0001 ~2. ipk I 0 I I (', November 10, 1932 TAILORING - CLEANING - DYEING PRESSING - ALTF.RATIONS M. WILLIAMS THE WEST VAN NEWS Local and Personal 1568 bfarine Drive (next to Fruit Store) A. B. Smith, 2096 Argyle Ave. left on Wednesday to join his family in Sydney, Australia. ~ ~ Mrs. Bonnnan, 1027 Duchess Ave., hax moved into a house at 19th and Waterfront. ~ c Mr. Rnd Mra. IL McDougakl are leaving for 0 trip to Hono- lulu. c ~ ' Reginald Hamilton, 22nd and Argyle Ave. received 0 fractur- ed skull and a head wound which required lifteen stitches to close, when the auto in which he wss heing driven to the ferries last aturday evening, Nov. 5th, wss in collision vdth another car at the corner of 3rd Ave. and Cedar Street ln the city. I.uckily there was no concussion. He was tak- en to the Vancouver General Hospital, where he is progres- sing favorably, ~ ~ R. Brandli has moved from Vancouver into a house st 2858 Bellevue Avenue. c v Mrs. Holt, 13th and Clyde Ave., moved on bfonday into a house at 14th and C)yde Ave. H. Sundbacken has movod from North Vancouver and is occupying 0 house at 2584 Belle- vue Ave. c \ Miss Craig of Shanghai, China, is a guest at the Clachan, c c c F. Cook has moved from 23rd and Bellevue Ave., into 0 house at 15th and Fulton Ave. Miss Jean bicLaren, 23rd and Jefferson Ave., is a patient in the North Vancouver General Hospital. c v c Phone West 20 Rcc. Phase West 200L W. L. OGDEN CO. iv'est"I'46 MEN'8 AND BOYS'URNISHINGS EXCLUSIVEI.Y BOYS'TAN LEATHER GAUNTLET GLOVES wlih Leather C S nd F~gc 89 ra raaav laRcd Sicv P 5 ica A PHOTOGRAI'H Taken in the Natural Setting of Your Own Home (,'arries an Intimate and Personal Appeal The Cost is Surprisingly Ixfw C. J. BRODERICK HOiNE PORTRAITIST Phone West 647-X 1436 Mnrine Drive West Vancouver, B. C. FERRY TRAFI'IC IIOLLYBI)RN CONTII 'UES TO SHOW ROLLER RINK North vancouver Ferry traf fic in the flrst ten months of this year shows a substantial de- crease as compared with the cor- responding period of 1931. Since January 1, ferries carried 2,556,- November 5th 348 passengers and 617,393 ve- T.no lc 11.20 p.m. hiclen as compared with 2,946,- GENERAL ADMISSION 25c, 589 and 606,103 in the corres- ponding period of last year. In October, the boats carried 241,- 457 passengers and 47,376 ve- hicles, as compared with 264,436 Car Tops, and 58,408 in October, 1981. Curtain Lights THE STAMP CLUB Slip Covers A meeting for the purpose of organizing 0 West Vancouver PHONE Stamp Club is to be held in St. N. R. ELLIS, 1427 M~rine Stephen's Parish Hall on Friday, November 11th, at 3:45. This meeting is for juniors as well as The CableS Apartmenta adults. Anyone interested is WEST BAY cordially invited to come. Sev- eral keen collectors have expres- Fcvnlchcd Suites Electrically sed their intention to be present E 'cd 0 slee Heated and a worthwhile meeting is ex-pected. Rcc. 1'hone Wcci 210RS CONTROI OF HOLLYBURN RIDGE B ( I idcr Grand Re-opening SATURDAYbaking abwt. dkand lloarM thick dPaf,, appka niala aralid ake ia lca crrand bmilk iLI, aabifda Mr. and Mrs. H. Moore have moved from one of the Bulkley cottages at 25th and Bellevue I p.m. Avenue to Vancouver. c ~ c K. Barr of Vancouver, has12 nabinli 15p.m. moved into 0 house at 2327 Belle vue Avenue. c Phcnc ED. BLACK The council at their last meet-ing after further consideration regarding the matter were agreed upon the following points which together with other regu- lations previously recommended by the committee and approved will form the basis for the con- trol of Hollyburn Ridge. (0) Appointment of ranger. (b) Charge per annum $ 10.00 each cabin. (c) Collector's commission $2.00 for each cabin. (d) Every cabin owner to sign a lease. (e) A constable to patrol week ends and holidays. (f) Query--additional remuner- ation to commission. The whole matter together with correspondence was then referred to the committee to complete arrangements and int- erview the proposed ranger. The snow on Sunday fell on Hollyburn ridge to a depth oflv 8cya at ll azL wEsT an for GALT, TULAMREN, ccd NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL All cvdcrc Cash or C.O.D. eight inches, which became packed down to four inches by the rain that followed. There was another heavy fall of snow there last bionday.