0001 l0 1991 &cled Cling cdie&V 'r of. Rvc, Mrs'. Cl kL CR44; R 51. aud e vsr- veakd been h the 5, the silver cdthe Addell vsdy; IMC)"! C. D. A. K J. ;ruu- y and mcher Lot' f salt, Id tell &ppcu 'I suv night. ud be I then ouse!" game ,1Ã&d ,lele. him Is 1't b& Ck& Ne oI November 10, 1932. j SPEC IAL Rfor 1 Sl'ECIAL VFGETABLES ARRIVF. FOR 1VELFARE STORAGE The first consignment of vegetables has arrived for the Welfare Storage in the form of 2 tons of potatoes from Mr. an&I Mrs. F J Hardwick, Road 13, Sea Island. These are for dis- tribution later. 0 Other last-minute good news4 from the treasurer, who an- nounces a 310 cheque received Contributions in food, too, continue to come in, and several people have adopted the plan of offering 5 week-end joint for a family, sometimes with all the eiceteras included This makes 5 very welcome surprise to families where joints have been excluded from the family menu for a long time now. Just An Inside Peep In this sort of work the du- ties of a publicist are very diffi- cult indeed, because while bring- ing before the public the needs of the moment, it is quite ap- parent that the actual workings of the Association cannot be di- vulged, if the good work is to be carnhed on to the best advant- age. It would, however, gladden the hearts of the generous don- ors if they could be permitted to see how many children, and adults too, come into the head- quarters with soaking feet on wet days, and go out dry-shod and relieved. In October 430 articles of clothing and 56 pairs of boots and shoes were given out, apart from gifts of other kinds, and this month the dis- tributions will be greater. Sewing Parties Quite a few groups of wom- en are making pleasant after- noons by meeting to sew for the Welfare in each other's homes. Some prefer this to coming to the Hall, and parcels can always be obtained from the convener, Mrs. J. C. Young. Other people who like a gameI" bridge prefer to donate attlo each afternoon towards the boot repair fund; others might like to give snowball tees. There are so many ways of help- ing. Many would prefer to add a little grocery package to the boxes placed in the stores, or a copper or two in the milk bottles which will shortly appear. There are so many ways of "doing one's bit" and great will be the joy for all when this cloud has turned itself about and shown its silver lining. December 2, the Big Night 1Velfare friends are reminded to kcvep the night of December 2 absolutely free, for the huge srnlval and dance which is be- r arranged for that date, and ore asked to watch for further announcements. One More Requesil A few more coat hangers please. CHRISTIAN SCIFNCE CHURCH The subject of the Lesson- Sennon in all Christian Science churches and societies on Sun- day will be "MORTALS and 151- MORTALS." One of the Bible texts will be I Corinthians 15: 60: "Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the king- dom of God; neither doth cor- ruption inherit incorruption." The Lesson-Sermon will also include the following passage from page 190 of "Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures" by Mary Baker Eddy: "This mortal seeming is tempor- al; it never merges into immor- tal being, but Anally disappears, and immortal man, spiritual and eternal, is found to be the real man." IVILLIAM DUDGEON IS HOI.I.YBURN PACIFIC SKI CLUB PRESIDEiNT William Dudgeon was named president of the Hollyburn Pa- cific Ski Club at the sixth an- nual meeting in the Hotel Georgia this week. Reeve J. B. Leyland of West Vancouver ie honorary president again, while Gordon Parkes was given the post of vice-president and A. Twist appointed secretary. iCiss O. Longmuir is treasurer; James Pearcy, chairman of the social committee; Mickey Pogue, club representative, and Chris John- son, club captain. SCOUT NOTES Once more the members of the Canadian Legion Troop will have to put their appetites back in cold storage because the bun- feed has been postponed for an- other week. It was found im- possible to get the hall for to- night due to a previous engage- ment. Parents and friends are all invited for the 17th. All the scouts are asked to turn out at the Memorial Arch on Armistice Day promptly at 9:45 a.m. Now that the competition for the pup-tent is finished the troop is asking for new recruits. Any boys from 12 to 18 years who want to join the Legion Troop should give their name to any boy already in the troop. "Am I the only man you have ever kissed?" "Yes and by far the best look- ing." "Your wife has fallen down the cellar stairs with a bottle and cut herself on the pieces of glass." "Was she going down or com- ing up?" r(lolng down." "Thank goodness. At least the bottle was empty." 