0001 ~- c c 4-e afy Wa}ai rr 'iai rre rca 'a'ca " 44 ctciry-444c' ~ ~ I"r r"ri ~ ' I'~ ' 'ir"I'a ~rirat oiqr r r' rv ~ rrr\rrrrrrvr. rv . rrrhvv, c v ra.rr rrcrv rvrrm vr rrvrar r rvrw " November 10, 1932 SQUAMISH INDIAN WORK HOLLYBURN THEATRETOTEMH--PADDI.EH--BO)YH and ARR(DYH All Autogrsphed by CHIEF hIA'IiTHIAH Prices from 25c up. C. J. BRODERICK 1436 Marine DriveSole Agent FRIDAY and BATURDAY November 11&h and 12(h III'('K ION KB In "HICH SPEED" B. C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY l)ANCE HO('IETY DANCE MONDAY and TUFBDAY November 14(h and 16&h 3 p.me Saturday. 12th Nnvember. at Ihe Claehan Refreshments Admission 25c Westward Passage with ANN IIARDIN(i The I'ublic are Cordially Invit&qi GARDENS and GARDENING By hIINA G. BUTT, Idhndscape Architect Pa 4o I la Lead«ay&ay u. I C AwvnePa~a. Id» hw iea(4 biannee every Baturday ai 2 ihm. ~ Schael al La 4oc ya Arel ao ~ ~ ~al Laai4r ye 4 Ic NORTH VAiV. I.ADIES NAME I.A)YVi BO1YI,ING OFFICERS FOR 1933 hiiss E. J. Stevens wss elected president at the annual meting of the North Vancouver Ladies'awn Bowling Club. Other of- fl&ers «re: Vice-president, Mrs. H. W. Cockrill; secretary, Mrs. J. NcKenzie; treasurer, Miss hi. Smith; auditor, 111rs. H. NcRae; press correspondent, hire. E. Stewart; executive, hire. E. N. Hobday, Mrs. W. Peters snd Mrs. Shoemaker. Reports submitted by the vsr ious committee heads, revealed the past season to have been most successful. Through the generosity of James Riddell, the club now hss a handsome silver trophy at its disposal. Miss I. P, Smith presented the following season's prizes: Championship singles, ltiddell Cup, Miss L W. McCready; runner-up, Mrs. E. N. Hnbdar; handicap singles, Mrs. C. D. Jermyn; runner-up, hfrs. A. Stewart; doubles, Miss E. J. Stevens and Mrs. A. Milne; run- ners-up, Mrs. W. J. Barclay snd Mrs. A. Stewart. If you are using new fibre bulb pots they shnuld be soaked for a day or so in water, as the material of which they are com- posed will absorb a large amount of ivater for their size and, if they are not thoroughly saturat. ed before putting the soil in them, they will absorb most of the water from the soil thus de- laying the growth of the bulb. Fibre pots which have been used before do not have the same ab- sorption qualities as new ones, so there is not the same neces- sity for wetting thi.m before using. The regular five or six inch pot will accommodate about five medium-sized bulbs or six to ten of the smaller sized ones. If large bulbs are being planted it is best to use larger pots as less than five bulbs in a pot &lo not give such a pleasing flower dis- play. The bulbs should be planted so that the tip of the bulb is about half an inch below the rim of the pot. Firm the soil well and fill the pot to the -of the ti pof the bulb. The growing of bulbs in soil or some other reasonably solid material such as bulb fibre so that a good root growth will de- velop is much more satisfactory than using water and pebbles. After the bulb has produced iis beautiful flower it msy be set away for a rest or ylanted out in the outdoor garden where it wia bloom the next year. Per- haps s brief description of thir method will be of some assist- ance to those who would like to venture into the indoor garden- ing pleasureland this winter. Ordinary flower pots, bowls or boxes, four or five inches deep will prove satisfactory for the yurpose. There are usually a few such utensils around the house or garden so there need be no expense in this regard. As to the soil, if you wish, the usual garden soil may be used, but for better results we recom- mend a mixture of soil, peat moss and bone meal in the pro- portion of one-half soil and one- half peat moss adding to each bushel-of (his mixtinx.- about.