0001 ( I 'r:'rov iw i' ere wo ooe rr v-i' -o ~ iob i -ze e eddi e 'e e Nrzeswwv'we e'4WMs z w'li- ~-I%nrr: e z oc e ~ w r e.e ev irrvJ r v vrv v ~ver. rrrir Wvrrr« w'vrr v'r rrrv r JArr e r rrt r rrv v M 'vr THE WEST VAN NEWS Smith 's Grocery THE RED AND WHITE STORES Dnndarave,","-" "'"„'.,',.", Ambleside»»"".„" ".„„." Lumber SASH - D(H)RS - GYI'ltOC I'.ver)thing for lhe Building SIIIN(el.l"8, SHII'LAP, 2x I and All Diniensionx l(EI'T IN SI I) E Under n Dry Itoof Rod 44 \Vhi&o ()RAN(iE 1'EKOE YEet. Rz ..... 594 Rod R Wbi&o KA()ANA TEA Po. 55 ......................... 29& Nabob PURE RED 1'LUbi JA)i 4 lb. &io . ......... .................. .. 5 4 e Nabob PL'RE (.OGAVBE((RY Joe. 4 Dz &ia ................. 294 Si.ICED PIN F4('1'LE, Big N&z 2 tins. Siogzpore...........s &iso 25c EGGS--Pro&a&rod F?stroll, Royal Standard, por dozen 254 4X FRUIT LOAF, &V) lbs...... (sc blACARONI. Reedy Co& '2 lbs. (5c JAP RICK, eeolii). 5 ibs. 124 TAPIOCA &5 SAGO .... 2 lbs. )5c COFFEL fresh ground, per ib 29c SHREDDED WHEAT, pk(..... )oo WHEAT GRAN('LES, 2?(z sh ibe CORNED REEF, Bovrii i Rz tins .................. 2 for zbe Rod &5 White SPAGHETTf with Cheese. tall &io....... )oe Rod 6: irhi&o TObfATOES ierge tins.............. 2 for 254 LEMON &5 ORANGE PEEL, ib iso Canada's fisheries production in 1931 had a marketed value of approximately 330,685,000, or some $ 17,000,000 less than in 1930. The adverse marketing situation induced by worldwide economic disturbance explains the decrease. True (o Form "Yoz, said the zpeeieiizi. as bo stood o& the bedside of the ziok purehozieg agent, "I o&o sure I eoa euro yoo." "brhot will it cost?" asked the sick casa faintly. "Ninety-ose dollars." "Yoe'll have io shade your price a little," replied the purchasing agent, "I have o beffor prize from the un- dertaker." Ti&o wzs endeavoring (o impart some logical reasoning io Deoeio, whom he knew to bo ho&-(o&oporod. "Now, afore you start in th'ew job, Dennis, I jozt want to tell yoz &o never zoy o word when ye iind ye&golf geiiie'od. Remember, sil- ence is golden." "ii's &h'ood rale," gravely replied Dennis. "Waste oo words; just smock & &a. The News e WATCH OUR VALUES Speciab Adver&j&ed every Tuesday and Friday in the Province sod Sun STERLING FOOD MARKETS LTD. 1580 hiarine Dr. West 190 PRUNES. California &oedeee zee ........... 2 lbs. (Jo Rod n irhi(o Si'i('ES, oil kind».......... 2 tins ibr Ai,b(ONDL Shelled Voiooeioz Mi lb. Eir ~ ~ ~ Septic Tnnks Cupboard Doors and Drawers WA(.NUTS, New light meat .........F) lb. )54 I'(NEAP?'1.E i((N((S, each .... 54 Ci(ERR IES, irhoio Glace ................., 1'& lb. 29z CURRANTS, Aoziroiiza, per ib (5c i)RY PRESERVFD GINGER per lb. .......... ... 29& SULTANAS, fzozy bleached per Rz ................................... (94 RAISINS, Aug&&eliza Seedless ................. 2 lbs. 25e b(USCATEL RA?S(NS, Aeziroiioo large, meaty ..... 2 lbs. 25e Red ib White TOILET ROLLS 2 for (9& Ol(ANGES, medium size, doz. 2. c K(NG Ai'PLES, boz....... 59c 9 iiw. 25o BRUNSWICK CANADIAN SA((DINES ............ 5 &ioo 1&& AMBLESIDE LUMBER CO. LTD. 16th ood bizriae Drive Phone Wee& 199. Atter 5 9.&o. ood holidays azk for Gi;RRY DENT, 1'hoao Wee& 24)R ELECTIOlv DATES ON NORTH SHORE NAhIED )Vest Vancouver to Ballot Sat- urday, 14th January. Annual elections will be held in the three North Shore muni- cipalities on Thursday, January 12, and Saturday, January 14. City electors will vote on the former date, and District and West Vancouver on the latter. Nominations will be received ui all three districts on Monday, January 9. In the city, ratepayers will elect a mayor for one year, three aldermen for two years, three school trustees for two years and one police commissioner for the same term. &)iembers of City Council whose terms expire this year are Aldermen Alfred Hug- gett, H. C. E. Anderson and )V. A. Brown; and retiring mem- bers of the School Board are Trustees A. L. Clemente, A. G. Peri& and John H. Cates. Police Commissioner Jack IVsrd law's term also expires this year. District electors will choose a reeve and six councillors for the one-year term, two school trustees for two years and a police commissioner for the same term. Retiring members of the School Board are Trustees J. G. hicLaren and H. W, Bogue. Term of Police Commissioner R. G. Hargreaves also terminates this year. West Vancouver ratepayers will choose a reeve for one year, two councillors and School Board members for two years and a police commissioner for the two- year term. Terms of Councillors Robert Fiddes and IVilliam Dic- kinson expire this year and re- tiring members of the School Board are Trustees T. E. W. Russell and G. )V. H. Jackson. Police Commissioner Geoifrey Joy's term also terminates this year. )VEST VANCOUVER S)VIhiblING CI.UB The West Vancouver Swim- ming Club have compkted ar- rangements to rent two dressing rooms downstairs in the Clachan from 1st islay to 30th September of next year. The headquarters of the club will be located there during that period. The club's coaching classes