1Vest Vannnlver Amateur Athletic Association FOOTBALL WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE Lepion Ilail, ThurSday, NOV. 10th at 8 pna Good Prizes Good Music Adnllssion 25c I l Every day we Dry Clean garments for the price of ) 2 Suits, cleancsi and pressed ........... 31.00 2 Dresses, cleaned and pressed ............. 31.25 2 Overcoats, cleaned and pressed ......... 31.2'l 2 Pair Pants, cleaned and pressed ....... 75 Suits, pressed only .............................40 Overcoats pressed only ..........60 Hats, cleaned and blocked .........................60 Phone West 161 and our driver will call at your door WEST VAN CLEANERS & DYERS 1478 Marine Drive Phone 1VEST 161 Also Agents for Singer Sewing Machines THE WEST VAN NEWS THE BURiVING BUSH By Subadar In Ottawa there wss recently seen in the House the anomaly of 0 number of U.F.A. members speaking against the Economic Pact and then refraining from voting. Thus another nail was driven in the col?In of govern- ment by parliament. As I have had occasion to remark only rec- ently, members are sent down to Ottawa primarily to vote in accordance with the views of their constituents, not their own views, and they sre paid to do this job. The making of speech- es is a secondary consideration, though sometimes a very neces- sary one, Whatever the cause of their action, these members did not in this case represent their constituents or anybody else, and the proper place for them was the visitors'allery. Sir Arthur Keith has recently stated that nations have more to fear from stagnation and lux- ury than from Aghting. There is 5 great truth here, which is very little understood in these days, when any kind of fighting is frowned on as beneath the heights (?) to whish our civiliz- ation has attained, besides being unchristian. Yet one sees more of the cardinal virtues, such as self-denial, sacrifice, and hero- ism during 5 war than in 8 long period of peace when most civ- ilizations have sunk to depths of luxury, vice, and wealth which rendered them easy victims to any real test of their solidity. So far as the unchristian side is concerned, it will be remembered that Jesus Himself once cleared the temple with whips. There was a headline in the Vancouver press to the eifect that the problem of raising new money was worrying Ottawa. One wonders if it is to be infer- red from this that it is a new experience for Ottawa, because, if so, they are very lucky. Most of us these days have quite 5 job raising any money, new or old, and personally I have been so long in that condition that I should be accustomed to it. I am not, nor, what is far worse, has long experience given me any more wisdom in how to raise the wind. One goes to the bank as a starter, and gets turned down, then to one's friends, who are always in 5 great hurry, next to one's uncle--the gentleman who sports the three balls-- and lastly to the relatives, where one is sure,of getting a good deal of just what is most useless at the time. After that the deluge- of drink, or of whatever one usu- ally employs to "show one's con- timpt" for the universe. Very considerable interest was taken by the world in the U.S. elections, although it is diificult to see what change can result therefrom except in the matter of prohibition either internally or externally. The German elections on the other hand, &&hich very possibly hold for the near future l,he issues of peace or war, received very little at- tention. The results appear somewhat mixed, but one thing at any rate is apparent namely that the average German is con- tent with the present dictator- ship of Von Papen and his jun- kers. Almost anything may be expected from them They have already thrown down the gaunt- let