~ double handful of bone meal. Mix the three ingredients thor- oughly, then sprinkle with water and nux again. Do this about three times or until the mixture is well moistened. Lpt's Wife The Sunday School teacher had been speaking about Lot' wife turning into s pillar of salt, snd asked if anyone could tell if anything like it ever happen- ed. A small boy replied: aI ssw a man in the street last night. He looked up the road and he looked down the road, and then he turned into s public-house!" a)Ve had a nice bridge game last night." "That so? Who won the argu- ment?" ienra--Tl ~ ne SI c id 4 ~ elec e to ac ~ q othaa c economy Ihe e dm I Ih4~ The q ecuoac cho Id he dd cecal lo th ~li I ca ol th sduor. The ~oc r Sl yy r I ~ Iy Iccao w If ~ y«e I yly 4 4 ~I d ~ wwmd, ~ If- ddr md ea ~Ioye choald h clos d. crops will be. grown in the green- houses planted in pure sand, the plants being fed a nutriment solution. In the outdoor electrically heated soil a crop of bulbs will be grown and it is hoped by this means to obtain sn extra early and heavy crop of blooms thus enabling the grower to take ad- vantage of the higher prices pre- vailing on the early market. Electrically heated soil acre- age has already been undertaken in California to grow market produce with results that have far exceeded expectations. Under British Columbia weather conditions it is neces- sary to oifer the outdoor plants some protection and for the ex- periments being conducted st the University a glass sash will be used to keep excess rain from the plot. It is hoped that valuable in- formation will be made available to the greenhouse and market gardener as a result of the ex- periments. ELECTRIC SOIL HEATING TO BE EXTENDED Electribal soil heating hereto- fore confine to indoor glass- houses is now to be extended to outdoor activities according to s series of experiments being con- ducted at the University of Brit- ish Columbia during the fall months and extending into next spring. Supervision of this new branch of soil experimentation is to be under Dr. Howell Harris according to an announcement made by Dean F. M. Clement of the College of Agriculture. C&4nyerating with the Univer- sity authorities is the agricul- tural division of the B. C. Elec- tric Co. and it is hoped that data will be compiled of value to hor- ticulturists snd market garden- ers. A senior student of the col- lege will write s thesis on the re- sults of the experiment. Both outdoor soil heating and greenhouse work will be under- taken. Cucumber and tomato Opportunity called but Ned had no Telephone Pot Roast of Beef with Browned Potatoes Wipe beef with cloth, put into iron kettle or frying pan snd brown well on all sides. Add 2 tablespoons cut onion, 1 table- spoon salt, I/I teaspoon pepper and 2 cup» boiling water; and boil slowly Iz/4 hours; add water as it boils sway, I cup at st time. After adding potatoes, boil 30 minutes. Place meat an&I pota- toes on hot platter. Add I table- spoon flour mixed with s little cold water tn gravy and boil. Pour over meat and sprinkle with chopped parsley. Carrots cut in small pieces may be «d&le&l with potatoes. "The only &liiferen&e bytw&en you and u horse is that a horse wears s collar.a a)Yell, I wear a collar." "Then there isn't any diifer- ence st all.a Opportunity called Ned White the other day, but N«d couldn't answer. You shq.', Opportunity uses the tele- phone nowadays, and Ned hsdn't one. Ned's former boss had a jpb for him--needed him ln a hurry, in fact; but, unfortunately, Ned couldn't be reached by telephone, so the job went to someone else. The man with s telephone hss the best chance of getting a job. Ferry Schedule For Armistice Day FRIDAY% NOVEMBER 11th FROM WEST VANCOUVER:-- Half-Hourly Service& 6:00 A. M. tn ll:30 P. M. FROhi CITY:-- Half-Hourly Service: G:30 A. N. to 12:00 Mhlnight. B. C. TI.LI PHONI" COMPANY