under Percy Norman at the Cry- stal Pool are meeting with great results. Those members &vho have not taken advantage of the classes are reminded that they may report to Coach Norman any evening except Tuesday, at no additional cost to themselves. )VEST BAY LIBRARY NO)V Ol'E&s( hlrs. Amy Boucher, a former West Vancouver resident, has now opened the West Bay Lib- rary at 3398 Marine Drive. The subscription is 60 cents per month or 81 per month for two subscriptions, and both fiction and non-fiction is available. For non-subscribers a charge of 5 cents per day is made. Mrs. Boucher has in addition a stock of hand decorated novelties, water color paintings, Xmas cards. stationery, etc., suitable for gifts together with knitting wools and notions. An advertisement relative to this appears in this issue. "Say, mon when is Annie Mc- Tavish goin'o let you marryher?o "It's verra uncertain, mon. Some fool gave her a big box ofletter paper with her name printed on it. She won't get married 'till it's used up, and'hewritesvery few letters ac- count of the postage." Thanks to the construction of a fishway by the Dominion De- partment of Fisheries, certain varieties of salmon which in other years had been held up atSkutz Falls, on the Cowichan River, British Columbia, were last year enabled to get to spawning grounds at least twen- ty mike above the falls. Better seeding of the Cowichan spawn- ing beds from year to year, and consequent upbuilding oi'he runs, will be the dividend from the money invested in the fish- way. N, V. CONSERVATIVES EI ECT OFFICERS Oificers of the North Vancou- ver (,'onservative Association for the ensuing year, elected at the annual meeting Tuesday night, are: Hon. president, Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett; hon. flrst vice-presi dent, Hon S. F. Tolmie; hon. sec- ond vice-president, Jack Loutet, M.L.A.; president, R. R. Rose; first vice-president, S. Humph- reys, and second vice-president, Mrs. R. T. Johnson. C. J. Biddiss wss elected secretary and P. Broadfoot, treasurer. Executive rommittee sre G. H. Morden, H. Jt. Lees, J. D. Camevon, J. H. 'White, J. Grant, Ie. T. Johnson, M!95 E. J. Stevens, J. Renshaw and A. McSween. The chance of success lies in working with the boy--not the man--Theodore Roosevelt. SPECIALS THUR. 8t: SATURDAY, „;„'"."„„';;„, November 10, 1932, JEFFERIES'UPERIOR MEATS Government Inspected Only 1 Store at Ilollyburny next I heatre PHONE WEST 3 gEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO LTD Phone West 115 Res. I'hone West 3681 15ih and Marine "Right Service -- Right (eradeso I'eanut Butier Bread 2 cups fiour 4 teaspoons baking powder I teaspoon salt )&k cup sugar 2'3 cup peanut butter I cup milk Sift flour, baking powder, salt and sugar together. Add milk to peanut butter, blend well and add to dry ingredients beat thoroughly. Bake in greased loaf psn in slow oven 46 to 60 minutes. This is best when a day old. Makes delicious sandwiches with either cream cheese or le'.- tuce and mayonnaise. Clam Chowder 25 clams 6 potatoes I onion i/5 lb. finely cut salt pork 2 teaspoons salt i/5 teaspoon pepper I quart milk Chop hard parts of clams. Slice potatoes and onion thin. Put pork into kettle and cook a short time; add potatoes, onion, seasoning and juice of clams. Cook 2&/2 hours; then add clams. Boil fifteen minutes and just before serving add hot milk. VERNON FEED STORE(i'. C. SEARLE 1'bono West 9 1 Fertilizers, Wood, Coal Budders Supplies 8 We cordially invite you to ~ ~ ' ~ PHONE or Visiv J.W. Kelly Fjano Co. i &oil ice G. GEH)tILL, Ageai )4&h oed )do&inc WEST 37 WEST BAY LIBRARY 3398 61ARI!e&E Dl(11 L Fiction and non-fiction, ako hand decorated novelties, paintings, Xmas cards, sta- tionery, wools, etc. 60c per month. 81.00 per month for 2 sub- scriptions. f)c per day non-subscribers. Proprietress, hlRS. AMY BOU('HER. ~/ 4 Corporation of lhe District of Vfext Vanrouver VOTERS'IST, 1833 Voters'ist now in course of preparation. See that yourname is included if entitled to vote. SPECIAL ATTENTION -- None but registered deed holders an&I registered agreement for sale hold- ers sre placed on list. Where agreement is registered deed holder cannot vote on same property. Agree- ments or deeds must be registered at the Id&ad Reg- istry Office, Vancouver, B. C., before the end of No- vember, 1932. The Last as closed at 5 p.m. on the 30th day of November A Corporation the name of which is on thevoters'istshall vote only by its duly authorized agent, whose authority shall be filed with the Clerk of the municipality before the end of November, and who shall be a resident of the Province and 5 British sub- ject of the full sge of twenty-one years; and such agent shall be entitled to vote for the corporation i'rom year to year untB his appointment ss agent is cancelled an&i the Clerk hss notice of the cancellation. Hollyburn, B. C., )Vhi. HEREIN, 10-11-1932. Municipal Clerk LU SEW nnd I.umber I'roducts -- Sash, Doors, Roofing. Building I'aper Id&mateo, Gyproc, Beaver Board, Shingles, Etc.