0001 TV'v '\ r ~ vrar"a Ara rtar a a' r Ha aa ate4 a ott A II at Ir rt't r 'a ' V ,I r. r:~ rarr vrr rrt r v tvv Ir.rr'r VVavr rra 1v-rtrevrv" r. rra rvr r vr -rr r rrerr THF& )VEST VAN NFWS Permanent Waoes OlgaolC os $5.95 la&au $5.00 Sommcra Naiulai $0.50 United Church Minister, Rev. Hillis Wright The usual Sabbath day ser- vices ivill be held in the West Vancouver Unite&1 Church. On Monday afternoon the Ex- plorers will meet in the Church Hall at 4:15. All girls from 8 to 12 years old sre cordially invited to attend. Im' lull atllalrtaa Saamt The Women's Association i» busy with its plans for the an- nual Bazaar on Tuesday, Decem- ber 6, which will be openml by hire. J. W. Cornett, wife of J. IV. Cornett, hI.LA. for Vancou- ver South. The bazaar will be in the evening, and concluded with an entertainment under the convenership of Mrrc Howieson and hire. Durbin. Mrs. A. hl. O'Donnell is the general conven- er, and will be glad to receive donations of any kind at any time, or they may be sent direct to either of the following con- veners, Fancy Work, hire. F. J. Patterson; Aprons, Mrs. J. Davis; Jazz Tree. h(rs. Lane; Home-Cooking, hire. Dewar; Novelties, Mrs. Chisholm; Can- dy, Mrs. Moncrief; White Ele- phant, Mrs. Merrick. Gfffetfcjolgitf Beauty Sfioppe ARMISTICE DAY SERVICE The Armistice Day service last Friday morning at the Mem- orial Arch arranged by the Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D. E., wss well uttended. There was s particularly large parade of nmmbers of the Canadian Legi- on, )Vest Vancouver branch, as well as of other ex-service men. In the unavoidable absence of Rev. F. A. Ramsey due to sick- ness, Rev. Hillis Wright took charge of the service and an- nounced the hymns, Rev. H. P. Humphreys giving the address, while Rev. J. W. Cuddeford re- cited the prayers. The benedic- tion wss pronounced by Rev. Canon G. C. D'Easuia. The tVest Vancouver Choral Society gave 5 beautiful rendering of "Coronach," snd 5 touching feature of the service wss the placing of poppies on the lawn "in remembrance" by many present at the service. Among those who placed wreaths on the Arch were: Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O. D.E.; Canadian Legion,West Vancouver; Legion W. A., West Vancouver; Nsomi Chapter, Or- der of the Eastern Star; West Vancouver Horticultural Society St. Patricia School; L.O.L. No. 2990; L.O.B.A.; King David Lodge, A. F. 4& A. M.; West Van- couver Scottish Society; Reeve and Council; West Vancouver Choral Society; Dundsrave Ladi- es'hoir; St. Stephen's A.Y.P. A.; West Vancouver Baptist Church. There were also 5 number of private wreaths. When washing silver sdd a teaspoonful of borax to the water. Eaiubiiahcd on North Shoto 20 Years. (iody Assistant) IIARRON BROS. & WILL IAihISON j'uneral 9Irertars WEST VANCOUVER Christian Science Sf)c:iety CHURCH Ei)IPICE 20&h uud Eouulmaii, HoSybuvu Thiu Sociaiy ia ~ Branch of The Moihar Church The 8'ivat Chuvcb ol Chrioi, Sciauiiai, in Boston, Muuaachuuoiiu Suudag Sorvicoa 11:80 ~ .m, uad 7&80 p.m. Sunday, November 20, 1932 Subject: "SOUI. AN I) BODY" Sunday School at 10:00 ~ .m. Toatimouy Mociiog Wednesday ~1 8&16 p.m. Baptist Church Pastor: Rev. H. P. Humphreys. Residence: 1343 Heywood Ave. Sunday, November 20th, 10 a.m.--Sunday School and Adult Class, 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Pastor will preach, topic, "Is the Spirit of the Lord Strait- ened.u Anthem. 7:30 p.m.--Evening IVorship. Topic, "Take My Yoke Upon You." A gospel message that is of special interest to all. Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Missionary address Tuesday, 8:15--Radio Prayer Meeting. Rev. Elbert Paul over CKhIO. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Prayer an&I Praise. Friday, 8 p.m.--Choir concert. On Friday, Novmber 25th, under the auspices.of the choir, s concert will be held in the church, A ladies'uartette from the city will assist snd the pro- gram will include duets, solos with guitar accompaniment, vio- lin solos, snd appropriate read- ings.. A fuller announcement will be made later. St. Anthony s Church Pastor: Rev. Father Flanagan Residence: Clschsn Hotel 9:16 s.m.--Holy Mass, sermon 2 p.m.--Sunday School. WEEK DAYS 7:30 a.m.