to the nations, undoubtedly for the reason that they feel themselves now strong enough to do so after fourteen years of steadily building up armed forc- es and manufactunng munitions in factories contrary to the Treaty of Versailles. Heriot in his report, particulars of which did not appear in the Canadian press, mentioned sixty-seven such plants in Germany, and we know there are others In Russia. No one need be surprised if the Kaiser arrives in Potsdam any time now, and, what is more, he will receive an ovation from his still faithful people. Hillaire Bel- th» great English interns- LAAD - CLEAR&AG, Clodlog. Load. ~coping, reasonable. All work goo&- anteed. Ex&icos&ox free. Phoae Mock, West 27. EXI'ERIENCED DRESS5IAKER- Woold like work o& lodloo'ouses, ~ l&oyo&ioox, coo&a relined. $R00 poc dxy. PhOne Whet 170. WANTED -- Girl lo tools ho&cd&ox&- isa. 926.00 down. Steady lob if satisfactory. Apply Box 48, West VOO NeWS, stating Ogv Osd tele- phone number. FOR Rlkc&T--Hooookcoslog room in yoodoco house Moderate Apply 2625 Morloo Drive WANTED--Pdoc&ric So&o oo Pocchooo of Now bio&cool Rodlol, $S9.50 op. Radio rovolyx, base plugs, orris&a North Shon Radio Electri, 1489 Ms&iso Drivo. West 01. FURNISHED AAD UAPURNISHED Hooxoo Co Rest. Hooxoa lotl ood ~cycogo for xo14 John Low&os 17th ood Merino, Phoae West 65. WEBB'8 SHOR REPAIRS WEAR BEST -- Doodolovo. HEADGUARTERS for An Cho Pos- alar Cigar&&Coo. Tobaccos, ood Ftxh- log Gadgets for local wolorx. A&o- blooldo Tos Ross&a WANTED Healer oxcbxogo &ol FOR PLUMBING REPAIRS Roo- le&log, kollocololog or papering. ldoaco Phoae Woxt 2411L hone West $94R. E P A L M E R -- Chllooor So&op. ReLIABLE HIGH SCHOOL GIRL Phone North 811R2. willing &o work roc board. Phone West $20R. LOST--Boy's dark yincocd six&on lo case. Phono West 172X2. 8-RODS& FO&sichvd COC&xge, CIOOO lO Ferry ood water. Inside toilet, $10 moo&le Phone Boyvlow 8178L FOR SALE--Bool&r Hoc&ric Wxxhoc nearly new, will sell for boH price. Phono West 452L. MARCELLE SHOP -- Molcona 60 coo&x; reset, $6c; sager wove, 754. Phono Mcx. King, Welt 804. FOR RENT -- Six-coo&ocd medora hooxo. Waterfront. Phono West 862Y. 1'OR REÃT--$ 15.00, lour cools &ore- &shed cottage, Wol& Boy, semi- waterfront. piano, fall plumbing. Phone West 8&822 WEST VANCOUVER M A C H 1 N E SHOP -- Repairs Spray Pumps, Household ortiriox. 1449 Morixo, RADIO SERVICE AND SUPPLY-- 7 years'xperience. Nick W01&ooi- xoo, HoRrboco Pavilion. West $60R PAINTING R DECORATLVG--First class work. New low winter ro&o. Phone West $60R. tional authority, only recently issued a grave warning anent these matters to the Old Coun- try. The strengthening of the British garrison in Cyqyrus is al- so worth the attention of stud- ents of international aifaira There is more in this, I believe, than meets the eye. Geo. Hay NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AVD INSURANCE 1405 Manse Dc&re Phoae Woo& 21 oc Soy&eeoc 1250 Eros&ago Wool 20&X GORDON ROBSON Borylo&cc A SoSri&oc WEST VANCOUVER- Olrlco No. 1447, bixcino Drive Phoae Woo& 40$. VANCOUVER OFFICE-- Suite 818 & 610 Hastings SC. W. Phone, Seymour 4199. C. J. Overington PIONEER BARBER 14th and 5?arise Expert Work Phone West 135 C.J.ARCHER SpocloSxlog lo Wool Voocoovor REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE IAR Bcoschoo), 140RTGAGES. RTC. Lac rove ovcocclr tol so&ca coccus. 7$1 Deox&soir Street Phoo&xi Sero&ox& 5954. 71 col 225 PICKING NP THNMBER5 0 Reduces the revenue of the street railway God 2 Eventually reduces the street ccr service to your district, which 4 Retards the develop- ment of your district, and 4 DepriVeS Street COY men of employment Plooco do oot think vvo are trying Co tell yoo what yoo can ol coooot do with youl oo&oaohigo. We are ~ liosly moklos o pioo for OUR business which is Clos&polls Cion ood which i~ at Cho cocos Solo YOUR ho&los&i. B.C.EleCtrgC. MASS TRANSPORTATION 'SSENTIAL TO CITY LICE P:I:II 8 i I 'ofelRs/A; & II %2 R 4065;I [&:F 1 I Rv'I'VK0L00% CLASSIFIED ADS The rate &oc Cloocisod Adroc&ioo&ooo&o &o 2 teats Sor woe& cola&mom 25 cools. ExcoSC &o Cho csee of Choco hov&og cogoior occoos&o. CR c&ood- sodo oco payable o&r&c&lr ia odvooco. Rome&shor C&oocdaodo &o the Woo& Vos News gol kocoodio&o losel&a ve