0001 o November 17, 1932. THF. WFST VAN NEWS aig ght Ics. ere at. Iie will the isg teel eni pee )eie for ARMLSTICE BANQUET (i'REAT SUCCE88 The annual Armistice Day banquet to members of the Legi- on given last Friday evening by the ladies of the Legion W. A., West Vancouver branch, in the Legion Memorial Hall, was 0 most successful and enjoyable s(fair. The tables had been beautifully decorated, and they were filled with guests who did full justice to the excellent din- ner provided by the hostesses ib(ajar B. H. Harrison was ap- pointed toastmaster and Mrs. T. E. Batchelor, president of the I»egion W. A., called on Vice- Presldent Atwood to propose the toast to the King. The Silent Toast was in the hands of President Stevens. Afterwards Mrs. Batchelor made 0 few brief remarks in which she stated that the object of the Legion W. A. was to help Legion members. She thought it wss the duty of all ex-service men to join the Legion. This was the third Armistice banquet they had arranged. The toast to the Legion was proyosed by Mrs. W. H. Green, vice-president of the Legion W. A., and was replied to by Presi- dent Stevens, who eulogized thc good work done by the W. A. Captain H. I. Vince gave the toast to the Legion W. A., in which he reviewed in detail the various ways in which that or- ganization had assisted the Legi- on. Mrs J. Wicking, treasurer of the Legion W. A., replied, saying that they did not wish for any thanks, as they held it to be a duty to assist the Legion in every way possible. The toast to the British Em- pire wss proposed by Colonel M. H. Tristram, who stated he had )earn the uniform for 35 years. In s forceful speech he reminded his hearers of the responsibili- ti»s of empire. We were char- acterized by 0 steadfastness when up against it and by our generous treatment of our foes after victory. The toast to West Vancouver . was in the hands of Reeve Ley- isnd. He paid a tribute to the Legion W. A., and said that West Vancouver was proud of its community spirit and of the Legion, who were distinguished by the interest they took in the welfare and sifairs of the muni- cipality. C. MacNicol, provincial sec- retary of the Legion, who was present, gave a brief address, in which he said that the Legion W.A.'s throughout the province were doing a great work for the Legion, in fact the latter could not do without them. He review- ed the part taken by Canadians in the Great War, and then went on to remind his hearers that the I.egion was responsible for Armistice Day being made 0 public holiday. At the same time we must look after the bv- ing as well as honor the dead. At the present time the Legion were insisting upon the govern- ment that their members be properly housed, fed and clothed. He congratulated the West Van- couver Legion W, A. on their good work. An excellent musical program followed the dinner, in which vocal solos were given by Mre. F. Stainsby, Mrs. H. B Stevens, and R. Froud, a violin solo by ll(iss Margaret Mclntyre, and selections by the )Vest Vancou- ver Quartette, all of these art- ists having to give encore num- bers. Miss Margaret 6(cIntyre, Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove, and Presi- dent Stevens acted ss accompan- ists. The remainder of the evening was devoted to dancing, the music being supplied by Messrs. (i. Childs and ltoy Lowes. With the Domestics Wife (looking at husband' noticeable beard): "IVhy didn' you shave?o Ilubby: SI djd " Wife 'hen Hubby: "Just after you said )'au IvttI't'. nearly reaily.'TAMI'VEWS The inaugural meeting of the West Vancouver Stamp Club wss held in St. Stephen's Parish Hall on Friday, November 11th. The following ofFicers were elec- ted: President: Rev. F. A. Ramsey Vice-President: Dr. A.C. Nash Scc.-Tress.: H. M. Bruton. Exchange Superviser: Major P. F. Howden. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, December 6th, at the same place. ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ Only s domosxirctios will ve ths dcim thee the ssw spomit Ceodoy ix Csnodo'I Ssmt radio vcloe. Let ox prove this dsim to yos. Models to suit avery poem from $75 to $225 j.W. Kelly Piano Co. I iwiictl G. GEHSIILL, Agent 14eh sad Marine WEST 37 WEST VAiVCOUVER SCOTTISH SOCIETY The regular monthly business meeting of the society will be held at the Clachan, Friday even- ing, November 18th, at 7:46 p.m. Immediately after the business meeting a concert and dunce will be given at 8:45 p.m. to which the public is invited. Refreshments will be served. CORRFSPONI) ENCE West Van News. Dear Sir:--As we are ap- proaching the end of another year, election talk will soon be the topic of the dsy, and I think - .O.this a good time for the ratepay-rs of West Vancouver to do . arne quiet thinking in regard to our own situation before they risk being carried sway with street talk or committed to some aspirant for public office. At the end of this year, three of our yresent Council will hate completed their terms of office for which they were elected, snd it is to be hoped that all three will consent to stand for re-elec- tion. If so, I trust that they may be returned unopposed (by ac- clamation), thus doing ourselves credit by showing to the country that we in West Vancouver stand behind our Council in their efforts, during these trying times, to conduct our business wisely and in the best interests of the Municipality. Those whose terms expire at the end of this year are: Reeve Leyland, Councillor Fidde», chairman of the Board of Works, and Councillor Dickinson, chair- man of Finance. It is not necessary for me ta elaborate on the qualifications of these gentlemen, or to draw your attention to their valuable services rendered to the BIunici- pality. Councillor Dickinson's long training in the banking business makes him invaluable in the fin- ancial department of the Muni- cipality, as well as a wise Coun- cillor in helping to guide Munici- pal affairs. Councillor Fiddes who has served us faithfully for s num- ber of years, is familiar with every phase of Municipal re- quirements. He is progressive and at the same time careful to ' to it that the Municipal re-aurces are not dissiyated. Then, our worthy Reeve has worked so energetically, snd with such satisfactory results during his term of office, that I am sure no one would suggest a change at this time. I believe the desire of all is that he should continue in the good work he has so well begun in putting West Vancouver in the forefront There is no excuse for going to the expense of sn election. Let us make it,--"Returned by acclamation!" WINTER FikIR IN 1933 Vancouver Exhibition Assoc- iation received several intima- tions that responsibility for the cancellation of the Winter Fair for this year was due to the re- fusal of the Dominion Govern- ment to allow the use of the 32500 prize grant for general operating purposes instead, and to hold 0 ribbon show. J. K. Matheson, general man- ager of the Association, stated Thursday that the Dominion Government had no responsibil- ity in the matter. The grant of 32600 is still a- vailable for Winter Fair prizes but it has been found imprac- ticable'y the Association to stage a winter fair in 1932. The government could not di- vert prize grant funds for the purposes of general operation. Arrangements are being made for reorganization in 1933. PAREiVT-TEACHER ASSOCIATION The monthly meeting of the P.-T. A. was held in Pauline Johnson School on Novemoer 8. The president, Mrs. Selwood, was in the chair. An excellent mueical program was given con- sisting of vocal solos by Miss Margaret Wilson, Supervisor of Music, pianoforte selections by Miss Freda Herrin of Pauline Johnson School, and violin selec- iiors by L. Brooks of the High School staff. These nurabers were very much enjoyed and ap- preciated by the audience. The topic of the evening was an address on "Cross Sections of our Educational System," by J. R. Mitchell, vice-principal of the High School. It was a very com- prehensive analysis of the cur- ricula of the schools and uni- versity of B. C. from Grade I onwards, indicating clearly the various paths along which a stu- dent may travel and the points at which these paths enter the world of making a living. BIr. Mitchell particularly stiwssed the importance of the High School Leaving Course, which offers 6 much wider scope in optional subjects to the student who may not be suited to the subjects laid down so definitely in other courses. This address was one of the most valuable that the P.-T. A. has ever given, and should have been heard by every parent in the community in order that ii)e might know exactly what cours- es are open to his children, and the relation of those courses ta the life he is likely to lead. GEO. HAY Tar stains may be removed by Softening with lard, then sosk- Ig in turpentine. Scrape care- ully with 0 knife, sponge with turpentine until clean, then rub gently until dry. Admission 25c. Diindarsvc I„J() ftog~]Ladies'hoir In the Legion Hall TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, at 8.15 ptm MARCBLLE SHOP -- Mseccnc, 50 ccses: reset. 