--Holy Mass. Wednesday--7:30 p.m., Devo- tions. Friday--7:30 p.m., Devotions, confessions. Saturday--7:30 p.m., confes- sions (adults). North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors 55 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair. 134 THE West Van Nen)s Pubiiahod Every Thursday PobBAhct F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buaiocoa uod Paii&otiui Dig(col lyib aad Siaaiuo Drive (Next Io Hoiiybum P.O.) Phone West 363 Mail Addrcao I P.O. Boz 61, HoSyboru, Ii C. North .Vancouver Oificer 123 Lonsdale Ave. $ 1.00 a your by corriorl 82.00 s gear by mali WEST VANCOUVER A.A.A. The West Vancouver A.A.A. Whist Drives snd Dances are proving more popular each time, and the association appreciate the support; sll profits going to- wards up-keep of football equip- ment, etc. Good prizes. Good refreshments and snappy muuic insures a good time for every- body. The next one will be held Fri- day, November 25, snd continued every two weeks. The West Vancouver A.A.A. regret to announce the postpone- ment of their Sunday concert, November 20th, owing to the re- fusal of the local Council to grant permission for same. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sermon in sll Christian Science churches snd societies on Sur- dsy will be "SOUL AND BODY" One of the Bibk texts will be I Corinthians 3: 161 "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, snd that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you 7" The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 14 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- turest by Mary Baker Eddy: "Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelli- gence are purely spiritual,-- neither in nor of matter,--snd the body will then utter no com- plaints." Glazed tiles can be cleaned by soaking 8 soft cloth in turpen- tine snd rubbing them well. Polish with a clean duster. The tiles will retain their glaze bet- ter than if cleaned with soap snd water. Wine stains may be removed from clothing by sponging care- fully with ether. Only a very small quantity will be required. Milk Jelly Stand an ounce of gelatine in water overnight, drain off the water in the morning, then pour on hall 0 pint of boiling water. Stir well with three ounces of loaf sugar, snd when dissolved sdd two well-beaten eggs, 5 pint of milk, and the grated rinds of three lemons. Pour into a mold and turn out when set. 1610 hiaviua Dtivo Phone West 117~ i. DEATH OF J. hl. DRUhl)IOND 'v The death occurred in North Vancouver General Hospital Sat- urday morning, of James Morton Drummond. 2428 Heywood Ave. He had been ailing for more than a year. Th«decmLaed was born in Tor- onto in 1858 snd went to Vic- toria in 188&i FYem there he went to Spences Bridge, wnere he joined a survey party. In 1886 he was appointed postmas- ter at Hope. Later he was man- ager for Hudson's Bsy Co. at Yale, then was appointed post- master at Fort Lsngley. In 1896 he came to Burrard Inlet ss store manager for the lumber company at Moodyvdlle and in 1903 wss wharfinger for the Union Steamship Co. Later he engaged in pile-driving work in partnership with Captain C. H. Cates snd in 1916 he joined Wal- lace Shipyard Co. Ltd., later Burrsrd Drydock Co. Ltd., with whom he remained until he re- tired a year sgo. He is survived by his wido&v and four daughters, hire. L. hf. )Valker of Vancouver, 51rs. F. B. Curry of Toronto, hire. A. )V. Shaw of Boston, snd hiiss Bernice Drummond, at home; 5 brother, H. A. Drummond of Toronto, snd a sister, Mr@ Patterson Hall of Montreal. Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. hiondsy in Vancouver, Rev. G. H. Dowker and Rev. Hillis Wright officiating, snd in- terment was made in Ocean View Burial Park. St. Stephen's Church Rector: Rev. F. A. Ramsey, L.S.T. November 20th--Sunday next before Advent. 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 10 s.m. Oaundsy School. 11:16 a.m,--Primary School. 11:16 s.m.--Matins snd ser- mon. 7:16 p.m.--Evensong and ser- 3 p.m.--St. Francis, Caulfeild --Evensong. The monthly social for the men will be held next Tuesday evening in the Parish Hall at 8:16. Prol. J. Francis Day of the U. B. C., an interesting and forceful speaker will deliver the address. A cordial invitation to sll men is extended. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening. The Bible Class will meet in the Rectory Thursday, Novem- ber 24th, at 8 pm. A Gift Tes in preparation for the Christmas Bazaar will be held on November 22nd, in the Parish Hall. Donations suitable for stalls or tea-room will be acceptable. The speaker will be Mise Hel- laby of the Orient Mission in Vancouver whose subject will be "The Religions of China." Members of the congregation snd any interested in the sub- ject are invited to be present. Presbyterian Mission Orange Hall Minister--Rev. J. W. Cuddeford Services: 2 p.m --All departments of the Sabbath School. Also Bible Class. 