Bus hleets All Hosts THE WEST VAN NEWS SPORT NOTI H )YII.LIAM REID. FOR)IER WEST VAN. REHII)ENT West Vancouver Rangers l)IED HUDI)FNI,Y HU'i;l)AY West Van. Rangers recorded their first drawn game last Sat- urday with I.O.F., thn score 'illiam ltei&l, 6G, a resident of being onewfl. Some nice foot- British Columbia nearly thirty ball gwas playid in the first, half )es a and former reeve of Pitt J, Grippe securing the flrat goal Meadows Municipality, died sud- on a pass from W. Wedlcy just y Sumlsy afternoon si. his before half time. This player " I'725 Edmomls Street,d'" " lter Rurllaby, where he had lived fnr fe nt finishing. The game was ™gh, Ireland. Coming to fast thrmpugh+ut the halfbacks Canada, he settled at Ppnoka, their ~end time out. The Pitt I ieadows during 1914, 1916 Rangers wifl play Olympians snd 1916. R tir ng shortly sft- Saturd'ay "a't Ambleside P'ark'. erwarda, he mnved with his fam- Everybody out and 'give'the lived several ycslva I ter, theyresided at 23rd and I"ulton Avee boys a boost. report Ambleside Park coatur g the Past )ear although chir day, Nov. 12, st 2p,m. sharp fnr eid had been in failing health game with ()lympians: B. Tref. he had been comparatively active f A, Ro Forrester, N. Johll and his death came unexpect. Nachilllan, M. IA'nnox, J. Cripps Besides his wife, he leaves one I'. Masterman, W. Wediey, A, son, Charles Reid, Deroche; twp ster, B. '\Vinchcombe. and Edith Raid at home,survived also by three brothers There willi a football game Atldrew Reid, Po!Inks, Alta.; Friday at Ambh'sid'e Farl,"at 2 Joseph Iteid, Alberta, and David gion Old Contemptiges snd the sisters, hire. L. Fuller and hire. Th' ld be a humdinger nf and brother also survive in Ire- iadq a be&hat You wifl not be The funeral wss held at 3 p.m.yester&lay and interment was made in the new Fraser Ceme- I'I I N I .--)Yhi t Drive a& tery, Rev. Frank Plaskett of- ficiating. Dance Thursday, 3 y.m. instead of Friday. (This Iveek only). CORRFSI'ONDFNCF, The West Van. A.A.A. wish to acknowledge with thanks the West Van News, following donations: Mrs. J. Archibald, 25c; Friend, 26c; L. Sir:--I have been led to be- C. Brown, 50c; L. Fix.eman, 50c; lieve by at least one prominent F. Lettner, 60c; Van Bosqe, member of the local Socialist 25c; J. C. Robinson, 50c. Party of Canada, that on Wed-nesday last I ma&le s qualified West Vancouver United F. C. fool of myself at Dr. Lyle Tel- put up a fine game last. Satur- ford's meeting. day against the Olympians from My questions were on the sub- the city and won out, 3 goals to jects of Debt Repudiation,--also 2. Football on both sides was Morals, two questions in my of s very high order, the corn- mind deserving some attentior.. bination at times being real An answer of a kind whs classy. West Van. forced the vouchsafed the first, evasion play in the first half snd had greeted the second, whereupon easily the best of matters, lead- I yielded to the temptation to ing by 3 to 1 at half time. Olym- ask the speaker if "A Socialisf, pians pressed hard after the in- required NO Morals?" ter al and got another goal 10 I would remind some of my minutes from time and came afriendsandcriticsnof thisquo- near equalizing, but the West tatipn The fppi sayq in his Van.'s defence held them oui heart, there is no God.a There was a fine turnout of Thanidng you. sPectators considering the bad Yours truly, weather and the team appre- GEORGE GRIGOIL cistes their support. West Vancouver United F. C. The following players are asked to turn out for the game with Varsity at the Varsity Stadium at 2:30 p.m. Get No. 15 (Ssssamat) csr and change to bus. Players leave on West Van. ferry at I p.m. on Saturday Nov. 12. Larney, McLean, F. Downey, H. Downey, Fiddes, Grieve, Vaughan, Timbrell, Bell, Ham- ilton, Stratton, D'easum, Gris- dale.