Xmas Cheer The special fund for "Christ- mas Cheer" is now well estab- lished, and a subscriytion list has been opened in the columns of the West Van News, thanks to the good will of tbe Editor. Follovring the action of the small boy who put an ostrich egg in the hen's nest as a sample of what he hoped his hen would produce the list is weB headea but as this looking after the other fellow at Christmas time is every man's job, those who csn only send a bantam's egg will be just as gratefully thank- ed. No amount is too small. as no amount is too big, so long as every first and last person in tbe municipality who can, does their bit. Any subscription sent to the paper will be acknowledged in the weekly hst. Donations may also be sent to inembera of the Executive, nr sent direct to the Xmas Cheer Fund Headquartem shortly to be established on 18th and hlarine Drive, in a store kindly lent by W. Climie Some- one will always be in attendance there and oificial receipts will bear the stamp "Christmas Cheer Fund" and be signed by the convener, Mre W. B. Smalh Others on the Fund Committee are Mrs. Norman McLeod, hire. Cromar Bruce, Aubre) Clarke. Councillor Dickinson, S. A. G. Curry, James R. Mitchell, Rev. F. A. Ramsey, tVilliam Blair, P. C, Chapman. The Girl Guides and Boy Scouts will be glad to repair or paint up any toys suitable for Christmas Cheer and hope the boys and girls get busy right away and send them in. HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, NOV, 24, )932