0001 THE WEST VAN NEWS November 17 1952 v v X v 9uv "v rxvrevuor~"rm. rv .vv ~ » i v v ~ 'i v 'o' vCv'o Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES I Store ut Hollyburuy next TheatreAmbleside»»"".~o™,".,'„"Dundarave,", '„',"'"„'„",', SASH - I)OURS - GYI'RO() Everything for the Building SPECIALS FRIDAY & SATURDAY, „„'":„",";;,„ PHONE WEST 3 LU BER'a ) SHINGI.ES, Snll'I.AI', tx4 and All Dintenslons KEI'T INSIDE Under 8 Dry RuofGINGEI( SNAI'8 Fvcuh xud crisp ...... 6 dox. 15c Ai.i. BRAN, Kellogg'o Large pocket................. Isc COCOANUT. Ceylou bicdium ............ pcv lb. Ipc I'FEI., Robiuuuu'u Orange xud Lcmuu . pcv Rx IQc 8('I.TA'NA RAISINS Australian ............. 2 ibu. 2Sc Rvd a lvhi(c FLOOit )VAX.....I lb. tiu $7c ORANGFS. Sure( Suukixi Medium uixe..., .. pov doxou 25c SWFET I'OTA TOFU Nice even xixe........ 5 ibu. 1st ONIONS, B, C. Dvy I.xvge xud clcou ......5 Ibo. Iec TUI(NII'8. Sweet Cuokiug, 7 ibu. Iec I'OTATO Et)- Good local white cuokvvu, 25 Ihu lee High(Nod Netted Gems, 25 Ihu 2$c Rcd e White TO'MATO JUICE Tall tins .......... 2 for 25c Nu. 2 tins ................... 2 fuv 25c ('OFFEE- Rcd 41 White, Vacuum liux I Ih $9c Family Blend. fvcuh ground Rx 29( MARS(ALAI)E, Sluvvuy'u I'uve Orange 40 ox. Iov Ssc STRAWBERRY JASI Columbia ..... 4 Ih tiu $9c MAI.TEU St(LE Chlis Rcd a lvhitv ......... each Sic PORK a BEANS, Ay(me) 18 ov t&ux ...... 8 tu&o $5c SALMON. Piuk Variety Kudoux Bvuud toit tins iec Rcd (8 White I'II.CHARUS tall tim& ....... Iec CRISCO with u Free I'ic Piete Rx tiu . .... ... 6Sc Pt&RE LARI). Nuvth S(ov I lb. prints ......... 2 fov Sic EGGS, Wmtov Eggu, Preserved Extras pcv dos. 28c BACON, Soift'x Pvumium Back ('& lb. pocket............. Idc Sliced Side. 1') lb. pocket »c ItED ARROY&'OI)AS Iovgc I lb. cuvioux ........ 1st STONED 'iVHEAT 'I'BINS pev co)too .................... 1(c ~ ~ ~ und aa Building hlaterial of BUUt (luslity at l,ow I'rice&L BUII.I) NOW ISeptic Tnnke Cupboard Doors and Drawers gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. Phone West 115 Res, I'hone West $66L 15th and &VlarlneAMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. ultlght Service -- Right Grades" 16th oud Mxvlue Dvive Phuuo West 199. CHRISThlAS AHEAD. (Continued from Page I) out of the chaos so much love for one's fellows has been devel- oped. New toys will be greatly ap- preciated by the Welfare Associ- ation, and equally acceptable will be toys and books which child- ren have grown out of. The Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E, has offered to superin- tend the toy department, and will be aided by the Girl Guides and Boy Scouts, who will make any repairs or do any painting necessary. It is 8 good plan to get the children to make an annual sur- vey of their possessions to al- low them to give of their own free will for the benefit and hap- piness of the other child. All Xmas Hamper goods will be purchased in West Vancou- ver. The joy of the Welfare Assoc- iation lies in the fact that West Vancouver tradesmen will bene- fit by the Xmas Hampers. The only occasion on which goods will be purchased elsewhere is in the inability of our own stores to supply 8 want. A Cheering Note. The chairman was greatly cheered this week to receive a cheque for f25.00, plus five other cheques of S15.00 each, draw- able monthly, for the general work of the Association. A splendid exsmpls hss been set, but the widow's mite will