\ ~ J. Milne has moved into a house at 20th and King's Ave. Warburton Young, 28th and Marine Drive, is 0 patient in the Vancouver General HospitaL ~ c c Captain and Mrs. David Bainl 2918 bfarine Drive, sailed yest- erday on the S.S. Aorangi for New Zealand, where they will spend the winter. The L.O.L. No. 2990, will hold their regular meeting next Tues- day at 8 p.m. in the Orange Hall. ~ ~ C. J. Broderick, 1436 Marine Drive, has secured the sole agency here for Squamish Indian work, which includes among other things, totems, paddies, and bows and arrows priced from 25 cents up. Each article bears the autograph of Chief bfatthias. c c ~ The friends of Elsie Swann and Jack Gillmore will be inter- ested to learn that they are re- turning to the radio very short- ly. Their new company, "The Gillmore Radio Players" will be part of the Associated Radio Artists Revue which is schedul- ed to appear over Station CK'\VK from 9;80 to 11:30 p.m., Wed- nesday evening, November 16th. ~ ~ ~ An invitation was received by the council from the Dunes!i Imwson Chapter I.O.D.E., to at- tend the Armistice Day Service at the bfemorial Arch. The council thanked them for the Imdtation, snd said that as many as possible would attend. 1 ,anes, aica 2nd I BURRARD FUNERAL CHAPEL B. D. WHITE, Mgr. Distinctive Fascial Service Lady Assistant 220 - avd Si. E, Phase Ncvih 020 IXL Laundry SERVICES: -- Thrifty, Flct- ironed and Ac(chad laundry (dc luce) 1'hone lycct 200 If your hens cvc nct laying as they chonld, Lvy Thrivo Laying Mash M&KENZIE 0 M&WiLLIAM FEED Co. 225 Lcccdclc Avc. Ncnh 4 "The car conductor glowered at me yesterday as if I hadn' paid my fare." "What did you doe'I just glowered back at him as if I had." WEST VAN WELFARE ASSOCIATION ALWAYS NEEDS DT BOOTS, SHOES, UNDEIOVEAR (Specially Men'0) AND (',ASH Phone West 109 14th and Marine Drive J. MURCH, Proprietor If(nest Quallly Fresh bieals, Smoked and Cooked Meatfh PHONE WEST 303 I lgbl ,sg i As evidence of the continued mildness of the weather, Mrs. E. Keith of the Keith Block, 15th and Marine Drive, hsd sn easter lily in her garden last week with flve blooms. ~ ~ bIiss M. P. Eius, who hss been residing in Vancouver, has r turned to her home at 151 31st Street. ~ ~ \ Rogers--Billings A pretty wedding took place quietly at the home of the bride on Monday, October 31, at 4 p.m. when Miss Dorothy Billings be- came the bride of bfr. Howard Rodgers. Mr. Fred Billings sup- ported the groom and the wed- ding music was played by biiss Melva McGar. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a gown of nigger brown lace with jscquette of brown velvet and 0 shoulder bouquet of lily of the valley and cream rosebuds. She was attended by iMiss Lillian Lyons as bridesmaid, in 0 frock of peach georgctte with a jac- quette to match which featured knife pleated puff sleeves, and wearing a shoulder bouquet of pink rosebuds. Mr. and birn. Rodgers left later for California where their hon- eyfnoon will be spent. For trav- elling the bride wore 0 dress of Nile green flat crepe with a short cape trimmed with grey squirrel. Her hat was 0 close- fitting model of black felt and she wore s black sealskin coat. On their return they will make their home at Horseshoe Bay. LEGION W. A. A pleasant afternoon was spent at the home of Mrs. G. Hampson, 20th and Fulton Ave. when members and their friends were entertained at bridge and whist by the "H" C roup. V(rs. Smith rendered two solos which were much enjoyed. AB members are requested to attend 0 memorial service at S . Stephen's Church on Sunday morning, Nov. 13. blest at the church 11 o'lock. The Armistice banquet for members of the Canadian Le- gion will take place in the Le- gion Memorial Hall on Nov. 11, at 6:45 p.m. For any informa- tion phone Mrs. C. Sharman, IVeset 99L. WEST VANCOUYER UNEMPLOYED ASSIS The next meeting of the West Vancouver Unemployed Associ- ation will be held on Friday week, November 18th, at the Legion Hall at 7:45 p.m. prompt- ly. There will be an election of officers for 0 new executive and after this 0 whist drive and dance. All members and sympa- thizers are invited to be present and to give generously to the col)ection. ,ji ,C .",. I4W4 "j j~w ~ pRICE 9 g g SNT iiv i ) AMBLESIDE MEAT MARKET For 12 years Wccf Vcncouverncx haw 'phoned West 37 FOR DRUGS Pvompdy Ddiveved Cemmill's Drug Store Thc Sieve cf Scvvka. 1402 Mcvlac Dvl'vc Wcci sy Emcvgcacy Phoae Wast 221 (Ancr 0 p.w.) Amhleside Sheet MetalWorks Launfg SPECK, Pvcpnclw 1446 Marine Drive Phone lvest 78 FURNACES and SHEET bIETAI, INSTALLED and REPAIRED JOBBLVG STRATTON'S BAKERY I REbH BREAD -- CAILEb All Kinds of Tea Bread Acsorted Pastries Almond l aneties Banbury or Ecc)es Cakes, Variety of Butler Icing Cakes Christening, Birthday and Wedding Cakes made st 1468 MARINE DRIVE Phone West 27 and Delivery will calL Room & Board blRS. BRINE 1497 Bellevue Res. Phoae Avenue West 458L ILW.Savory 1443 biarine Drive Ambleside Phone West 340 Evenings, West 143 Real Estate Finance and Insurance Westinghouse Radio $69.50 go $ 190 Northern Electric $80 to $224.50 Long and Short bvave $ 159.50 and $ 175 Short bvave Converter $51.50 TERalS NORTH SHORE DEALERS Hammersmark Bros. ELECTRIC INSTALLATIONS acd REPAIRS 108 hast Esplanade NORTH VAN(DOVER Phon'0 North 310 «v v 'Ir ~ r."a ' " ' ~ ' c 'c vrl ' ' 'r r'r'r