3:15 p.m.--Church tVorship. "E&lucstion Week" sermon. Thought for the week: "Lei us follow the small footsteps tv the school this week. Alert par- ents will not only learn from the pupils, but will helpfully enter into the life of the school itselL" C. WARBURTON YOUNG PASSES With the death on Friday of Charles Wsrburton Young, aged 66, of 2836 hIsrine Drive, Can- ada lost one of her greatest painters of animal snd insect life. Through his intimate know- ledge of animal life in Canada, particularly in British Columbia, and through his talented fingers in portraying their likenesses on canvas, the decssed gained for himself wide recogrlition. Educated in South Kensington srt school, the deceased passed in all branches of that institu- tion. He was born at Biggles- wade, County Bedford, on Nov- ember 14, 1866. When s young man he came to Canada and became noted as s big game hunter. Thirty years ngo he moved to Vancouver. He wss for a time chief of police at Nelson, and for a short period was associated with the prov- incial police on Vancouver Is- land. Later he engaged in micro- scopic painting for the animal health branch of the Dominion Government at Agassiz. Many of his paintings of animal snd incect life appear in gov«rnmcnt publications. IIe had the distinction ol painting portraits of such dis- tinguished men as the Prince of Wales, Lord Willingdon, the late Hon. W. C. Nichol and Premier S. F. Tolmie. Besides his wife, he is surviv- ed by lour duughters, Louise, Aileen, Nore and Beatrice, sll at home, and by three brothers, Dr. W. T. H. Young of Peterbor- ough; Col. A. H. Young of Sour- is, Man.; an&i Gen. Walter Young in India. A sister, Mrs, Richard Kirhouifer of Los Angeles, also survives. Funeral services were held Tuesdny at 2 p.m., in Vancouver, where interment wss nia&le. November 17, 1932 Dr Marjory MLCubbin DENTIST Hourul 0 ~ . ux to 8 p. m. Saturdays: 10 a. m. Io I p. m. Evtuiogu oud Sa\urday Aftov- aooua by oppoiuimout only. Royui Bank Buiidiug I'bouc Woai l(8 Rooidtuco I'huoo Woai Sgz. DR. G. D. ft. SE,ALE DENTIST Hoy Block, 1&ih oud Narioa Dr. OISco Hours 9 Io 8 p m Evenings by appoioimoNL Phono Watt 12 ]~6 Odyauey uf a Hut "Where did you get that fine new hatft "I bought it ten years sgo, Seven years ago I hsd it newly pressed. Three years ago it ws.~ dyed black. The year beforl~ last I hsd a new band put around it. Last week I exchanged it m a restaurant." The courts have held that In the case of an auto driver who neglects the utmost precaution at 8 railway crossing and is struck by 5 train, he is guilty of negligence snd not entitl&NI to recover. Not apt to, either. L '""'" EeONSDAL P NOW PLAYING Msrlene Diutvlch "BLONDE VENUS" Arrl Oua Otatu THUR, GUEST NPOHT FRI. MONEY NIGHT N ~ WM uto "TNO NINO ~ N" T A Nmlaa I'law uva uaat Wauua "oul&TT am a ouauouo NANNA T NIONT aVP' ANOAIN NIONT i&I&vip Hn &II «I 20 gu Nrau alrl~ Novi I I'INIAITaaN ur . I v u IIOLI)niIRN Barber Shop 16&h a Mat(No EXPERT SERVICE E. MARSH, Proprioior. 'Ihe Wrong Statistics In the course of the trial the judge turned to the negro wom- an on the stand and asked "How old are youl" "I'se seventy-three, judge.t i"Are you surev" "Yass, suh.o "Mandy, you &Ion't look sev- enty-three.o "I'se sure, judge." Alter a few moments the trial was interrupted by Mandy. "Judge, I'se mistaken about my age being seventy-three; that's my bust measure, suh.o Bacon snd ) eal Roll Half a pound of smoke&i bacon, half a pound of uncooked lean veal, half s pound of line bresd- crumbs, 5 seasoning of pepper and salt, finely shopped parsley and grated lemon rind, one egg. Blend all these ingredients to- gether, sfteer putting them gether, after putting them twice through the mincing machine, and bind with the beaten egg. shape into 5 roll, tie up in a scalded pudding cloth, snd boil for two hours. When cold, glaze or cover with brown bresd- crumbs. Candied Sweet Potatoes Boil in salted water 1 quart sweet potatoes until tender; drain snd scrape olf skins; cut into slices and lay in shallow greased baking dish; brush with melted drippings or butter, sprinkle with Ig cup brown sugar; add 2 tablespoons butter. Bake in hot oven until well browned a