also be gratefully accepted. Helpful Henry Traveller. "Porter, I want to be called st 5 o'lock In the morning" Porter: "Boss, Ah guess y&+ . all isn't ac(iuainted with theu(. heah mode'n 'nventions. See 4 dis heah button heahv Well when you-all wants to be called, you gest presses dat buttonan'e comes an'alls you." John: "I have reduced 40 pounds and sm still losing. Write me at 1601 Wyandotte. Pearl." While there is yet time. After 5 p.ux uud holkixyx oxk for GERRY DENT, Phouo West 2(IR EDUCATION WEEK (Continued from Page I) umbia and Miss A. B. Jamieson as the speakers. Reeve J. B. Lsylsnd will act ss chairman. The West Vancouver Schools Band will play and choral groups under the direction of Miss Mar- garet Wilson will also contribute to the musical program. The local committtie in charge of general arrangements is as follows: Mr. Brooks, chairman; Miss Buck, secretary; Mr. Mit- chell, Mrs. Selwood, Mrs. Fiddes, Mr. Russell, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Breslsy, Mr. Con- don snd Miss M. Wilson. Tea will be served by the P.-T. Assn. during Education Week, under the general convenership of the President, Mrs. H. G. Sel- wood, commencing, at 2 p.m. on the following days: Dundarave School, Monday,. 21st; Hollyburn School, Tuesday 22nd; Pauline Johnson School, Wednesday, 23rd; High School, Thursday, 24th. The following ladies will act as h(N(tesses: Dundsrave School, Mrs. J. R. Patterson, Mrs. J. Condon; Hollyburn School, Mrs. Batchelor, Mrs. E. Lane, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Edgar; Pauline Johnson School, Mrs. T. Russell, Mrs. G. Brealey; High School, Mrs. Wm. Blair, Mrs. F. J. Pat- terson, Mrs. J. R. hlitchell, Mrs. C. Kendrick, Mrs. IV. N. hIcDon- ald. Mrs. G. Baldwin will act as social hostess at each schooL CANADIAN LEGION Military Whist Drive and Dance SATURDAY, NOV. 1 9th, 1 932 ut 8 p.m. Refreshments 25 C'.ENTS Good Pvixex Lady: "Your father thinks a lot of your new brother, doesn' hey" Bobbie: uYeh, he gets up in the middle of the nigh1 and takes the darn kid for a walk." USEFUL HINTS FOR THE HO5IE I.emun Cookies 2 cups sugar 2'2 cup butter 1 lemon 2 egSs 2 tablespoons milk I teaspoon soda about I quart fiour. Cream butter and sugar. Add beaten eggs. Shir in soda dis- solved in milk. Add grated rind a&)d juice of lemon. Use enough ilour to handle. Roll thick or thin as you prefer. Sprinkle sugar on the top before putting into the oven. Pineapple Salad 1 pkg. !emon jelly 1 jar cream I pkg. cream cheese tg can grated pineapple I pimento Mix jelly and let it set. hlash the cheese in 8 mixing bowl, sdd cream snd whip. Add this mix- ture to the jelly, stirring well with a fork. Stir in pineapple and pimento. Harden in refrig- erator. Serve on lettuce leaves with mayonnaise. This serves eight people. White spots made by hot dish- es on polished tsblees can be re- moved by spreading with com- mon salt and pure olive oil. Leave for some hours, then re- move with s clean cloth, and polish in the usual way. oDid ye collect that account ye asked the wife of a Scotch den- tist, who had been callintj on one of his patients with a bill for a full set of teeth he had made a year before. j "Nae,u growled the dentist; "no'nly did hs refuse tse pac me, but he actually had the cheek tae gnash at me wi'a sin teeth" To remove iron mould, cut a lemon in halves, squeeze out the juice, moisten the iron mould stain with this, then