36e; Anger wave, 76c. Phone Mrs. Xmx. West 30k FOR RENT~15.00, ioor room Ioes- iskcd cottage, West Bsy, semi- waterfront, piano, full piomkisg. Pkoso West 3HHLI. W'EST VANCOUVEk M ACE IN E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Psmps, Hosmho)4 srkcics. 1449 Marine. FOR SAI,E--Ckccp AH Woo) Broad- Ciestk ladieS'Oat. ISISC Iux COHSC csd ceies, new. Sixc 30 io 38. Ap- pir 1362 Marine Drive. Fnk kpt5T -- Modcrs Axs roomed house, stove, Iorsscc, eec., poetisyr furnished, baby grand piano, sss. room esesksro. Rent Dcrr reason- able. Phone Bspvtcw 2199. FOR RENT--820.00; Fera)sacs Suite. ciccirteskp oeoippwk "Gsbicc.z West Bsr. Pbosc West 318R3 FOR SALE -- Ps)sic»'c Exicssios Ladder, 30 n„poreect cosdkios, 310 Phone West 349Y. WANTED TO kENT--Smsk Fsrsish- cd Cottage, modern. Low rent winter months. Box 14, West Vss News. The King's Xmas Cake I lb. butter I lb. sugar I lb. flour, thoroughly sifted 12 eggs, beaten separately I lb. seeded raisins I lb- bleached Sultanas I lb. seedless raisins I lb. mixed peel (shreddeil) I/3 lb. glaced cherries 5 rings crystalized pineapple, diced I ib blanched almonds cut fine I teaspoon ground cinnamon I teaspoon ground nutmeg I/2 teasPoon ground allsPIcc 1 teaspoon ground cloves I/2 pint grape juice. Cream butter and sugar thor- oughly, add well beaten yolks of eggs, spices, grape juice--then beaten whites and part of flour. Roll fruit in rest of flour mixing it in cake in small quantities- add nuts last. Bake large cake 2 hours and small ones 11/2 hours. The burnt parts of fire-irons should be wiped tightly with a rag dipped in vinega:. This will restore their brightness. WANTED--ikccerk Sees on pcrckssc of New Msecooi Radios, 68930 sp. Radio repairs, base piews, Ocr)six. Norek Shore Rsdio Eisclric, )439 Msrtsc Dr' Wme SI. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Helixes Io Rest Hosscc, ISU siis ~cresse for sslc. Joan Lowsos, 13th sss Msrisc. Pkosc West 65. WEBB'8 SHOB REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Dssdsrsre. HEADGUARTERS Ioe AH the Psp- illsr Clwilxcelss Tolmccos. Oss Pkk- iss Gmizoes Ioc local Osiers. Am- bimidc Tes Roosm FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS -- Rcs- idcscc Phone West 241k. E PALM ER -- Ckimscr Sweep. Phone North SIIRR Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1405 Msriss Drive Pkosc West 21 sc Scrmoex 1360 Exesisss West 204X GORDON ROBSON Bsrrisicc R Sokcksc WFST VANCOUVER Ogks Ns. 1447, Marina Drive Phone West 403. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 81st 510 Hastings Se. W. Phone, Sormosr 4199. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and Marine Expert Work Phone n est 135 C.J.ARCHER Spccisiixisx in Wesi Vsscoevcr REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE (AH Branches), MORTGAGRS. ETC. Lisl Doll» Doociix Sw iisllR iiss Its. 591 Dossmmx Street Phones: Scemocr 5954, Wcse 221 Use an ELECTRICAL ARM" Hamilton-Beach Mixers Are Fester, Easier 6. Do Better Work HAMILTON-BEACH bmli bxeece sod eggs... wkipi op cimcw smI tkxtcrti... mixes diiokx... Sxiiscis froii juices xsd does cossdcix oikcc kitchen Uiki Ipccdily. Ssii12 sod wiib greater Ihorooskoem Ikso Too could ever hope Io sccompliik by band. Imssioc the Sam(ore of having an ckciiic mixer... cxpcci*fly around ibs Ckrkimxx sesssx Above sod eo the k(I yoo wc owly Iwo of iis many uses. Tkc new Hxmilioo- Beach is ihc lsicie sod Aocix of ckcerk mixen. II fcxioici Iwo oexiios bowk, ~ ihicc-speed swiick, sod, bcioS porixblc, 8 easily oxwcd fmm job Io job... Os or oii Ike stove. Yoo msy iic Ibis scw kkckco wd kilos demonstrated in any S. C. Ekciiic score. Cash price i~ $ )xio. Easy Icims o( 33 down ssd 51 pce mocik oe yotw regular liske bill Poiiskis- Iisxcs m Aoy Boel CI PCS N.Chlecj)(iG APPLIANCE STORES Vsocooxoc No»is ssa WD I Vmcooxsc - New Wcsexuasmx ASSSIDIS»4 Cknnwsek kssiisops Viceosio IEIINIIRI Eo(0]RBAIIIIF'%EEESSI IHS FHIEII/'VCefen CLASSIFIED ADS The rseo Ior CICCCISO4 AsrccelmmcsU b 2 SSOU pc» wmik misimssi 26 esses. Except Is Hw coco OI tkcm kceisS ecxslcr sccoesec, OR cissd- Acdc are pseskk sec)cur is miccscc. Romsmkcx Clsssiscds is eks West Vss News Sce Immc4IOU ecssies. VV »« 1 5 t '4» 4 4 -IC ~ ' VO w» 'DW V xw,"leek 4 I ~ ~ ~ ' ' '4 4 'VVV VV '" '4» ~ ' »'