rub kitchen salt on it. After leaving the material for two hours, rub it, and no trace of the stain will be left. VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phoae West 9 When cream is only slightly sour, place in a basin with the juice of 8 lemon and s table- spoon of sugar, and whip until quite stiif. This is delicious served with fruit or pudding. Use loosely-twisted knitting silk instead of wool when darn- ing fine wool undergarments. When washed this has almost the same thickness ss the knit- tsd garment, and the silk does not shrink nor pull 8 larger hole. Fertibzers, Wood, Coal Builders'upplies Cut fiowers retain their fresh- ness for 8 longer period when sealing wax has been applied to the ends of the stems. PACIFIC STAGE LINES Worn linoleum may be patch- ed by filling the holes with old chipped lino, and covering thor- oughly or evenly with glue or gum. Leave to dry, then polish in the usual way. L JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only v vv ~ r'r ' r Y V'- v rr r ~m m-r, rr.rrrrrnrrv&r%rerrrrm.r« rrv rr rrrrr rr prrrrrrrrrrrvv rrrr r. The News WATCH OUR VALUES Specmk Adverb)ed every Tuesday xnd Friday in the Province and Sun STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. 1580 Marine Dr. %Vest 190 Surface scratches on polished wood may be removed by apply- ing a mixture of turpentine and linseed oil in equal parts, and rubbing it in with a soft rag. Leave for a short time before polishing in the usual manner. 1Vhen making jsm uss three teaspoonfuls of glycerine to each pound of fruit. The glycerine will prevent fermentation when insufficiently boiled. (Vhcn making s baked custard cook it very slowly ur it will bs watery. If your oven is too hot, place the custard dish In 8 larger dish of water. Moths In 8 carpet may be killed by covering the infested parts with 8 damp cloth, snd ironing dry with a hot iron. The heat snd steam will doxiroy the worms and eggs. WEEKDAY SERVICE Abi ASI h)i AS( PSI I'l 7,20 NA&U U,B) 1119& AANi 4 20 750 (t)0 QAM I 1.$0 '.n& 4 M& 7.4(& U.m 0.45 1 )vif& S.Xi 4.4G 1U.UI& " I(& SUNDAY SERVICE ASI ASI Q,n& NAN& ILS() 8 IG& i&.4 1(&.(xi AS( i,v. Nov(b Vuucouvvv...... 7.&N& hmb(vvblv ............. 7.10 Av. (.'uuifvild.................. TA»L" hv. Hovovxboo ibiy I.v. North Vuovouvvv Auib& uid h v. Oxuifvi(d Av. &I vv ~ Iviv nx& PM PM I'SI I'Si I"Sf PM dAN) 5.4 0 G.&N& U.4U 950 12.UU xn& iicu& 8.10 (Lciu Ntuu IJ.IU r Jgi 0.05 &Lsd 7.UG 10.15 lh25 T.n& IE40 AM Iul ID( P(f PSI I'M Ii.n& Enu (As) UJN& 9.40 I"AN) 11.$0 Eco 4.80 6.90 Q.fx& lait) 1).4(i '&.4&i 4.45 t).45 IO.Q5 lx25 $ ,&x& TAX& I" 40 WEEKDAY 8ERVICE hli ASI SSI h)i IOI I'l n&.n& $.10 7.25& TA5 sen toa 1 y $.$5 7.40 8.(m Nvto I(14U 1. N) $,40 Tho 8.)." UG5 loy lyv ari5 SUNDAY SERVICE Alt A)I io.lu N. L" 10.25 Q.u(& 10,0& Q, IG n&.mi PSI PM PMA)I I.v. H vvvvbov 1&xy ......... 6.80 I.v. (huifvi)&l .„, 0.45 Avxbivxid ........,......, ... 7.&X& hv. North Vxo&uovvv ....„...... 7.15 I'SI I'Sf I'$1 T.M) E$5 745 Ci AS 5,40 8 Uu I t,(U 41.5(i 8.15 1(.55 L4&i Ci.25 (LIU Eoo Ghu& Uhe (kiri ri.rv (L'«& Iuf I'U I'M iiM I'SI I'Sf 1. Nl 4.10 7AIU I" nt t.s) 4,» 5.Ãi 'f.45 110$ 12 tu 1.4U 4.40 5.40 NAN& 11.40 infci L(G cyci 545 8.15 I IANI I.v. Iivvmmbov 1)xy ivv, ('xuifviid Aiublvvidi hv. Nuvth Vxu&ouvvv POST IT IN A HANDY PLACE ~4' Phone CUT THIS SCHEDULE OUT For Inforfnation CHANGE OF SCHEDULE-ESSective Tuesday, Nov. 5$ WINTER TIME SCHEDULE